Daming Haiku

Chapter 94 Hunger Sales Law

But before Xiaotian leaves, he still has to do a few things, the most important of which is to transport some artillery to Jilong Bay and equip it on the turret of Peace Island under construction, so that it has a certain defensive capability.

During this period, the Lei blacksmith who had been shot during this period was jumped by Yu Xiaotian, with a group of craftsmen under his men, and there was almost no time in the workshop of the cannon.

Yu Xiaotian was eager for more cannons, so Lei Blacksmith had to temporarily put down all his hobbies and go all out to work in the shed.

The new imitation twelve-pound cannon has been successfully tried before Xiaotian went to Shuangfeng Island to fight against the mixed river dragon, and was cast into two doors and installed on the Sea Wolf.

When Xiaotian won the victory and returned to the division, he worked overtime to cast four 12-pound cannons, and also nine six-pound cannons.

This output is almost quadrupled compared with the previous monthly output, but it has exhausted the group of guys who have been cannons. Many people have two large dark circles around their eyes. Everyone has almost lost a circle of weight. Lei blacksmith walked a little when he saw Yu Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian looked at these newly cast cannons and was very satisfied. He reached out and patted Lei's blacksmith on the shoulder. Originally, he wanted to praise him a few words, but he turned his head and found that the thunder blacksmith turned his eyes and fell straight to the ground and fainted.

Yu Xiaotian was shocked and quickly asked Langzhong to come to rescue this guy. After Langzhong's pulse, he smiled bitterly to Xiaotian: "* In fact, his health is fine, but this period of time is too hard. Let him have a good rest for a few days, eat more good food, and he will recover soon! Please rest assured!"

After listening to Yu Xiaotian, he knew that he really pushed this guy so hard that he was seriously sleepless and lacked sleep, which was completely put down!

So he brought the Lei blacksmith back to his residence, let him have a good rest for three days, and then go to the cannon work. The rest of the cannon craftsmen also took turns to rest and slow down the speed of casting the cannon.

After strict irrigation inspection, it was found that one of the twelve-pound guns had cracks, which was a waste product, while two of the nine six-pounder guns had cracks, which were both of waste products. This was the result of rushing work, which made the original casting quality began to decline a lot.

So Yu Xiaotian had to order the cannon to slow down a little, but to ensure that there is no problem with the quality, all three waste cannons were smashed and recast back to the furnace.

The rest of the qualified cannons were all loaded into gun trucks and then loaded into two cargo ships, ready to set off for Chicken Cage Bay.

Just before Xiaotian wanted to leave Nanri Island, Li Yi suddenly came to Nanri Island to see Yu Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian had no choice but to delay and meet Li Yi in the village.

It turned out that Li Yi came here for business. Since Yu Xiaotian made glass products and soap, he began to deliver these things to the prosperous source.

As a fashionable commodity, glass products have been widely familiar to rich people and officials in this era. Therefore, Maoshengyuan's glass products have been put on the market, which immediately caused a sensation. * people are endless. They dare not say that they are in the market, at least there are many people who are greedy.

Moreover, the glass products in Nanri Island are of good quality, large quantity and volume, but the price is about half cheaper than other glass products imported from overseas.

In this way, glass products have immediately become the fist products of Maoshengyuan. * There are so many people that the output is not available for sales at all. Many people can only pay the money first before they can be ranked and wait to supply them after they are available.

So since the launch of glass mirrors and other glass products, Mao Shengyuan's business has suddenly improved a lot, and the money earned is really eye-catching.

Yu Xiaotian was not surprised by this, because this is taken for granted, and Mao Shengyuan has now opened a separate shop for glass products, named Jingbao Pavilion. For the time being, it is mainly engaged in glass products. He also hired a group of jewelry craftsmen to produce some gold and silver inlaid glass products for sale. In the future, it will become The main product for their lush source.

Li Yi was happy that she couldn't close her mouth and smiled that she couldn't see her teeth all day long.

However, to Yu Xiaotian's surprise, another ace product soap he launched was treated coldly after its launch. Few people asked about this thing, and few people spent a lot of money to buy it, so that during this period, Maoshengyuan had a lot of soap that could not be sold at all.

Li Yi had a headache for this, so he came to Yu Xiaotian, hoping that Yu Xiaotian would stop the production of this soap and focus on producing glass products.

After listening to this, Yu Xiaotian also felt a little surprised. With his understanding, soap should not be difficult to sell. After using this thing, who will wash his face with soap horns or pancreas?

But he didn't expect that after this thing was launched, it encountered such a cold treatment, which made him feel a little unexpected.

After listening to Li Yi's words, Yu Xiaotian touched his chin and thought about it for a while. Suddenly, he suddenly opened and figured out the reason.

"Shopkeeper Li, don't worry! Although not many people want soap now, I can guarantee that the people who want it will break the door of our prosperous source in the future!

The key is that few people have used this kind of thing so far, so no one knows its beauty without using it! Just sell it directly, and no one will definitely want it!

Well, you might as well take out part of the soap sent during this period as a gift to find the most famous people in Fujian and the richest people to send some!

In addition, write down its benefits, find a smart painter, draw some beauty pictures, put the benefits of soap on beauty pictures, give this soap a loud and beautiful name, make a poster, find the most prosperous places in Fuzhou City, Quanzhou City and Zhangzhou City, and send people to hang it up so that passers-by can see this. Some paintings!

Also, how much is the price of soap now?

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, a trace of joy flashed in his eyes. As a businessman, as soon as he heard Yu Xiaotian's method, he knew that this method must be useful. Maybe it could really open the market of this kind of soap. However, what he said was to draw beautiful pictures, mention the benefits of soap on the painting and display it in places with many people. This seems a little too much!

So Li Yi said, "At present, according to the meaning of the big head, these soaps are one or two pieces of silver! However, it seems a little inappropriate for the big head to say that it is not appropriate to draw some pictures of beauty in the downtown!

If the officials of the government know about it, they will probably intervene, and those old scholars and scholars will definitely scold them!

Once they make trouble, we Mao Shengyuan will be detained on an indecent charge, and I'm afraid that even we will be arrested and go to court!"

Yu Xiaotian's words are also reasonable. Although the advertising industry is in a budding state, it is still a little too avant-garde to make beautiful women into posters and put them in the downtown market. The Ming Dynasty is one of the most well-guarded dynasties for men and women in all dynasties.

And those scholars think they are guardians. On the surface, they are more serious than the other, but they secretly go to the kilns to play with women, male thieves and female prostitutes, but their comments have a great influence on the government and the court. Once they make trouble about this, they are not sure that the government will really come out. Face-to-face intervention.

So he shook his head and could only give up, but he still insisted on asking Li Yi to find a painter to draw some beauty pictures, with the instructions of soap, and could not be placed in the downtown to publicize, so it can be hung in the store as an ornament to make it clear to consumers at a glance!

"Since no one buys a taels of silver at the price, don't sell them first and put all the goods off the shelves and seal them in storage!

After a month after you give the gift, you can't sell what someone wants! Tell them that these things are from far away in Australia, and the price is very expensive and not easy to get!

If someone has to *, you can pay a little bit of ten taels of silver per piece! But you have to remember that you can only produce a small amount at a time, and you must not release a large number of goods!

I don't believe it. I can't stir up this thing. After those women of dignitaries have used it, I don't believe that they won't quarrel with their men!

The more you can't get, the more precious it will be. At that time, let them come to our door to buy it. It depends on whether their face is big or not. Small-headed and small-faced characters can't be sold to them! Humph!

It's best to include this thing in the tribute when Fujian sends tributes to Beijing this year, so that the imperial concubines in the capital can also try it! At that time, I'm afraid that you will not worry about not being able to sell it, but about where to get so many soap to supply to those dignitaries!" Yu Xiaotian shook his fan and said to Li Yi.

Li Yi's eyes widened as soon as he heard it. In the past, he thought that a small piece of this thing was priced at a taels of silver, which was really too expensive. You should know that an ordinary person's consumption may not exceed one taels of silver a month, and poor people may not even earn five taels of silver in a year. A small soap Ordinary people can't afford a taels of silver.

Now Yu Xiaotian opened his mouth and raised the price to ten taels of silver. This price is too expensive! So he said carefully to Xiaotian, "Isn't ten taels of silver a little too expensive? I think it should be very good to mention two taels of silver!"

"This is a bad word! You have also been doing business for many years, and I don't know if you have heard of it! The rich people in the world don't care about money, but face! They only ask for expensive things, not right!

How can a woman from a rich family give up? We are a high-end consumer group, and we need to figure out their thoughts! The higher the price, the more precious and better this kind of thing is! If the price is low, it will make them feel that they have lost their identity!

So ten taels of silver is already cheap. You can't blame me for being cruel. Who told them not to have this thing at the beginning? Now you want a bargain. It's too late. If you want it, just buy it with ten taels of silver!

Whung to sell it to them depends on my mood! What is this called? Let me think about it...oh...yeah! This is called hunger sales! Yes, it is called hunger sales. The market needs more products, but manufacturers deliberately limit the number of products put into the market, so that the market always maintains a state of hard to find. The more so, the more consumers feel that this thing is a good thing, and the more they are looking for it.

As long as you put a batch of products into the market, those who couldn't get the goods before are afraid that they can't get the goods, and the price is no longer the key. They will quickly scan the goods, but there are still some people who can't get the goods and wait to buy with coins. It's difficult to make money in the future!

By the way, aren't pearls beautifying? It happens that some small beads are not expensive in the South China Sea. You can find a way to collect a batch and get them to Nanri Island. I will crush them into powder and add them into soap, which is called pearl soap!

In the future, pearl soap will be sold for 50 taels of silver! I guess someone will still want it! Humph!" Yu Xiaotian shook a folding fan, with a waist knife hanging in his waist, turned around the room, and waved his hand to criticize Li Yi about his way of doing business. This looked nondescript and was really a little ridiculous. And as he spoke, he sneered, rubbed the middle finger of his index finger of his left hand and made a gesture of money. The expression of a profiteer showed, and as he thought about it, he became more and more excited. He endlessly threw out some of the sales ideas he knew, including some new terms in this era.

However, after listening to his words, although Li Yi also felt that his virtue was a little funny, he did not dare to underestimate him, let alone laugh at his virtue at this time. From Yu Xiaotian's words, he heard a new business concept. Although Yu Xiaotian said many words that he had never heard before, High-end consumers only buy expensive ones, not the right ones! He has never heard of hunger sales, currency waiting to buy and other terms, and these words sound very fresh, but he can roughly understand what they mean, because Yu Xiaotian suddenly opened a door for him today, which made him understand an updated sales concept, which made him quite a kind of difference. The feeling of empowerment made me feel excited all over my body.

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful! That's wonderful! Hunger sales? Hunger sales? Wonderful! Wonderful! It's so appropriate!" Yu Xiaotian said that he was getting more and more excited. Li Yi became more and more excited and couldn't help patting his thighs and cheering.

Yu Xiaotian only cared about excitement and was shocked by Li Yi's quarrel. Then he suddenly realized that he was too excited today and threw out some postmodern business terms. He knew that he had talked too much. If he continued to say this, I'm afraid he would really reveal the truth.

So he quickly stopped and said to Li Yi, "That's it. Manager Li will go back first and do as I said!" In a word, we can make money and give it away for free in the early stage, but let those rich women know that this is a good thing first, knowing that this thing is comfortable to use, and also beautify their skin and beautiful, so they don't have to worry about buying it for their own men!

But when they want to buy it, they can't let them do what they want. Taking money makes them feel that they can't buy it. It always gives them the illusion that this thing is very difficult to get. When we buy it again in the future, they will scramble to buy it!

I have something else to do, so I won't accompany Shopkeeper Li! Sorry, sorry! It's okay for Manager Li to rest on the island for two days. It's all on my account!"

Li Yi quickly got up and said, "How dare you! Where are you still in the mood to stay here? I will go back and follow the instructions of the head of the family! Ha ha! Thank you for teaching me! Listening to your words today is really better than reading for ten years! Thank you very much! Thank you very much!"

It doesn't mean that Xiaotian left Nanri Island. Li Yi was so busy that he didn't even have time to eat. He turned around and boarded the boat and left Nanri Island and rushed back to Fuzhou.

Yu Xiaotian did not see him off, but immediately turned around and boarded the ship, taking several immigrants full of goods and newly recruited, heading for Chicken Cage Bay.

(A big chapter of more than 4,000 words! I had a fever again yesterday afternoon. It was so sad that I went for a tuberculosis screening today!)