Daming Haiku

Chapter 184 Late Response

After this false alarm, time was delayed. After dark, the Sea Lion began to smear and sail towards Nanri Island. In order to avoid exposure, the ship did not light any lights, but only relied on the moonlight in the sky to provide a little light for the people on the ship to operate the ship's voyage.

When they arrived at the small desert island in the southeast corner of Nanri Island, it was more than half an hour later than scheduled. Before the Sea Lion could get close to the small desert island, Yu Xiaotian ordered to put down the sangboard and ordered several people who participated in the landing on the island to prepare for the rescue.

The sampan was slowly lifted into the water by everyone with ropes. Considering that the sampan was relatively small, it had to be loaded with Qian Wang and other people who might be rescued on the way back, so the Sea Lion came out this time with two sampans as a backup.

Nine people, led by Xiaotian, went down to the ssam board. Each sanda board was also equipped with a sailor responsible for rocking. After landing, they stayed on the sanda board.

Eleven people said a brief goodbye to Liu Laoliu and others on the left-behind Sea Lion. Yu Xiaotian deliberately left a message that if they had not come back before dawn, and there were signs of fighting on the island, he asked Liu Laoliu not to wait for them and immediately took the boat back to Treasure Island.

Liu Laoliu replaced him and led everyone on the island to immediately evacuate the Treasure Island and fled back to Funing to join the mixed river dragon.

Liu Laoliu shook his head repeatedly and refused, but he was reprimanded by Yu Xiaotian for a few words and had to nod and agree. Before Yu Xiaotian took people out of the ship, he repeatedly told Yu Xiaotian and others to be more careful and return safely.

Yu Xiaotian also said nothing more. He turned around and climbed down the side of the ship and fell into the sangboard. With a wave of two sands, he quickly left the Sea Lion and headed for Nanri Island under the paddles of the crowd.

The small desert island is only a few hundred meters away from Nanri Island, but it is still two or three miles away from their scheduled landing site. The people on the two sump board followed each other without saying a word, struggling to row the oars in their hands. There is also a man at the tail of the sump to row and control the direction of the sump.

Nanri Island is like a giant beast, coiled in the sea. Under the faint moonlight, it looks gloomy and ferocious, giving people a feeling of depression.

Yu Xiaotian did not paddle, but stood in front of the sand, staring at the island and paying attention to all the shining places on the island.

According to his previous agreement with Fang An, Fang An will arrange a cronies to light a lantern in the east of the island to guide them to the landing site, which is also a key to their action.

Once they don't find that Fang An sent someone to light the lantern, it means that Fang An has been defeated before, or Qian Wang and the two have been killed. The next thing they have to do is to quietly retreat immediately, return to Treasure Island as nothing happens, and even be prepared to withdraw from Treasure Island at any time.

The two ssams gradually approached Nanri Island, but the people on the ssam had never seen any lights on the island, so everyone was a little nervous and began to be a little anxious.

"The rudder, there is no light on the island! Is there something wrong?" Ma Xiao asked Xiaotian in a low voice.

Yu Xiaotian raised his hand to stop the two ssams. He carefully searched the island in front of the sham. Li Er sat behind Yu Xiaotian, and now his head was full of sweat.

Because he also knows that if there is no light to meet them on the island, it means that Yu Xiaotian will give up this action. As Qian Song's subordinate, he has no right to ask Yu Xiaotian to go to the island. After all, this also involves the fate of Yu Xiaotian and so many people.

However, he still refused to give up the idea of saving Qian Song. He whispered to Xiaotian: "The head of the family may have something to do with the person who came to pick him up. Wait a minute!"

Yu Xiaotian nodded to comfort Li Er and said, "Brother, don't worry, let's wait and see!"

Time seems to have solidified in this moment. The people on the two ssam board are full of energy, and their eyes are staring at the dark island. Everyone's mood is different.

Like Li Er, what he is looking forward to seeing the lights on now, which means that they can continue to act.

And some people are not very interested in this trip and feel that if the lights are not on, it is a good thing for them. In this way, they don't have to take this risk and can go back to bed comfortably!

The waiting time was long, and Yu Xiaotian also felt very difficult. It was expected that the people who came to pick them up did not turn on the light. He could not predict what would happen. Even he himself began to play a small drum in his heart. He couldn't help but want to give up and turn back and pull it down.

Just after they waited for a quarter of an hour, everyone's patience was almost exhausted. Even Yu Xiaotian himself was ready to give up, Li Er suddenly pulled Yu Xiaotian's clothes behind him, and his voice was a little trembling and whispered, "Look, where is it! Where! There is light!"

Yu Xiaotian quickly looked in the direction of Li Er's finger, and a light lit up halfway up the mountain at the eastern end of the dark Nanri Island.

After seeing this light spot, Yu Xiaotian immediately waved his hand forward. At this time, everyone cheered up again and began to row the oars, swinging, and driving the two samsars quickly towards the bright place.

The waves beat the reef by the sea and made a cling sound. The tide rushed to the beach, leaving a white foam, which looked a little cold in the moonlight.

Two samps rushed directly to the beach, and several shadows jumped from the sump to the beach one after another, stepping on the wet sand, followed by a low figure, and rushed to the shore.

Although Li Er was not tall, he did not run slowly. He threw away his short legs and flew forward like wheels, so that the people behind him had to tighten his legs to keep up with his speed.

Yu Xiaotian was highly nervous at this time. While running forward with Li Erchao, he pricked up his ears to search for all the sounds in the air and analyzed possible abnormal sounds from it. His eyes also kept searching on all sides for fear that a figure would suddenly appear around him at this time.

The people who came to pick them up appeared much later. Yu Xiaotian didn't know what had happened. If Fang An's side failed and confessed the news that he was going to bring someone to save Qian Wang, then he and his men would be unlucky today.

So after going ashore, Yu Xiaotian felt that his nerves were about to collapse, and even his body was a little stiff.

Li Er didn't think so much at all. After getting ashore, he ran straight to the place where the lights were on. He was single-minded and only wanted to rush to the dead hole and save Qian Wang.

When everyone's feet fall to the ground, they make a dense sound. In everyone's ears, it's like thunder, which makes people a little scared.

However, after they landed, they ran quite a distance, but there was nothing abnormal. The east coast of Nanri Island was quiet.

In this era, night raids are actually very difficult and risky. Even on land, night marches are very easy to lose their way and break up their teams, eventually leading to failure.

So in ancient times, people who dared to take risks in night attacks are either geniuses or genius fools. There are only a few cases where they can really succeed in night attacks.

Therefore, the ancients were relatively lax in their prevention at night. Once successful, they will be very successful, otherwise they will be defeated in a mess.

Not to mention the night attack at sea. During the day, ships sail on the sea and sometimes lose their way. At night, coupled with the reefs on the shore, ships have to take a very big risk of landing. If you are not careful, not to mention sneaking on others, they may hit the reef and run aground without waiting for a sneak attack. Others killed themselves.

So it is much more difficult to make sneak attacks at sea than on the shore, so people like pirates will not be very alert at night.

However, for what Yu Xiaotian will lead people to do this time, the island has great benefits, but it also has many disadvantages. Originally, Nanri Island is relatively large, covering an area of dozens of square kilometers. Although the Shark Gang has a lot of people, there are only a thousand people together. They want to set up everywhere on the island. Standing a sentry is not a simple thing.

In addition, Dazhai of the Shark Gang is located in the northwest corner of the island, 20 miles away from the eastern end of the island. Their guard focus is basically concentrated on the northwest corner of the island and the northern sea of the island. Therefore, it is unlikely to stay too many people in the eastern end of the island.

This creates good conditions for Yu Xiaotian to exchange space for time! This is also the reason why he dares to bring people to take risks. If it were a relatively small island, Yu Xiaotian asked himself, he really didn't have the courage to bring people to do such a thing.

Li Er is quite familiar with the terrain in this area. It seems that he has been active in this area before, which makes Yu Xiaotian a little doubt how this guy can be so familiar with the situation in the east of Nanri Island.

Under his leadership, everyone rushed all the way to a hillside dozens of meters above sea level, where there was a natural depression in the body of the mountain.