Daming Haiku

Chapter 144 Encounter

In a bay on Matsu Island, there are also densely moored boats. These boats are only large and small, including six or seven medium and small lucky boats, as well as six or seven bird boats and two-masted boats. In addition, there are more than a dozen small fishing boats moored in the bay.

On the sea around Matsu Island, there are also some small fishing boats scattered. It is calculated that the mixed river dragon has gathered at least large and small boats on Matsu Island, with a total of more than 30.

In the bay, there is a big water village under construction. Under the supervision of some pirates, one or 200 ragged people, like ants, are busy here, constantly transporting various materials to build this water village.

Shuizhai is close to the beach and has begun to take shape. Next to Shuizhai, a trestle has been built for ships to dock and load and unload goods, and another trestle is also under construction.

Behind the bustle, there is a tense atmosphere, and there are constantly some armed pirates on the shore who come and go to and go on the sea through the ferry ssam.

Some small fishing boats kept coming and going in the bay and the sea. At noon, a column of smoke suddenly rose on the southeast sea.

This smoke column comes from a fishing boat beyond sea level, and at this time, a starry sail shadow appears at the sea level as far as the fishing boat can see.

As the smoke column rose, the people in charge of the watch on Matsu Island immediately began to ring the rapid sound of gongs. The pirates on the island immediately began to run to the beach like bees, jumped on the sumps parked beside the beach, and struggled to row towards the ships moored in the bay. .

It didn't take long for a long time for all kinds of ships moored in the bay, and then began to anchor and sail out of the bay.

On one of the largest lucky boats, a wide cyan flag was raised, embroidered with a big Chen character with white thread.

All the ships going to sea quickly gathered around the medium-sized lucky boat and sailed together in the direction of the rising smoke column.

Yu Xiaotian stood at the bow of the Seawolf and drove next to Wang Hong's lucky boat. According to his previous agreement with Wang Hong, his ship will follow Wang Hong's ship from beginning to end. On the one hand, he can get Wang Hong's leadership and guidance, and he can also get Wang Hong's protection. At the same time, he can also be Wang Hong's ship. Provide a certain cover to protect Wang Hong's flanks and rear from enemy ships.

As for the other pirates who were invited to help boxing, they were also ordered to follow the ships of a shark gang. They were not used as the main battle force, but were mainly responsible for orchestrating the ships of the shark gang and helping Qian Er to win the conflict.

After arriving here, Yu Xiaotian knew that the Shark Gang was actually not as bad as he thought, at least there was a certain way of command and communication between them.

Their fleet, led by Qian Song's boat, is regarded as a handsome ship of their group. Qian Song lived in the middle of the fleet. At the stern of the ship, a special flagpole was erected on which a small flag was hung with different colors of the flag to convey Qian Song's order, and the rest of the ships observed Qian Song's ships. The color of the flag hung up to determine the order given to them by Qian Song.

Although this method is very simple, it also plays the role of command and mobilization, but it can only convey some simple orders agreed in advance. More detailed orders are a little overwhelmed by relying on the changes of flags.

And the meaning of the flag order of the shark gang should be a secret for the shark gang. Obviously, the shark gang cannot be easily let others know, in case the enemy can also recognize the meaning of their flag.

This is also the reason why Qian Song did not carefully arrange tasks for Yu Xiaotian and other pirates who came to help boxing before departure, just let each of them follow a shark gang ship, as long as they keep an eye on the ship they are following and follow them, and the rest are not allowed to control.

It was not until he went to sea that Yu Xiaotian figured out about this matter and couldn't help but be very disapproving. At present, those who came to help were at least friendly forces. They were not even allowed to give orders and only asked to cooperate. In addition to distrust, it was not easy to operate.

In addition, although the Shark Gang has this flag order as a means to command operations, this communication and command method is really too simple. For slightly more complex commands, it can't be conveyed by this flag order. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and there is no more practical means of transmitting signals and orders. For the commander, it is unimaginable.

However, he can't manage this kind of thing for the time being, but he reminds him. In the future, his strength will become stronger and stronger, and there will be more and more ships and subordinates. Previously, he went out with a boat alone, but in the future he will consider effectively commanding other ships.

So Yu Xiaotian thought about this matter all the way. The first thing he thought of was Qiyu. With the level of science and technology in this era, he doesn't have to think about radio and other things now. He is not an electronics student, and it is impossible to get this kind of thing, so he can only start from the simplest method, and Qiyu The origin of various means of communication is very early. Even in this era, it has been widely used, especially by sailors.

Including the current flag order adopted by the Shark Gang, it is also a simple flag language, which is widely used in later generations as an important means to transmit information from a distance in military aspects. Whether it is in land warfare or naval warfare, it is a simple and effective method. Even after radio is widely used, the flag language It has not been eliminated by the military of various countries.

Unfortunately, he has never been a soldier and has never been exposed to such a thing as the flag language. He only knows a little about it. He also knows that the flag language also has a way to distinguish hand flags. By holding a small flag, he ordered the soldiers to wave different movements with their arms to transmit signals, which made him more difficult about this matter.

In addition to the flag language, he also also knew that in ancient times, it was sometimes used to convey messages or convey orders through sounds such as drums and horns, and even to stimulate morale. However, this method of transmitting messages through sound is not very useful at present, especially firearms have begun to be used on a large scale, and sounds on the battlefield. The sound is very noisy, the sound of guns, drums, shouts... will directly affect the sound transmission, causing too much interference to be effectively transmitted, causing the situation of delaying the fighter plane.

In addition, in addition to information transmission during the day, there are also problems of information transmission at night. In this era, the most widespread way to transmit information at night is to use lanterns with different colors to convey some information, but this method is also too simple. The problem alone cannot effectively carry more information.

On the way here, Yu Xiaotian has been thinking about this matter and constantly collecting various information in his mind to try to solve this problem.

The naval flag language is easy to say. It can be combined with many flags, arranged into flag language representing various meanings, and then hung up. As long as you have learned the flag language, you can know what it means at a glance. However, when compiling, you should consider it comprehensively and compile as many flag language as possible. This takes a lot of time to consider and arrange.

Of course, you can also use the method of hand flag, but it will be more troublesome to arrange the hand flag language. At night, Yu Xiaotian doesn't like to use lanterns to convey messages. It is best to use lanterns, which also needs to understand the Morse code. In short, if you want to come up with such a set of flags and lanterns to transmit messages. If so, it is estimated that he has been busy with Xiaotian for more than half a year.

Thinking about this matter, Yu Xiaotian felt that one head and two were big and unconsciously danced, which made the people on the ship feel that Yu Xiaotian's reaction was a little abnormal today, as if he had drunk too much and had not woken up yet.

At this moment, the bucket on the top of the mast suddenly shouted, "There is a fishing boat in front of it, smoking!"

Yu Xiaotian quickly suppressed the flags and lanterns in his mind, quickly raised his eyes and looked at the sea in front of him. Immediately, he also saw a thick smoke rising at the sea level.

"Ready! Each one is in place!" Yu Xiaotian didn't have to think about it, and knew that he must have met the sentry ship of Hunjianglong. The other party had found the trace of their fleet and began to warn Mazu Island. Then it won't take long for the fleet of Hunjianglong to appear in front of them, so he immediately shouted loudly.

After hearing the order, the troops on the ship immediately became nervous. At the same time, they rushed to their respective positions according to the requirements of daily practice and began to prepare for battle.

At the same time, the pirates on other ships in their fleet also began to shout, which was different from the orderly on Yu Xiaotian's ship. Obviously, the pirates of the Shark Gang, were obviously not trained enough. When they saw the smoke warning of enemy sentry ships on the sea, the ships The pirates became lively, some people flocked to the bow position, some people began to climb the mast to try to see farther, and some people began to be busy preparing for the guys, which was basically a mess.

I don't know that this is more than the level of the sea wolves. Although some people shouted, the heads of soldiers everywhere are giving orders. Ordinary sailors and soldiers are only allowed to give a short reply, and then execute according to the orders obtained. Although the whole ship is also running back and forth, But he does his own and is not chaotic at all.

After taking a look at the performance of his colleagues on the nearby boat, Yu Xiaotian was a little proud. It seemed that the people I brought out were really not ashamed. With this, which one of you dared to underestimate me in the future?