Daming Haiku

Chapter 191 Qian Song

Qian Song's condition is very bad. The wound on his body has not healed, and it is ulcerated and inflamed. After Yu Xiaotian's careful examination, it was found that the wound in his chest was slightly better, but there seems to be foreign bodies in the wound in his waist, which is also the reason why his wound has never healed.

The medical conditions on Treasure Island are limited, and there are only some common gold sore drugs, but there is no Langzhong, so it is very troublesome to treat Qian Song. Therefore, Yu Xiaotian personally carried out the debridement of Qian Song, while sending Liu Laoliu to Dalian Island and asked the Li family to help them find a smart Langzhong to help them help them save him. Treat Qian Song.

Originally, Yu Xiaotian also considered sending Qian Song to the land and handing it over to the Li family for land for treatment, but after careful consideration, he thought it was really inappropriate to do so. At present, even the sea wolf group, most people did not know that once Qian Song was sent out, although the Li family I have a good relationship with him, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

Once the news is revealed, it will definitely reach Zhang Hu's ears soon. Zhang Hu must also be jumping up and down to find out who did it. Once he learns the news, this guy will definitely not spare himself.

After saying his worries, Wang Hong and others also expressed their understanding. Similarly, their identities could not be exposed for the time being, and the risk of going to land was also very high, so they could only ask Yu Xiaotian to find a man to help treat Qian Song.

Yu Xiaotian told Liu Laoliu that if the Li family can't help find a smart Langzhong, or if Langzhong refuses to visit the hospital, let him find a way to tie a Langzhong to the land. In short, he has to find a way to save Qian Song.

Yu Xiaotian knows very well what Qian Song means to him at this time. The reason why he took such a big risk to save Qian Song and Wang Hong this time is not only the affection between him and Wang Hong, but also for a very important reason, which is to value the two of them.

And Qian Song's status in the Shark Gang is much more important than Wang Hong. Now he has wasted so much strength to save Qian Song. He doesn't want to see him die like this. At least, he can't let him die so soon.

So after rescuing Qian Song and Wang Hong from the ship on Nanri Island, Yu Xiaotian began to treat Qian Song and began to deal with Wang Hong's injury.

Wang Hong's left pipa bone was pierced by an iron ring by Zhang Husheng. In addition to making Wang Hong suffer through the bone marrow, it is also used to control his mobility, that is, to prevent him from making trouble in prison. Although Yu Xiaotian cut off the chain when he rescued him, there was no time to remove his pimple at that time. This iron ring on the rubbone.

After arriving at the ship, he checked Wang Hong's injury. The iron ring through the pipa bone was a little rusty, which made his wound also infected. However, because of the limited tools on hand, he could only treat the wound for him first. After returning to Treasure Island, he asked Zhang blacksmith to help and use tools to iron the iron Remove the ring.

Obviously, this process is not bearable by ordinary people. Although Wang Hong is a man, he still fainted twice when removing the iron ring on the pipa bone.

After removing the iron ring, Yu Xiaotian carefully cleaned the wound for his son. This wound could not be sewn up immediately, and there was pus in the wound. As far as he knew, he could only insert a cotton yarn into his wound to drain the pus and blood in the wound, and He stuffed Wang Hong's wound with a cotton pad stained with golden sore medicine.

Wang Hong suffered a lot for this. He sweated and cursed. He greeted all the women of Zhang Hu's ancestors and threatened to have a super-friendly relationship with them. Finally, Yu Xiaotian stuffed a piece of cloth in his mouth to stop his pig-killing howl.

However, this guy's skin was rough and thick. After the wound was treated, he had a few full meals, and his body began to recover and his body temperature was lowered. He didn't look like tetanus at all. Even Yu Xiaotian had to admit that this guy had a wild boar-like physique, and the general injury was really not easy to kill him. .

However, Qian Song's wound treatment was not easy. His injury dragged on for too long and did not receive good treatment. Later, after being imprisoned by Zhang Hu, he could not get any medicine and treatment, so the wound deteriorated seriously, and people also fell into a semi-coma state.

Although he woke up once after arriving at Treasure Island, he fainted again in a short time and could only feed a little porridge every day to hang his life.

Yu Xiaotian carefully cleaned the wound for his son, and made heartbroken. He drove the duck to the shelf and became a surgeon, cut the wound on his waist, and dug out an iron grain in his wound. In this way, he only stopped the foreign body from continuing to cause ulceration in the wound, but because he was very weak, Gold sore medicine can no longer effectively treat his injury.

And there are no antibiotics or other drugs in this era, so the best way now is to ask Lang Zhong to continue to treat his wounds and get some soup for him to help him recover.

After Wang Hong arrived at Treasure Island, and several of his and Qian Song's men who were rescued at the same time were grateful to Xiaotian. He even called Yu Xiaotian's righteousness and Bo Yuntian as their life-saving benefactor. Wang Hong has now fallen into such a field and no longer thinks about the resurrection. When he saw Ma Xiao defected to Yu Xiaotian, He also immediately expressed his willingness to be Yu Xiaotian's subordinate and follow Yu Xiaotian from now on.

Basically, Wang Hong and others still belong to Jianghu people. Jianghu people finally believe in righteousness. These people have also seen Yu Xiaotian's rapid development. At present, in just over half a year, they have several ships and nearly 200 people. Their future is definitely unlimited. Although he does not have the right to follow the shark gang now. The ability to compete face to face, but the future achievements may not be smaller than Zhang Hu.

This is also one of the reasons why they are willing to choose to rely on Yu Xiaotian. In addition, Yu Xiaotian took the risk of losing his life this time and broke into Nanri Island to rescue them, which made these people determined to follow Yu Xiaotian in the future.

Now these people are completely dead to Zhang Hu. After their debut, they have been working for Zhang Hu's saddle, but in the end they have come to such a fate. Now when it comes to the Shark Gang, these people are eager to grit their teeth and want to have meat to relieve their hatred.

After Liu Laoliu went out, he did not dare to delay. Among the old guys, he was the most careful and it was best to use it. He also saw a major opportunity from this matter. He knew the importance of Qian Song to them. After rushing to Dalian Island to find Manager Li, Manager Li asked Lang Zhong felt embarrassed about going to sea.

Except for Yuegang, Daming still pursues the sea ban policy. In addition to fishermen, they are pirates. Fishermen can't afford to invite Lang Zhong to visit him, so Liu Laoliu asked him to help Lang Zhong to go to sea, but Lang Zhong will certainly not be willing to do it.

So Manager Li said that it was not convenient to help, but he showed Liu Laoliu a way and told Liu Laoliu that there was a Langzhong in Dongxi Village, Chengtou Town, not far away on the shore. He was said to be a healing master and was also good at correcting bones. He was a good Langzhong.

After learning this, Liu Laoliu took people to Dongxi Village, Chengtou Town overnight. He landed at night and took people to touch the village where Langzhong was. He arrested the Langzhong in one fell swoop. The whole family was tied up and thrown on the boat. He went to sea and rushed to Treasure Island overnight.

After Liu Laoliu returned to Treasure Island, Yu Xiaotian personally apologized to the Langzhong surnamed Yang and asked him to help treat Qian Song and others.

The Lang Zhong surnamed Yang was very stubborn and immediately refused to take action, and angrily scolded Yu Xiaotian and these pirates as not good things. He would rather watch them die than treat them.

Yu Xiao's weather was dying. At first, he persuaded them gently, saying that they could not be regarded as bad people, but where the reputation of the pirates was placed. Anyway, the Langzhong surnamed Yang refused to agree to save them.

Yu Xiaotian persuaded him with the heart of the doctor's parents, but this guy still refused to comply. In the end, Yu Xiaotian was finally angry and lost his temper to scare this guy if he was disobedient, his family would ask.

After moving out this method, the Langzhong surnamed Yang saw that the pirate leader turned against him, so he had to be soft and promised to help save Qian Song.

Yu Xiaotian was afraid that this guy would not do his best and threatened him in advance. If Qian Song was killed, he would kill his whole family. Of course, this was only a threat, and he was not ready to really do so, because he was very well aware of Qian Song's situation. Even if he was put in later generations, it would be very difficult to save him, let alone. What's more, under such medical conditions in such an era?

But after scaring him, Yang dared not think that Yu Xiaotian was just scaring him, so he had to use all his strength to start treating Qian Song. In addition, he also helped diagnose and treat other injured people.

Not to mention, I don't know whether this Yang's medical skills are really very good, or Qian Song's luck is really better. It may be that Yu Xiaotian's treatment of his wound in recent days is more effective. After taking a few pairs of soup, Qian Song's situation began to improve and gradually can eat something. , the time to wake up every day is getting longer and longer.

Yu Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief. Although God threw him into this era and made him unlucky, after this era, he felt that God took good care of him and did not continue to embarrass him. Many times, things can develop in the direction he hoped, which is probably also other people's character. It must have exploded!

About ten days after returning to Treasure Island, Qian Song's injury had begun to gradually recover. When he woke up, he actually had people help him up and leaned against the bedside.

After hearing the news, Yu Xiaotian rushed to his residence and saw this scene, so he smiled like Qian Song to congratulate him.

Qian Song, who became haggard and thin, looked at Yu Xiaotian, smiled bitterly, and shook his head and said, "Yu is in charge! You are so bold!"

(Thank you for your friend's reward!)