Daming Haiku

Chapter 40 Iron Fid

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaotian immediately recruited Lei Blacksmith, Zhang Blacksmith and others to his residence, found paper and pen and began to introduce the method of iron casting cannons to these archers.

These blacksmiths are not mediocre, let alone fools. Technical things are sometimes just a layer of window paper, which can be transparent. The key is that someone should think of it first.

The process required by this iron model casting method is not beyond the level that the technology of this era can achieve. As long as knowledgeable people hear it, they will know what to do, and even Zhang, who does not know how to cast cannons, immediately understand the truth.

In fact, it is not too mysterious to cast cannons. The key is to know how to open the mold, know the shape of the cannon, and melt iron water. As long as you know these things, ordinary blacksmiths can do it.

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's introduction, even if Zhang clapped his hands repeatedly, he shouted that this method was definitely a good way. He was even a little eager to try it on the spot and wanted to try it.

After listening to this, Lei's blacksmith was first very shocked, and then his face was a little pale, because he suddenly found that the master he served was not as simple as he thought. He actually knew so many things and came up with such a method of casting cannons. Although he had not tried the method of casting cannons as Xiaotian said. But as long as you think about it, this method will definitely work.

The most important thing is that once this method is adopted, he, a gunner, will have no value. If he casts several sets of iron molds, even if he is slaughtered in the future, he will not have to worry about this. No one will cast cannons for him in the future. He only needs to hold a few sets of iron molds, and he can continue to flow by himself. Casting cannon, doesn't this mean ruining his job?

It can be said that this guy felt cold at that time and knew that his good days were coming to an end. In the past, he still had craft as a bargaining chip with others, but now he found that his craftsmanship was put in front of the boss. It can be said that it was basically worthless. People know this. There are so many things that can't allow him to bargain. Not to mention that he is there, even without him, as long as this blacksmith, under his guidance, only needs to grope for a period of time, he can also cast a much better iron cannon than him.

So after listening to Yu Xiaotian's idea, this guy can be said to be cool in his heart. He was stunned on the spot for a while and didn't know what to do.

After Yu Xiaotian finished talking about his idea, he looked up at the Lei blacksmith and saw that the Lei blacksmith's face was very bad, so he asked, "What's wrong? Lei Blacksmith, you look so bad, do you think my method doesn't work?

When Lei Blacksmith heard Yu Xiaotian ask him, the expression on his face twitched, forced himself to show a smile that was worse than crying, and he shrank his neck and replied obscenely, "Don't dare, don't dare! The big head is really a great talent. Such an exquisite idea can also be thought of, and the small one is really admirable! This method will work, and it will definitely work!"

Yu Xiaotian threw down the charcoal strips in his hand, clapped his hands, took a cloth from Liu Wang's hand and wiped his hands. He sneered and said, "Lei blacksmith, your face is so pale. If I guess correctly, you should be worried that your job will be smashed after using this method!"

Lei Blacksmith knelt on the ground with a flutter and kowtowed repeatedly, "The little one dares not, the small dare not!"

Yu Xiaotian put his hand on the chair, took a sip of tea, and said to the Lei blacksmith who was kneeling on the ground, "Don't worry too much. Although this method of casting cannons makes your craft worthless, I am not the kind of person who unloads and kills donkeys.

I will leave the sex to you. I have no doubt that you don't use it. Since I have used you, I can trust you, but the premise is that you are here, you must do my best for me, give me good cannons, and make more cannons. Naturally, I will not treat you badly!

But it's still the old saying that if you don't work honestly for me, my method of casting cannons will never be known to outsiders. You have heard the consequences, and you should have figured it yourself! I don't need to talk nonsense. This is about the future fate and future of my sea wolf. I will never be soft-hearted!

Come and help Yu Xiaotian. Some of you already know what kind of person I am. I have told you today. From tomorrow, you will go all out to cast cannons for me, led by Lei blacksmith.

Without the process of opening the mud model, things will be much simpler. I will give you a month to create the first set of iron models and cast the first cannon for me.

This first gun can not be too big, it doesn't matter if it's smaller, just start with the six-pound gun, and then gradually enlarge it to make a bigger cannon!

If you do well, I will never hesitate to give rewards. That's all for today. Go down and think about it carefully and start working tomorrow!"

After listening to this, several blacksmiths such as Lei Blacksmith and Zhang Blacksmith felt cold in their hearts, because they also understood the advantages of this method of casting cannons. Once this method is right, one work can make profits. Not only the gunmaking time is greatly shortened, but the quality of gun manufacturing is also greatly improved, and the cost of cannons will change very much. Cheap.

If such a method flows out, I'm afraid the value of silver can't be calculated. Therefore, while Yu Xiaotian told them this "secret method", he had actually completely tied them to the sea wolf's ship, and they could no longer get off the thief boat.

They can fully imagine that if they want to leave here, Yu Xiaotian will definitely kill him in order to protect his secret method, so in the future, they will have no way out except to stay here honestly work for the sea wolf.

However, Zhang, the blacksmith, seemed to be a little nervous. He didn't pay attention to the threat of Xiaotian at all, but he was still excited and agreed with a smile.

It's no wonder that Yu Xiaotian found that this guy is an iron idiot through his understanding of this guy during this period of time. It seems that nothing else in his life is important to him except playing with iron.

In the past, he had to build some crude farm tools every day in order to make a living on land, but after Yu Xiaotian's men, he had more room to play. In addition to helping the sea wolf build what he needed, he could also tosss something he liked in his spare time.

Yu Xiaotian did not restrict him, and was also very good to his family. His wife now gave birth to a big fat boy. In order not to distract Zhang's blacksmith, Yu Xiaotian even specially assigned his wife an old woman to help him take care of the children, and also gave his wife special care, delicious and served him, making him old. The mother-in-law has enough milk and water, and the child eats black and fat.

Zhang Blacksmith enjoys such a life very much. Now he has never thought of going back to the land and left to work with Yu Xiaotian.

Some time ago, he even began to explore the barrel by himself. Although no successful work has come out so far, Yu Xiaotian has seen the process of building the barrel, which is almost the same as the barrel he knows in his memory.

For this reason, Yu Xiaotian also specially selected a well-made bird and gave it to Zhang blacksmith to study, and searched for information about ancient method construction* in his mind. After sorting it out, he gave it to Zhang blacksmith, which also benefited a lot from it. Therefore, what Zhang blacksmith lacks now is only experience. Yu Xiaotian believes that after a while In the meantime, Zhang Blacksmith can definitely imitate a useful bird.

It is this kind of trust that Zhang Xiaotian is most grateful to Yu Xiaotian. Yu Xiaotian never interferes in these things and gives him ideas to help him design some fixtures and fixtures to build guns.

So now, let Zhang Blacksmith let him run away. Even if Yu Xiaotian drives him away now, he will not leave. Yu Xiaotian's threat just now has no effect on him at all.

After hearing this, several other blacksmiths kowtowed and promised in fear. In short, they understood that they could only stay here to work steadily in the future.