Daming Haiku

Chapter 133 Unexpected Visitor

"Has the No. 2 sloop been put into the water?" Yu Xiaotian suddenly asked a question that had nothing to do with this matter.

Li Gouzi was stunned and nodded quickly and said, "It's in the water! Just the day before, the big head of the water was not there, and the boat was not waiting for the big head. In order to quickly free the dock, as soon as they built the boat, they hurriedly moved it out of the dock. Now they are stopping on the shore and installing sails and making final inspection!"

Yu Xiaotian gently patted the armrest of the chair, showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth, and got up and said, "That's all for today's all. I'll consider another consideration!" Let me see the boat first! You don't have to speculate. I will definitely get this face back for us! But it's not necessary to stir up the masses to fight with Boss Chu Cai! Hey hey!"

After hearing this, everyone immediately got up and said goodbye, and some people followed Yu Xiaotian out of the stockade and headed for the boat.

At the dock outside the boat, another brand-masted sailboat has been launched and is docking next to a trestle. Some boatmen are busy installing cables and other parts for the ship, so that the ship can immediately go to sea for trial.

In terms of shape, this No. 2 ship is almost exactly the same as the previous Flying Fish, and there is no difference in size. They are all 150 ships, but the details are somewhat different from the previous Flying Fish. When the shipmaker built this ship, the Flying Fish has conducted many sea trials.

According to some problems found in the trial, Guo Fu and other shipmen have made some modifications on this second ship. For example, the ribs under the ribs on both sides of the starboard have been thickened, which has strengthened the longitudinal strength of the hull, and also played a certain role in reducing the shaking, making it turn and encounter at sea. When there are strong winds and waves, the hull can be more stable.

The bow position should be equipped with a 12-pound howitzer. In order to ensure the load-bearing capacity and avoid recoil from damaging the hull, this part has been strengthened to a certain extent.

In addition, the rudder of the stern has also been expanded a little, which can enhance the flexibility of the ship. Six additional positions can be placed on both sides of the stern. Once the sail is damaged and cannot be repaired, or when there is no wind at sea or offshore, these boats can provide power to the ship, and if necessary, they can also Speed up the ship.

In short, this ship has improved the details compared with the No. 1 Flying Fish, making it stronger and more perfect, and can be put into use immediately.

As soon as Yu Xiaotian arrived at the ship's house, he carefully checked the situation of the second ship and praised the boat for building the second ship so quickly.

And Guo Fu and others are very proud now. After all, after they have the experience of building the No. 1 ship, the No. 2 ship has basically not changed much, some tooling is also in place, and the experience of the boatman has also accumulated, so when building the No. 2 ship, there is a lot of trouble, and the overall construction process is quite smooth.

So not long after the Flying Fish was built and delivered for trial, they also built the No. 2 ship, and quickly sent it out of the dock and vacated the dock to start building the No. 4 ship, that is, the enlarged model of brevary required by Yu Xiaotian.

After Yu Xiaotian took a look at the No. 2 ship, he turned his head and went to the dock of the boat. The dock where the Flying Fish was built before had already been dried up again and the dock door was sealed. The frame in the dock had already been repaired, and a new sloop At this time, the keel had been placed on the shelf of the dock. At this time, part of the ribs were in the hands of the shipmen and were installed on the keel. Combined with the keel, the overall progress was faster than Yu Xiaotian thought.

No wonder, there must be brave men under the reward. Yu Xiaotian has never been stingy in rewarding these craftsmen. As long as they do well, they will be rewarded more money. In order to get more money, the craftsmen do not hesitate to do more work and do it faster.

And Yu Xiaotian set a price for the ship's house. According to the size of the hull construction, in the future, the board of directors will settle the boat house according to the boats built by the boat house. The faster they build, the more money they get. If it exceeds the established construction period, the money will be deducted. If it is advanced, it will be given. Additional bounty.

Of course, all the premise is that the ship they built must be made according to the process. They can't cut corners. It must be a qualified ship. If the quality of the ship is not up to standard, the boatmen will not only not get the wages, but they may have to pay for the materials of the ship.

So this system must come down, and the craftsmen of Chuanliao naturally became full of energy. Therefore, the speed of the project of Chuanliao improved rapidly, which made Yu Xiaotian a little surprised by the energy of these guys.

"When can this ship test the water?" Yu Xiaotian pointed to the No. 2 ship docked next to the trestle and asked Guo Fu.

Guo Fu quickly replied, "The big man, this ship's ballast stone has been loaded. Today, it is loading sail cables and rollers. The anchor can be loaded tomorrow morning, and the ship can test the water by the day after tomorrow at the latest!"

Yu Xiaotian nodded and said, "Yes, this ship can be easier to test the water. With the experience of the Flying Fish, this ship should not be a big problem. I want you to continue to build this kind of ship as quickly as possible. Before the end of the year, try to make four or five usable boats for me!"

Guo Fu nodded and agreed, showing an embarrassed face and said to Xiaotian, "The big boss, the dock here is just about to build a big ship with 300 materials. If four or five such boats are to be built before the end of the year, this 300-material big ship may not be built! In addition, we can't make room for these two docks!"

Yu Xiaotian touched the beard on his chin, thought for a moment and said, "Why is this so difficult?" This 150-material boat is not big in itself, and it doesn't have to be docked!

You used to build ships in other places, and most of them also made the platform, so that they were put into the water with a slide. Just get on the ship's rack directly in the boat and then build it!

I'm afraid you're still worried about manpower! This is easy to do. I'll just ask Ma Xiao and others to 'recruit' another batch of craftsmen for you!"

Guo Fu nodded and said, "What the big boss said is very true. This is also a way to use the ship's frame! 150 boat slides can be put into the water! If we can add another 40 or 50 craftsmen, as long as the wood can keep up, the small one can be guaranteed to build two more such ships for the big master, and the other 300-material ship is estimated to be built before the end of the year!"

Yu Xiaotian also said nothing more. After returning home and resting for two days, the director's hall organized several boats of materials needed on the side of Danshui Village. In addition, he asked the ministries to find ways to continue to recruit immigrants and deliver them to Jilong Bay and Danshui Village.

Now Yan Siqi and others have landed in the south and have begun to attract immigrants from Zhangquan. They can't move too slowly. They must increase the number of immigrants in Jilong Bay and Danshuizhai as soon as possible, so as to gradually gain an advantage in the competition with local indigenous people in the future.

In a word, no one can do it if he wants to run Taiyuan Island. He must find a way to attract more immigrants to settle there.

But it is not enough to recruit immigrants alone. After these immigrants arrive there, they need a lot of tools, agricultural tools and a large number of cattle to resettle and farm.

Although he prepared a batch of ploughing cattle in advance on Nanri Island, the number is still far from meeting the needs, and he has promised to the immigrant villages along the Tamsui River. After returning this time, he will send three to five ploughing cattle to each immigrant village as his first investment in these immigrant villages to enhance their cultivation. Ability.

This matter involves the problem of trusting the people in the future, so he did not dare to be careless. After coming back, he organized the transportation of the existing idle farming cattle on Nanri Island, and sent people to inform the merchants in Fuzhou and Funing, so that they could find ways to buy ploughing cattle for the sea wolves on land through various ways, first transport them to Nanri Island, and then Transfer to Tamsui Village.

While Xiaotian was busy raising all kinds of materials needed for the freshwater village, Yu Xiaotian was informed that the patrol ship blocked a fleet around the mouth of the Minjiang River. The fleet did not pay the toll according to the rules of the sea wolf, but they said that they had a friendship with the big master and hoped that we would raise our hands once, but The brothers who did not agree and took them back to Nanri Island and had been detained at the East Pier.

According to the brothers who escorted them back, it seems that they are also doing our business, and their stewman said that they are friends of Zheng Yiguan and want to see the big man once!

Yu Xiaotian felt strange when he heard it. Of course, Zheng Yiguan knew it, but what did this group of people do? Unconsciously, he suddenly remembered the fleet he met on the way back from the Tamsui River. At that time, he did not stop to inquire about the fleet, but it could be roughly seen that they were also sailing towards Fuzhou.

Could this fleet have been detained by their own men? If so, where did they come from at that time?

"What is the name of the stew of the fleet?" Yu Xiaotian immediately asked his men who came to report the letter.

"This person calls himself Yan, and his name is Siqi! ......”

Yu Xiaotian stood up and immediately laughed.

(Two updates today, another chapter will be updated in the afternoon!)