Daming Haiku

Chapter 110 Show off

Yu Xiaotian rarely slept until dawn, got up and washed up and came to the front yard. When he arrived at the front yard, there were already many people waiting here.

Ma Xiao, Liu Laoliu, Guo Fu of Chuanliao and several of his boatmen came to Yu Xiaotian's residence early. They sat boredly in the living room and chatted, guessing what Yu Xiaotian asked them to come over and say this time.

When they saw Yu Xiaotian coming out from behind, everyone quickly got up to salute Xiaotian.

"Haha! Sorry, sorry everyone! I'm really tired these days. I was so busy last night that I didn't go to bed until the fourth watch. Today, I slept late and let you wait for a long time!" Yu Xiaotian waved his hand so that his men did not have to be courteous and said to them with a smile.

Liu Laoliu turned around and sat back in the chair and said to Xiaotian, "Xiaotian, you can't go on like this. You are busy all day long, and you have to be busy until the middle of the night. Don't you doze off? You should also pay attention to your own bones!"

Yu Xiaotian nodded with a smile and agreed, turned to the people present and said, "I'm calling you to come today. There is a big deal to discuss with you!

If you come, steward Guo, you can probably guess what I asked you to do!"

Guo Fu quickly bowed and said, "The big masters are recruiting small people to come here. They must talk about building a new ship!" During this period, the wood of the ship has arrived. I thought that the big man would let the little ones start building new ships when he came back this time, but the big man kept us from starting work. The big man thought that the big man must be considering what kind of new ship we should build! Today, I guess the big head must have made up his mind! I don't know if the small one is right or not?"

Yu Xiaotian laughed and said, "The one who knows me is also the steward Guo!" Not bad, not bad! That's right! I called you to come today to talk about this! Come on, go and carry out the thing I finished last night!"

Liu Wang agreed and quickly took several soldiers to Yu Xiaotian's workshop and carried a shelf to the big living room. Xiaotian was covered with a red cloth. Everyone could not see what was covered underneath.

But judging from the shape of the red cloth, everyone can also guess that the bottom must be a ship model covered with a boat.

In fact, Chinese craftsmen shipbuilding have been making ship models for testing since Song * a long time ago. After continuous modification, they have determined the ship type and began to build new ships according to the proportion.

This kind of thing is even more popular in the Ming Dynasty. Generally, boatmen will do this. Even among boatmen, there is a set of secrets of shipbuilding. There is a fixed number of how big the ship and how much materials to put.

Today, I saw that Yu Xiaotian actually carried out a ship model. Although he had not seen what the ship model looked like, Guo Fu and other shipmakers were still very surprised. They all knew that Yu Xiaotian knew more about shipbuilding, but they didn't expect that Yu Xiaotian could do this by himself.

In the past, Yu Xiaotian has brought a lot of surprises to their craftsmen. Whether it is the craftsmen on the other side of the cannon, the shooting side, or even the craftsmen of the glass field and the soap field, when it comes to Yu Xiaotian, they are all admirable.

Guo Fu and others couldn't believe that Yu Xiaotian could even build ships, so they quickly surrounded the boat model one by one.

Even Ma Xiao, Liu Laoliu, Li Gouzi and others couldn't help but surround them together.

Yu Xiaotian proudly walked to the boat model, reached out and grabbed the red cloth, and said to everyone, "I dare to bet with you that you must have never seen anything below!"

Please take a look! The South Japanese sloop is going to debut today! ......”

As soon as he finished speaking, he shook his hand to uncover the red cloth covering the boat model, raised his hand and threw the red cloth on Liu Wang's head beside him.

A novel ship model then appeared in front of everyone.

Guo Fu and other shipmakers took a close look and were all surprised. They hurried over and began to carefully look at the ship model in front of him.

Yu Xiaotian put his hand behind his back and showed a villain's ambitious expression. He turned around and took a cigarette, lit it up and sat on the chair beside him with his legs and a golden knife, and asked these people to watch his masterpiece first.

In terms of appearance, this ship has completely escaped from the category of Chinese sailboats. Only the bottom compartment design has more or less retained the characteristics of Chinese ships.

Even these people who think they are very knowledgeable, this is the first time they have seen such a boat type, so they are all very curious and watch around the model while discussing.

"What kind of ship is this? Isn't it too slender? I haven't seen it! I have never seen it! In this case, the ship should be very fast!"

"Not bad! The bow is sharp, which can plow the waves. The bottom of the boat is also pointed, and there are ribs on both sides, which can prevent waves from boarding the ship! This boat has a lot of ribs! In this way, the ship should be very strong! It's just a little waste! But with the saving of the cabin, it is much more convenient for this ship to load goods!"

"Look at this mast and sail, this is the first time I've seen such a thing in my life! Weird! That's strange! Does such a sail work well? Why do I think it's not as good as our sails!"


People expressed their own opinions around the model of the ship, constantly discussing the practicality and safety of the ship if it is built, as well as the troubles that may be encountered during construction.

Yu Xiaotian also didn't care about them. He asked someone to send a bowl of porridge, drink it slowly, and also with some pickles. Someone actually sent him a salted duck egg, which made Yu Xiaotian eat very well. While eating, he listened to the comments of these guys.

Gradually, the opinions of these boatmen began to unify. After carefully looking at the boat model, they determined a few points.

First, if the ship is built, the speed of the ship will certainly be faster and more flexible. The aspect ratio is placed here, and the shape of the bottom of the ship and the shape of the bow show that the ship is very suitable for high-speed driving. At the same time, the larger rudder at the stern also shows that the ship is more flexible.

The second is that the ship should be relatively strong. The keel of the ship is made of a complete piece of wood. The two ribs of the hull have dense ribs, and there are several compartments at the bottom, which are reinforced with partitions. Coupled with the beams and deck of the middle deck, the ship looks very reliable and makes people feel secure.

Third, the sail setting of this ship is too strange. For a ship like this, they think that they can go on two masts and use two front and rear sails. If you need to hang the front sails in the front, you can also add a triangular front sail without using this kind of soft sail, or use them. Commonly used hard sails are better.

In addition, they feel that the upper deck of this ship is straight. In addition to being convenient for loading, if it is used as a warship, a lot of guns can be arranged on the two sides of the hull below the deck, and it can also be seen from this model that there are some guns at the side of the middle ship on both sides of the hull, which is him The big ships of the Thais we met by chance before are quite similar.

At least this kind of ship has more artillery than the ships they use at present, and cannons can be placed on both sides of the hull. Even if the hull of this ship is not large, the firepower should exceed the various ships they are currently using.

Overall, the shipmakers believe that this ship is quite beautiful in design and has many advantages, at least better than their common boat types such as lucky boats, wide boats, sand boats and bird boats, but there is another disadvantage that the side of this kind of boat is a ship is a little low, and it is not easy to jump when it meets enemy ships. !

At this time, Yu Xiaotian had already finished breakfast, wiped his mouth and pushed the bowls and chopsticks aside and stood up.

"It seems that you are all well-informed people. Although you have seen this kind of ship for the first time, you still see its benefits!

You are right. This kind of ship is called a sloop. The biggest advantage is that this kind of ship is very fast! At least more than twice or more than the fastest bird boat we have now!

In addition, this ship is very suitable for use in offshore places. It is fast, shallow, easy to operate, and can also operate quickly in narrow waterways.

But if you use him to travel far away, there is no problem. Its ship is low in weight and not easy to sink. The mast can even be put down when necessary. Even if it encounters a strong wind and waves on the sea, it is not afraid of sinking easily! You can still drive like flying!

In addition, you can also see that this guy is very strong and uses a large number of dense ship ribs. In this way, the hull structure will certainly be very strong. Coupled with the bottom and middle decks and partitions, the overall strength is far greater than that of ordinary ships. If it is to compete with ships of the same size, it can also take great advantage. .

Even use him to directly hit some ships much larger than it. With the structure of its bow, it can still smash the other party and ensure that it does not sink!

In a word, I have been thinking for a long time. What kind of ship do we need and what kind of ship is the most suitable for us? Finally, I chose this kind of ship as our first prototype.

As for those bird boats, Haicang and blessing boats, although I can't say that they are not good, I can responsibly say that they are outdated! Although we are still using it, it will be too bad if we use them to deal with the Clippers of those red-haired or Flang machinemen!"

Yu Xiaotian walked to the boat model, stretched out his hand like touching his beloved woman, gently stroked the boat model from his hand, and said to everyone.

Ma Xiao jumped up as soon as he heard it and exclaimed, "So fast? Can this boat run so fast? Really? God, it's twice as fast as the bird boat! Isn't this just like flying?"

Yu Xiaotian nodded and said, "If the wind is suitable, it's totally fine!" It can even be faster!"

After listening to this, their eyes appeared, because of course, they knew how important the speed of the boat was for them.

If they go to sea to pursue other merchant ships, almost any merchant ship will have no chance to escape at such a fast speed and can only be caught up by them.

But if they meet the enemy but can't beat it, they can take advantage of the high speed of the ship and immediately turn around and escape. The enemy can only follow their buttocks and smell farts, and can't even smell their farts.

If this kind of boat can really run so fast as Yu Xiaotian said, then their sea wolves will really be awesome in the future.

Even if it is the worst to use this kind of ship to transport goods, they will have enough time to run twice. In that way, the profits can be doubled, and there is no need to worry about being robbed by pirates on the road. They can't grab it even if they want to. They are too fast. In this way, they can use this kind of ship to do business. It's hard to make money!