Daming Haiku

Chapter 126 Is a blessing or a curse

As soon as Wang Hong heard this, he quickly wiped his face and shook his head and said, "Please come in, second brother and fifth brother!" Brother Yu, this time, my second brother and fifth brother also came here. Let me introduce you, and they will take care of you in the future!" With that, he stood up and took Yu Xiaotian to the door to pick him up.

After a while, several people came over with lanterns, waved to the people who followed them down and walked straight towards Wang Hong.

Yu Xiaotian took advantage of the light of the lantern and saw two deep scars on a middle-aged man's face, which almost penetrated his face, making his face look very ferocious and horrible. If a child saw his face at night, he would probably be scared to cry on the spot.

And the other one is slightly younger, about 30 years old, with a square face, a medium figure, and a beard on his lower jaw, which looks straight, but one left hand in his arms, like taking out something, but he has never taken it out, just held it in his arms.

Wang Hong quickly shook to meet him, staggered for a moment and said, "Why are the second brother and fifth brother coming here now?" Come on, go in and have a drink! Let me introduce you to a friend!"

The middle-aged man asked Wang Hong for a hand and complained unhungrately, "Lao San, why did you drink like this again? You just like to drink. If you drink too much, you will talk more! Isn't the last lesson enough?

The other slightly younger one should be Lao Wu, but now he is looking up and down at Yu Xiaotian, holding his left hand in his arms and not talking.

Wang Hong looked very ugly, but he didn't dare to attack. He shook his head and said, "Second brother, don't mention that incident! I'm angry when I mention it! This friend came over, and the boss didn't see him, so he came to see me first! I'm entertaining my friends. The second brother came just in time. It's good to meet a new friend!"

With that, he took his second brother and turned to Xiaotian and said, "Brother Yu, come and see my second brother and fifth brother!" Let me introduce you to my second brother. My second brother's surname is Qian and his name is Qian Song. He is given the nickname of Money Leopard! This is my fifth brother, surnamed Fang, and his name is Fang An! People send a nickname square iron hook!"

Yu Xiaotian quickly took two steps forward, hugged his fist and bowed with a smile and said, "I have seen the two masters!"

After hearing this, the second brother with a scar on his face looked at Yu Xiaotian and frowned, "Yu Xiaotian? Are you the sea wolf who killed Zhou Cheng the other day?

"It's right!" Yu Xiaotian nodded.

After taking a look at Yu Xiaotian's figure and appearance, Qian Song nodded and said, "It's really the same as Lao San said. What a man! Not bad! Not bad! It's polite!" With that, it is also a return to Xiaotian's fist.

The fifth named Fang An did not hold his fist and return the gift, but took out his left hand from his arms. Yu Xiaotian saw that Fang An did not have his left hand at all, and he only pressed a polished iron hook on his left wrist. No wonder his nickname was Fang Tiegou.

After Fang An took out the iron hook, he shook Xiaotian and didn't say anything, and then put the iron hook into his arms.

"This is the brother Yu that I mentioned to my second brother the other day. This guy calls himself a sea wolf, and he is really fierce! Enough friends, but also a man! I'm very close with my brother, and I'm a good friend! If you don't come here this time, come to my brother first and I'll drink!" Wang Hong staggered at this moment and spoke with a big tongue, but he still introduced to the second and fifth.

"Okay! I've seen it this time. It's really good! This is not the place to talk. Let's go into the room and talk!" The second son, Qian Song, saw that Wang Hong was really a little drunk, so he waved his hand and walked directly into the room.

Wang Hong followed Yu Xiaotian and walked into the room and sat down again. Yu Xiaotian said, "I don't know if I will see the two masters here today. I can't prepare the meeting gift in advance. I hope the two masters won't be surprised. When Yu comes back another day, I will definitely make up for it!"

The second Qian Song waved his hand and said, "Brother Yu, you are the third friend. The third brother admires you very much and says that you are a good friend. Let's not be polite!

Lao San is straightforward, but he is righteous to his friends. Since he treats you as a friend, our brother will not make it difficult for you. You can rest assured!

What? Didn't our big head see you this time? Brother, don't blame, this is our big head. I will go to Dazhai tomorrow and definitely invite him to see you. It's the holiday, and I can't let you delay here!"

Yu Xiaotian quickly got up to thank him. From Qian Song's words, he also heard a little dissatisfaction with Zhang Hu. In addition, it can be seen that he has a good relationship with Wang Hong and is nothing to himself.

Wang Hong asked drunk, "Second brother and fifth brother, why did you come so late? Is there something wrong?"

Qian Song took a look at Yu Xiaotian, pondered for a moment, and then said, "Well, Brother Yu is a friend with you, and he is also a person on our side. If you have anything to say, don't hide it from Brother Yu!"

Yu Xiaotian quickly said, "It's not convenient for several masters to talk here. Let's leave!" I won't delay the speech of several masters!"

Qian Song waved his hand and said, "Brother Yu, don't be polite. It's not something you can't know. It's okay to listen to it!" Sit down! As we ate, we said that Lao Wu and I haven't eaten yet!"

Someone sent a new bowl of chopsticks, a pot of fish and a bowl of stew, and a can of wine. Qian Song and Fang An were not polite. They grabbed the chopsticks and ate them. Yu Xiaotian quickly helped them with the cloth wine and gave them a bowl.

Qian Song didn't talk nonsense. After drinking a bowl of wine, he said, "Old Eight came back when it was dark. They met a ship of mixed river dragons on Mazu's side and fought with them. However, there were many people and many boats. Lao Ba suffered a big loss. The two boats he took was destroyed on the spot. Lao Ba was also injured and took the remaining one. The ship desperately broke through and escaped back!

Lao Wu and I came from Lao Ba. The boss hasn't seen anyone at this time. Before he knew about this, he came here to discuss with you first. What should he do? I didn't expect you to drink too much again!"

As soon as Wang Hong heard a bang, he threw another wine bowl on the ground. Today, the wine bowl was suffered. He fell two times in a row, which shocked his men outside and quickly poked their heads into the room.

"Grandma, this mixed river dragon's hand is too long! Mazu's side is our territory. When did they reach out where? That's okay, grandma, we can't let them be arrogant. Hurry up and tell the boss, ask the brothers to kill them, and let them see how powerful we are!" Wang Hong was anxious when he heard this and almost kicked over the wine table in front of him.

Yu Xiaotian also frowned and interrupted, "As far as I know, isn't Mazu's area our territory? Why did Jianglong put his hand out?

The second Qian Song asked Wang Hong to sit down and nodded, "It seems that Brother Yu also knows that Ma Zu's side is our territory. After Huang Qi, it is the territory of the mixed river dragon, but this time they did stretch out their hands! Otherwise, Lao Ba will not suffer losses! Lao Wu and I came here to discuss with Lao San first. What should we do about this matter?"

Yu Xiaotian nodded and asked, "I just don't know how many people and boats have come over there. If you go, you have to find out how many people and boats they have used this time. Otherwise, you will go there suddenly and you will suffer!"

Fang An, who had not spoken until this time, said, "There have been a lot. Lao Ba came back and said that Hun Jianglong had at least * boats, with as many as two or three hundred people!"

Yu Xiaotian heard it, come on! This has nothing to do with him. At present, he has dozens of available subordinates and only one ship that can be used. This matter is still the matter of sharks and tigers, so he didn't say anything more.

When Wang Hong heard this, he sprayed the wine and then scolded, "As Lao Wu said, this time the mixed river dragon came prepared! Unexpectedly, so many boats and manpower were used at once, which was obviously to grab the territory! This is not possible. Mazu's side is blocking the mouth of the Minjiang River. If they occupy it, they will rob a lot of Fuzhou's business in the future!"

Qian Song nodded and said, "It seems that you haven't drunk yet, and you still understand this! Forget it today. You drank a lot. Early tomorrow morning, let's go to Dazhai together to meet the big master and ask him to make an idea and see what to do!

Brother Yu, it's unfortunate that you came here this time. I guess if you want to fight with the mixed river dragon, you families will also help. I hope you don't refuse at that time!"

Yu Xiaotian quickly got up and nodded and nodded, "To tell you the truth, the reason why Yu came here at the beginning was actually that the mixed river dragon forced us here. If you fight with the mixed river dragon this time, as long as you need brothers, the brothers will never refuse, and they will definitely take their best to help!

It's just that there are fewer brothers and fewer boats. At that time, don't laugh at the heads of the family!"

Qian Song nodded and hugged his fist and said, "That's good! Good to say! Lao San told us about your matter a few days ago. Lao San valued you very much. I believe Lao San will not be blind to this! With Brother Yu's words, I thanked him first! Tomorrow morning, when you wait in Dazhai, I will ask our boss to meet you first. If there is a useful place for you, Lao* will inform you at that time!"

After saying that, Qian Song and Fang An were full and did not talk nonsense. They got up and left Wang Hong's Xiaozhai together and returned to their respective residences.

After Wang Hong sent them away, he was drunk and asked people to live in Xiaotian, and he also fell asleep.

Yu Xiaotian lay in ** to calculate. This time, it can be said that it was the right time for him to come here. It happened to be this kind of thing. The shark side and the mixed river dragon side have never dealt with it. This time, the mixed river dragon suddenly took people south to the side of the Marzu Islands, which was equivalent to once again provoked a dispute between the two sides, and it was clear that he wanted to grab the shark. The territory of the fish and the tiger.

And as long as Zhang Hu is not a loser, this matter will never be good. The two sides must be divided into high and low, and these small forces will inevitably be involved in it at that time. This time he came here and happened to encounter this matter. Zhang Hu saw that he wanted to use human face. It's a good thing that I won't embarrass him easily again.

But on the bad side, he will inevitably be involved. At that time, he will definitely be greeted to help. Once he wants to help, there will inevitably be deaths and injuries, so it can also be said that it is not the right time for him to come. Otherwise, he may be out of the matter and can excuse himself. No.

After thinking for a while, Yu Xiaotian suddenly laughed dumbly. What's the point of thinking about it? It's a blessing, not a curse, it's a disaster that can't be avoided! People have misfortunes and blessings, so take it easy! So after he turned over, he snored and fell asleep.