Daming Haiku

Chapter 248 A Great Gift for Chu Cai's Old man

These guys immediately became a little confused and looked at the sea one after another. At this time, a few fireballs suddenly broke out on the sea, almost lighting up the sea. Then they saw a sentry boat begin to fall apart under the continuous flash, and the mast began to fall down.

With the help of a few flashes at this moment, sharp-eyed people at the seaside suddenly saw the shadow of boats on the sea, which seemed to be quite large and were sailing towards the shore.

The guys on the shore began to panic. Of course, there were also some shopkeepers among them. These guys were all human spirits. They immediately understood what had happened and immediately shouted: "Enemy attack! Sea Wolf's fleet is coming! Hurry up and get on the boat, pull out the anchor and sail! Hurry up!"

These old men on the island suddenly blew up their nests. They quickly lost their jobs, rushed to the seaside like crazy, and scrambled for the small ssam that stopped by the sea, scrambled to grab the sangboard and wanted to rush back to their big boat.

Because it was too chaotic, some people were in a hurry to run to the seaside. People crowded people and people touched people. Unexpectedly, someone squeezed over the rice pot. A pot of hot vegetable porridge was poured on the legs and feet of the two guys next to them. Suddenly, the two guys cried and cried and cried for their mother.

The whole shore is completely chaotic as if it is boiling, because some people have seen that the incoming enemy fleet is not far from the seaside. If they can't pull the anchor and sail away from the seaside before this, it is equivalent to being beaten here. Once their ship is destroyed, he Don't want to leave, you can only stay and wait to be slaughtered.

Everyone tried to quickly return to their own boat, and no one could see anyone in the dark. The number of sampan was limited, which could not accommodate everyone to board the boat quickly, so people began to compete for sampan. Some people were pushed into the water, and some sbans were simply pushed over and buckled to the water.

Some people were in a hurry and couldn't grab the ssam. As a result, they simply couldn't care about the cold water. They plunged into the sea and swam desperately towards their boat.

In the deep-water area by the sea, there are more than 100 kinds of ships moored by Lin, densely squeezed together, and the small ssam began to shuttle between them and transport people to the ships.

When they landed a few days ago, they tossed around for a long time just getting off the ship, but now they are returning to the ship much faster than when they came. Some boats can't even wait for all their men to return to the ship. Coupled with the loss of manpower these days, they can't figure out how many people are alive on their ship. .

Seeing that the manpower was almost enough to move the ship, he began to pull the anchor and sail, trying to leave the anchor ground, and first drove to the sea to prepare to fight with the incoming sea wolf fleet.

At this time, some people are confused. They can't figure out how the sea wolf's fleet can not even hang a lantern in such a dark night. Is it unscientific to drive so close to Nanri Island? How dare they do this? Aren't they afraid of crashing into a ship at sea?

They sprinkled a lot of sentry ships on the sea. If these sea wolves' boats were lit with lanterns, even if they attacked at night, they could find their whereabouts very early. But why didn't these sentry ships find their existence until the sea wolves' fleet had approached so close?

I can't figure it out, but I can't figure out the facts here. The sea wolf's fleet has indeed come back, and when they are almost unprepared, they just appeared not far from them and rushed towards them. What they can do now Just hurry back to the ship, quickly move the boat, and sail away from the sea. Only after the whole team can we start to do it with others.

However, the leap level became more and more troublesome. Chu Cai's old fleet docked on the shore. Because of the limitations of the water, their ships were crowded together and close to each other, and could only be shuttled between them. Although some people moved quickly and returned to their boat, the people on the surrounding boats had not returned. , can't move yet, make a passage for them and let them drive away from here. They can only scream eagerly, but there is nothing they can do.

After some ships moved, they did not control the sail and course in a panic. After starting up in a mess, some ships collided with each other as soon as they moved. Fortunately, their boats were not fast, otherwise something big would happen on the spot.

But even so, these ships were entangled with each other. Only a few boats moved quickly, moved first, slowly raised their sails, anchored, and turned to the sea.

At this time, the sky began to shine. The dark night was torn apart by the bright light, and the light returned to the sea. The early morning sun began to rise in the sky, sprinkling the first light on the sea. Under the first ray of sunlight, the waves on the sea were sparkling, which was beautiful, but this beauty did not Anyone is in the mood to appreciate it.

The air was filled with a tense atmosphere, with shouts of people everywhere, and the voices of people in the whole back mountain bay were boiling. At this time, the original spectacular fleet was also in a mess. Ships tried to get rid of the chaos, struggled out of the chaos and sailed to the sea.

At this time, a fleet far from the size of Chu Cai's old fleet is rushing towards the shore under the first ray of sunshine in the morning, and they are getting closer and closer to the seaside, within two miles, and a small number of Chu Cai's old ships that first reacted to sail out of Houshan Bay have been handed over to fire. .

Each ship of the sea wolf is flying a golden wolf head flag. The wolf's head is ferocious and ferocious.

At this time, the ship rushing to the front began to spew smoke and fire one after another, and the rumble of gunfire began to spread all over the sea.

The shells flew across the sea and flew towards their targets. Some shells fell into the sea, and some shells accurately hit their targets and chiseled big holes in the old boats.

Several boats were now full of sails. Under the cover of other ships as quickly as they could, they rushed towards the old fleet that had not yet dispersed by the seaside. These boats were obviously different from other ships. The boats were full of piles of firewood and grass, and they were also poured with oil.

Generally, warships will not do this at the beginning of the war, which is like suicide. Once a rocket falls on their ship, these ships will immediately become a huge torch.

But this is the first big meal prepared by Yu Xiaotian and others for Chu Cailao. These boats are the ships selected by the sea wolves from the old ships that can be scrapped. Anyway, it doesn't make much sense for them to continue repair and maintenance, so they are selected to act as The fireboat was used.

This is also the reason why the sea wolf fleet would rather be late for a day than rush to raid Chu Cai's old fleet at dawn, which is to use these fireships to attack Chu Cai's fleet that has not yet dispersed, causing them huge losses.

Several modified fireboats quickly rushed towards the back mountain bay. Several old Chu Cai's ships found their strangeness and tried to rush up to intercept these fireboats in shock.

However, they were soon bombarded by other sea wolf warships escorting these fireboats, either expelling them away or simply maimed them, clearing the way for these fireships.

When these fireboats rushed out of the bay, only a few hundred meters away from the old Chucai fleet, some of the limited crew members on the ship shouted loudly. They quickly took out the fire folds or fire sickle, lit a torch, shook their arms and threw the torches on their ships full of oil. Pile up.

These boats suddenly smoky and set off flames.

The sea wolves on the ship fixed the rudder firmly with ropes, so that they could only maintain this course, hit the old Chu Cai's fleet on the shore, and then began to jump into the cold sea one after another and swim towards the nearby boats that covered them.

Everyone also carried several sealed bamboo tubes on their backs as life buoys to prevent them from drowning because of cold water temperature after diving.

After seeing the fireboats on fire, the nearby ships approached and began to rescue their companions operating the fireboats from the sea, and then quickly began to turn the rudder to avoid the fireboats.

Under the frightened eyes of countless old Chu Cai, these fireboats took advantage of the wind, and the ship continued to rush straight towards their fleet.

Some of Chu Cai's old men couldn't wait any longer. No matter whether the people on the ship were gathered at this time or not, they quickly raised their sails and anchored and began to move the hull to try to avoid the impact of these fireships.

The bows of these fireboats are full of big nails with small arms, and the bows are like hedgehogs. As long as they meet other ships, they can immediately nail other ships firmly so that they can't be shaken off.

So under the attention of countless people, these fireboats rolled with fiery flames, hit the fleet moored by the sea under Chu Cai's old hands, and squeezed into the fleet in several positions and began to burn.

The thick smoke rose up into the sky and began to spread in the air. From time to time, there were flames rolling in the black smoke, and you could feel the heat wave from afar.

The old Chu Cai's men became even more lively, and many ships that had not yet been affected scrambled to escape to the outside of the bay.

But there are also some ships that are too close to the fireboat. Under the high temperature, the personnel on the ship can't operate the ship for a while. Their beards and eyebrows curl up because of the high temperature on their faces. The sails on the ship have begun to dry because of the hot baking, and they can catch fire at any time. Yes, so these people couldn't care so much anymore. They howled and jumped into the sea and swam desperately towards the nearby boats.

At this time, the sea wolf's fleet had sealed the back bay, and the ships, under the command of Ma Xiao's handsome ship, began to use the various types of artillery on their ships to constantly shell the enemy ships that appeared nearby.

Dozens of sea wolf warships have been equipped with six-pounder guns, and some ships have been reinforced with twelve-pound short guns. Although they can't have too many Chinese sailboats, the number of ships is placed here. The whole fleet has a total of nearly 100 all kinds of artillery. If you add those light guns equipped on the ship For Franc cannons, the number is even more.

These ships lined up the hull and rushed out of Chu Cai's ships in the back mountain bay. They kept firing, and the sound of gunfire was continuous and fast, and the whole fleet was surrounded by a mass of smoke.

(The bitter writer, it's Saturday, but he doesn't dare to rest yet! I really want to have a good rest! Ha ha! But I dare not! Otherwise, my brothers will scold me to death! Well, today I would like to thank millet for eating egg yolk and snoring brothers!)