Daming Haiku

Chapter 116 Opening King

In three months, in addition to the original industries, under the continuous promotion of Xiaotian, new news has also been sent back from Chickenlong wan.

Before the end of July, the fort in the northwest corner of Jilong Bay has also been basically completed and can be initially put into use. As a way, Jilong Bay only has gone all out to build a big village in the bay, and it also has considerable defensive ability.

Moreover, Blackhead and Sun Baoqiang also sent people to send back the news to Nanri Island. In July, there was a fleet of more than a dozen ships outside Jilong Bay.

The fleet wandered outside Jilong Bay for a while. Blackhead immediately led the ship out to meet them and asked about their identities. The other party also inquired about their identities. Finally, after the two sides announced their identities, there was no conflict. The fleet then bypassed the northern end of Taiwan Yuan Island and went south along the west coast of Taiwan Yuan Island. .

Blackhead reported that the leader of this fleet, surnamed Yan, came from Japan. The specific reason is unknown. There are about three or 400 people under his hand. There are both Ming people and Japanese on the ship, and it seems that they have done their own industry.

However, because they saw that the ships and members of the sea wolf were very majestic, and also found the forts on the Peace Island outside Jilong Bay, they did not have a head-on conflict with Blackheads in the end, and finally gave up the idea of docking in the bay and turned away from Chickenlong wan.

Yu Xiaotian attached great importance to this news, because when he heard the surname of the leader of this group, he roughly guessed the identity of the other party.

At this time, who can lead the fleet to Taiwan Island? Except for Yan Siqi, the famous king of Taiwan in history, no one can be found.

Yu Xiaotian is actually curious about Yan Siqi. When he read about Zheng Zhilong in the past, he once mentioned this person. In history, some people called him the king of Taiwan and was the first Chinese to lead the development of Taiwan Island.

So he consulted some information about this person. Historically, there was some debate about Yan Siqi. Some people thought that this person and Li Dan should be a person, but later historical materials confirmed that this person was not the same person with Li Dan, but a real person, but the life trajectory of this person and Li Dan were very similar.

In his early years, it was said that he was also from southern Fujian. In Wanli years, because he offended the official eunuch's family, he killed the servants of the official eunuchs in anger, abandoned his family and fled. He went to Kyushu Island, Japan, to make a living as a tailor, and secretly engaged in pirate business.

And it is said that this man is chivalrous and righteous, likes to make friends, and has made many people from southern Fujian in Kyushu, forming a considerable force. Even the Japanese authorities have appointed him as the leader.

But this person is not a peaceful person. He can't stand what the Japanese shogunate has done. He actually wants to participate in the rebellion. Unexpectedly, the matter was exposed and he was hunted down by the shogunate. He had no choice but to take his men to escape from Kyushu Island. Then he came to Taiwan Island and prepare to take Taiwan Island as his base, explore Taiwan Island and prepare to do A big career.

Unfortunately, this Yan Siqi was unlucky. Although he was ambitious, he did not have a long life. After arriving at Taiwan Island, he died of the disease without tossing around for a long time. As a result, all his previous efforts were in the drain.

After Yan Siqi's death, his men returned to Zheng Yiguan. Later, because they were close to Tainan, they clashed with the Dutch. In the end, Zheng Yiguan had to give up Yan Siqi's industry in Tainan and led the crowd to withdraw to Quanzhou. His pirate business.

So Yu Xiaotian has been paying attention to this matter for more than a year. Now Yan Siqi has finally appeared and continues to walk towards the future according to his life trajectory.

Yu Xiaotian has thought about why Yan Siqi led the crowd to the central and southern area without staying in Chickenlong wan. Later, after checking the terrain of northern Taiwan, he figured out the reason why Yan Siqi did not choose northern Taiwan.

The topography of Taiwan has affected Yan Siqi's decision. There are few plains and mountains in northern Taiwan, which are not suitable for agricultural development. Yan Siqi's decision is to carry out pioneering and farming, so he must choose a relatively flat plain terrain to gain a foothold. Therefore, he finally went to the central and southern part of Taiwan.

The place Yan Siqi chose is also good. In the central and southern part of Taiwan, the terrain is relatively flat and the land is relatively fertile. It is indeed more suitable for wasteland and farming. However, for Xiaotian, he knows that the Dutch have also gone to the Tainan area at this time, which is too close to the Dutch's Relancha City. Some will soon have a head-on conflict with the Dutch.

Zheng Yiguan later inherited Yan Siqi's legacy, but still could not defend his territory and was forced away from Taiwan Island by the Dutch. He did not want to commit it knowingly, so he resolutely chose the easy-to-to- defend and difficult-attack Jilong Bay as his first step to land on Taiwan Island.

Yu Xiaotian secretly remembered this news, and he was also curious about Yan Siqi, a legendary figure. If he had time, he would go to find him. It was better to know this person and make friends with him to see if this person is as benevolent and righteous as the legend. If it is In that case, he would be happy to make friends with him.

He sent people to reply to Heito and Sun Baoqiang. For the time being, he doesn't have to care about a group of people surnamed Yan and let them go. At present, the internal construction of Chicken Cage Bay is the top priority. In addition to building the village, if there are enough manpower, he should also start building roads in the bay and connect various working points. In the future, in addition to Fang In addition to improving labor efficiency, it is also necessary to facilitate the movement of troops in the bay and deal with the surrounding enemy situation.

In addition, he sent a fleet to send more than a dozen artillery of various types to Jilong Bay, which were installed in the Peace Island Fort and the newly built fort. At the same time, he also sent them a large number of ammunition and 20 newly built flinch guns to strengthen the garrison there.

The two most important arsenals in Xiaotian have now been merged into one, and the gunpowder workshop belongs to the military equipment office under the director's hall.

Nowadays, the number of people working in military weapons alone has reached more than 200, which is already a considerable scale. Even some large iron fields on land may not exceed that of sea wolves' military weapons.

Manpower and technical advantages have greatly improved the production of firearms in the Seawolf Military Instruments Institute. After such a long period of training and learning, the previous nookies have gradually become familiar, and the output of artillery is increasing every month.

Nowadays, cannons can not only produce six-pound light guns and 12-pound short guns, but also try to produce 12-pound long guns with extended body tubes and gun walls. Yu Xiaotian changed this 12-pound long gun to 12 pound cannons, and the 12-pound short guns previously produced were renamed 12 pound howitzers. Cannon.

However, the weight of the 12-pound cannon exceeded 1,500 catties. After adding the gun rack, it exceeded 2,000 catties, which has exceeded the carrying capacity of the ship currently owned by the sea wolf. It can only be temporarily used as a shore defense gun on the island, because this guy himself is heavy, powerful and has a great recoil. Chinese ships, including those lucky boats, are estimated to have a lifespan once this guy is loaded. After a shot is released, the ship will be shaken and scattered.

So although this kind of cannon is very powerful, it can only make the guys on the ship drool, but they dare not load it on their boat.

Therefore, this 12-pound cannon can only be used in the fort for the time being. In the past three months, six cannons were cast, four were shipped to Jilong Bay, and two were left in the forts outside the Dazhai on Nanri Island. After the new sloop is completed, a few more equipment will be produced to the sloop sail. The position of the bow of the ship is used as the main gun.

It's a 12-pound howitzer. Because the weight is within an acceptable range, some larger lucky ships in the sea wolf fleet can be carried after reinforcement. Recently, they have become the main products of artillery. They are cast into 18 cannons in one breath, and are cast into six every month. They are equipped into the fleet, making the sea wolf The firepower level of the fleet has once again reached a big step. Nowadays, after encountering the same-scale fleets, they can definitely beat them with artillery and win without even relying on help.

Even if the sailors of Fujian officers and soldiers come to trouble the sea wolves now, the sea wolves' fleet may not be afraid of them.

In addition to the busy gunfire, the gunpowder workshop is also in full swing. Recently, they have brought back a ship of saltpetre from the Spanish. These saltpetre from Chile are of very good quality. The gunpowder workshop is busy converting this batch of saltpetre into gunpowder every day, making the sea wolf's gunpowder warehouse now A full 40,000 catties of gunpowder have been stored.

If 40,000 catties are converted into tons of future generations, it will be about more than 20 tons. Although it is placed in later generations, this ignition medicine is nothing at all, but in this era, the use of firearms is still in the emerging state, and the consumption of gunpowder is far lower than the ammunition consumption of future generations, so these 40,000 catties of gunpowder, for sea wolves, It is enough to deal with a war of considerable scale.

The problem of gunpowder has been temporarily solved for Xiaotian, and then he began to toss around again and create a new weapon, that is *.

* is actually not too new, and the structure of this thing is very simple and easy to manufacture. However, so far, Yu Xiaotian has not been able to solve the problem of fuse for the time being. He can only use the local method and solve it with the most primitive leads.

Yu Xiaotian ordered the blacksmith to cast a batch of shell casings, poured gunpowder into the shell casing, stuffed it with a wooden cork, punched the cork and inserted a lead, and sealed the junction of the bullet body and the cork with wax for moisture protection.

So the first * of the sea wolf was born. As soon as it was tried out, Yu Xiaotian immediately took people to the shooting range for testing.

After a few roars, the result disappointed Yu Xiaotian, because he encountered the same problem encountered in the repair of the Eighth Route Army.

That is *After all, the explosion speed is low and the power is small. After being loaded into the iron shell, when it explodes, it is impossible to effectively blow up the shell and form a large number of fragments.

* After the explosion, two of them were not even broken, just a crack. After the other explosions, the best one only blew up six or seven shrapnel, most of which only collapsed in half. Except for the loud sound and scares people, they basically did not have much lethality.

(Chapter 2 is here. First, book the monthly ticket for next month in your hands. Don't forget to leave it for me then! Ha ha!)