Daming Haiku

Chapter 151 The cooked duck flew

Yu Xiaotian's light cannon is small, but he is not willing to lag behind. The two main battles on his ship now uses gunpowrapped in oil paper in advance, which is much more convenient to fill than previous bulk gunpowder, and there is no need to worry about the uneven amount of medicine each time, and the power is also improved a lot.

Although it can't catch up with the shooting speed of the Franco machine gun, it can basically be fired once a minute. The two cannons, together with the small Franco machine that Wang Hong recently sent him, cooperated with Wang Hong's boat, did not allow it to fire at all and keep bombard the Haicang ship.

However, the mixed river dragon's men on the Haicang ship refused to be captured like this. Seeing that the two shark boats caught up with it, they also went crazy and began to fight back.

The Haicang ship is smaller than Wang Hong's medium-sized lucky boat, so the force is slightly weaker, with a total of three guns, but they don't know where they got a general gun. This kind of gun weighs four or 500 catties, and the body has five iron hoopes, and the caliber is relatively large. Although it is not a Hongyi cannon, it is also a relatively powerful one. As for the other two cannons, they are relatively common in large bowls, and their power is relatively average.

But the problem is that their general gun was placed in the bow position. At this time, because the sail on the main mast was knocked down, the ship lost most of its power and could not turn to fire at Wang Hong and Yu Xiaotian's boat for a while, so they could only resist with the two bowls on the stern tower.

At the same time, the pirates on their ship also picked up all kinds of fireguns and bows and arrows and fired crazily at the two enemy ships leaning on both sides, trying to stop them from approaching.

However, their stubborn resistance did not play a great role. The firepower of Wang Hong and Yu Xiaotian's two ships greatly exceeded them. After several rounds of artillery bombarded them, they hit a bowl of mute and knocked down a corner of the stern tower of the ship.

Yu Xiaotian's good luck seemed to have come to an end. The remaining bowl on the enemy ship was bombarded, which seemed not to pose much threat to them, but he didn't expect that the shell of this shot actually hit their deck, and smashed a winch on their deck on the spot, and almost hit their sails. Falling down can be said to be retribution fast enough.

Fortunately, several dazzled hands were quick-eyed. Seeing this scene, they flew up one by one and pulled the sail rope desperately, which prevented the sail from falling, so that they did not lose the sail. Otherwise, they would also lose most of their power at this time and will soon become each other's prey.

However, the destruction of the reel used to lift the main sail has also caused a lot of trouble for them. This requires more manpower to lift the sail and adjust the wind angle of the sail, but no one can care so much at this time. There are sling bows and arrows flying around on the sea. In addition, the conditions on the ship are limited, and they want to be short time. It is impossible to repair the reel, so they can only temporarily wrap the sail under the mast instead of the reel towing the sail.

Then a rocket shot on their front sail and burned a big hole in their front sail. It was not easy to spray water with a barrel to extinguish the fire of the sail.

yu Xiaotian couldn't help jumping and scolding. The headquarters leaned up and fought with them to seize the Haicang ship.

Yu Xiaotian is very optimistic about this kind of Haicang ship. This kind of ship is a lucky boat, but it is not as big as the medium lucky boat. It is more flexible than the lucky boat, and the speed is also a little faster than the lucky boat, which is very suitable for pirates like them. Now this ship is the weakest and can't run away. He planned to take this opportunity to grab the boat and pull it down, so that he would make a lot of money this trip.

Seeing the pirates on the Haicang ship, someone is climbing towards the mast, pulling the sail rope to try to hang the pulley at the top of the mast and reconnect the sail.

How could Yu Xiaotian let them succeed? He immediately turned his head and roared at a few subordinates with bird pincers: "Let me aim at the guy on the mast and beat him down!" Don't let them pull up the sail again!"

At this moment, Liu Wang and several accomplices with bird-handlings quickly loaded them one after another, began to aim at the pirate on the mast of the enemy ship, and cracked up.

It is estimated that it is not easy for a person to hit the guy, but several people opened fire at the same time, and the effect was much better. After two rounds of fire, the pirate trying to reconnect the sail on the enemy ship suddenly paused on the mast. After shaking, he let go and fell on his back to the sky. Come on, with a bang, he fell heavily on the deck. Even if the fire didn't kill him, the fall killed him alive.

Yu Xiaotian's command immediately leaned up and prepared to jump to grab the boat. The two boats quickly squeezed together. Yu Xiaotian grabbed a hook gun in one hand and a shield in one hand, and he wanted to take his men to jump over.

Yu Xiaotian just took a fancy to the general gun on the other ship. In addition, the Haicang ship seemed to be in good condition, so he couldn't help itching. He wanted to take this opportunity to seize the ship. Even if he couldn't keep the ship, at least it was good to divide the general gun on the ship. Who What about making him small and short of useful cannons? How can he easily let go of this opportunity?

But at this time, the upper bucket on the mast shouted, "The rudder, two more mixed river dragon boats rushed over!" Be careful!"

Yu Xiaotian turned his head and took a look. Come on! It's really good. When the two ships under Hunjianglong saw the friendly ship in distress, they actually broke away from the battle group and turned around and rushed towards them, obviously to come to rescue them.

At this time, Yu Xiaotian didn't have time to fight any jump and gangs. He scolded in his heart. He could only put down the fat on his mouth like this and couldn't eat it. There was no need to mention the depression in his heart!

But this is the situation. He can't do everything with his will. If he is still reluctant to give up this fat meat, then don't mention that he will rob someone's boat next. I guess he can't even keep his sea wolf, and the old hen will be lost!

After seeing this situation, he immediately ordered to give up the jump and turn the rudder to leave. As the two ships began to disengage, Yu Xiaotian stood next to the side of the ship and saw that the cooked duck was about to fly like this. What a frustration in his heart!

"*! Hit it hard for me! If you can't grab it, you can't let him run away! Burn it!" Yu Xiaotian shouted fiercely on the boat.

Another box of whale oil* was immediately opened, and the people took out one of it one after another. After a while, they threw it one at the Haicang ship. After a crackling sound, thick smoke immediately appeared on the Haicang ship. There was also a blazing fire, which burned the pirates on the Haicang boat and tried their best to put out the fire.

However, Yu Xiaotian has not completely left this Haicang ship. He remembered the method of fire attack, and the other party did not grow up for nothing! Similarly, people also thought of this and took out the oil jar and hit them. As a result, before Yu Xiaotian was happy, a fire oil jar was thrown by his opponent on his boat. With only one sound, there was also a flame on his deck. Under the splash of fire oil, the fire began to spread quickly. .

Shocked, Yu Xiaotian also quickly gave up to continue to attack the Haicang ship and commanded the people on the ship to quickly put out the fire.

(April update speed description: Brothers, I'm afraid I'm going to be a father again this month! My wife is going to give birth this month! This month, I will be very busy. First, I have to prepare all kinds of supplies for the soon-to-born child. Second, I have to spend more time with my wife. In addition, I am determined to insist on waist treatment this month. In addition to acupuncture every day, I also need physiotherapy. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't even hold the child! So I try my best not to break the update, but I'm afraid it's difficult to guarantee two more times a day! I'm afraid that such a state will last for about two months. It's not deliberately dragged by the cold wind. I hope you can forgive me!)