Daming Haiku

Chapter 70 every man is innocent

Zhou Feng twitched and fell to the ground, and a bullet hole in his chest sprayed blood out. In addition, there was a wound on one of his legs and lower abdomen, which were also bleeding, and his mouth was also spitting blood foam. His eyes were still red, staring at those who were slowly coming towards him. Sea Wolf Department.

And there were more than 20 men lying around him, just like him. Blood gushed out of different parts of his body, and some of his internal organs were even beaten out. The death was unbearable. Some people were injured and lying on the ground rolling all over the ground, making an inhuman scream.

The rest of his men are being chased by the sea wolf, or squatting on the ground with their heads and begging for mercy. In short, Zhou Feng led his troops to attack this time, and the curtain came to an end.

With dozens of people, only two people rushed to the front of the array of the sea wolf and killed a * hand, but in an instant, the two people were also dismembered by the sea wolf and died.

In front of the organized array of sea wolves, their swarm of bee-like charge is simply a suicide operation. They have no chance to break through the * hand-handed fire network of the Sea Wolf Corps, let alone two tigers squatting cannons to help fight.

So Zhou Feng's desperate attack doomed him to come to such an end. If he persisted and took people out to play with his life after the rain, he estimated that he would have a little more chance to kill and injure a few sea wolves, but there is no such an if in the world. He took his men out of the village. At that moment, their fate has been decided.

Yu Xiaotian walked slowly to Zhou Feng. At this time, someone had stepped on the Japanese knife held in Zhou Feng's right hand, making it impossible to hurt people again.

Yu Xiaotian squatted down and looked at Zhou Feng, with a trace of pity in his eyes, shaking his head and saying, "Zhou is the head! Sorry! It didn't have to be like this. I gave you a chance, but you didn't choose the right one! This can't be my fault!

Zhou Dangjia, I don't know if you know the law of the jungle. I guess you won't know that the world is like a jungle. I'm better than you, so I can eat you!

The man is innocent, and he is also guilty! Chickenlong Bay is not a place you can occupy! You'd better go on your way!"

Zhou Feng rolled his eyes and gasped violently. His mouth kept bleeding foam. He stared at Yu Xiaotian with two eyes. His body twitched and opened his mouth, but he could not speak. He spit out a large mouthful of blood, and the pupils of his eyes began to dilate.

Yu Xiaotian watched Zhou Feng gradually stop convulsions and spit out the last breath of his life. The big raindrops fell, and gradually the blood stains on the ground began to be diluted, forming light red blood water, flowing towards the low-lying place. A heavy rain came and soon cleaned the blood stains all over the ground. If it hadn't been for the fact that there were more than 20 bodies lying here, it would have been as if nothing had happened here, and there was only the sound of rain left between heaven and earth.

And the battle around the bay mouth also ended quickly. After seeing the wolf smoke rise, Zhou Feng, who escaped from the bay, returned to the bay with his boat. With their strength, they could not fight with Zhou Feng against the sea wolf at all. As soon as they entered the bay, the two sea wolf boats rushed over and beat Zhou Feng with a face. The big boat was beaten in a panic and ran aground at the seaside, and the two boats turned around and fled again and never dared to come back.

The feeling of bullying is really good. When dealing with enemies like Zhou Feng, the sea wolf fought smoothly and did not give the other party any chance. In total, the battle only lasted for about an hour. The battle on land or on the sea was completely over, and Zhou Feng was completely destroyed. And it ended.

Except for several Zhou Feng's men who wiped oil quickly and fled into the mountains and forests on the mountain, the rest of Zhou Feng's men who stayed in the village were either killed or captured. The small stockade was also occupied by the sea wolf and became a temporary residence for sea wolves.

When the prisoners were surveyed, some people found that Zhou Feng's men really had several real Japanese. These guys spoke very hard Chinese and popped up a few Japanese words from time to time, so they were quickly recognized.

If he had followed Yu Xiaotian's previous attitude towards the Japanese, he would certainly let these guys kill them without hesitation, but now he did not do so, but ordered these Japanese people to be brought to him, asked their source, and then let them be detained.

These Japanese are also some ronin who lost their family owners in Japan. If they can't get along in Japan, they go to sea and run boats for others. They gradually wandered here and are compiled by Zhou Feng and become Zhou Feng's subordinates.

Now Zhou Feng is also dead, and these Japanese have no idea of advancing and retreating with Zhou Feng. After being scared by a few questions, several guys immediately expressed their position that they were willing to join the sea wolf and follow Yu Xiaotian to fight for their lives.

As for the other captured Zhou Feng's men, there is nothing to say at this time. Except for two of them, who were very close to Zhou Feng and refused to be soft, Yu Xiaotian was not polite to them and immediately asked people to push the two guys out and cut them down, so as to save retention as future problems.

The rest of the captives had no bullshit. Even if they defected to Yu Xiaotian, they expressed their willingness to follow Yu Xiaotian. Like these guys, they were more loyal to their boss before their boss died, but once their boss died, they immediately fell down and began to do it for themselves in the future. Plan.

Zhou Feng is weak and can't keep his territory. Now that he has changed to the big owner of the sea wolf, they will live a better life in the future. At least they don't have to worry about it. If they are not careful, they will be brought to their old nest again.

So they can't talk too much loyalty. Whoever gives more benefits will benefit them in the future. If they have milk, they will be mothers. Whoever they work with is not going to make a living. Zhou Feng is dead, and they will not go to bury with Zhou Feng! If you change to a boss, they can still do their old job.

What's more, their situation is very bad now. Their boat is gone. If they don't throw the sea wolf, even if Yu Xiaotian doesn't kill them and let them go, where can they go? Is it possible to get into the mountains and forests and become a savage from now on?

At this time, there are many indigenous people on Taiwan (Taiwan) Island, including some cannibals. Once they get into the forest and are caught by the cannibals who haunt the mountains and forests, they will become their dung, so if they are a little smarter, they will immediately make their choice.

This kind of thing was quickly solved without even wasting any words. Yu Xiaotian no longer detained them and directly restored their freedom.

And he also let these prisoners go into the mountain to find their companions who fled into the mountain, persuade them, and come out to surrender themselves, so that these people will be eaten by wild animals in the mountain or starved to death.

Taking stock of the trophies, what he got this time is actually not much. Zhou Feng is a little pirate and doesn't have much valuable things on hand. There are some common goods in the stockade, but the silver is about one or two thousand taels.

The ship only has one small and medium-sized wide boat. At this time, it has been stranded on the beach inside the bay and has become a trophy. There are only three cannons, two cannons on the boat, and one in the stockade are all miscellaneous guns such as bowls.

A pile of cold weapons such as knives and guns, some of which are well made and collected by Yu Xiaotian, and the rest can basically be remade. There are only six or seven fire guns, and only two birds, and the rest are three-eyed or one-eyed guns, which can also be thrown away directly.

In addition, Zhou Feng has no other long things. A small number of women were found in the village, some of them were Zhou Feng's wives, and some of them were women they snatched.

For these women, whose wives can be taken away and are robbed to be used as public women, they will be comforted and stay in the village to do washing and shaping in the future.

And after killing Zhou Feng, Yu Xiaotian immediately braved the rain and began to investigate the whole terrain of Chickenlongwan. It took nearly four days to explore the terrain around Chickenlongwan.

He found that Zhou Feng was a little simple-minded. He didn't think too much when building the village, but just wanted a convenience. The location of the village was very inappropriate, and it was not a place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

So this stockade, if he comes to occupy Jilong Bay, it can only be used as a temporary transit station and temporary station, and cannot be used for a long time, so this stockade basically has little value.

After careful investigation, Yu Xiaotian chose three places with dangerous terrain as the place to build the city in the future. As for which one to choose, he is not a major in this field, so it is not easy to make a conclusion. Next, he will invite smart craftsmen to come and conduct a more careful survey of these three places, but Then choose a place to start building the city.

(I started to have a fever again early this morning. There is no way. Continue to change the hospital for examination! I have lost five days, but it hasn't improved at all. Am I really going to hang up?)

Although the construction of the city cannot be started immediately, it does not take much effort to choose the location of the forts at the corner of the bay mouth and Peace Island. After a little observation, Yu Xiaotian chose the locations of the two forts as the first batch of forts to be built. After returning to the craftsmen, the construction began immediately.

In the past few days, Zhou Feng's men who surrendered have brought down several accomplices from the nearby mountains one after another. These people were all people who fled into the mountain to escape. After being found by their companions, they were quickly persuaded to go down the mountain and defected to Yu Xiaotian.

Even Zhou Feng's released wife and concubine and his two sons were found by the people, took them down and handed them to Yu Xiaotian for an invitation.

Yu Xiaotian was not difficult for their mother and son. After comforting them, he took them up and sailed back to Nanri Island. When he left, he left the black head and three boats in Chicken Cage Bay, as well as the boats they towed, all of which were also left in the Chicken Cage Bay, including a team of 60 soldiers. Led by the blackhead.