Daming Haiku

Chapter 114 Show Weakness

Yu Xiaotian is not really afraid of the shark Zhang Hu, but now he has just gained a foothold in Fuzhou. In the case of the great disparity in strength between the two sides, he does not want to offend the big shark. After all, Zhang Hu's strength is far more than him at present. There are many ships. Once he turns against his eyes, although it may not be Zhang Hu He can eat him, but Zhang Hu only needs repeated attacks to drive him away from here again.

And he abandoned the power of nine cattle and two tigers to build this village on Treasure Island. He really doesn't want to move his nest in a short time. Therefore, for Wang Hong, he still wants to entrust the snake and stabilize them first.

Now as soon as Wang Hong met, he directly raised Zhou Cheng's incident, which surprised Yu Xiaotian. He didn't expect that Wang Hong would come to him this time for this matter.

However, on second thought, he copied Zhou Cheng's old nest, and there was no impenetrable wall in the world. Zhou Cheng's men must have escaped at that time. At that time, he returned to Donghai Village to know about it, so he spread the matter.

And Shark Zhanghu is the largest force in the sea in Fuzhou. He is the head of many small pirates. Now that such a thing has happened to them, his self-respecting boss naturally wants to come forward to ask. It is not surprising to send Wang Hong to find him.

So Yu Xiaotian thought about it for a moment, and nodded to Wang Hongbu, "This matter is true. The matter of copying Zhou Cannon's nest is indeed done by people!"

Wang Hong originally thought that after listening to his question, Yu Xiaotian would definitely pass the blame. He just asked this kind of thing casually. Zhou cannon is not very famous in the area of Fuzhou, and he is not popular, but because when Zhou cannon came, he went to Nanri Island to visit the wharf for Zhang Hu. It's quite respectful,

Now that something happened to him, Zhang Hu was hindered by his face and had to send someone to ask. If Yu Xiaotian denied it today, it would be inconvenient for Wang Hong to continue to ask questions.

But I didn't expect Yu Xiaotian to admit it in one bite, which made Wang Hong a little surprised, so he had to sink his face and asked Xiaotian, "Oh? So the head of the house doesn't deny it? So can you tell Wang why you chose your local colleagues first when you first came here? If the head of Yu doesn't give Wang a reasonable explanation today, then please forgive Wang. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the head of the house to live in this area in the future! You have broken the rules of our industry first, and don't blame others for coming to trouble you in the future!"

The expression on Yu Xiaotian's face remained unchanged. After putting down the wine pot, he continued to say calmly, "Brother Wang, please don't worry! Although Yu has not been in the sea for a long time, he is not ignorant of the rules of our business. If it hadn't been for Zhou Cannon, Yu would never have done such a thing!"

Wang Hong frowned and stared at Yu Xiaotian and asked, "Oh? So please tell Wang how the cannon has offended you this week?

Zhou Cheng, a general of Yu Xiaotian, saw that he was not on the island some time ago, so he led people to try to copy his island and killed the second owner of their sea wolves. He almost killed all the people left on the island. Fortunately, he brought people back in time, which blocked Zhou Cheng's good fight, and ended up Zhou Cheng on the spot. He was captured and disembowelled and sacrificed to the dead and injured people such as horse faces.

Since Zhou Cheng broke the rules first, he can do the first day of the first lunar month. Naturally, he can do 15th in Xiaotian. It's impolite to come and go, so he took someone to fire Zhou Cheng's nest!

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, Wang Hong asked suspiciously, "Is this true?"

Yu Xiaotian replied with a straight face: "If there is half a false statement, Yu dares to take the head of the item as a guarantee!" When entering the village, I'm afraid Brother Wang also saw that there were several flats in the village. At that time, there were some houses, which were set on fire by Zhou. Now the charred wood is still there, not to mention that most of the subordinates surnamed Zhou have now subdued to me. If you don't believe it, Brother Wang can ask anything here. A person, as soon as he asked, knew that Yu had framed Zhou!

Come on, bring Meng Fei here!"

After a while, Meng Fei rushed to the outside of the big stone house and shouted outside, "Meng Fei reported! Please see the rudder!"

"Come in!" Yu Xiaotian looked up and shouted loudly.

"Yes!" With the curtain picked up, Meng Fei strode into the room, knelt down on one knee and shouted to Xiaotian and Wang Hong, "Meng Fei, see the helm and Wang San in charge!"

Wang Hong was a little surprised to see Meng Fei walk into the room. He also forgot to speak for a moment, but Yu Xiaotian said in no hurry: "Get up and talk! Meng Fei, who were you at the beginning? In order to come here again, you should have said to Wang San!"

Meng Fei immediately agreed to stand up, told Wang Hong about his origin, and finally said, "There are more than 20 brothers who followed the little one who put into our rudder to testify. If it hadn't been for Zhou Cheng's greed and wanted to copy our rudder's home now. If so, it won't end up like this!"

At this time, Wang Hong couldn't help but believe it. He smiled awkwardly and waved his hand and said, "That's not necessary!" I just believe what you say!"

Yu Xiaotian raised his hand and waved, "Go down and do your business!"

Meng Fei held his fist, put his legs together, made a standard left turn, and strode out of the room again.

Wang Hong looked at Meng Fei's back, smiled bitterly, and shook his head and said, "Brother Yu, I'm surprised. How do you know the rules so well?"

Yu Xiaotian smiled and said, "It's just a little skill of carving insects! If you don't have any rules in this industry, you can't do it! Just set the rules for them and follow them! Don't say this! Come on! Brother Wang came from afar, and it's not easy to come to the humble house. Give Brother Wang a bowl!"

With that, Yu Xiaotian held a bowl and drank with Wang Hong.

Wang Hong wiped the wine from his mouth, put down the wine bowl, and put away his arrogance. He smiled at Xiaotian and said, "So, I, the surnamed Zhou, have also seen two times. At the beginning, I didn't like him. It turned out that this time it was the guy who came to trouble for you first. In this way, the man died without injustice. You copied his old Wo, it's also a matter of course! After I go back, I will tell our big man that I can't blame you for this matter, and no one will come to trouble you for this in the future!"

Yu Xiaotian smiled and said, "Then everything will be hard for you, brother Wang!" If so many things hadn't happened some time ago, I would have gone to Guidao to visit Zhang Da's wharf! After suffering a loss, I knew it was terrible. In the next two months, I was almost busy building the fortress. At present, the wall has just been built, and Brother Wang also saw that the houses in the stockade had not yet begun to be built, so I delayed it again and delayed going to Guidao to visit Zhang Da's family. I hope that when Brother Wang goes back this time. , to explain that in two days, I will go to Guidao to visit Zhang's head in person. Uncle Zhao, please go out and bring things up!"

Zhao Mazi nodded and agreed. He got up and quickly walked out of the room. Soon, he came in with a wooden plate and put the tray in front of Wang Hong.

Wang Hong looked down and saw a trace of joy in his eyes. He saw a few pieces of silver with white flowers in the tray. At a glance, he knew that it was eleven taels of big silver ingots, and there were five in the plate. Needless to think about it, this was fifty taels of white silver.

"Brother Yu, is this...?"

"Brother Wang has come so far away and is a landlord. When he is given a little gift, how can Brother Wang come back empty-handed? It's really a joke!

A little heart, but I don't respect it. I hope Brother Wang doesn't think too much and accept it! This is a little gift for Brother Wang. Brother Wang, please don't refuse!

Of course, according to the rules, when Yu goes back to your island to visit Zhang Da's home, there will naturally be other effects. Brother Wang, don't worry!

In addition, I also prepared 50 taels of silver. When Brother Wang left, he took him on the boat together. It was a little kindness from my brother to the brothers who came with Brother Wang. He couldn't let everyone run for nothing on such a cold day!

Just now, Yu has ordered to prepare some wine and vegetables and send them to the ship. Let's eat and drink here. We can't make the brothers on the boat hungry! Ha ha!" Yu Xiaotian pointed to the tray and said to Wang Hong.

After listening to this, Wang Hong smiled and laughed, "I didn't expect Brother Yu to be such a polite person! In this case, Wang is better than obedient. Thank you very much!

When I saw Brother Yu that day, it was really too hasty. It's a pity that you and I didn't talk more! If it hadn't been for this today, I wouldn't have come here to drink with you! Then everything will be troublesome, bro! Come on, drink!"

After this meeting, Wang Hong was in a good mood. He waved his hand to let the two men who followed him put away the silver. In addition, he thought that the two men were in the way and drove them out. In addition, he asked someone to arrange some wine for them outside, while he stayed and drank happily with Yu Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian, Liu Laoliu and Zhao Mazi took turns to toast Wang Hong. Wang Hong now took the silver and was in a good mood. After a while, he talked more and became more intimate with Yu Xiaotian and began to talk about it.

Yu Xiaotian also casually chatted with Wang Hongtian's sea in the north and south. The two talked until dark.

After this conversation, Yu Xiaotian found that Wang Hong was not actually a difficult guy, but also a straightforward and bold man. He didn't hide his words. What to say was very much to his appetite.