Daming Haiku

Chapter 124 Close the door

Nanri Island is 40 to 50 miles south of Treasure Island, which is also close to the distance on the sea, so Yu Xiaotian arrived at Nanri Island in less than a day.

When they arrived at Nanri Island, they felt the great difference in strength between the two sides. Before they reached Nanri Island within ten miles, a ship with the flag of Zhang Hu blocked their way.

This ship is a sprout boat. On the surface, it looks like a fishing boat. The displacement of the boat is not large, and the speed of the boat is average. If the signature red flag used by Zhang Hu is not hung, ordinary people will basically treat them as fishermen's fishing boats, but in Zhang Hu's hands, this kind of boat is obviously made into a lookout by him. The use of sentry boats can also cover people's eyes and ears.

After discovering Yu Xiaotian's ship sailing to Nanri Island, the fishing boat belonging to Zhang Hu still swaggered to stop Yu Xiaotian's way. Someone stood far away in the bow and shouted loudly. While stopping Yu Xiaotian's boat from landing, he asked them about their intentions and identity.

Yu Xiaotian looked at the ship, which made the men on the ship feel at ease and put away their sharpness. Most of them were driven into the cabin, and then ordered them to fall from the sail. After approaching, they reported their identity and intention.

When he heard that Yu Xiaotian's boat was the sea wolf's boat, Zhang Hu's men on the boat that blocked the road showed a little respect. After looking at Yu Xiaotian and his boat for the leader, he hugged his fist and said, "So you are sea wolves!" Why didn't you come to the dock until now? Don't you pay attention to our Zhang Dajiao?

Yu Xiaotian quickly explained with a smiling face and told this guy that he had made an appointment with their third head Wang Hong and came to visit the dock before the New Year.

The leader under Zhang Hu nodded and said, "It turned out that Wang San's leader has agreed, so it's easy to do! Come on! Follow my boat and I'll take you there! Don't make any misunderstanding!"

Yu Xiaotian's boat leaned against the guy's boat, sent ten taels of silver, and put down a can of wine on the fishing boat.

As the saying goes, raising his hand without hitting the smiling face, Yu Xiaotian knows the role of money in opening the way, so he doesn't care about some small money. With these ten taels of silver and a can of wine as a meeting gift, Zhang Hu's men on the ship looked much better. They nodded repeatedly and set sail again to lead the way for Yu Xiaotian's boat in front. Drive straight to Nanri Island.

Nanri Island is very large, at least much larger than the Treasure Island that Yu Xiaotian now occupies. Formerly known as Nanni Mountain, the island covers an area of dozens of square kilometers. It is the third largest island along the coast of Fujian. It is under the jurisdiction of Xinghua Prefecture of Fujian Province and the largest island along the coast of Xinghua Prefecture. It is an important place to control the north-south sea passage of Fujian, but it is a pity. It was the sea ban policy of the Ming Dynasty that made such an important island not receive attention, so that it was under the control of pirates like Zhang Hu.

According to Liu Laoliu, very early on Nanri Island, Fujian in the Ming Dynasty built a Nanri Mountain and Water Village on the island, and nearly 1,000 officers and soldiers were stationed there. However, later, on the grounds that it was not easy to support on the lonely water, they withdrew the water village, sent it to Shicheng across the water, and merged it into the Qingshan Patrol Department. This Nanri Island has become a place of care and has always been controlled by Japanese pirates and pirates.

In recent years, the Japanese disaster has become less and less, so Zhang Hu led people to occupy this place and become an earth hegemon who occupies the island in this area. The sphere of influence is very wide, reaching the mouth of the Minjiang River to the north and controlling the Meizhou Island to the south. The government also sent troops to try to suppress it the year before last. However, he was defeated by Zhang Hu, and the government calmed down. As long as Zhang Hu did not make too much trouble, he would turn a blind eye to him and no longer care about him.

The experience of Zhang Hu's defeating the officers and soldiers in his early years made him even more arrogant. He vaguely claimed to be the hegemon of this area, often attacked and harassed the coastal villages, and often hijacked ships. He became domineering on the island.

And Zhang Hu's village is located in the northwest corner of the north of Nanri Island, which has also become a place where the surrounding pirate groups must come.

Speaking of Zhang Hu's stockade is a pirate's stockade, but in recent years, after Zhang Hu, some businessmen have gradually come here to do business. By trading with Zhang Hu and the surrounding pirates, they get the goods they have robbed, and then make profits. So in the past two years, this place is a bit like It's a town, and there are not too few boats coming and going.

Unfortunately, Zhang Hu is not very good at operating, and he is too greedy for money. For his counterparts to trade with him, he has taken a lot, so that many pirates would rather go to Dalian Island to trade than come here to trade. Therefore, after reaching a certain scale, the scale of business can no longer be expanded, otherwise it can be used. There are unique conditions here, and it will definitely be quite lively.

Yu Xiaotian followed the boat to Nanri Island slowly, while sorting out all the information about Zhang Hu in his mind. Looking at such a large Nanri Island from a distance, he couldn't help sighing that it was really a pity for this place. If he had sat here, he would have been able to run it into a phase. When it is a prosperous place of commerce, at least Nanri Island can be built into a rear base that can be used for him.

Yu Xiaotian has been regretful during this period. When he fell into the sea, he did not bring the high-power telescope on the ship. Otherwise, with that guy, he could carefully observe the situation along the coast of Nanri Island from afar.

However, after approaching Nanri Island, the sailing ship began to turn, still giving Yu Xiaotian an opportunity to observe Nanri Island nearby. As far as he knows, there are at least tens of thousands of people on the island, but now it seems that the coast of the island is very desolate and there is no village. Occasionally, you can see some abandoned villages, and you can't see a single person.

It is preliminarily estimated that the former residents of this island were either harmed by the Japanese pirates or forced by this tiger to survive here and moved back to the land. As a result, the huge Nanri Island became a remote place. Yu Xiaotian couldn't help scolding Zhang Hu as a fool.

The scale of the water village on Nanri Island is much larger than that of Yu Xiaotian on Jinyin Island. It covers an estimated area of hundreds of mu. As a fortification, the wall has also been built, but the height of the wall is not high. Basically, it is also a wooden wall. Only a few places are made of stone, and the defense ability is not It's much higher than Yu Xiaotian's small village.

No wonder Wang Hong was surprised by Xiaotian's stockade when he went to Treasure Island some time ago. It turned out that their stockade here was indeed not built very good.

However, the dock here is still well built. Zhang Hu took advantage of the terrain here and built several trestles by the sea for ships to dock and disembark goods. At most, more than a dozen boats can be docked at a time. Unfortunately, the utilization rate of the wharf here is very low now, and there are only two trestles docked. The rest of the boats are moored nearby in the bay, which looks messy.

Under the guidance of the previous ship, Yu Xiaotian did not encounter any investigation and trouble on the way. Only one or two boats approached them curiously and looked at them. Under the explanation of the sentry ship in front of them, they did not find any trouble for Yu Xiaotian and left directly.

After leaning against the trestle, Yu Xiaotian, led by the leader who led him over, carried a large gift box to the trestle and walked towards the stockade.

After Yu Xiaotian went to the gate of Shuizhai, he reported his intention and handed over a greeting invitation to see Zhang Hu.

The man guarding the village asked him to wait and took his worship post into the village. Yu Xiaotian then began to talk to the leader who led him the way.

The leader who met them is actually a very small leader under Zhang Hu. He can't hang up at all. He can only take a fishing boat to wander on the sea and act as eyes and ears for the island. Generally speaking, there is little oil and water. Compared with other leaders, he can go out to hijack the boat or land and plunder, so it is a hard job. Today It's already very good to take Yu Xiaotian's ten taels of silver.

So this guy was very satisfied with Xiaotian's generous action. After a few words on the shore, he became enthusiastic about Xiaotian and introduced their place to Yu Xiaotian.

is similar to what Wang Hong said at the beginning. Zhang Hu has as many as 700 or 800 people. Sometimes, once needed, he can gather other colleagues around him to help him. At most, he can gather one or two thousand people, dozens of boats, and even land and attack a small county or a large town. It's very strong.

And in the past two years, Zhang Hu's men have given him legs, and he has gradually become much more lazy. He has rarely taken people out to plunder in person. Most of the time, he spends most of his time on the island and living a drunken life. He is very comfortable.

The little leader did not dare to say so, but his words also showed envy for Zhang Hu. On the contrary, there was not much respect for him, which made Yu Xiaotian realize again that Zhang Hu's control influence under his opponent was not high. Otherwise, a small leader would not dare to say this in front of outsiders. Something, and there is no warning at all.

After a while, the one who took the invitation came out and said coldly to Xiaotian, "Our big man doesn't have time to see you at this time. Let you wait in the stockade. If you are free tomorrow, we will call you!"

Yu Xiaotian smiled bitterly and said that Zhang Hu's man was really not small. If he didn't come, he would not come. After he came, he didn't see him. He let him hang here like this. I don't know if he deliberately gave him a majesty, or he really didn't have time to see him.

So he only gave his head and agreed. He was taken to the stockade, and led him to the front of a yard and handed it to a steward here. This is a post hall set up by Zhang Hu in the stockade. It should be called a hostel for future generations! The stewor is also known as the stewed house and is regarded as the director of the hostel.

This management house was quite polite to filial piety. It let him and several men into the yard and arranged two rooms for him and his men to live temporarily, but told him that they had to pay for their food and drink here. If they needed water or food on the ship, it would also cost money.

Yu Xiaotian scolded in his heart. This tiger is really big enough for his peers. He doesn't pay attention to people like them at all. The first time he came to the dock, he actually let him sit on a cold bench and eat a closed door. It's okay if they don't treat him well when he stops here. Unexpectedly, he takes the opportunity to take the opportunity to take it. Making more money is really getting into the eyes of money.

(Please collect, ask for red tickets, please reward! Haha! Do you want to develop a package?)