Daming Haiku

Chapter 199 Response

When it was dark, Yu Xiaotian received the news that He Guang would lead someone to attack tomorrow, and immediately ordered to gather the important members of his command to inform the news to everyone.

Meng madman immediately exploded as soon as he heard it, jumped up and rolled his arms and scolded, "Mom, this tiger actually wants to do us first. He underestimates us! This time, He came here, and we will definitely let them see how powerful we are!"

The atmosphere in the big stone house suddenly became tense. Everyone present looked solemn and nervous. Yu Xiaotian looked around the crowd and knew their mood.

After all, the reputation of the shark gang is where it is. The camels starved to death are bigger than horses. Now their sea wolves are targeted by the shark gang and want to destroy themselves. Unless they are heartless people, they will not be nervous. People with a little brains will not react at all.

Yu Xiaotian raised his hand to let the Meng madman sit down and said in a low voice, "It seems that Zhang Hu is not a fool. He must have seen that this time our colleagues are against him, which is our leader! The letter sent out was written by me, and the signature is also in front of us. People with bright eyes can see that we are taking the lead against them!

So Zhang Hu intends to knock us out and kill the morale of our peers before going to the appointment! Fortunately, we are ready to take back all the ships in advance. Otherwise, it may really be his way this time! Lao Wo was copied by him first!

But you don't have to be nervous. Zhang Hu sent He Guang here this time. They didn't know our reality and thought we were still as weak as before! He only sent He Guang to bring people here.

In this way, they don't know our strength, but we know his situation, so we don't have to be afraid of them this time!"

Qian Song, sitting on the lounge chair, seemed to be in a very bad spirit. He strongly supported his weak body. After listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, Yu Xiaotian nodded and said weakly and said, "Yu is right. You don't have to be too nervous. In the past two years, Zhang Hu has been very arrogant and doesn't pay much attention to the situation of his colleagues at all. Knowing that his peers should give him the effect, he always thought that no one could be his opponent on the sea on the side of Fuzhou!

So he doesn't know the strength of your sea wolf at present. He thought you were just dozens of people, one or two boats!

And He Guang's temperament is also arrogant and domineering. He never pays attention to you people. This time, he will definitely not bring too many people. It will give you a chance. If you do a good job, you can clean up He Guang before Zhang Hu's appointment this time!

This is indeed a great opportunity for you! But if you are afraid, then I advise you to simply leave now and go to Caoyu Island to avoid the limelight!"

"I'm afraid of him! It's just the right time. He dares to come here. I have to tear him up!" Before Qian Song's words fell to the ground, Wang Hong jumped up angrily.

"Lao San, don't worry. This time it's not when you and I show up. Let them do it!" Qian Song shook his head and said, and before he finished speaking, he coughed violently.

Wang Hong quickly went to stroke his chest. After a while, Qian Song recovered. Wang Hong asked, "Second brother, why don't you allow me to show up? It's rare that He Guang came here this time. We said it's not good to hear it. It's all caused by this man. This time, how can we not take this opportunity to kill him to vent our hatred!"

Qian Song shook his head breathlessly and said, "Don't ask too much. Anyway, you still can't show up this time, including the other brothers who followed you, you can't show up either! Otherwise, it will be bad for the family!"

After thinking for a moment, Wang Hong also understood Qian Song's intention, so he had to sigh and scold, "That's all! For the sake of our family, I'll put up with it this time!"

Yu Xiaotian watched Qian Song and Wang Hong talking, and he was also thinking about it in his heart. Wang Hong has now expressed his attitude and is willing to treat him as the head in the future, and has revealed in his words that he regards himself as a member of the sea wolves, but Qian Song still commensurate him. It can be seen that Qian Song has not treated himself so far. Regarded as one of the sea wolves, which made Yu Xiaotian a little disappointed, but it was inconvenient to say more.

After watching Qian Song's words, Yu Xiaotian said, "In this case, He Guang wants to bring people to deal with us, which is indeed a rare opportunity for us. If we can kill He Guang tomorrow, it is equivalent to breaking Zhang Hu's arm. Even if we can't kill He Guang, at least we will at least take him. The ship brought is left with one or two, and you can't let him retreat completely. Take this opportunity to consume Zhang Hu's backbone strength!

But we should also be fully prepared. Once He Guang or his men run back, we should prevent Zhang Hu from break their appointment and raise all our strength to attack our Treasure Island!

So before that, we have to move the women and craftsmen on the island to a safe place and take shelter for a while! But suddenly, where did you put them to avoid it? I don't know if the big guy has any idea?

When everyone heard it, they saw that Yu Xiaotian's battle against tomorrow seemed to be already confident, so their mood also rose.

At the same time, they have no problem with Xiaotian's proposal to evacuate the idle people on the island. After all, after tomorrow, Treasure Island will become a battlefield, and although Treasure Island has been built, such a small stockade can only defend against small attacks, in case Zhang Hu makes a big move. If it comes, it is difficult to keep this small stockade, so it is also a safe way to evacuate the idle people here in advance.

However, people have different opinions on where to evacuate these people. Some people proposed to move them to Caoyu Island, while others proposed to transfer them to Liu Yidao or Monopnosaurus. However, after thinking about it again and again, Yu Xiaotian proposed to send them to Donghai Village to take shelter for a while.

After hearing this, everyone immediately nodded and agreed, because since Yu Xiaotian killed Zhou Cheng and copied Zhou Cheng's old nest in Donghai Village, Donghai Village has regained calm, and Yu Xiaotian also left some money and grain for each villager after copying Zhou Cheng's nest.

The fishermen in Donghai Village are very grateful for their sea wolves. Recently, sea wolves have also passed through Donghai Village from time to time. Every time the fishermen in Donghai Village see them, they are very enthusiastic, delivering fresh fish and other things, and helping to replenish water. Now the friendship between the two sides is quite good.

And under Zhou Cheng's operation, Donghai Village is protected by a wall, which is relatively safer. In addition, not many people know the relationship between Donghai Village and Sea Wolf, so it is completely safe to move the women on the island to Donghai Village for temporary shelter.

Everyone discussed in the second half of the night and basically finalized the way to deal with He Guang tomorrow. Then they dispersed. The women and craftsmen in the village were called up. Yu Xiaotian did not say too much to them, so they immediately cleaned up, boarded the Shanghai Elephant, and squeezed the walrus under the leadership of Li Gouzi. Full, Yang Fan drove towards Donghai Village on Haitan Island.

Lan'er felt the tense atmosphere here and was very worried about Xiaotian. At first, she said that she did not want to leave here and wanted to stay with Yu Xiaotian, but Yu Xiaotian sank her face and scolded her for a few words. Lan'er then boarded the walrus with tears. After saying goodbye to Yu Xiaotian, she sailed to Donghai Village with the boat.

As for the other gangs, they were all gathered before dawn. Yu Xiaotian left Han Xian and took more than 20 troops to guard the village. The rest of the sailors and soldiers boarded the remaining boats. Yang Fan sailed away from Treasure Island and sailed to the southeast sea of Treasure Island.

(I slept well last night. I slept for almost five hours, which is quite good. Let's do two more today! In addition, thank lxw01158 for his friend's reward!)