Daming Haiku

Chapter 284 Return to Freshwater 1

The whole Danshui Village has undergone a huge change from a few months ago. The original Tamsui Village, which was originally built on the basis of Majiabao, has begun to take shape after more than half a year of expansion by Fang An and others.

The whole village covers an area of nearly ten times larger than the previous Majiabao, covering an area of more than 1,000 mu, catching up with the area of a small city.

And this was originally a hilly place. Majiabao itself is located on a small mountain bag. Now the whole mountain bag has been bagmed into the Dazhai Village. In the center of the Dazhai Village, you can directly overlook the whole village.

It turned out that a lush forest around Majiabao was basically cut down after the sea wolf arrived here. The trees that were cut down basically became the raw materials for the Dazhai wall or the houses built in it. Fang An was ordered to store some large wood and put them in It is dried under the shed and will be used as wood for sea wolf shipbuilding in the future.

According to Chinese habits, this freshwater village has set aside four gates in the east, west, north and south, and in the place near the Tamsui River, there is also a water gate for small boats to sail directly from the Tamsui River to Dazhai, which makes it convenient for people to take small boats directly into the river and turn to the river. On the moored ship.

It is also convenient to unload the goods from large ships to small ships and directly transfer them into Dazhai, greatly improving the efficiency of transportation.

In order to be an important base for sea wolves in the future, the wall built by Dazhai was not lazy. Like ordinary Dazhai, it only used logs to pull down in a circle. Instead, it adopted the method of building a city to take soil on the spot and add wood to form a wall with rammed earth structure, which greatly improved the stability and resistance of the village. Enemy ability.

The wall is not too high. So far, it is only about one and a half feet, but the foundation is very strong, and the thick bottom of the main wall has basically reached a width of about one foot. Once needed in the future, you can directly raise the wall on it, saving the trouble of continuing to expand the foundation.

And as long as conditions permit in the future, the sea wolf can raise the wall at any time and apply a layer of masonry to the wall to strengthen the wall.

There is also a certain difference between the wall of this village and the Chinese wall. It does not show a square shape, but presents a tortuous appearance. In fact, it draws on the advantages of the rimps built by Western countries, so that the wall can have better defensive ability and create more trouble for the attackers.

In addition, this village is close to the Tamsui River. A dam has been built near the Tamsui River to prevent flooding, the river will directly wash the wall of the village and threaten the safety of the village. However, at the same time, a waterway is introduced to directly enter the village, so that the interior of the village will not besieged by the enemy. In addition to the lack of water, many wells can be drilled in the village itself, and there will be no problem with the water in the village.

Therefore, this village has a stronger defense ability than the current wolf cave on Nanri Island, and will also become an important stronghold for sea wolves in the future. Therefore, when Yu Xiaotian asked Fang An to come here to sit in, he told Fang An that on the basis of the wall, he should not cut corners and make as much as possible to make an investment and benefit for a long time. .

And Fang An also faithfully carried out Yu Xiaotian's entrustment, led the people and various laborers here, and spared no effort to build the current village.

When Yu Xiaotian came here this time, the Dazhai wall has begun to take shape and has primary defense capabilities. Most of the main structure is close to completion. At present, a large number of workers have been sent to start building other facilities.

In the past, there was only one trestle for small sailboats on the river bank near Danshui Village, but now in order to accept the supplies and people continuously transported by sea wolves, Fang An arrived here and sent people to build a large-scale wharf on the river bank, and three strong trestle bridges were also built. Six to eight ships can dock on the trestle at the same time.

The Flying Wolf, which Yu Xiaotian took, stopped directly next to the trestle this time and was welcomed into the fortress by the stars and moon of the people here.

When Yu Xiaotian saw Fang An again, he found that Fang An had lost a lot of weight and was not in a good mood. His eyes were full of blood, and he obviously did not have a good rest, and there was a faint smell of alcohol on his body. It could be seen that he must have drunk the night before.

Yu Xiaotian immediately saw that Fang An had not completely come out of the matter of Wang Hong and Ma Feng, and he must be very depressed. In addition, he must not have had a good rest during this period, so he seemed a little depressed.

Yu Xiaotian did not say anything more immediately, and followed Fang An into the village.

Many places in Dazhai still seem to be very empty, but the main streets have been repaired. On the road from the south gate to the center of Dazhai after coming down from the dock, even paved with stones mined nearby, which can be used for four or two carriages to travel in parallel at the same time. This road is already comparable in modern times. When it is wide, it is very convenient to transport all kinds of goods in and out, and there will be no congestion in a short time.

And these roads that had been repaired also dug sewers. Finally, these sewers gathered in a place in the southwest corner of Dazhai, went deep into the underground and directly discharged into the freshwater river.

In the future, even if there is a pouring rain here, these sewers can quickly discharge the rainwater from the village to prevent waterlogging inside the village.

Before Yu Xiaotian came to this era, he was fed up with the city he had lived in. As long as there was heavy rain, there would be waterlogging everywhere. He once read someone on the Internet that the drainage system is a city's conscience. If the drainage system is not even good, it can be seen that managers do not have it at all. Heart.

Therefore, when he planned the freshwater village, he specially explained to the person responsible for planning the village that he must survey the internal conditions of the village. According to the situation, he should first do a good job of the drainage facilities of the village, so as not to encounter heavy rain or rainstorms, and there will be serious waterlogging here, otherwise He is the only one who asked.

In addition, there is another advantage of building a set of complete drainage facilities, that in the future, whether it is domestic or industrial sewage, can be discharged directly through these sewers, so that sewage will occur in Dazhai, which will be of good help to the health of the people living here.

Today, Taiwan Island is still an undeveloped land. Because of the humid and hot climate and mosquitoes raging here, the reason why it was not being valued by the land regime before is that all dynasties have turned a blind eye to it.

Many dynasties in history have actually sent people to Taiwan Island to try to include Taiwan Island in the territory of the mainland, but several large-scale attempts in history have failed. According to historical records, the biggest trouble they encountered is the miasma here. Most of the people who come here are unconvinced. , lost his life in the miasma, and the rest of the people had no choice but to return.

Nowadays, if Yu Xiaotian wants to go through Taiwan Island, he will definitely encounter such troubles. Therefore, the first step is to control the environment and minimize the problem of mosquito havoc in Dazhai. Therefore, both freshwater village and chicken cage village are required to be clean and avoid sewage. The possibility of plague is minimized.

Nowadays, the level of medicine is still limited. Once a large-scale plague or malaria disease occurs, Yu Xiaotian may not be likely to be extinguished, so it is particularly important to prevent this from happening.

Yu Xiaotian entered the village and began to carefully observe the situation everywhere. Although there is still some gap between the situation here and what he originally conceived, it is not easy for Fang An to do this with the current construction technology and conditions.

For these sewers, Fang An even sent people to open several brick kilns outside the village, specializing in burning bricks for the use of the village. Most of the bricks and tiles produced are used in these drainage systems. On the contrary, the houses in the village can only be built with wood first, and even some roofs are not even used for tiles, only It can be covered with straw mats and banana leaves and fixed with wooden strips. In case of typhoon, these roofs will certainly not be preserved and the living conditions will be relatively poor.

But at present, as it has just been developed, this is also a helpless thing. Who let this place is originally just a desolate land, and only a small number of immigrants live here? Everything needed for sea wolves to come here must be solved by themselves, and it is impossible to get it on the spot.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as Dazhai is built, it is equivalent to setting up a framework and filling things into it better in the future. Yu Xiaotian knows that it is impossible to achieve this overnight. Therefore, he only mentioned some of the points that he is not satisfied with and gradually improves them in the future, but does not Fang An and others put forward any reprimand.

The place where Fang An lived is actually where the former Majiabao is located. The wall here has not been demolished and continues to be preserved. It is simply used as the core living area of the sea wolf department for the time being, and even many houses have not been built. The houses left by Majiabao have been used as much as possible, but just made Just clean it up and remove some unnecessary houses to make them more convenient to get in and out and live in.

Fang An originally wanted to arrange a banquet for Yu Xiaotian and others, but he was refused by Yu Xiaotian, so that Fang An did not have to be so troublesome. What normal people eat, he could simply eat something. Anyway, their sea wolves did not pay attention to this kind of red tape, and everything was sent to be simple.

And Yu Xiaotian is most concerned about the construction of various workshops here. After arriving here, he immediately began to go to the location of these workshops to check the situation.

(Thank you again for the reward of the snoring brothers!)