Daming Haiku

Chapter 139 Which is stronger and which is weaker

After going to sea, Yu Xiaotian was invited to Wang Hong's ship to discuss with Wang Hong and Fang An about going to Ma Zu to fight against Hun Jianglong.

Wang Hong and Fang An's ships are larger than Xiaotian's ships. They are all common lucky boats in Fujian, with a broad head and a wide tail, two ends of stilts, and two sides equipped with fenders. The ship is divided into three layers. It is a standard lucky boat type, and they are all using double masts, and the hull is also made of thick wood.

There is also their lucky ship type, which adopts the unique double rudder structure of the lucky boat, which is strong to maneuver. The hull is also divided into thirteen compartments by twelve partitions. The impact resistance and sink resistance are much stronger than that of the Sea Wolf in Xiaotian, and the hull structure is much stronger.

Yu Xiaotian rarely had the opportunity to come into contact with such a ship before. After being invited to board Wang Hong's boat this time, he was accompanied by Wang Hong and watched it carefully.

If they are not in the late Ming Dynasty, China's shipbuilding level can be regarded as the best in the world, and this kind of lucky ship can almost run rampant at sea.

Unfortunately, the Ming Dynasty did not pay attention to the ocean for a long time. Coupled with Zheng He, the Ming Dynasty sealed the sea again, which greatly inhibited the development of China's navigation and shipbuilding industry. Not only stopped development, but the shipbuilding industry also regressed, so that when Yu Xiaotian came to this era, China could no longer create the original The treasure boat used by Zheng He.

Now the largest Chinese sailboat he has ever seen has a displacement of only about 100 tons, and few ships with a displacement of more than hundreds of tons. Many shipbuilding skills have been gradually lost in the past 100 years and can no longer reproduce the grandeur of Zheng Hebao's fleet.

However, Western countries took advantage of this rare opportunity and began to turn their eyes to the sea, creating the era of great navigation. Not only did they gradually travel across most of the earth, but the shipbuilding industry also developed greatly.

So much so that today's Western shipbuilding industry and shipbuilding technology have surpassed China and developed a series of new sailboats, which greatly exceed the ships currently used in China in terms of tonnage and speed.

With Yu Xiaotian's understanding, even if it is the largest lucky ship of the Chinese people, it may not be able to compete with some ordinary armed merchant ships in Western countries.

Western countries have developed Carrick sailboats, Caravel sailboats, Clark sailboats, so that the latest Galen ship is also said to be Galen sailboats.

This series of new Western-style sailboats has greatly promoted the pace of Westerners' expansion, enabling them to sail farther, load more cargo, carry more people, load more cannons, have stronger combat effectiveness and faster speed, and also have strong force.

It is precisely because of the development of shipbuilding technology that Westerners have changed the form of naval warfare, making it very difficult to jump hand-on combat, greatly improved the ability of naval artillery warfare, and began to rely more on artillery tactics for naval warfare.

However, China's shipbuilding technology has stagnated. Many technologies that the original Chinese are proud of have curbed the improvement of the combat effectiveness of Chinese sailboats. Up to now, these pirates have mostly used the tactics of jumping edge combat at sea. Fortunately, they have not met Western ships at present, otherwise, he They are likely to collapse at a touch. Even if they are beaten by armed merchant ships by Western warships, they are not opponents at all.

Although Wang Hong's lucky boat is much larger than his boat, it can only be limited. The displacement is less than 100 tons, the total length is less than 30 meters, the width is less than 10 meters, and there are only four or five guns loaded, and they are all light artillery, and the combat effectiveness is still the same. It is limited and can only pose a greater threat compared with its smaller ships.

After looking at Wang Hong's boat, Yu Xiaotian couldn't help sighing. He was both a little envious and a little sad. What he envied was that Wang Hong and these guys went into the water early, and the boat was better than his. The sad thing is that even such a lucky boat, looking at the world, can't be leveled. I really don't know if they meet them in the future. Western ships, what should they do? It is estimated that they can compete with others unless they are more than ten times the number.

"How's it going, brother? Brother, this boat is okay! Haha! It's much bigger than your boat!" Wang Hong said to Xiaotian with a little complament.

Yu Xiaotian nodded and said, "It's really good. Brother Wang, your boat is indeed much bigger than mine! What a pity! Brother, I'm so unlucky that I haven't had a chance to get such a boat! If you go to Mazu's place this time, I'm afraid you can only help the two brothers!"

"Hmm! You can't say that. Although your brother's boat is a little bigger than yours, your boat also has small advantages. At least it is a little more flexible than our two boats. It can protect our back and flanks, and the cooler can help beat the boat under the mixed river dragon!

If there are brothers, your subordinates are all good, and you can know at a glance that they are all powerful guys. In case you start to do it, you may not be much worse than us!

Brother, with your ability, this kind of boat is not difficult to deal with. It won't take long. Brother, I promise that you can definitely get a boat like this!" Wang Hong is very optimistic about Xiaotian, so he is not in front of Xiaotian and speaks very sincerely.

Fang An also said, "Brother San is right. You don't have to worry about it. With your ability, it will be a matter of time to get such a boat. If we hadn't pulled you out to help this time, maybe you could get such a boat during this period! Don't worry about going to Matsu this time. Follow our boat. Third brother and I can't let you suffer a big loss! You just need to help us hold back and the side of our buttocks, and then don't let the people of Jianglong draw cold seeds for us!"

Wang Hong looked at Fang An with a little surprise and smiled, "Lao Wu, today you are a little different from the past!" There are so many words! Not bad, not bad! It seems that you can also see that Brother Yu is a good friend! Brother Yu, you can also see that Lao Wu usually sees strangers, but he has never said so much. He can say so much, which shows that he also regards you as a friend! Ha ha!"

Yu Xiaotian quickly hugged his fist and said, "The two brothers are in love! Yu is really lucky to be regarded as a friend by you!"

Fang An smiled and waved the iron hook of his left hand and said, "We can't be regarded as strangers anymore!" This time on Treasure Island, I have seen the ability of being the head of the family. Although there are many sharks, we really can find someone to compare with the head of the family! This is how we are. I admire a good man the most. Since we are the head of the family as a friend, we naturally take the head of the family as a friend!"

Yu Xiaotian knows the psychology of people like Fang An. They have a strong self-esteem and generally do not easily treat others as friends. However, once they are regarded as friends by him, this kind of person is very righteous, so now he sees that Fang An is also beginning to become close to him. Yu Xiaotian is also very happy.

Originally, he is also the kind of person who is righteous. He used to like to make friends. After arriving here, he has to be held in front of his subordinates all day long and hopes to have a few friends. Wang Hong is a good friend, and Fang An looks good. He has many friends and many ways, especially now he has just To get started, it is necessary to have some friends to help him.

The three people talked and laughed for a while. Yu Xiaotian told Wang Hong and Fang An some reasons why he took care of his boat so clean, and pointed out that the sanitary situation on Wang Hong's ship was really bad. He suggested that they also pay more attention to this aspect in the future.

Wang Hong laughed and said, "I'm the only one with this virtue. I can't be clean! It looks messy and more comfortable! When I get on your boat, I see that your boat is clean everywhere, but I feel uncomfortable!"

Fang An nodded and said, "Third brother, what the head of Yu said makes sense, but our ship is a little dirty!" Over the years, many people on the ship have been sick and many brothers have died. Maybe it's because of what the head of the family said. We'd better be careful later! This is a year-old sea, and this boat is almost the same as home. It's more comfortable to clean up! At least there are fewer lice and fleas, and you can sleep soundly!"

Yu Xiaotian ordered, and he did not persuade Wang Hong too much. Wang Hong, a rude person like this kind of thing, will certainly not pay attention to this kind of thing, but makes him unhappy. In the future, he will suffer more losses in this regard, and naturally know that what he said is correct.

"I don't know how many people and ships have been dispatched by your gang this time to go to Matsu to find the bad luck of the mixed river dragon? Has Zhang Da's family ever been there together? Yu Xiaotian was almost talking about things, so he brought the words to the point.

Hearing Yu Xiaotian's question, Wang Hong and Fang An's faces immediately sank. After hesitating, Wang Hong sighed slightly and shook his head and said, "This time, our boss did not go out in person. This is all done by that damn guy surnamed Zhao!" What did he say... Forget it! Don't mention it!

This time, our second brother went out. There were me and Lao Wu, Laoqi Lao Ba, the second brother's three boats, mine two, Lao Wu's two, Lao Qi with one, Lao Ba. We went to a total of nine boats, bringing nearly 300 people in total. In addition, you and several other friends in this area, it is estimated that there are still five or six boats. , basically it's almost enough!"

As soon as Yu Xiaotian heard it, he felt a little wrong. He calculated it secretly in his heart. According to reason, this time, Zhang Hu went north to find the bad luck of the mixed river dragon. He should come out and concentrate his strength. At once, he would beat the mixed river dragon down. At least once, he would have to seriously hit the mixed river dragon and let the mixed river dragon shrink back to Funing. In a short time. Dare to go south to find trouble again.

However, listening to Wang Hong's words, Zhang Hu did not concentrate his efforts this time, but took out part of his strength to go north to Matsu. With his current strength, such strength is probably less than half of his total strength. Even with his own small pirates who went to help boxing, there are only a dozen ships in total.

And if he remembers not correctly, Hun Jianglong had already concentrated more than a dozen ships before the New Year, without the number of ships that continued to increase during this period. If Hun Jianglong transferred the ship south again during this period, their power to Mazu would not have much advantage this time. .

"Isn't this... a little less of this boat?" Yu Xiaotian couldn't help asking, and he couldn't help beating the drums in his heart. He felt that it might not be a good thing to follow him this time! At present, it is really hard to say which one is stronger and which one is weak!