Daming Haiku

Chapter 133 Deadly Strike

Two small boats were adorned behind the injured whale and kept chasing the whale. The whale's physical consumption was getting bigger and greater. In addition, it was impossible to accelerate its escape by dragging three large wooden barrels. Soon after, it was caught up by Yu Xiaotian, and Yu Xiaotian gave it again.

This time when the barrel ran out, they could only tie the rope of the whaling spear to the bow iron ring. The whale once again fled desperately, dragging the sump on the sea like an arrow off the string and rushed forward. The whale tried to dive several times, and the bow of the sump was almost immersed in the sea, which scared everyone even more. Continuous exclaims.

Feng De on the ship was so scared that he even screamed and screamed like a woman, but at this time no one paid attention to his scream at all. Everyone opened their mouths wide and kept shouting together. Even Yu Xiaotian, the head of the family, shouted together from time to time.

At this time, Meng Fei took a sump and caught up with him crazily. Meng Fei was really bold. He took the boat to surpass Yu Xiaotian's sump and took advantage of the moment when the whale was exhausted to float, he also added a whale spear, but their end was even worse.

Although the whale was exhausted by this time, it still felt pain. After being suddenly hit again, it seemed to be furious and turned upside down in the sea. Meng Fei took the boat too close to get to the bow and hit the whale's tail heavily.

After their small savan was hit, the bow of the savan was smashed on the spot, and the sall was buckled into the sea. All seven people on the boat were buckled into the sea without exception.

Fortunately, these guys are all people who live by the sea all year round. Each of them has a good nature. After falling into the water, they quickly floated out one after another and swam to the Sea Wolf that came in the distance.

Some people didn't forget to scold Meng Fei while swimming, scolding the man for making them too close, and then they were knocked over by whales.

The Sea Wolf also rushed up, left the rope for the people to tie to their waist, and pulled them to the boat one by one. Someone quickly sent them dry bedding or clothes, made them take off their wet clothes and wrap them up, and then brought them hot water to warm them up.

For good, the minke didn't eat people, but just knocked over their sampan. In addition, several guys were well water-watered, and the sea wolf came to rescue in time, which did not cause casualties.

At this time, the five whaling spears in the whale's body were already exhausted and withered, and the blood on its body was almost flowing. Gradually stopped swimming and gasping and floating on the sea.

Yu Xiaotian calmed down and breathed a long sigh of relief, but Feng De still continued to scream. An angry guy next to him reached out and slapped him heavily on the head, which stopped his screaming.

"What's your name? Didn't you see that the whale was dying? Bullshit!" That guy cursed Feng De.

Feng De stabilized his mind and saw that the whale had no strength to swim or toss around at this time, so he felt ashamed and blushed. He quickly scolded back: "Do you still say me? Who of you just called lower than my voice?

"Enough! Shut up! It's time to send this whale for the last time! Hold on, row up!" Yu Xiaotian was in a pain and destroyed a ssam, and he shouted to Feng De and others angrily.

Several sailors Lima shut up, quickly grabbed the oar again and shook it, slowly rowing the sump towards the whale.

The big whale floated weakly on the sea, and one eye looked at Yu Xiaotian's sump approaching it, but it did not have any strength to resist. There seemed to be a sad emotion in his eyes, which made people feel uncomfortable at a glance.

Yu Xiaotian put his hands together and said to the injured whale, "I'm sorry! I'll help you end the pain!"

After saying that, he bowed to the whale, picked up the last long spear from the ship, raised it, condensed his strength on his arms, aimed it at a position behind the whale's head, and stabbed it in with all his strength.

Yu Xiaotian saw in a documentary that a whale's heart is so deep that it can't stab a spear into its heart by force. It can only pierce its lungs and make it drown.

After the spear was stabbed, Yu Xiaotian felt that the spear was pierced very deeply. The whale shook a few times for the last time, and a blood mist suddenly spewed out from his nostrils above his head.

Yu Xiaotian waved his hand and asked his men to row the boat away. He watched the whale finally struggle on the sea and gradually become quiet. Finally, he remained silent and his body began to sink slowly.

Everyone looked at this scene. No one cheered or laughed. A large amount of whale blood scattered in the sea under the whale, and a large area of sea water turned blood red.

Yu Xiaotian silently apologized to the dead whale in his heart, and then ordered to lean up and began to tie a rope to the tail of the whale that was about to sink.

The walrus caught up with this time and saw this scene. Meng madman was a little regretful. He could not see the scene of Yu Xiaotian finally killing the big whale with his own eyes, which made people take the rope and get on the boat, put on a thicker hemp rope, tied the big whale tightly and dragged it behind their boat.

Yu Xiaotian returned to the ship with a group of drowned chickens, changed into dry clothes, and wrapped a quilt, still trembling with cold.

However, the previous sense of guilt has been replaced by the joy of success. People on the two boats began to celebrate, and everyone could hardly believe that they could really successfully kill such a big whale.

They couldn't even think about it before. The whale is too big in their eyes. A fish can weigh a hundred or even hundreds of them, and they can also kill it.

When they went to sea, many of them didn't believe Yu Xiaotian's words and felt that their steering gear was a little too crazy to catch a whale.

But now they have to believe that their steering wheel is extraordinary, taking them to complete a miracle again and successfully kill such a big whale.

Someone began to cheer on the two boats, and finally almost everyone cheered with Yu Xiaotian. Yu Xiaotian himself was also very happy and let these guys shout on the boat for a long time before raising their hands to stop their shouting.

"Gentlemen! I have seen it today. As long as we dare to do it, there is nothing we can't do! You have all seen that this whale is big enough! But are you still killed by us?

So, don't underestimate ourselves. As long as we work together, what are you afraid of? After going back, let the big guys have a good meal of whale meat this time. As long as you can eat it, you can eat it openly. The good days in the future are still to come. Follow me and it is not impossible to eat meat every day!" Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yu Xiaotian still did not forget to instill the concept of unity in his subordinates and said loudly to the people on the ship.

I don't know who took the lead, the sea wolves on the ship knelt down one by one, and someone took the lead and shouted, "Follow the order of the helm!"

Yu Xiaotian's vanity was also completely satisfied. He waved his hand carelessly and said, "Okay, get up! Let's go back!"

(It hasn't exploded for a long time. Today, it's on the cover of Fengyun. Why do you want to explode! Today's third update, the first update! In addition, I especially thank the three brothers, Panda Burning Incense, Huru Snoring and Yuren Luo Fanqing! Not much to say, code words!)