Daming Haiku

Chapter 127 Fist is the truth

Ma Ruyi continued to wipe her sweat and said, "Please give you the details!" About 40 miles northeast of this place, there is a local tribe of thousands of people. These natives are good at blowing arrows and bows and arrows, coming and going in the jungle like the wind. When we came to settle here, we were disturbed by them and many people died in their hands.

Some people were even taken and eaten by them, so the big man asked us to move 15 miles north, just on the edge of their jurisdiction. I had thought about where to reclaim the wasteland before, but because of their attacks, we had no choice but to give up.

Now, if we give up here and move there, without the protection of the wall, isn't it equivalent to forcing us to death?

So we still hope that the head of the house will be lenient for some time. How about we build a wall and some residences there first, and then allow us to move there? I hope there will be a large number of people in charge!"

Speaking of this, Ma Ruyi kowtowed and begged for Xiaotian.

After touching his chin and thinking about it, Yu Xiaotian nodded and said, "What you said also makes sense. Since you are a sensible person, let's do it according to what we understand!

I will give you a month. You can take the young men in your village. In addition, I will send 30 additional men to protect you from the new site to build a village. After a month, you will take the villagers to the new site to settle down. This is ours!

If you think it's okay, then do it. If you don't agree, I'll get rid of you now! You can choose by yourself!"

As soon as Ma Ruyi heard this, he had to agree. At least the sea wolf master was more or less reasonable and did not directly finish the matter. He not only gave him a month, but also agreed to send someone to escort them to build a village there.

In this way, if you work faster in a month, the wall can be built. As long as there is a wall, they will have a foothold, and the threat of the natives will be reduced to them a lot. Next, they will slowly build houses, and they can still live.

So Ma Ruyi took several villagers back to the village and informed the villagers of the news. Some villagers were anxious as soon as they heard it and felt that it was too bullying. Their sea wolves came and came. Where did they drive them away?

So a little stunned and immediately in the village, they quarreled and refused to leave. At worst, they fought with these sea wolves, but their opposition was not very big, because the villagers also saw the power of the sea wolves. Most people are still very afraid. Although they are reluctant to give up this place, they are always lost. Life is strong!

As the saying goes, it's better to die than to live. The most important thing is to save your life first. If you follow these hard criminals to play with the sea wolves outside, you will simply hit a stone with an egg and find yourself to see the king of hell.

Although the sea wolf is indeed bullying the weak, after all, they have left a way out for them. In fact, it is easy to make a choice about where to go.

When the vast majority of people indulged in their lives, a few limited hardliners gradually calmed down and helplessly accepted the current fact.

However, what surprised them was that although they agreed to the conditions put forward by the sea wolf, the sea wolf did not directly enter their village. Instead, they set up camp outside the village and set them a month according to the agreed time, so that the villagers of Majiabao can continue. Live in the village.

This made the villagers of Majiabao a little comforting. They found that the sea wolf was indeed very different from other pirates. They were disciplined and disciplined. When the subordinates were active, they advanced and retreated moderately, followed the instructions of the leader above, what they were asked to do, and did not do what they were not allowed to do.

When they arrived, no one harassed the villagers, especially the women in the village, and no one rushed into the village to make trouble. Everything seemed very stable.

So Ma Ruyi was distressed and sent the grain storage in the village and all kinds of preserved dried meat accumulated over many years. According to Yu Xiaotian's requirements, he sent the stockade and handed it over to the sea wolf department.

In this way, Yu Xiaotian can meet the food needs of these people for a long time with this income alone.

This first step can be said to be quite smooth. Basically, it has found a suitable landing point inside the mouth of the freshwater estuary, laying a good foundation for future operation here.

In fact, the biggest trouble they face is actually the indigenous people living in this area. Since ancient times to the present, the main reason why Taiwan Island has not been controlled by the mainland regime is not that the environment here is not as bad as some people in later generations think.

Although there are indeed a lot of mosquitoes here, the climate is humid and the swamps are everywhere, it is not enough to allow immigrants to survive. The regimes on the subcontinent have sent troops here not just to come here. In fact, they also wanted to include Taiwan Island into the territory.

However, the poor medical conditions caused the troops who came here to encounter a large-scale epidemic. More importantly, they were strongly resisted by the indigenous people of Taiwan.

For the natives of the indigenous tribes of Taiwan Island in this era, all immigrants from the mainland are their enemies, because these immigrants want to burn wasteland and farm, destroy their forests, grab land and compete for prey with them, so immigrants are predators and must be driven away.

Most indigenous people hate immigrants very much. Even if they like the iron tools and exquisite fabrics in the hands of immigrants, they still don't like them.

For these immigrants, the indigenous people used the method is that if the number of people is small, they will rush up and attack them and kill them. If there are many immigrants, they will avoid them, do not provoke them, and attack them after the right opportunity.

There are many indigenous people in Taitung. Over the years, many immigrants have died in the hands of the indigenous people. The immigrants do not have a unified management and fight separately, so they can't deal with the indigenous people at all.

This is also because although many immigrants have come, there are not many villages that can really stand, and even if they occupy a small area, it is difficult for them to develop and expand, and they can only struggle to survive in the struggle with the natives.

Now that Yu Xiaotian brings people here, the first thing to face is also such a problem. What should he do? Yu Xiaotian and Fang An were discussing this matter on the way here.

The problem raised by Majiabao is also the problem they want to solve. If they don't solve this problem, they may be driven out of here by the natives sooner or later.

After the discussion, in the end, they did not come up with a very good way. They could only take step by step and take both soft and hard means to pull a batch and fight a batch, so that the natives know the sea wolf is powerful and dare not take the initiative to provoke them again.

If all of them adopt a hostile approach, it is obviously not a wise way. Although Yu Xiaotian has more people now, he is far from sufficient to mobilize a large army to wipe out all the indigenous people in this area, so he can only take such a soft and hard way to deal with these hostile measures against him. Our natives.

In order to gain a foothold here first, Yu Xiaotian and Fang An inspected the surrounding situation on the shore, chose the most open place in this area so far, and set up a camp with the existing Majiabao as the center.

As for the construction of the city, for the time being, their human and material resources are not enough to support them, so they can only take the fence as the basis and gradually develop in the future.

Therefore, from the third day of their landing, the young villagers of Majiabao began to take tools and go to the new site designated by Yu Xiaotian to start building the village under the leadership of Ma Ruyi and the protection of the soldiers of the three teams of Sea Wolf.

The sea wolf people planned a land area of about 100 mu around Majiabao and began to cut trees and build villages nearby.

At the same time, Yu Xiaotian also asked Ma Ruyi to send two villagers who were familiar with the surrounding terrain. With two teams of soldiers, they went up against the sang and went to several villages on both sides of the river to inform their patriarchs or the people in charge of the village to come to Majiabao for discussion.

The matter of establishing the village is relatively smooth. There are dense jungles on both sides of the Tamsui River, and the tree resources are very rich, so it is also very convenient to take wood logging. In some places, they simply directly use some of the original trees, cut down the extra trees, set up piles on the spot, and build a height of about one foot. Left and right wooden fences.

This wooden wall can provide the most basic protection for the people stationed here and protect the people living in it from the attack of natives or beasts.

Although the natives come and go in the jungle and are powerful, they are indigenous after all and do not know how to attack. Once the fortress is completed, it will be difficult for them to get any advantage from these immigrants.

What's more, the sea wolf now has new weapons beyond this era. If they want guns, guns and cannons, they may be weak to attack, but if they guard the fortress, there must be no problem. If the native tribes don't know each other and gather hands to attack, it will definitely be a one-sided massacre.

Therefore, as the first step to gain a foothold here, this stockade must be established, and this time Yu Xiaotian brought more than 50 newly recruited craftsmen with the fleet, and at the same time transferred more than a dozen craftsmen who have worked in Chickenlong wan from Chickenlong wan. As professional engineers, these people have done this That's not to say.

In addition, the raw materials are available on the spot, so after they started construction, the project progressed quickly, and a three-meter-high wall was basically erected in less than ten days.

And in the past ten days or so, some nearby immigrant villages that received news also began to send people to Majiabao to see Yu Xiaotian and Fang An.

When these village stewards heard that such a group of Fuzhou sea wolves came, they were all worried. The people sent to inform them told them very clearly, "Please" them to talk about it. This invitation is not simple, implying a threat, plus the sea of live ammunition that accompanied them. With the posture of the wolf people, most of the people in these immigrant villages did not dare to neglect it. They took a boat down the stream and came to Majiabao.

(It is said that my book will be blocked on the front page tomorrow! If that's right, how about fighting for three times without doing anything tomorrow? Brothers, have a good time, and please support them more tomorrow! Ha ha!)