Daming Haiku

Chapter 128 A plate of loose sand

Wang Hong didn't think much about Xiaotian's request and immediately nodded, "What's so difficult?" This Nanri Island is indeed not small. It is much bigger than your Treasure Island. How can you not take a look when you come here? Let's go! I have nothing to do in the afternoon, so I'll take you around!"

After saying that, Wang Hong called two men and ran to lead two horses. One let Yu Xiaotian ride, and the other rode by himself. Yu Xiaotian did not let others follow him, so he went out of the village with Wang Hong and walked to the east of the island.

There are few horses in the south. This horse is a rare thing. There are only a few mules and donkeys on the island of Xiaotian, which are mainly used to let them pull carts and carry things on the island.

Yu Xiaotian, who was born in the south, is not good at horse riding. He had only ridden once on a horse farm before. The experience of riding made him still remember it vividly. Sitting on the horse, his limbs were stiff and desperately pulled the rein. As a result, the horse ran fast, which scared him even more. He clamped the horse's abdomen and ran down in a circle. His buttocks were so painful, and his thighs were almost torn, which made a fool of his appearance.

Today, Wang Hong gave him a horse. He was embarrassed to say that he could not ride it. He could only drive the ducks to the shelves, climb on the horse's back, and then nervously held the rein tightly for fear of falling off the horse.

Fortunately, the horses here are relatively docile and short. Unlike the war horses in the north, they walk smoothly, and there are also people next to him who mention him holding horses, which did not let Yu Xiaotian make a fool of himself again.

But Wang Hong still saw at a glance that Yu Xiaotian could not ride a horse and laughed, "It seems that Brother Yu has never ridden a horse!" There is no need to be so nervous. The more relaxed you are, the more meek the horse will be. According to your riding method, the horse is uncomfortable. How can it walk smoothly? Don't be afraid, let go of the handle!"

Yu Xiaotian found that he was almost about to take down the horse's mane. He couldn't help sweating in his heart and thinking that he was making a fool of himself again this time!

The two ends of Nanri Island are large and small in the middle, shaped like a dumbbell. The two ends are high, and there is a mountain more than 100 meters above sea level in the southeast. The scenery is beautiful and pleasant.

However, Yu Xiaotian did not come to see the scenery. He did not care about the beautiful scenery here, and he was concerned about the various facilities of Zhanghu forces on the island.

Zhang Hu's big village is located next to the bay in the northwest corner, with its back to a highland and facing a bay. It is indeed be a good place. No wonder the government came to attack in the early years. Instead, it was repelled by his men. The terrain here has helped him a lot.

On the north coast of the island, there are scattered small villages, that is, the gathering areas of other subordinates, basically around the Dazhai.

There are only two small fishing villages on their island, and the fishermen of these two fishing villages, according to Wang Hong, usually fish near Nanri Island. While fishing, they have to act as sentry boats for the island. Once they encounter a large group of officers and soldiers or enemies, they will set fire their fishing boats and call the police on the island. If they If you issue a warning in time, Zhang Hu will send them a new fishing boat and reward them with some money.

Except for leaving a small part of the catch of the fishermen on the island for themselves to eat or exchange for food and clothing, the rest should be handed over to Zhang Hu for the pirates on the island to eat.

Once something happens, sometimes these fishermen will be forced into a pirate ship to act as temporary ones. After this, they can also get a little reward.

So the fishermen in the two fishing villages on the island live a life of stealing. Life is not extremely difficult, but it is definitely not moist. They usually have to cook salt by themselves to eat salt, and they have no money to buy it.

What Yu Xiaotian pays most attention to is a boat house near Dazhai. This boat house has two docks, three docks facing the land, one facing the water, and there is a dock gate. The boat house also has boat racks and slide facilities to repair ships. The overall facilities are relatively complete, but strangely, it is in an abandoned state, a dock The dock door was nowhere to be found, and there was little wood, which was lost in a mess.

So Yu Xiaotian pointed to the boat house and asked Wang Hong, "Brother Wang, there are still boat houses in such a big place here. Why is this boat house abandoned? If the boat is still there, wouldn't it be much easier for you to repair the boat, and why don't you have to go to land to spend money to repair the boat?

Wang Hong looked at the boat house and shook his head and said, "In the past, we did repair the boat here. Two years ago, we could even build boats here, but in those years, the officers and soldiers came to suppress it, burned the boat house, and took the boatmen back to the land as our men, killing and exiled them!

Later, after we repulsed the officers and soldiers, we wanted to repair here, but we couldn't find a few suitable boatmen for a while. The remaining boatmen also died inexplicably. Two escaped, and there was not even one that could repair the ship. Later, our big master didn't care about this matter, and the boat was abandoned here. Son! I can only find a place to repair the boat on land for the time being.

Last year, the second brother proposed that if it didn't work, he would go to Meizhou Bay to directly rob a boathouse and tie up the boatmen back. Unfortunately, I don't know why it came out. When we went, the owners and boatmen in the boathouse ran away in advance! Not a boatman was caught.

This year, we tried to find two boats to start, but we didn't think of it, but it was empty twice. Maybe we may have an insider here and spread the news in advance. Otherwise, it wouldn't be like this, but the restoration of the boat was put on hold! Otherwise, we won't always have to spend a lot of money to repair boats on land!"

Yu Xiaotian listened while walking, and secretly thought about it. Looking at the abandoned boathouse, Yu Xiaotian was both envious and funny. It was a good boathouse, but it was abandoned here by them. This standard is the behavior of a prodigal son. He didn't need it, but he had to send the boat to the land and repaired the boat on the door road. Only I'm afraid idiots can do such a thing.

Even on such a small scale, he is trying to find a boatman to solve the problem of repairing his own boat, but Zhang Hu's large territory, so many men and boats actually have to go to land to spend money on repairing boats. This tiger's head must be flooded, or it is filled with too much yellow soup!

Suddenly Yu Xiaotian asked, "So under normal circumstances, I don't know who your ship will go and where to repair the ship?"

Wang Hong immediately replied, "This is the way Lao Qi is looking for. It will be sent to a boat house in Xinghua Mansion. If the brother needs to repair the boat, I can ask someone to help recommend it later!" But it costs a lot to repair the boat there!"

Yu Xiaotian's heart moved and asked, "Is Lao Qi the brother-in-law of Zhang Da's family?"

Wang Hong immediately got angry and nodded, "It's that man! Old Seven's surname is He Guang, the younger brother of our boss's wife. When we went to sea, he went to sea together!

That guy loves money, but also relies on the power of his sister. He is very arrogant here. He has more subordinates than us, and let him take up some benefits. This does not depend on his brother-in-law as the boss. He comes first, and the hard work is done by our brothers! That's all, let's not talk about it. It's annoying to say it!" With that, Wang Hong picked up the horse's rep and walked forward.

Yu Xiaotian touched the short beard on his chin, looked at the boat, and thought about it again, so he caught up with Wang Hong, said nothing more, and continued to walk down.

After listening to Wang Hong's words today, Yu Xiaotian has basically had a deeper understanding of the situation on Zhang Hu's side. Now Zhang Hu is no longer Zhang Hu. Since he repelled the officers and soldiers more than two years ago, he has been carried away and a little complacent.

This guy indulges in wine and sex, loves money as much as his life, and has not established a suitable distribution mechanism. He secretly buys land property secretly. Now many of his brothers are already complaining about his behavior, and he is nepotism, which makes his brothers complain about it.

The old seven, who is also Zhang Hu's brother-in-law, relied on Zhang Hu's brother-in-law, who was rampant under Zhang Hu and secretly took control of the repair of the ship, so this can explain why the boathouse on his island could never be rebuilt.

Wang Hong said that they are very expensive to repair the ship, and the profit of repairing the ship is very high, and He Guang is responsible for the way to repair the boat. He Guang must have made a lot of benefits here, and it is even possible that the boat house in Xinghua Mansion is He Guang's own. In this way, he can make himself get more benefits.

So in the past two years, they have repeatedly tried to rob the boathouse, and their plans to kidnap the boatman have repeatedly gone bankrupt. This matter must be He Guang secretly and passed on the news to the outside. Otherwise, they would not have been so powerful that they could not even recover a boathouse. If you want to say that He Guang is not a mole, fight He won't believe it even if he dies.

It is no wonder that Zhang Hu is so powerful that he still has to run to the land to repair the ship and be controlled by others.

It's really a good place for him to occupy such a big Nanri Island. Yu Xiaotian is greedy, but there is nothing he can do for the time being. If Zhang Hu is a little good at managing, then with such a large Nanri Island, he will not be the same as before in the past two years. Now it has been forced to come to the door.

That's not to mention that Hun Jianglong's side has been forced to come to the door, but Zhang Hu's side can't unify his opinions and concentrate on attacking him head-on. The reason is that it's just that the festival is about to pass. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that it will be difficult for the shark gang to show its original prestige.

The visible shark gang of Zhang Hu has now become a plate of loose sand. On the surface, it still maintains a huge figure, but the interior has already been torn apart. The collapse is only a matter of time. Yu Xiaotian came here to completely understand the situation here. Eighty.

Wang Hong accompanied Yu Xiaotian around the island in an afternoon. Yu Xiaotian took advantage of Wang Hong's carelessness and walked around Zhang Hu's Dazhai, carefully observed every place outside the village, and secretly tried to record what he saw along the way.

After dark, Wang Hong originally wanted to take Yu Xiaotian to drink, but Yu Xiaotian refused to say that he was tired. In addition, he had something to do on the ship and insisted on returning to the ship for the night.

One night, Yu Xiaotian took a book bound on white paper and recorded what he saw on the day with a sharpened charcoal pen.

At the same time, he also outlined a brief topographic map of Zhanghu's village and various villages, docks, small villages, etc. on Nanri Island, which saved a long time and forgot it.

He did this not to cove Nanri Island. With his current strength, it is far from enough to compete with Zhang Hu. However, for him, since he has come here, he can't roughen such a rare opportunity to collect intelligence. Wang Hong is a little heartless and treats him as a friend. Without telling him, he said almost everything he could say, so that he could understand a lot of the situation here in detail.

Early the next morning, Yu Xiaotian prepared two gifts on the ship. In addition, he sealed fifty taels of silver each. After taking them, he went ashore and found Wang Hong. He asked Wang Hong to take him to visit the residence of the second son Qian Song and Lao Wu Fang'an, and presented the two gifts to thank them for their help yesterday morning.

The second Qian Song didn't have much air. When he saw Yu Xiaotian sending gifts, he was also very satisfied. He happily accepted the gift and wanted to treat Yu Xiaotian, but Yu Xiaotian declined his beauty on the grounds that he had to rush back to his Treasure Island.

As for Lao Wu Fang'an, he is an introvert. He doesn't talk much and is not very enthusiastic about Xiaotian, but he also received a gift from Xiaotian, but he does not show any gratitude, let alone retain guests at all.

After coming out, Wang Hong said awkwardly to Xiaotian, "Lao Wu has such a temper. He usually doesn't talk much about strangers, but he is not bad-minded. He is very loyal to his friends and suits me best!

Originally, he was not such a person, but he went out to fight with people once in his early years. After his left hand was useless, he came back and almost lost his life. After being injured, everyone felt that he was a useless person and didn't look up to him very much. Gradually, his temper became like this!

Later, my second brother and I took care of him, and after he was injured, he found someone to put an iron hook on his left hand and practice his right-hand knife skill diligently. When the officers and soldiers came to attack, he actually put down several officers and soldiers alone. After that, he was asked him to lead some brothers alone.

In the past two years, several of our brothers have done the best, but his temper seems a little strange! Don't mind, brother!"

After listening to Wang Hong's explanation, Yu Xiaotian knew what kind of person Fang An was. In this era, disabled people like him, not to mention fooling around in this environment, even in a normal environment, will be discriminated against and regarded as useless people.

However, Fang Anneng still persisted in this adversity and practiced martial arts diligently. Taking advantage of the rise, it can be seen that this person is a strong-willed person. The reason why he became withdrawn is because he was excluded and despised by others, which hurt his self-esteem and made him unwilling. Communicate with people.

But as long as such a person can identify as a friend, he will be very loyal. Yu Xiaotian is not angry at all. Instead, he admires him very much. It doesn't matter if he shakes his head repeatedly, hoping to meet Lao Wu more and chat more.

Wang Hong sent Yu Xiaotian to board the dock, held his fist again and said, "Good brother! Don't blame me for the poor hospitality when I come here this time! When I have a chance, I will go to find you for a drink. At that time, our brothers will fight for a drink. I don't believe it. I can't drink you down! Haha!"

Yu Xiaotian also appreciated Wang Hong's straightforwardness and said with his fists, "Brothers are waiting for Brother Wang to come at any time. As long as Brother Wang does not dislike his small place like his brother, he can come at any time! Let's say goodbye and see you later!"