Daming Haiku

Chapter 194 Each has their own thoughts

Caoyu Island, which was originally very calm, suddenly became lively. Yang Fan, ships flying the flag of pirates, sailed into the northern bay of Caoyu Island and anchored in the bay one after another.

The fishermen in the two fishing villages on Caoyu Island, who had never seen such a scene, were so scared that they hid back home one after another, and the fishing boats were pulled ashore and dared not breathe.

In addition, Hu Cheng, who stood in front of the fight, came here before others and informed the fishermen in the two fishing villages here in advance to stay honest. As long as the fishermen did not make trouble themselves, they would never harm them on the island. They just stayed here for two days and would leave by themselves.

How can fishermen afford pirates like them! Seeing that Hu Cheng and these people were polite to them, although they were worried, they did not dare to disobey and had to obey their orders honestly.

The elders of the two fishing villages also came forward. Each family gathered some salted fish and other catches and collected some crab shellfish, sea vegetables and other things by the sea for Hu Cheng, which was their intention.

Hu Cheng was not polite to them and took them away. He knew that if he didn't accept it, it would make these fishermen more afraid.

So by the time Yu Xiaotian and other pirate leaders led the ship to Caoyu Island, the surrounding area had already been emptied. Hu Cheng also asked his men and fishermen on the island to set up a considerable grass hut on the beach of the bay as the venue for these pirate leaders to meet this time.

After all, it is a temporary place. This is not as good as the nest of pirates, and the conditions are still relatively simple. Yu Xiaotian does not pretend to be a big family. He only provides wine and vegetables to the pirate leaders who go ashore on the island. As for their subordinates, they solve the problem of eating on their own ships.

At the same time, Yu Xiaotian also asked the pirate leaders to restrain their own men and not let them go to the island to harass the fishermen on the island. The pirate leaders also nodded and agreed. After all, at present, they want to warm up and discuss how to deal with Zhang Hu. How can they still mess around here?

When all the pirate leaders arrived on Caoyu Island, they landed and entered the hut that Hu Cheng had set up here in advance, sitting on the floor under the hut regardless of the guests.

Because this is not anyone's nest, and they are also the leaders of a small group of pirates, and there is no difference between them, so they sit down more casually. Because of the limited conditions, there are not even few tables and chairs, so Hu Cheng simply found some straw mats and spread them on the ground for the pirate leaders. Sit on the ground.

The hut is open, with only one roof. Sitting in the hut can be seen at a glance. Therefore, these pirate leaders who landed on the shore are also very relieved. Each of them only takes their own subordinates such as the second and third masters to the shore and sits under the big hut together.

However, because this time the gathering of thieves was provoked by Xiaotian, Yu Xiaotian was pushed to the position of the hands and sat down.

Nowadays, these pirates can also see that Yu Xiaotian is not ordinary. Now among them, Yu Xiaotian is the strongest, with the most ships and the most subordinates.

When people like them act on the sea, it depends on who has the strongest power and who can have a greater voice. Even if Yu Xiaotian is a little less senior and comes to Fuzhou a little later, it does not hinder his current position among thieves. Therefore, few people intend to let Yu Xiaotian host this gathering of thieves. See you.

Yu Xiaotian himself did not refuse. After a slight refusal, he sat in the top position, next to his right hand was Liu Yidao.

Among this group of people, Liu Yidao's strength is also slightly stronger. Now Liu Yidao has three boats and more than 100 subordinates, so it is reasonable to sit in the position of filial piety.

Although everyone sits in the next place, the pirate leaders are also aware of their own situation, so it seems that they can sit at will, but these pirate leaders have also found their own place.

Like Lu Tong, who is the most depressed now, now even has no old nest. His brother Lu Sheng was also killed by the shark gang, and there are only 20 old and weak men left, so although he followed him, after entering the hut, he consciously sat down in the lowest position and did not dare to be arrogant.

As for the men of these pirate leaders, they all sat behind their heads, so that they could see who was with whom at a glance.

Obviously, Yu Xiaotian's lineup is neat. He and Liu Laoliu, Hu Cheng, Ma Xiao and others behind him all wear the same clothes. Now, in order to show their identity, except for Liu Laoliu's hair not shaving, even Hu Cheng has shaved his hair after being promoted to captain. Everyone is all A style of indigo single clothes with a black cloth wrapped around their head can be seen at a glance.

At this party, Yu Xiaotian met several colleagues he had never seen before, including Zhang Chuan, who once asked Liu Yidao to find him to say favor for the Lei family, Lu Tong, who had just fallen down, and two colleagues who had never met before. One was nicknamed Feng Xi, and the other was Meng Jie, who was nicknamed Nine Lives. Li Beard, who had met on Xi Dog Island, could no longer be contacted at this time. Fang An had previously told Xiaotian that Li Beard had now been detained on Nanri Island by Zhang Hu and became one of the first victims.

"Thank you for coming to meet me! The conditions here are limited, so Yu can only prepare some water, wine and coarse food to entertain you! I hope you can forgive me!" After Yu Xiaotian sat down, he asked his men to bring some prepared wine and dishes. The dishes are all simple and common seafood, and the wine is also ordinary wine. The only special thing is to put a basin of whale meat in front of everyone. This is a rare thing. For those of them who have long been tired of seafood, it can really change their taste.

But at this time, everyone doesn't care about eating and drinking. Liu Yidao shook his head and said, "Let's avoid wine and vegetables!" Today, our big guys came here, and it's not about having a meal!

At present, Zhang Hu is forced to the door. If the big guy doesn't see him before May, I'm afraid he won't know whose turn it will be!

Isn't it just to talk about this when the head of the family invited us here today?

The one-eyed dragon also nodded and said, "This tiger is really bullying! Last time he asked us to go with the river dragon fire, and we also went to help him. I also died four brothers, but now he has begun to think about us! Mother! Where can there be such a bully?"

The two of them raised their heads, and the rest of them were also angry and couldn't help cursing. For a moment, the shed was as lively as if they were scolding the street.

Lu Tong said angrily, "That's right! My brother has long seen that Zhang's name is not a thing. Last time he sent someone to greet us to help box, it happened that we sent a boat for repair. A boat went out to do business and didn't catch up. His Zhang sent someone to copy our nest. Poor my brother and more than 30 brothers and family, all of them were killed by him! If I don't take this revenge, I won't be a human being!"

Yu Xiaotian did not interrupt, so that these guys just opened their scolding, but secretly paying attention to everyone's expressions. Among them, only Zhang Chuan had never opened his mouth, bowed his head and ate the whale meat in front of him, and took a sip of wine, but he was not in a hurry.

After everyone scolded enough, Yu Xiaotian said, "Brother Zhang! This matter also involves you. Why don't you see Brother Zhang?

Zhang Chuan heard Yu Xiaotian's name and ask him, so he put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth, and smiled, "This whale meat is a little salty!" But it tastes really good!

Since the head of the family has asked, what can I say about this matter? Each of us is weak, and Zhang wants to swallow us. What can we do? At worst, it will be as he wants! At least I will die, or simply, I won't stay here, and I will stay here. At worst, I won't live in Fuzhou! Can't I live in another place?"

After listening to his words, Feng Xi sitting next to him sneered. The reason why Feng Xi nicknamed one eyebrow was that he only had one eyebrow, and there was a burn scar on his right eye, so that he could no longer grow eyebrows on his right eye, so he got the nickname of one eyebrow.

This person is of medium stature and has a strong feeling. Generally speaking, he likes to travel alone. His strength is not strong, but his means are relatively fierce. His favorite thing is to work on the shore. He commits more things on the shore than robbing ships at sea, so he is a wanted criminal registered on the official in Fuzhou. He usually walks with his peers. Not much movement.

"It's easy to say. None of us are here at all. What you said is light. If I'm in a hurry, I can simply go ashore and then find a mountain to fall grass, the king of dry mountains!

But Zhang Chuan is really willing to give up your old nest. Will he be held by the shark from now on, look at your boat and your men at the mercy of Zhang? Humph!" Feng Xipi asked Zhang Chuan with a smile.

Zhang Chuan raised his eyebrows, looked sideways at Feng Xi, and said disdainfully, "What can I do if I can't bear it?" Can any of us stand up to Zhang Hu? If it's really urgent, won't I go to Funing and throw in Jianglong?

"Sneer... Throw in the river dragon? Humph! Do you think there will be your place to stay in Funing? There are also seven or eight people in our industry, large and small. They have occupied the place they can occupy for a long time. You run there and think you can get along? It's really ridiculous!" Meng Jie, who has never spoken much, couldn't listen at this time and sneered and said sarcasticly to Zhang Chuan.

Zhang Chuan was stunned for a moment and looked at Yu Xiaotian. He became a little un calm. He opened his mouth, but did not say anything to refute.

(Thank you for the reward of the wolf's so slutty brother!)