Daming Haiku

Chapter 88 Linear Array

When Chen Jiu led his men back to Shuangfeng Island, he did not see much fire on Shuangfeng Island. The thick smoke was just the ruins of some burned houses and continued to smoke.

It has just rained here, and most of the burning houses have been extinguished, leaving only crooked wood, still emitting thick smoke.

Yu Xiaotian returned to his ship with satisfaction, set sail and left Shuangfeng Island, and the Dazhai of Shuangfeng Island was no longer like it at this time.

More than 20 sea wolf ships formed a vertical array and crossed an arc on the sea to meet the fleet of mixed river dragons.

At this time, the two sides had nothing to continue talking about. The enemies were particularly jealous. Everyone stared at their opponents and began to be busy on the boat.

A gun was loaded and pushed to the side of the gun. The torch used to start the fire was lit, and bundles of rockets were also placed next to the side of the ship. Bows and guns were held in the hands of sailors on both sides. After approaching, they threw these things at each other.

Chen Jiu's eyes were red, his lips were squeezed tightly, and his eyes were staring straight at the oncoming sea wolf fleet. At this time, it can be said that he was frustrated. He had roughly guessed the situation of his old nest.

At this time, there were no people on the island, only those ruins were still smoking. There was a dead silence on the island, and I didn't know the life of those who stayed in the village.

But he knows that his old nest is over, and all his accumulation in the village over the years is over. At present, he is left with these men and ships who follow him, and the opposite side is the culprit of the current predicament.

He reached out and grabbed the fine steel waist knife that had followed him for many years, pressed the spring, clicked, and the body of the knife popped out of the scabbard, then grabbed the handle and slowly pulled it out.

"Brothers! Today, either I died or his surname Yu died! Kill me! Kill them all!" Chen Jiu suddenly burst into a fierce roar, raised the steel knife in his hand high above his head, and struggled to split the fleet of sea wolves coming to the opposite side.

Hanganglong's men also roared. Although their morale was low and they were anxious on the way back, but now, after seeing that their nest has been torched by sea wolves, such a scene aroused the last trace of courage in their hearts.

The shouting sounded east of Shuangfeng Island, and the two fleets rushed desperately towards each other like two groups of bloodthirsty sharks.

"Pass my order, march forward in columns, keep a 200-step distance from them, and pass through the starboard side of their fleet! Don't let them come up! Each captain can choose to fire freely!" Yu Xiaotian stood on the stern of his Sea Wolf and hung a double-layer leather armor painted bright red with very exquisite workmanship. The outer leather armor is made of fine raw cowhide, and the inner leather armor is made of softened whale skin. In this way, the leather armor is not only thick, but also more comfortable to wear, but in this weather It's really too hot to wear this suit.

Yu Xiaotian wiped the sweat from his forehead and began to give orders.

At the same time as the Seawolf hung the flag in the middle of the fleet, it also began to wave the small flag in his hand and conveyed the order of Xiaotian in the form of the flag.

Wang Hong's ship led the fleet, which was ordered to slightly adjust its course, and the rest of the ships followed them to adjust their course and adjust their sails, so that their ships took full of side wind and began to accelerate towards the fleet of mixed river dragons.

A six-pound gun was pushed next to the gun door on the side of the ship. The muzzle pointed to the right side of their ship and was ready to fire at any time.

Although the ship of the current sea wolf is not equipped with all the old guns, the main warships are equipped with two to three six-pound guns, and the rest of the low-class warships are equipped with at least one imitation six-pound gun.

After strengthening the hull structure in the bow and stern parts of Yu Xiaotian's ship, each was equipped with a newly cast 12-pound gun.

These two cannons were newly cast. As soon as they were cast, they were immediately installed on his ship by Yu Xiaotian. When attacking Shuangfengzhai this time, the two cannons played a great role. Near the shore, they directly shelled Shuangfengzhai and successfully smashed the wall of Shuangfengzhai, making His men were able to attack the village and finally took down the village.

So these two cannons can be said to be a funeral salute specially prepared for Chen Jiu today. Today, he wants Chen Jiu to know what a cannon is. From then on, he will stand up in this area and let the surrounding Xiaoxiao people walk around his sea wolves in the future, so as not to have to find him trouble all day long.

Now he is in a hurry to go to Jilong Bay and Danshui River, but in order to make money, he has to deal with Chen Jiu here. For this reason, Yu Xiaotian can be said to be anxious, but he can't make it. Therefore, Yu Xiaotian also hates Chen Jiu very much. He can't wait to kill this cockroach with one hand and hurry up to his business.

Seeing that it is coming to June, the news from Penghu now shows that the Ming government has occupied a comprehensive advantage, and the Dutch have retreated to the staff in front of him. If he still doesn't hurry up, he will have no share in Taiwan's dish!

Today is also the first time he has tested his vertical tactics. Although his ship is not a Western-style warship, now he has a six-pound gun and this twelve-pound gun, and he can try the power of this linear array.

So that's why he pulled out this formation at sea with his men after learning that Hun Jianglong ran back.

However, the mixed river dragon still used the old method to gather his fleet together, intending to clenched his fists and knock the seawolves to the ground in one fell swoop.

Needless to say, the advantages and disadvantages. In short, the tactics of Hun Jianglong can be said to be outdated. He can't exert the firepower of his ship at all, only passively beaten.

Yu Xiaotian is fully confident about this, so he is also full of confidence and is not at all shy about these mixed river dragon ships.

The two fleets finally approached about 300 meters. The linear array of sea wolves opened the right side of the mixed river dragon fleet, but did not go straight into the mixed river dragon fleet and fought with them.

When Wang Hong arrived at the right side of the mixed river dragon fleet as a guide ship, the gunners on the ship fine-tuned the muzzle, locked the target of the shelling on a ship under the mixed river dragon closest to his position, and shouted: "Fire the gun!"

Wang Hong's ship is a separate fleet of ships, so the equipment is naturally better than ordinary ships. His ship is equipped with three six-pound guns, and the muzzles are pointed to the starboard side. The distance between the two sides is about 200 meters, which is exactly the best distance for six-pound guns to carry out their firepower. Of course, if it can be closer, the power and accuracy are also It will definitely be higher, but 200 meters can still be quite accurate for this long-bore barrel six-pound gun.

The three cannons ignited from the bow to the stern in turn, and only heard three violent gunshots. In the blink of an eye, looking at the ship under the Hunjianglong closest to them, they were firmly smashed into three large holes, and the wood chips flew randomly on the boat, causing a sound of exclamation.

After Wang Hong took the lead in firing, his ship continued to move forward, and the gunners on the ship quickly began to reload the guns. These gunners are fine every day. What they have to do is to operate these guns repeatedly, carry out loading training and aiming training. Now they are familiar with reloading. It can no longer be familiar. Several people cooperate with each other. When one tool has just pulled out the barrel, the other tool has been filled into the barrel.

As soon as the procedure of clearing the recym, someone has filled the medicine bag into the muzzle, and then someone quickly put the medicine bag into the bottom of the gun mouth, and filled the shell into the gun mouth. After a little hard, someone has broken the medicine bag from the door of the fire and poured the medicine into the fire gate.

The artillery was then quickly pulled by the gunners to pull the rope fixed to the side of the ship, towing the small four-wheel gun car, and pulling it to the gun door of the side of the ship. After a slight adjustment, it was ready to aim and could be fired again.

The speed of these people's reloading can be said to be dazzling, dazzling, and feels like flying. It makes people feel very enjoyable. In less than half a minute, they completed the reloading and prepared to fire the artillery again.

Then they stared at the next boat, and with Wang Hong's order, they began to fire again...

All the sea wolf ships followed Wang Hong's boat. When each ship entered the launch position, it immediately aimed at the ship closest to them and began to fire.

Although some ships have only one six-pound gun, but they have many ships. When 20 boats pass by the right side of the mixed river dragon fleet, they will immediately start to bombard the enemy.

This is a pain for Hun Jianglong and his men. This is the first time they have tasted the new tactics of the sea wolf and their new artillery.

When one passed by, the ships closest to the sea wolf were shelled by the sea wolf, and the shelling was still uninterrupted. As soon as each ship passed, the next ship entered the position and began to shell.

So these people on the ship of the mixed river dragon had no chance to fight back at all. They only felt that the sea wolf's shells were like rain and spilled on them.

(Chapter 2 arrives, continue to ask for monthly tickets and subscribe! Thank you, brothers!)