Daming Haiku

Chapter 107 Broken Village

Yu Xiaotian stared at Zhou Li at this moment and had to chop off this man, but he did not lose his judgment because of this. He turned his head slightly and took a look. As a result, he was half-deathly angry. It was enough for him to chase Zhou Li, but the blackheads and others who followed him behind him were also like fools, chasing him. Behind his buttocks, he chased Zhou Li, but no one remembered to take the village first.

Isn't the purpose of their visit this time to take Zhou Cheng's nest? However, these people forgot what they came to do. They only cared about chasing Zhou Li with him, but forgot to seize the village gate first.

Yu Xiaotian turned his head and scolded as he ran: "Black head! What the hell are you running with me? Why don't you hurry to seize the village gate?"

After hearing Yu Xiaotian's scolding, the blackheads realized that they had done something stupid again, so they quickly answered and turned around together and rushed to the village gate.

Several people at the Zhaimen saw that things were not good, so they did not dare to wait for Zhou Li to escape back. They quickly shouted and pushed the Zhaimen together to close the Zhaimen.

And the speed of blackheads is not slow. During this period, they were pulled by Yu Xiaotian. The effect of getting up early in the morning and running around the island is also reflected. Most of them have improved their running speed a lot, and most importantly, their endurance has also improved a lot. Although they have been running all the way from the trestle, everyone has not After losing his strength, he turned around and quickly rushed to the village gate.

Before several people had time to kill the village door, the black head took people to rush to the village door. A group of people bumped into the village gate and desperately pushed the village door open.

And several Zhou Cheng's men tried their best to resist the village gate. The two sides fought at the village gate and kept drinking and scolding each other. For a while, it was very lively.

Zhou Li had already been chased out of breath and a little out of breath, but Yu Xiaotian was still full of energy and chased him like crazy. The angry man ran and scolded. He turned his head and saw that Yu Xiaotian was the only one behind him, and the rest rushed to the village gate, so this man was brave. The son got bigger.

After a sharp turn, Zhou Li avoided Yu Xiaotian again. This time, he stopped running away, stopped his legs, gasped, pointed to Yu Xiaotian with a knife and scolded, "Who are you? Why did you take our boat and bring people to kill me? Today, I fought with you, either you died or I died! Where is my godfather? Say it quickly!"

Yu Xiaotian was also a little out of breath at this moment. After stopping, he replied, "My surname is Yu. You should have heard Zhou Cheng mention the name of the sea wolf!" It's okay to tell you honestly that your godfather has been slaughtered by me! If your godfather hadn't hit Laozi's island first, I wouldn't have come to trouble you! You are so cruel that you actually cut me with a knife. Let's see who has the best method today!"

As soon as Zhou Li heard that Yu Xiaotian dug his godfather's heart, he immediately became furious. He didn't care that he was out of breath and exhausted at this time. He scolded and waved a knife and rushed to Yu Xiaotian, and chopped down to Yu Xiaotian with a knife.

Yu Xiaotian had just learned this man's means and did not dare to be careless. He quickly waved a knife to fight and killed him.

After all, Zhou Li has been a famous teacher. The knife in his hand is quite good. The knife is very fast, and the angle is tricky, which is very difficult to deal with.

In addition, Zhou Li was forced to jump off the wall and made a very cruel move. He actually forced Yu Xiaotian to retreat repeatedly. He accidentally cut his shoulder again, which shocked Yu Xiaotian into a cold sweat.

Yu Xiaotian is a layman for the matter of playing with knives. It was all because of the speed and instinct he had practiced fighting before, which could withstand this guy. At this time, he knew what a master was, so he had to be ten times more careful and deal with Zhou Li.

Zhou Li stabbed a few times, and although he hurt Yu Xiaotian again, he failed to cut Yu Xiaotian on the spot. The last strength on his body was almost used. The speed of the knife again slowed down, making the man cry secretly.

He also saw that the knife skills surnamed Yu were very ordinary, but fast enough, but his strength was very strong. After the two people's knives touched a few times, his arms were a little numb, and the guy surnamed Yu was also very fast. He could always avoid his blade at the most dangerous times, which always made him unable to Cutting at his point, he became more and more anxious, gritting his teeth and continued to stab Yu Xiaotian one after another.

After a few moves, Yu Xiaotian saw that Zhou Li began to be weak, and his action was getting slower and weaker, so he stabilized his mind and began to fight back.

This week, Li couldn't eat it. Every time he received Yu Xiaotian's knife, he was very smelly, but his strength was very strong and the speed was also very fast. His shoulders began to numb, and his hands could hardly grasp the handle of the knife. He knew it was not good, so after receiving Yu Xiaotian's knife, he used his strength to eat milk and fiercely returned With a knife, Yu Xiaotian was forced to take a step back, turn around and run away again.

Yu Xiaotian was stabbed by this man twice today. Since he came to the world, he has never suffered such a loss. How could he let this man escape? Seeing the fraud, he turned around and fled again, so he also chased after him again.

Zhou Li is so bitter! He has short calves. In addition, in the past two or three years, he has followed Zhou Cheng to do this industry. He either drinks or plays with women every day. His body is hollowed out by wine and sex. His physical strength is obviously not as good as before. Now he can't beat filial piety, and he can't escape. He really has no way into heaven and earth.

Yu Xiaotian chased Zhou Li closely and watched Zhou Li become more and more unable to run. He took the opportunity and waved a knife. Next week, Li finally couldn't escape. His back was split by Yu Xiaotian's knife and rolled to the ground with a scream. The knife in his hand was also thrown far away with a bang.

Yu Xiaotian was unreasonable and stepped on the man's chest. In his exclamation, the cold light in his hand flashed, and Zhou Li's exclamation immediately stopped abruptly, and his head rolled aside. The blood in the cavity immediately marked the distance, and the limbs of the headless body were **, and soon disappeared. It was moving, but the eyes on his head were still open and his mouth was wide open, looking like he couldn't close his eyes.

Yu Xiaotian has begun to get used to such a scene. After taking a breath, he grabbed his hair, picked up Zhou Li's head, turned around and walked towards the village gate.

At this time, the stockade was in a mess. Someone shouted and scolded inside. It seemed that he threatened the man in Donghai Village to help guard the door and block the door to prevent the sea wolves from crashing in.

Yu Xiaotian gasped and came out of the village gate. Seeing that blackheads and others were still trying to hit the village gate, he waved his arm and threw Zhou Li's head into the village through the village gate.

Then there was a sound of exclamation inside, and someone shouted, "Don't die! The head of the family is dead! ......”

Yu Xiaotian raised his voice and shouted outside, "The people inside heard that we are sea wolves!" Now Zhou Cheng and his son are dead. As long as you surrender, we promise not to kill anyone! It will never harm the villagers!"

As soon as his words fell, the power of the top door in the village door was loosened, and the blackhead and others immediately pushed the village door open, revealing a gap more than one person wide. Everyone then pushed hard, and the village gate was completely pushed open.

Yu Xiaotian immediately saw that some of the people in the village gate knelt on the ground, and some ran towards the village. Anyway, no one carried them out of the village gate.

Yu Xiaotian rushed into the stockade with a knife and asked the blackhead to take a few people to watch the kneeling begging and villagers, while he took the rest of the people to the old nest occupied by Zhou Cheng in the middle of the village.

Zhou Cheng's nest used to be the ancestral hall of Donghai Village. After Zhou Cheng came, he regarded it as his nest and used it to do business. Only two or three people left. At this time, they fled here. Seeing that they couldn't stay here, these little ones had to kneel down and surrender honestly for a while. In his time, Yu Xiaotian took people to control the whole ancestral compound.

Half an hour later, the villagers of the whole Donghai Village were ordered by Yu Xiaotian to gather in the open space in front of the ancestral hall. Someone had picked up Zhou Li's head and hung it on a big tree outside the ancestral hall.

At this time, all the villagers in Donghai Village showed fear and stood in front of the ancestral hall. No one knew their future fate. Next, the new bandits who claimed to be sea wolves would treat them.

But no one will think that this group of pirates will bring them any benefits. Now that Zhou Cheng is over, it is estimated that the new group of pirates will extort them again. In short, they think that the next days will be more difficult, and many people dare not continue to think down, showing a look of closing their eyes and waiting to die.

And what was more frightening was the women in the village, especially some younger women, who trembled with fear and squeezed into the crowd and didn't even dare to raise their heads.

At this time, Yu Xiaotian, who had already bandaged the wound, slowly came out of the ancestral compound. After standing down, he slowly glanced at the people in front of him. As far as he could see, he did not know who took the lead. Someone took the lead in kneeling down, and the rest of the villagers hurriedly knelt down one by one. Hulala knelt down on a large area at the door of the ancestral hall.

Yu Xiaotian's wound was still a little painful at this time. Just now, he checked his injury in the yard. Zhou Li opened a cut on his left rib and right shoulder. Fortunately, his reaction speed was not slow. Although he hung the color, the wound was not big or deep, and he didn't even need to sew it. You need to simply clean the wound and wrap it with some wound medicine. Otherwise, he will be completely disconcerised when he comes here this time. Almost all the people brought him are intact, but only he, the thief, is seriously injured. I'm afraid he will be laughed at when he goes back.

This also made him have to change his attitude towards the warriors of this era. He had not met a strong enough enemy before, so he always thought that with his ability, there was no big problem in the world, but today when he met Zhou Li, he almost lost his life. With his secret determination, he will work hard to practice martial arts in the future. If he has the conditions, he should find a few masters to learn some smart knife skills, at least to save his life.

(Yesterday's collection was not good! It has risen a little, depressing! I hope to collect more today! Please, friends!)