Daming Haiku

Chapter 216 3

It seems that Chu Cai's old men fought lively, but this round of shelling did not even hurt a sea wolf, but made the sea wolf people nervous for nothing.

"Haha! These bastards are so bad! If it were us, I guess we wouldn't even want to eat dinner tonight! Grandma is going to be whipped!" A sea wolf gunner was bold and stretched out his head to observe the landing point of the shells fired by these old Chu Cai's men. He smiled and said to the brothers around him with a contemptuous look.

His words immediately caused a lot of laughter.

"Don't talk nonsense, everyone is ready to cook hard dishes! Tiger squat gun, Franco machine gun ready! They are coming!" After hearing the laughter of these guys, a captain of a soldier rushed over, gave one of his men a kick on the buttocks, and shouted at them.

"Order! It's been ready for a long time!" After rubbing his buttocks, the bold gunner quickly grinned and replied.

At this time, Chu Cai's men saw that they also began to fire guns on their side, and suddenly became bold. In addition, they were very close to the wall and did not dare to linger. Many of them remembered Chu Cai's reward before they set out, and they also saw that the sea wolves on the wall did not seem to be More, at least far less than their manpower, so they all became bold.

I heard someone suddenly roar, and then countless Chu Cai's men shouted, raised their long ladders one after another, shouted and rushed to the wall.

After all, the sea wolf village is just a big village, far from being built as dense as the cities on land. They are just a wall. There are no perfect defense facilities outside the wall. At least there are no moats or moats.

So once the enemy attacked the village, the only thing they could count on was the wall of the village. However, before that, Yu Xiaotian had prepared some obstacles for Chu Cailao in some key places in order to prepare for the war.

In some places about 40 steps outside the wall, he ordered people to lay a fence about one-height. The fence was very simple. They were all logs with thick calves. The bottom was buried in the soil, and the upper part was sharpened to prevent people from climbing over. Two cross-loads were tied in the middle, so that the enemy had to turn over here before approaching the wall. The less high fence can prevent them from easily lifting the siege ladder to the bottom of the wall.

This move is very immoral, because 40 meters is exactly within the most effective range of the sea wolf's husknitting gun. When the enemy attacks, it must be blocked here. That is, if it stops, there will certainly be many enemies squeezed here, just becoming the * hand of the sea wolf or the shooting of the bow and crossbow. Target.

In addition, in some soft soil places, Yu Xiaotian also made people sprinkle a lot of iron thistocks or buried some sharpened bamboo sticks in the sand. These things are not to look down on, but for the enemy, they will kill them.

Pirates usually work on ships. Many people along the coast have long been used to this kind of life. Many people are not used to wearing shoes at all, and some people are poor and can't afford to wear shoes since childhood, so many pirates are barefoot at all. Because they have been used to not wearing shoes for many years, everyone has a layer of old comets on their feet. Usually Walking on land can't hurt the soles of your feet.

But it depends on what they step on. It's okay to step on the sandstone flat ground with bare feet, but if you step on these iron and bamboo sticks hidden in the sand, it's very simple to be pierced. Once a person's foot is injured, then this person It is equivalent to being completely abandoned on the battlefield. After piercing the soles of their feet, no one can still walk like flying, climb like an ape, and may not even have a chance to escape.

So when Chu Cai's men howled and rushed to the wall, the real excitement came. A group of Chu Cai's men rushed into a soft sandy land. When they turned around, they heard a scream and scolding, and then they saw many of Chu Cai's men rolling on the ground with their feet in their arms. , making a pig-killing howling sound.

"Ah...ah... there is something in the soil here, which pierced my feet! Ah... Grandma's iron thistium... Ouch! His mother also has bamboo sticks..."

Such screams became a piece of screams, and the guys who followed were so scared that they quickly stopped their feet and no longer dared to step into this sandy land. One by one, they quickly spread out to both sides at the greeting of the leader, trying to bypass the sandy land.

But those guys who were pierced with the soles of their feet were unlucky. They lay on the ground holding their injured feet and screamed and rolled all over the ground, but no one cares about them and let them lie outside the wall like this.

Li Dazui's black face began to turn red because of excitement, making his dark and red skin tone. Seeing that a large number of Chu Cai's men had rushed out of the wall, he could no longer restrain his excitement and almost shouted in a voice that was about to change his tone: "Brick me hard. !"

With the roar of Li's mouth, the gunner of the tiger squat gun closest to him broke the fire into the fire gate of the tail of the gun without saying a word. The tail of the gun flashed the medicine, and the tiger squat gun immediately shook violently and made a roar. The gun smoke and flame immediately spewed out from the mouth of the gun, towards It spread around.

With the sound of the first tiger squat gun, the wall immediately opened the pot. More than a dozen tiger squat guns and Fran machine guns were sounded one after another in an instant, including those * hands and archers who had been waiting impatient for a long time, all of which began to fire.

A series of large and small smoke rose on the hundreds of meters-long wall, and the roar of artillery was mixed with the sound of pop beans, which was almost deafening.

Looking at the old men who had reached about dozens of meters outside the wall, in this roar, like leaves swaying in the wind, many people suddenly spewed out a string of blood flowers, and the screams suddenly became a piece, and they were knocked down almost instantly.

Although Chu Cai's men were also prepared and knew that the closer they got to the wall, the greater their danger would be, they still did not expect that the sea wolf's resistance would be so fierce and the firepower would be so strong.

Although tiger squat guns and light Franco machine guns do not belong to the category of heavy guns, and their power range is very limited, but their power is exactly a distance of dozens to 100 meters, and they do not mainly rely on solid bullets as the main means of attack. What really exerts their power is to use scattered bombs to kill the enemy. Human beings have the power to live.

In addition, the pirates themselves seriously lacked personal protection. After these small cannons fired, the whole village was like a hail. More than a dozen small cannons spit out more than a thousand bullets of different sizes and gravel and other debris outside the wall of the village in an instant. pian pian.

These shot bombs swept in front of the sea wolf village like a broom, cutting a large number of Chu Cai's old men rushing towards the village outside the wall.

And those sea wolves' * hands are not willing to show weakness at this time. They are more accurate aiming and shooting. Everyone has locked an enemy almost a long time ago, opened the nose early, and firmly set their targets between the gate and the front sight through the sight and sight on the barrel. It has become a three-point line.

When the firing order was issued, they pulled the trigger almost without hesitation. Although some of them were not accurate and were affected by the sound of gunfire when shooting, causing losses, at least 30% of their * hands still hit their targeted accurately and knocked them over. Under the wall.

In addition, a small number of crossbowmen also began to shoot arrows, and the arrows spun out of the wall, among which there were some sharp shooters. The arrows rushed straight to their target like long eyes, and the sharp arrows penetrated into the chest with arrows and nailed them to the ground.

(No nonsense, I'll give you two mores today, and I'll add a chapter in the afternoon!)