Daming Haiku

Chapter 186 Spy 2

And the ship's speed is slow. Sometimes if there is an emergency in other places, it is likely that it will be too late for him to send the news by the ship. Even if they change to their latest dhow as a transportation ship, it only improves the speed of some information transmission, but However, there are still various problems, and the speed is still not fast and convenient enough.

The carrier pigeon is undoubtedly a very good way of contact, which can quickly and easily transmit important news or intelligence back to the wolf's den, so that he can get the news earlier and make him react faster so as not to miss the opportunity.

So after thinking of this, Yu Xiaotian immediately ordered people to visit various places on land and began to look for good-quality breeding pigeons. At the same time, he also searched for people who were good at raising pigeons and training pigeons. He did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to search for such talents. Anyway, what he wanted was the result. As for the process, he did not choose any means to achieve the goal. Is the key.

"Have they all been arranged?" Meng Fei looked at the shop that flew out of the carrier pigeon from afar on the arrow tower and asked his men who followed him.

"To show Commander Meng, the following is ready! Our people have arrived outside the Guanghe business, and they haven't found it yet. In addition, the manpower at the restaurant has also been arranged! Just wait for Commander Meng to order!" One of his leaders immediately replied.

"Good! Keep an eye on them first and don't let them notice. It's not too late to do it when there are fewer people on the street after dark!" Meng Fei stared coldly at the courtyard of Guanghe Company in the distance and ordered coldly.

"Yes! ......”

After dark, the bustling streets in the commercial stack area began to become deserted. Each pavement began to come to the door, and small vendors also went home separately. Only brothels, restaurants and casinos continued to open to welcome guests, but because most of the sea wolf department have now gone to sea and left Nanri Island. The local business has also been deserted, but the wind lamps on the lampposts on both sides of the main street are still lit, so that the commercial stack area has not completely fallen into darkness. The starry street lights from afar have also become a scenery here.

A small team of people quickly crossed the street, and Meng Fei strode forward. The black scar face looked much more ferocious under the light of the lantern. After a while, Meng Fei took people to the outside of the Guanghe business name. After seeing Meng Fei's appearance, many people gushed out from the dark places around the Guanghe business name. Shadow quickly surrounded the Guanghe business that had just closed.

Meng Fei walked slowly to the door of Guanghe Company, looked at the signboard of Guanghe Company, smiled strangely again, and raised his hand and waved suddenly.

Several strong men immediately picked up a few big hammers, flew forward, circled the hammer wheel in his hand and hit it heavily against the gate of Guanghe Company.

At the same time, some flexible sea wolf members rushed to the outside of the business wall and set them up with their hands for their companions to step on their hand bridge and strive to raise them, while their companions followed their strength and climbed up the wall and jumped into the yard.

Hearing only a few loud noises, the wooden door panel of Guanghe Company was immediately broken. Before the people inside could react, a group of sea wolves rushed into the shop.

"Do not move! The sea wolf does things, holds his head and lies down, and those who dare to resist will be killed without mercy! ..." There was a roar and exclamation from the guys in the Guanghe business immediately.

Then there was a scream and scolding, which completely tore the calmness of the whole business stack area. Someone resisted in the business stack. As a result, some sea wolves opened fire with a short gun on the spot and knocked it over to the ground.

"Mrs, what's going on? What happened? The little ones are all self-disciplined! That's why! There must be some misunderstanding!" There were people in the yard exclaiming and arguing.

Meng Fei stepped on the smashed door panel with his back, slowly walked into the Guanghe business, and walked into the middle yard through the front pavement.

At this time, many lantern torches were lit in the whole Guanghe Company, illuminating the whole courtyard. When Meng Fei left the hospital, all the shopkeepers and clerks in it had been pressed to the ground. A man dressed up fell in the middle of the yard, with a pool of blood under his body and his chest was opened. A hole, blood is still trickling out of the wound.

"Shopkeeper Tian! I haven't seen you for a while! Is everything all good?" Meng Fei first kicked the dead man lying on the ground. Seeing that he was still holding a single knife under his body, he turned around and walked to the middle-aged man who was kneeling on the ground with his head in his arms and asked him with a smile.

The middle-aged man, known as the shopkeeper of Tian, was full of panic on his face and forced to calmly accompany a smile that was worse than crying. He looked up slightly and looked up at Meng Fei and said, "It turned out to be Commander Meng! What's the matter today? What did the shop do wrong? Commander Meng actually fought so much. If there is something to discuss, the little one can't stand such a shock!"

Meng Fei sneered and said, "Shopkeeper Tian, why are you so much clearer than me?" How dare you be careless with me! Humph! I heard that you like stewed pigeons very much, so I came here specially today to taste how your stewed pigeons tasted!"

When Tian heard the word pigeon, his face immediately twitched a few times, and his eyes looked more flustered, but he still replied calmly: " Commander Meng is joking! The small one is just using this pigeon meat to mend the body! If Commander Meng likes it, let someone inform the small one and send a few to Commander Meng to have a taste! Why do you have to fight so much?

Yu Dajia is not such a person! When did you treat us like this? Isn't Commander Meng afraid of blaming the big leader?

"Bah!" Before he finished speaking, Meng Fei's mouthful of phlegm blurted out and flew directly to his face. There was a subordinate next to him who almost couldn't help laughing, because Meng Fei's saliva was really a lot. A big mouthful of phlegm almost covered half of the face of the shopkeeper. It seemed that their leader Meng had smoked a little too much during this period. It's time to eat something that clears phlegm and benefits the lungs.

"Are you trying to take out our boss to scare me? What a pity! Today, I came here, and it happened that our boss personally ordered it! Because our boss also seems to be very interested in your pigeons!

Because we have observed for such a long time and found a very interesting thing, the shopkeeper Tian said that you like to eat pigeons, but we found that it was not the case!

Shopkeeper Tian brought in a lot of pigeons from outside during this long time, but he didn't see you eat them, but he always saw pigeons being released, so we, the big boss, want to know where did these pigeons fly after flying away! So let me come and ask the shopkeeper Tian!" Meng Fei had a narrow expression and teased the shopkeeper.

At this time, Tian felt that his affairs should have been exposed, but he still said firmly, "So it is!" This is easy to say! The little guy is always rude and occasionally accidentally let go of a few pigeons, but what about this? Is this the reason why the head of Yu wants to send Commander Meng to raid the shop in the middle of the night?

After listening to this man's words, Meng Fei suddenly lost his interest in continuing to flirt with him. He suddenly raised his legs and kicked him in the face. Even if he kicked the Tian with a flowery face and fell out, he lay on the ground and screamed like a pig, and he didn't get angry for a long time.

"Stop talking nonsense to me! Come on, search for me! Don't let go of half an inch! This old bastard doesn't shed tears without seeing the coffin! Let him talk to his brother in Xingtang later!"

The sea wolves who entered the yard immediately agreed in unison, turned around and rushed into each room and began a three-foot search. After a while, they found a notebook. In addition, they also found several small bamboo tubes and took out one of the small bamboo tubes full of small flies. A small note in regular script.

Meng Fei didn't know many words, but there were literate people among the people he brought. After reading the notebook and the small note found in the bamboo tube, he showed anger on his face and nodded to Meng Fei and said, "Let's talk to Commander Meng! This book records a lot of things for us, including the transfer of personnel, the entry and exit of ships to the dock, as well as the layout of forts and arrow towers, etc.

This note says that most of the sea wolf ship is off the island, and the island is empty! This can't be wrong!"

After listening to this, Meng Fei laughed, grabbed the bloody shopkeeper's hair, pulled him up from the ground, pointed to the notebook and small notes, and several pigeons in the cage, and said to him, "What else do you have to say about Tian? Come on, send them all to the execution hall! All Guanghe business names have been sealed up!"

When the Tian saw these things that had been found, he knew that the matter could not be denied, so he immediately cried loudly, lay on the ground and kowtowed like garlic and shouted, "Master Meng, please forgive me! Commander Meng, spare your life! The little one is really open-eyed to money and has done something he shouldn't have done! The little one is wrong! Commander Meng, please spare my life!"

"Do you know it's wrong now? It's late! Damn, I've been staring at you for many days, and finally didn't waste my time! Don't talk nonsense. If you have anything to say to Master Liu!" Meng Fei got what he wanted now and was in a good mood. He turned around and walked out of Guanghe Company.

At this time, several people also came quickly from the restaurant. Among them was a tied bartender like rice dumplings. After they came to Meng Fei, he said to Meng Fei, "Lead Commander Meng, this man has been caught! Juyouzhai has also been sealed up now, and all the people inside have been detained for the time being!"

Meng Fei nodded and said, "First send this man to the execution hall, and the rest of Juyouzhai will also be detained separately, waiting for the execution hall to be arraigned! But don't make it difficult for them! I'm not sure if this matter has anything to do with them yet!"