Daming Haiku

Chapter 208 Loss 2

It was when Xiaotian was waiting to watch a good play in the big village, but Meng Fei in the commercial stack area was not idle. While eating, he lay on the wall and looked at Mr. Chu Cai's place, and asked a subordinate beside him confusedly, "Look, how far is Chu Cai from us?"

The man narrowed his eyes and replied, "Two and a half miles at most! It shouldn't be much worse!"

Meng Fei nodded and said, "It's almost the same as I estimated, a little more than two miles!" Mr. Chu Cai is not wise! How dare you put his big village under my eyes! Two and a half miles! It should be almost enough!"

One of his men who followed Meng Fei listened to Meng Fei's words and felt that their heads had a bad idea this time, so they quickly asked, "Ming Meng, have you come up with a good way to torment those bastards?" Tell me what to do! Let's hurry up and get ready!"

Meng Fei finished pulling the rice, threw the bowl to his men to brush, turned his head and squatted down and smiled, "Of course. Who am I? Can you let Chu sleep peacefully and come back to fight us? Damn, I'm going to make him sleepless tonight!

Haven't we also installed a few cannons here? Who can tell me how far the long cannon can hit?

Now, after some adjustment, the defense of Dazhai and Shangzhan District has also been placed under the jurisdiction of the war camp. In the past, the war barracks always wanted cannons, but Yu Xiaotian did not give them, but only cast some new light tiger squat guns for them to use. For this reason, Li Dazui and Meng Fei are very dissatisfied.

But now, after the fort was established, the defense of these places was handed over to the barracks, and these coastal defense guns were handed over to the barracks. This time, Li Dazui and Meng Fei trembled and finally had their own cannons, so they were very satisfied with it. They took people to tossed these cannons and secretly The brothers of the fleet competed and always wanted to compete with them.

But this matter can't be compared. The guns on the ship can't compare with their shore guns at all. The shore guns are fired on this stable platform on the shore. The shooting accuracy must be more accurate than the cannons on the ship, and at the same time they are far away. Therefore, Meng Fei has not been able to get a chance to show off their gunners. Awesome.

Now his opportunity has finally come. Yu Xiaotian asked him to come to the commercial stack area. Although he clearly told him not to lead his troops to attack without authorization and defend the commercial stack area, it did not prohibit him from firing, nor did he specify when and where he could shoot.

This made Meng Fei take advantage of the loophole again. After dark, he began to sit on the wall and stare at Mr. Chu Cai's camp and think about it. At this time, he finally came up with a good way.

"Speak to Commander Meng, if the long cannon (twelve pounds long cannon) here uses a high shooting angle, we have tried it before, and it can hit as far as four miles away, but according to the results of the master's test, the effective range of this gun is about 500 steps, and no matter how far it is, it will not be accurate! Generally, the big head stipulates that if it is not a special situation, it must be guaranteed to fire within one li, so as to avoid wasting ammunition!" As soon as Meng Fei's question landed, a gunman answered next to him.

Meng Fei stood up with a smile and punched the gun commander's shoulder and smiled, "That's enough! I don't care if I can't hit it accurately! Four miles? That's enough! Haha! Special circumstances, now I think it's a special situation! Mr. Chu Cai put his camp under our eyes. Why don't you let us fight?

The big head here said today, let me have the final say, go! Give me a way to get that cannon here! Put it here for me and aim at Mr. Chu Cai's camp. Later, he will listen to my instructions and bombard me!

By the way, is there enough ammunition? Don't lose it without a few shots. This gun is equivalent to being useless!"

"Don't worry, Commander Meng, we have a lot of ammunition here! The big man ordered in advance to send us a large amount of ammunition, which is enough for us to fight for a while! It won't be over for a few days!" The gun commander was happy as soon as he heard it and quickly replied with his chest.

"That's it! Go ahead, find more people to help, find a way to get the cannon, move the cannon first, and put it in another place. It will definitely be used tomorrow!" Meng Fei clapped his hands and ordered.

The people below became excited as soon as they heard it. Today's performance really opened their eyes to their subordinates. They usually knew that Meng Fei was bold, but they didn't expect that he was so bold that he dared to stand outside the stockade with only 20 brothers and look at No. 1200 Chu Cai's men facing him. They rushed over, and their faces did not change. With these brothers, they chased Chu Cai's old men far away!

So now these soldiers can simply describe Meng Fei with worship. After he came here, the sea wolves here feel more confident. Now Meng Fei has made it clear that he will have a lot of trouble tonight. Their guys are also afraid that the world will not be chaotic and agree to After that, he immediately went down and began to prepare.

The 12-pound long gun was originally placed on the fort around the north gate of the commercial warehouse area, which was mainly used to deal with enemy ships attacking on the sea. The 12-pound long cannon sea wolf has little production, but this guy has a range of more than one-third of the 12-pound short gun, and the same caliber is also more powerful than the power of the short gun. The power is strong, the trajectory is straight, the accuracy of the launch is also higher than that of other six-pound guns and 12-pound short guns, and the longest range has reached four or five miles away. If the gunpowder is overloaded, the longest range can be farther. Now it is mainly used by Yu Xiaotian as a shore cannon.

Unfortunately, the weight of this gun is a little too large. Nowadays, few ships on the sea wolf warships can withstand its recoil. Otherwise, Yu Xiaotian would have arranged a large number of casting and equipment to the fleet.

The result is that the barracks are now cheap, which makes them quite compladen with having such a big killer. Today, they can finally show their faces again!

It's easy for Meng Fei to say, but it's not easy to move the 12-pound cannon weighing 1,600 catties to the east of the stockade, but it's not easy to move.

Meng Fei greeted dozens of soldiers to the North Gate Fort first, took the gun down from the fort, and then pulled it from the village to the East Gate. Fortunately, there are many cattle in the village now. They pulled two tendons and cow to help, and then dragged the gun to the East Gate Fort.

And then put the cannon on the East Gate Fort, but it took a lot of effort. Dozens of people did not dare to shout the trumpet loudly. They could only hold their breath, use all their strength to breastfeed, pull the cannon to the fort with a turret, re-establish the gun rack, and then calibrate and adjust it.

This process is simple, but after they complete it, it will be midnight. After all, this is just a village, not a strong wall, with a wide enough passage for them to drag the heavy artillery to adjust, and the wall of the village is only a platform for people to pass. In the corridor, people can stand on it, but they can't withstand the passage of nearly 2,000 catties of cannons.

So they can only use this stupid way to do this, so it is inevitable that it will take time.

Although the night is dark, the old camp of Chu Cai is still brightly lit. Although old Chu Cai did not plan to attack the sea wolf's village at night, he also prevented the sea wolf from sneaking on his camp at night, so he arranged people to light a lot of bonfires around the camp, and the bonfire in the village did not go out, and the camp four Zhou Zhao is bright. Once someone wants to get close to their camp at night, they will be found immediately.

But when they did this, they never expected to provide Meng Fei, a guy with excellent target instructions. Meng Fei and the gunners on the fort could easily observe and aim through the bonfires in these old camps.

Meng Fei asked the time, "What time is it now?"

"It's almost three days!" There are special departments in the commercial warehouse area and Dazhai, and then use more information to inform the people in the village of the time, so they can know the approximate time now more accurately.

Meng Fei thought about it and said with a smile, "It's almost done! These bastards have been running for a long time. It took at least three or four days to run from Dongshan Island to here. Today, they have been tossing for another day, and they are almost exhausted! I guess it's time to fall asleep now! Let's help them refresh themselves!

By the way, go down and inform our brothers everywhere first. Don't be nervous for a while. The cotton that should be slept will plug your ears and eyes. How can you sleep well? It's nothing to do with them! In addition, send a sharp-legged brother to go back to Dazhai and tell Dazhai that if the cannon is fired here, tell them not to be nervous, just say that we are refreshing those bastards of Chu Cai!

You guys have been working hard tonight, and follow me to refresh these bastards! Anyway, don't let them sleep soundly!"

Meng Fei is bold, but his heart is not rough. He thought of everything he should have thought of in advance, so that he would not order him to fire for a while. Although he couldn't sleep on Mr. Chu Cai's side and made his people sleep, he really couldn't forgive him when he turned back to Xiaotian!

About midnight, in the camp of old Chu Cai, which had gradually calmed down, suddenly began to be lively again. Some of Chu Cai's old men who had fallen asleep suddenly felt that their stomachs were overturned. A sense of colic made them wake up from their dreams, and then there was a strong feeling of constipation. The head is coming.

So many people quickly got up to find a place to start running and have diarrhea. Soon more and more people began to get up, covering their stomachs and running around looking for a place to squat.