Daming Haiku

Chapter 17 Liu Yidao's Visit

With Yu Xiaotian's order, everyone immediately walked towards the trestle under the leadership of their new captain. At this time, the trestle had been lengthened a lot. At the same time, four temporary trestles were added next to the dock, and all the ships had already docked beside the trestle.

A team of crew members, led by the captains, boarded their own boat without any chaos, and everything seemed to be so orderly.

Such a scene has never been seen even by the old members of the former shark gang, and then the crew of each ship, led by their respective captains, slowly raised the flag they received on the main mast. In a blink of an eye, a golden wolf flag fluttered on the dock outside the wolf cave.

Yu Xiaotian still took the original Sea Wolf and led the fleet to walk in the front. The three-masted Dafu ship captured from Zhang Hu did not look at it and stayed in the bay for the time being. He just acted as the treasure of the town and still looked like it.

For him, the current lucky boat is basically enough. The speed of the ship is relatively fast, and it is not too stupid. Although the three-mated lucky boat looks majestic, it is basically useless except for the lack of artillery on the ship.

The ship was not as flexible as the small lucky boat, and the speed was relatively slow. At the beginning, Zhang Hu took the boat to deal with Yu Xiaotian and other thieves. The three-mausted big lucky boat basically did not have much effect. On the contrary, other ships kept protecting it.

Therefore, although Yu Xiaotian captured the Dafu ship, he temporarily abandoned it. After the conditions were ripe, he would use it as his own boat when he could complete a thorough repair and install more artillery to make it really exert its power.

After more than a dozen ships with high sea wolf flag went to sea, they did not leave Nanri Island too far, but cruised around Nanri Island under the leadership of Xiaotian.

Although the captains and crew of each ship are now complete, this is only a beginning for them. The crew of each ship are from different places, including the captains are not leading their former ships, so they want these people to play the greatest combat effectiveness of their ships, whether they are people and It takes a certain amount of time to get in between people and ships.

For more than a month, Yu Xiaotian has no intention of letting the ships really go out to work. According to his plan, the most important thing for each ship to do during this period is the running-in between people and ships.

Only after the tacit understanding between the people on the ships and between the people and ships was it was the time for his sea wolf to really show its fangs.

After going to sea, the ships did encounter a lot of problems. Many crew members were not very familiar with their own ship. The speed of the ship was not well controlled, and the fleet seemed a little chaotic. Compared with the colonists on the shore just now, the performance of the fleet after going to sea was no longer as neat as before.

So after this circle, the people on each ship were exhausted, as if they had just fought a battle. In addition, the weather at the sea at the end of June was very hot, and everyone was as if they were fished out of the water, with sweat all over their bodies.

Until it was getting late, Yu Xiaotian ended the first day of integration training and returned to the wolf's den wharf on Nanri Island. As soon as he landed on Xiaotian, he recruited the captains and management of each ship to the hall in the village.

How's it going? How do you feel after going to sea on the first day today? Yu Xiaotian asked the people present with a slight look of ridiculsion.

Wang Hong shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Don't mention it! As you know, the brothers on each ship have just got on the boat, and the ship's temper has not been touched yet. Don't say anything else! It's good if nothing happens!"

Ma Xiao also looked ashamed and shook his head and said, "Brother Wang is right. I didn't know until I went out today. In view of the current situation, not to mention taking action with others, I'm afraid even self-preservation is not enough! It seems that we don't do anything during this period. We have to practice these brothers quickly and let them familiarize themselves with their boats as soon as possible!"

"That's right. Everyone has seen the performance of each ship today. Don't think that everyone is a veteran, just think that if you are given a boat, you can have fun when you go out! Not to mention anything else, from today, I will give you a month to practice as long as the weather permits. If any of you can't bring your own boat a month later, hum!

It's not ugly to say that the front is not ugly. It doesn't matter if you don't want such a captain. Anyway, someone is waiting to replace you!" Yu Xiaotian sneered and told everyone.

Everyone was pulled out in such a circle today, and all their arrogance was cut off by Yu Xiaotian. After listening to Yu Xiaotian's warning, everyone, led by Wang Hong and Ma Xiao, immediately got up and said, "My subordinates are respectfully obeying the order!"

Yu Xiaotian was preparing to let everyone sit down and continue to talk about the training in the coming period. At this time, Zhao Si ran in from outside the hall, knelt down on one knee and hugged his fist and said, "I am the great head! Liu Yidao brought the boat here! Now I'm entering Wanzi, and I guess I'm on the shore by now!"

Yu Xiaotian frowned and said, "What is he doing now? All right! You have been tired all day today. Go back to rest! But remember, the ship and people have been handed over to you. How to bring them into brave people in the future depends on your ability!"

As soon as everyone heard this, they immediately replied again, "Yes! I'm leaving!"

After driving away these men, Yu Xiaotian immediately took Liu Laoliu and several of his own soldiers out of the stockade and greeted him at the dock. He still had a good impression of Liu Yidao, so he did not want to do anything, so he simply greeted the stockade directly.

Sure enough, as soon as he walked out of the fortress door, he met Liu Yidao and came from the dock with several men. As soon as he saw Yu Xiaotian coming out to greet him in person, Liu Yidao's face showed a happy expression, but then he became a bitter look.

"What wind blew Brother Liu to me? I was just discussing in the council chamber. When I learned that Brother Liu was coming, I quickly came out. I didn't neglect Brother Liu!" Yu Xiaotian said with a fist and smile, with a hint of joke in his tone, but it seemed very kind.

Liu Yidao quickly hugged his fist and shook his head and smiled bitterly, "How dare you let the boss come out to greet me in person! I'm really flattered!

I said that Yu Da is in charge, and now you still have the heart to laugh with him. Don't you know what happened? ......”

(No wordy, the number of words in this chapter today is too small, and I'm embarrassed. I'll add another chapter in the afternoon to compensate my brothers!)