Daming Haiku

Chapter 251 Two-phase sandwich

The distance between the two sides was getting closer again, and the shelling did not stop for a moment, but at this time, the distance had narrowed to the range where other weapons could be used. In an instant, I saw a clump of rockets began to rise on Chu Cai's ship, which rained towards the sea wolf's fleet.

In this era, the bow is also an important weapon for fighting at China's coastal seas. Rockets are also an effective weapon to kill enemy ships and personnel. These rockets can ignite enemy sails or ships, which are still quite powerful at a certain distance. What's more powerful is that Chu Cai has a lot of sea wolves. A swarm of rockets.

At this time, Mr. Chu Cai was really anxious and didn't care about the use of this kind of thing. He ordered his men to lift some bee rockets and ignited them at the ship of the sea wolf.

A swarm of rockets made a shocking roar, swirling fire and flew out of the box, and then flew like locusts to the sea wolf's ship.

In an instant, the sea wolf's ship began to be damaged, and many ships were immediately hit by arrows, and the sails began to be ignited by rockets, forcing the sea wolves on the ship to quickly catch the spare cypress on the ship and spray out the water column to extinguish the fire on the ship.

And the sea wolf department was also anxious at this time. They looked at the other party and rushed over. While continuing to fire, they also began to return the color with bows and arrows and flints on the ship.

The two sides quickly collided and immediately paid a considerable price. Two boats were damaged by each other's ships, and the battle fell into an extremely tragic level at the beginning.

Chu Cai's old side tried to break through the interception and rushed to Houshan Bay to rescue his own people and boats, while the sea wolf's boat tried its best to intercept them and prevent them from leaving here, so neither side had no choice but to risk their lives to fight with each other.

At this time, Liu Yidao is no longer hiding. He is very clear about his importance today. If he can't drag Chu Cailao's fleet and let them break through, he will make the main fleet over there suffer from the enemy, which is likely to cause the main fleet that has already won into danger again.

So he could only try his best to drag Chu Cailao's ships here. As for what means he could not take, as long as there was something on the ship, whether * or *, he had his men take them out and smashed them into Chu Cailao's boat.

In the melee, the fleets of the two sides used a firefight. All kinds of gunfire, gunshots and * explosions came one after another in the fleet, almost for a moment. In a short time, several ships of Chu Cailao were ignited by the sea wolf's *, and they became big torches on the sea for a long time. .

But for the more than ten ships on Liu Yidao's side, they are not easy at all. The number of ships on the other side far exceeds theirs. Although they have some advantage in firepower, they are not enough to suppress the other side. Once they are engaged in the war, they fall into a bitter battle.

Soon they also paid the price. First, two ships were hit and injured by each other's big ships, and then after the melee began, two ships were ignited by the other side, and then developed into a white-edged battle on the side. The personnel of the two sides picked up various short weapons at the side of the ship and killed them.

Chu Cai's old-fashioned blue veins jump on his forehead. He has found that the sea wolf's fleet is equipped with more Hongyi cannons than he thought. The firepower is very strong, and although the sea wolf department is not experienced by his subordinates, they are well trained and the cooperation is quite good. It's not that they took the lead. They are very strong in fighting spirit. Although it is clear that their number is seriously insufficient, the sea wolves on these more than ten enemy ships have not retreated.

The sea wolves on these dozen ships were entangled with his fleet like cowhide candy and refused to make any concessions. They dragged them here and could not leave the back mountain bay.

Old Chu Cai was really about to faint. He jumped and shouted loudly to make his men on the ship fire, and there was also an 18-pound Hongyi cannon on his ship at this time, which was quite powerful.

Hearing a loud noise, Chu Cailao's bow position immediately ignited a blazing flame, and a solid shell immediately flew away and hit a sea wolf's boat heavily.

A large number of fragments suddenly flew on the side of the light Haicang ship of the sea wolf, which was also mixed with some human limbs. A huge hole was suddenly opened in the hull, and a large amount of seawater was poured into the cabin in a blink of an eye.

The ship soon sank slowly because of too much water, and began to lean sideways. Seeing that if it was not separated from the regiment and rushed to the beach, the ship might sink.

However, I didn't expect that the captain of this ship was still shouting and insisting on not leaving the battle group and sailing to the shallows not far away. Several large and small guns on the ship still continued to fire and bombard the ships close to them.

Even Chu Cai's Dafu ship was also shot several times and made several holes by the sea wolf's fleet.

Seeing that the ship was getting more and more into the water and the side tilt became more and more serious, the light Haicang ship suddenly turned around and directly hit an old Chu Cai old ship very close to him. The bow hit the side of the enemy ship heavily, and only heard a click of the two ships vibrately. The bow of the Haicang ship also It was damaged and fell on the water in an instant.

At this time, the sea wolves on the ship jumped into the water and swam towards the shore.

On the one hand, Mr. Chu Cai's men were afraid of the bravery of the sea wolves, and on the other hand, they also shouted angrily. Seeing that the sea wolves had jumped into the water one after another and tried to swim ashore, they refused to let go of these sea wolves and fired arrows at the fallen sea wolves on the ship and killed them in the sea.

A mass of blood of Yin Hong appeared in the sea, and the bodies of the sea wolves slowly sank, and some of them floated in these blood. The scene was extremely tragic.

Liu Yidao looked at Chu Cai's old men who refused to let go of his brothers who fell into the water. He was so angry that he waved the single knife in his hand and pointed to Chu Cai's old ship and cursed, vowing to kill all these bastards. In a moment, they must taste the taste of being slaughtered in the sea.

At this time, Luo Xianbin had already taken the Clippers detachment to transfer his head in the west and chased after him again. He saw that Liu Yidao led more than a dozen sea wolves to stop Chu Cai's old fleet from fighting hard, so he immediately joined the battle group.

Under his command, the five fast ships lowered their speed and remained at a 200-step distance on the left side of Chu Cai's old fleet. Luo Xianbin ordered each ship to set fire on an enemy ship according to the instructions of his ship's shelling target.

Twenty six-pound guns and twelve-pound cannons fire together, and the firepower is quite considerable. Almost every time they shoot together, a ship on the edge of Chu Cai's old fleet will be immediately destroyed by them, either sinking or hitting across the sea.

The two sides launched a more fierce battle on the sea north of the sea wolf village, like two groups of wolves fighting for territory, fighting together...

At the same time, there was also a sound of shouting on the island. Yu Xiaotian stood on the wall and found strange movements on the sea for a long time, and heard the sound of gunfire from the back mountain bay in the distance. When he heard these cannons, he immediately judged where these familiar gunfires came from.

So he immediately changed into a surprised look and shouted, "Brothers! Our fleet is back! Where is Li Dazui? Hurry up and get ready to leave the village! Let's go out and clean up these bastards!"

At this time, Chu Cai's old fleet near the wharf outside the stockade had begun to retreat in shock and gave up continuing to attack the village. The sea wolf people simply adjusted the high turret and began to see him off, shooting together and injuring the other two ships.

The tense atmosphere in the village was swept away, and countless people cheered after learning that the main fleet of the sea wolf had returned.

After Li Dazui got the order, he immediately began to mobilize soldiers from all over the village to gather in the village, and some temporary villagers took over the wall.

With Yu Xiaotian's order, the gate east of the village suddenly opened, and a team of soldiers immediately swarmed out of the village. After a slight pause outside the village, the whole team drove towards the old camp of Chucai in the back mountain bay in the distance.

At the same time, Meng Fei on the other side of the commercial stack area was also not reconciled. He also immediately gathered the soldiers stationed in the commercial stack area, immediately opened the gate, and swarmed out of the commercial stack area together. The two sides formed a team of nearly 300 people, and lined up for Chucai's old camp in Houshan Bay.

At this time, Chu Cai's old men in the back mountain bay have already become a swarm of bees. They are crowded on the shore and don't care about anything. They desperately want to return to their boat as soon as possible, but because there is no organization, the number of slangs is limited. After some slangs return to the boat, no one simply returns to the boat. The boat returned to the shore to pick up people, so that a large number of old Chu Cai's men were stranded on the shore and could not return to the ship.

At this time, the sea wolf's soldiers suddenly gathered and killed the fortress and rushed straight to the back mountain bay. Chu Cai's men fell into greater chaos.

Some people try to gather those who have not yet left the shore to fight, while others have no fighting spirit and are eager to leave here for a while unable to organize effective defenses.

So the sea wolf troops formed a phalanx and pushed towards the back mountain bay. A group of old Chu Cai's men were finally organized and rushed to the phalanx of the sea wolf barracks, trying to stop these sea wolf soldiers on the shore.

However, although these old Chu Cai's men are experienced in fighting at sea, they have not received much land combat drills, which can be seen from their poor performance in attacking Dazhai.

(Haha, I still need to continue to thank the Hulu Snoring brothers for their rewards! This guy is so helpful! It's a five-body that makes me grateful!)