Daming Haiku

Chapter 116 Unexpected Gain

It is a hard job to go to sea in this season, but the people on the ship are still very interested, especially those newly harvested trainees, who are all full of energy and plan to work hard to make contributions and become regular soldiers among sea wolves as soon as possible.

Those subordinates before Zhou Cheng's subordinates are now gradually relieved under Xiaotian and have begun to adapt to Yu Xiaotian's management method. In their opinion, although Yu Xiaotian is strict, he is lenient to their subordinates, which is not only strict, but also takes care of them, and It's not cruel. It's never like Zhou Cheng who often tortures them, so they are now more adaptable to life on this boat than the people from Dongshan Village.

Even if the weather on the sea is very cold, the people on the ship still insist on hitting the sea every day and carefully cleaning the ship, making all parts of their ship look clean and tidy and look very comfortable.

Now Yu Xiaotian no longer has to pay more care of the sanitation on the ship. After his rectification, his men have become accustomed to a clean life, and every day there will be a person on the ship as a star officer, full-time responsible for the inspection of hygiene in all parts of the ship and the supervision of the discipline of sailors on the ship. Yu Xiao On the contrary, the helm of heaven has become relaxed, which is the superiority of establishing the system.

However, it is not easy to hunt at sea. At this time, although there are many merchants who smuggle at sea, compared with the maritime trade in later generations, the sea of this era is still quite empty, and no ships can be seen for a long time.

After two days of patrol, they only met a fleet at the southern entrance of the Haitan Strait, but when they approached, they found that the fleet actually had six ships acting together, very close to each other, with a posture of waiting for a tight battle. They were not as powerful pirates as theirs at all. The prey could be eaten, so Yu Xiaotian could only drool and let the fleet go.

Seeing that it was not cheap in this area, Yu Xiaotian ordered to turn the rudder south and try his luck again.

But in the afternoon, the wind and waves on the sea suddenly became big, which was nothing for a bigger boat like them, but for the small fishing boat brought by Luo Xianbin in front of them, the wind and waves were a little too big, so Yu Xiaotian considered the safety of Luo Xianbin and others, so he had to order temporary Go to ashore on a nearby island to shelter from the wind.

The coastline in this area is very tortuous, and there are many large and small islands along the coast. Although there are many shelter from the wind, there are also many reefs and other things. When the wind and waves are strong, sailing in this area, without the guidance of a person familiar with the waterway in this area, a carelessness may lead to a reef. Danger.

In this area, even old people like Liu Laoliu dare not say that they can make sure that they can make sure nothing. Fortunately, this time they brought several former Zhou Cheng's men on the boat. One of them, Zhang Xiao, is the helmsman of Zhou Cheng's ship at the beginning, and is relatively familiar with this area.

Under his guidance, there was a small harbor on a nearby island, which was very suitable for temporary shelter from the wind, so he took the boat and sailed towards the island.

On Yu Xiaotian's ship, there are at least 20 or 30 people on the deck alone, and it is still empty. The hull is shallow and fast, and the sails are also deliberately increased to improve the speed of the ship. This feature shows their identity, even if Without raising the flag, you can basically judge their identity at close range, and at least you can guess a * inseparable ten.

So as soon as they appeared, the people on the three merchant ships that came to avoid the wind in advance in the bay were shocked and ran back and forth on the boat, obviously preparing.

Yu Xiaotian also couldn't take care of them for the time being. After taking the boat into the bay, he anchored and stopped the boat at the entrance of the bay and blocked the bay entrance. The small fishing boat led by Luo Xianbin also stopped not far from the main ship.

The wind and waves on the sea are getting bigger and bigger, and even the waves in the bay are not too small. Several boats are undulating in the waves, and the air is filled with a tense atmosphere.

The soldiers led by Meng Madman have all hung up one by one. During this period, they bought some southern buffalo leather from the Li family. Although the leather is not as strong as the yellow cowhide in the north, the raw buffalo leather is also very hard and can still be made into leather armor to provide certain protection for users.

Therefore, taking advantage of this time to build the village, Yu Xiaotianling's subordinate who had learned the skills of a cobbler for a few days and asked him to cut and sew these raw buffalo leather into more than a dozen pieces of leather armor for the soldiers who did rough work.

This half-hanging cobbler's craftsmanship is not very good, and the leather armor is very rough and ugly. It doesn't even have an arm guard. It only protects the main torso part of the body, because the leather is relatively hard, and it is not very comfortable after wearing it, but it is undeniable that these buffalo leather armors are still more or less. It provides a certain amount of protection.

At least the light arrows shot from medium and long distances will no longer easily cause harm to people, and long-range iron sand can also be more defensive to reduce the damage to the human body.

So the soldiers are still very satisfied with this rough leather armor, which also makes them feel safer when they start, and undoubtedly makes them bolder to some extent.

As for the iron armor, Yu Xiaotian has not considered it at all for the time being. After all, they are working on the water. It is not guaranteed that they will sometimes fall into the sea. Although the defense is improved when wearing iron armor, it is inconvenient for them to move because of the heavy weight. It is easy to fall into the sea when they jump. Once they fall into the water, the heavy iron armor will immediately The wearer will fall into the water and drown alive, and there will not even be time to take off the armor.

Except for the soldiers to start preparing at this time, the rest of the crew are not idle and distribute their weapons to everyone. Once necessary, they will also follow the soldiers to help fight.

Because of the limited strength of the hull, although they have four cannons now, Yu Xiaotian only installed two cannons on this ship when he went to sea, and the remaining two cannons were temporarily placed in the stockade as defensive weapons, so now the two cannons were placed in the bow and stern.

Liu Tong also took people to load the cannon at this time, waiting to be ready to fire on the three merchant ships in the bay and take them down. As for other firearms on the ship, they were also filled. After the wind stopped for a while, they began to take action.

Everyone stared at the three merchant ships in the bay. At this time, they did not have to hang their sea wolf flag, and they have already shown their identity.

But God is not very beautiful. In this season, it still rained at night. The originally planned robbery and robbery had to be postponed because of the rain.

The cold rain fell from the sky, and soon the rain became heavier and heavier. On this cold day, the taste of being poured into a drowned chicken was uncomfortable. The conditions on the ship were limited, and there were only a few sets of raincoats and a few pons made of oilcloth. Therefore, Yu Xiaotian looked at the sky and sighed, and had to order some of the personnel on the surface of the ship to be left to relieve preparations for war. In this state, the rest of the people went down to the cabin to avoid the rain, so that some people would be frozen.

The rain on the sea all night. At dawn, raindrops continued to fall in the sky. All night, all the people on the boats sheltered from the wind in the bay can be said to have stayed up all night and spent a long night in this long wait.

Seeing that the rain began to fade and the sky gradually lit up, the sea wolves once again began to poke their heads out of the cabin and began to prepare to do it again.