Daming Haiku

Chapter 91 I'm a thief

A servant leaned against the fence door and yawned. He looked down at the colleague sitting on the other side of the door who was still sleeping at this time. So he muttered and scolded, turned his head and looked inside the fence. He didn't find anything inside, so he turned around and took a few steps, untied his belt and took it out. The guy began to release water.

The servant had just urinated halfway, and suddenly felt that there was wind behind him, and when he heard that someone seemed to rush behind him, he was slightly shocked and scolded, "Mom! Ma Liu, you son of a bitch, do you want to scare me? Tell you the old..."

But before he finished scolding, he turned his head and felt that something hit his back neck heavily. Then he fainted and fell straight down. At this time, before he finished peeing, he lay in his urine bubble, and his trousers also slipped down, revealing his light.

Yu Xiaotian withdrew his hand. His ability to stun people is the strongest. There is a place in the back of his neck that is very weak. As long as he cuts the person, he will immediately faint, but it will not endanger people's lives. He looked down at the stunned servant and whispered, "I'm sorry! Lie down and sleep for a while! Tied up!"

Zhao Si rushed up and directly pulled the servant's belt, tied his hands back, and then tore off a piece of cloth on his body and strangled his mouth so that he could not shout even if he woke up.

At this time, Liu Tong had already taken another descendant, went to control the servant sleeping next to the door, gagged his mouth and tied him up, and threw it into the shadow together with the stunned servant.

Then they dealt with the servants who were sleeping in the drafting shed. They only heard a flutter in the shed, and then someone groaned. Soon after, Yu Xiaotian walked out of the shed. The three servants in it were sleeping like dead pigs. They were directly covered by their mouths and tied up by Yu Xiao before they could open their mouths. The sky fainted one after another, and it can be said to be clean and neat.

This is much smoother than when they worked in the courtyard of the Jiang family, and these servants were not prepared at all, and they didn't expect that anyone would dare to attack them here, so without prevention, they were controlled by Yu Xiaotian and others and gagged under the bed one by one.

At this time, there were suddenly exclamation and calls for help from the blacksmith's shop, and then the voice immediately lowered again. Yu Xiaotian scolded the fool secretly. Meng madman must have gone wrong. After waking him up, he did not control it in time. As a result, the blacksmith called for help.

But fortunately, it won't be long, otherwise it will be a big shock.

He didn't have time to think about it. He opened the fence door, rushed in directly, picked up the lantern and walked to the hut. At this time, someone had woken up and looked at Yu Xiaotian and others sleepily, but because he didn't adapt to the light for a while, he couldn't open his eyes. He narrowed his eyes and tried to watch them. The group of people in front of them.

Xu honestly hasn't slept soundly. After working all day, he was also whipped by the steward. The wound on his body was very painful. Did he eat much at night? After lying down, he only felt very hungry, so he never slept soundly. Just now, he heard someone humming in the shed where the servant was sleeping, and then There was a poofing sound, and I couldn't understand what those servants were doing.

He scolded secretly, thinking that the servant would definitely not do good things at night. If not, he would take rice to the exile group for a woman and take it to the shed tossed around.

Xu is honest, a native of Songyang County, Chuzhou, Zhejiang Province. His ancestors were all dry craftsmen. Originally, he was poor and could live, but a few months ago, a sudden heavy rain fell in his place, and there was a flood. The house and two mu of grain in the thin fields were washed away. His father was washed away by the flood before he could escape. His wife He was also drowned, and he was left to survive alone. He had no choice but to beg all the way here.

But on that day, after begging for a day's meal, he didn't get anything. He lay on the street hungry and heard that someone at the street had robbed the grain line. Then a while, a servant ran over and tied him up without asking indiscriminately. As a result, he was sent back to the board without saying anything. Roads are built here, and they eat sparsely every day, and they have to work. They are so tired that they are often whipped. Moreover, there are also several fierce men here, and a few of them who have been robbed by them. They really can't live this day.

He wanted to escape, but he was strict during the day and had no strength at night. He had no choice but to mix here first. Gradually, he became numb, a little like a walking corpse. I don't know if he can see the next sunrise alive.

Last night, an old man died silently. He was found after dawn. He was dragged out and casually found a place to dig a shallow pit to bury him. He didn't know if he would end up like this. If he died, he would die. It was better than suffering like this. Xu honestly stretched out his legs and turned over and wanted to sleep. For a while.

But after a while, someone picked up a lantern and walked to their shed. Xu honestly quickly struggled to sit up and couldn't see who was coming, but he saw a person holding a knife in his hand, and his heart suddenly thumped, revealing a frightened look.

However, after the people came under the hut, they did not do anything immediately, but looked up and down at these people. Yu Xiaotian took advantage of the light to see the appearance of the group of people under the hut. These people were all dirty, unkempt and almost invisible, and their clothes were ragged and rotten. People simply expose their skin, and their skinny ribs are exposed.

Now it's getting cold, and I can't stand it without covering anything at night, but some of these people can't even cover their clothes. It can be seen that the government treats these so-called unruly people and doesn't treat them as people at all.

The smell from the hut is even worse. It really smells like a pigsty. If you don't know, you probably think you have run into the pigsty, but there are people lying under it.

When Yu Xiaotian saw this, he couldn't help sighing. These people were more miserable than when he first came to this world, so he waved his hand and said in a low voice, "Get up!"

The people who followed him immediately went up and kicked up the people lying on the ground. When these people sat up and looked at them in a daze, Yu Xiaotian said, "Listen carefully! Don't shout, don't shout! I'm here to save you! Now stick out your right hand and follow me! If anyone is disobedient, don't blame us for being rude!"

As soon as these people woke up and didn't understand what was going on, someone rushed over and took a rope to tie up their right hands. Ten people tied them into a string and drove them out of the shed.

It was not until this time that Xu honestly and these so-called unruly people felt that things were not right. They were all helpless exiles. Where would people save them? Then these people took advantage of the light of the lantern and saw that the people who tied them were not like servants, but dressed like some fishermen, so some people realized that Yu Xiaotian and others should be mountain thieves or pirates.

Susp> Suddenly, these unruly people became confused, and someone shouted, "Help!" Come on! A thief is coming!"

This shout was not tight, and immediately shocked the exiles gathered nearby. After a while, adults in this area began to make children cry, and suddenly made a mess.

Yu Xiaotian's forehead was full of black lines. He originally thought he was here to do good deeds, but he didn't think that these people were ungrateful and shouted for help, which was quite lively.

The chaos outside Zhuangzi shocked the villagers in Dongping Village. After a while, torches were lit in Dongping Village, and then there was a sound of gongs and shouting.

Yu Xiaotian became anxious. Although he was not worried about the officers and soldiers coming from Haicheng immediately, there were villagers in Dongping Village. There were not many people coming, just about a dozen of them. Once the people in Dongping Village figure out the number of people coming, dozens of villagers rushed out casually, which was enough for them to drink a pot!

So Yu Xiaotian didn't care about more. He went up and slapped the face of a guy who was shouting with his mouth open. Even if he fell to the ground, he calmed the others down!

Seeing Yu Xiaotian start fighting, Han Xian and others who followed him were not polite. They even kicked and fought against some of the disobedient people. Yu Xiaotian shouted angrily, "Shut up to me! I'm a pirate! Just follow honestly! If anyone doesn't do what I said, look at my knife and bury it!"

As he waved the steel knife in his hand, he didn't know where such a sentence sounded, and he casually threw it out, but the effect was quite good. After a few strokes, these people came down and looked at Yu Xiaotian and others tremblingly one by one.

Yu Xiaotian did not dare to delay and immediately waved his hand and said, "Take them away! Whoever is dishonest will chop him up!"

After hearing this, Han Xian, Liu Tong and others immediately drove these people to the seaside. Some people were dishonest along the way. They immediately went up and pulled them with a knife and immediately came down.

There were voices everywhere in the dark. Everyone in this area heard that the thieves were coming, but they didn't know where the thieves were. People only cared about blindly and wandered around in the dark. As a result, many people bumped into Yu Xiaotian's crowd.

The whole area of Dongping Village was in chaos. The sound of alarm gongs, the sound of tongs, and people's crying were synthesized. Then, I don't know who it actually lit the grass shed. Soon the grass shed where the exiles gathered ignited a fire. With the sea breeze, the fire began to spread quickly, making this area even more obvious. It has to be a mess.

(No nonsense, the first update, ask for red tickets by the way! Thank you very much!)