Daming Haiku

Chapter 121 Trial

But after all, this ship is the first experimental sloop. In addition, the design of the steering wheel is not a simple matter. Theoretical knowledge alone is not enough. Someone must explore and make samples for testing before it can be used on the ship.

This set of steering wheel operation mechanism is only a prototype so far, but a set of original shape has been built. Now it is still being tested and improved, and it is no longer possible to catch up with the installation on this ship, so that the ship still adopts the old-fashioned steering wheel operation mechanism, which can speed up the construction of the ship. Progress, to avoid delaying the launch test because the steering wheel mechanism is not completed.

However, when the ship was designed, Yu Xiaotian still asked these shipmakers to reserve a position to install the steering wheel mechanism on the ship. Once the steering wheel mechanism is tested successfully, the ship can still be modified.

At this time, the sailors on the ship who were selected as test members were already in place on the ship. At this time, a group of people ran to try to operate the sails on the ship before leaving the dock.

The biggest advantage of the sloop is that there is only one mast and only two sides of the sail. Although it is a soft sail, it is not much more difficult to operate than the Chinese hard sail because of its exquisite design. Even after proficiency, it is more convenient to operate such a sail than the Chinese hard sail.

Several hand in charge of sailing was busy at the mast, constantly experimenting with the collection and release of sails. In fact, Yu Xiaotian had trained them before the ship was put into the water.

For this reason, he also set up a mast on the shore and hung this kind of sail, so that these test sailors could carry out operation training on the shore in advance. After the ship went into the water, it was too late to adapt.

So after these people got on the ship, they were not unfamiliar with the operation of these sails. They quickly straightened out the sails and cables and were ready to set sail.

After seeing that all the preparations had been completed, Yu Xiaotian took a deep breath and finally ordered the cable to be untied.

Originally, his men did not want Yu Xiaotian to take the risk of embarking on the ship to participate in the first water test operation of the ship. They were afraid that something would happen to the ship and encounter trouble after going to sea, which threatened Yu Xiaotian's life.

But how can Yu Xiaotian let others do such an important thing? This ship was "created" by him, and no one knows the performance of this ship and the operation mode of this ship better than him.

So he insisted on taking these men to test the ship for the first time and personally test whether the ship could meet his original expectations.

So under his order, the sailors on the ship immediately got busy, untied the cables that controlled the hull tied to the side of the ship and threw them into the water.

A large shamboard crossed by more than a dozen people immediately appeared outside the dock door of the dock. The sailors on the shamboard took a towing cable and tied it to the tail of their shamboard.

Hearing the sound of a leader's horn, more than a dozen pulpers began to struggle to row the oars in their hands. The rope tied to the loose position of the bow of the dhow was quickly tightened. The hull began to move under the drag of the sampan, and was pulled out of the dock door and entered the open bay. Some water surface.

The people on the shore watched the boat get out of the dock smoothly and cheered loudly. The gongs and drums on the shore once again prayed for the ship's departure.

The weather on this day is very good. The wind on the sea is not strong and the waves are not high, which is very suitable for such a sea test. For the sake of safety, the ship did not go to sea immediately after being towed out of the dock. Instead, another inspection has been carried out in the bay and an anchoring test has been carried out.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the center of gravity of the ship, Yu Xiaotian ordered the sailors on the ship to untie the cables, get out of the ssam used to pull them, raise the sails, and drive out of the bay with the power provided by his own sails.

After all, this is the first time these sailors have operated such sails. Although they have been trained on the shore for a long time, once they start to operate the real ship, they are still a little uncomfortable with this kind of sail operation. After the sails are raised, it took a long time to operate the hands. Next, it took the wind and provided power to the ship.

At this time, the ship really relied on its own sails for the first time and began to sail.

The helmsman carefully operated the rudder under the stern. In the command of Xiaotian, he kept making adjustments to stabilize the ship and slowly sailed out of the mouth of the bay.

At the same time, several bird boats and catching boats similar in size as this ship have left the bay in advance before the sloop went to sea, waiting outside to go to sea as an accompanying ship to provide safety protection for the test participants on this ship. If something goes wrong, hurry up. Provide rescue to the ship.

After the dhow sailed out of the bay, surrounded by these ships, it sailed into the wide sea, and then turned around and sailed to the wider eastern waters of Nanri Island.

At this time, there were no other ships on the sea, because Yu Xiaotian wanted to conduct a sea test on the ship and ordered the closure of the surrounding waters in advance. First, it was to avoid letting outsiders see their new ships sailing, and also ensure the cleanliness of the surface.

So at this time, the eastern sea of Nanri Island is very calm. Except for a few preset sentries moving on the distant sea, no other ships can be seen.

Through this operation and test, Yu Xiaotian and the participants on the ship felt that the control of the ship was quite good. The hull's response to the rudder was better than expected. The ship's operation was sensitive, which was basically in line with Yu Xiaotian's original vision.

And after operating the sail for a while, he gradually began to touch a little doorway, which made it easier to operate the sail. Although it still seemed a little difficult to keep up, at least he could control the sail to the wind.

This also gave the ship more wind power and provided stronger power, and the speed of the ship began to increase at this time.

Yu Xiaotian always stood on the stern, paying attention to the various operations of the ship, and constantly ordering various adjustments. The ship gradually moved away from the coast of Nanri Island and entered the deeper waters. Under his command, the ship began to make some simple maneuvers.

This dhow, under the command of Xiaotian, entered the sea east of Nanri Island. As the operational proficiency of the ship's personnel gradually improved, the speed of the ship gradually improved. The elegant hull rowed the blue sea water on the sea, leaving a white stern. Wandering.

No matter what the ship is, some seabirds gathered together and began to dive down in the waves at the stern of the ship to prey on small fish and shrimps or some sea creatures that have fallen out of the sea.

"Big head, our ship has exceeded the speed of the following ships. Will we continue to accelerate?" One of the leaders on the ship asked Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian turned his head and looked at the track left by the stern and the escort ships following him. It could be seen that the speed of the ship under his feet had begun to flatten them and began to exceed their speed.

So far, the ship's voyage is relatively stable, and the sail has not eaten enough, indicating that the ship still has great potential to improve its speed, so he nodded with satisfaction: "Regard them, just let them follow! Adjust the course and continue to accelerate south! I'd like to see how fast this boat can run!"

At this time, the sailors on the ship also felt the lightness of the ship and were very excited, so they quickly answered, then adjusted the sails and rudder, and began to sail south. During September, the wind on the sea began to turn, and it was just a state of good wind to the south.

At this time, the bow sail was all opened and adjusted to the angle of eating the wind. The soft sail began to eat enough, and the boat suddenly began to accelerate again and rushed forward.

At this time, the oblique truss sail on the mast was also adjusted to the wind angle, and both sails were windy at this time. In this way, it provided sufficient power for the ship, making the ship start to speed up again and accelerate forward.

At this time, the sea wolves on the escort ship around the ship suddenly opened their mouths. They saw this strange new ship. After eating the wind, it suddenly rushed out like chicken blood.

Although they have raised all their sails and increased their speed in order to catch up with the ship, they can't catch up with the ship at all. They can only watch the ship go away, plowed a narrow wandering trail on the sea and run towards the distance.

"Good boy! This guy runs too fast! Like a shark! ..." Someone began to lie on the port of the ship and look at the sloop and exclaimed.

Today, not only some small leaders accompanied Yu Xiaotian to go to sea, but also big figures in the sea wolf group such as Wang Hong, Ma Xiao and Fang An were also invited to watch the trial of the ship.

So these people also followed out on the boat. At this moment, when they saw Yu Xiaotian rushing out with the new ship, they all shouted in surprise one by one.

"I said the fifth! I'm not on Nanri Island these days. Why did the big man make such a powerful guy again? What kind of boat is this? How can it run so fast?

If we all change this kind of boat, who can escape our pursuit in the future! No way! I have to find a big man to change the boat quickly! I like this boat! Don't rob me, or I'll be in a hurry with him!" Wang Hong looked at the new boat that Yu Xiaotian sat on, rushed over in front of them, and immediately raised his voice to Fang An and the one-eyed dragon standing next to him.

"Actually, I can wait for the big head to guess? What does he want? I don't know. All I know is that the big head seems to have never been idle!

If the third brother wants this boat, he will discuss it with the big man, but doesn't the third brother think the boat is a little small? Would you like to exchange your current boat for this boat? Fang An smiled and watched the new ship and said to Wang Hong with a joking meaning.

(Tomorrow is the beginning of the month. It is said that the monthly ticket to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival can be doubled. Brothers, remember to leave me a monthly ticket! Please, please! Ha ha!)