Daming Haiku

Chapter 290 Slave Trafficking

So Yu Xiaotian patted his head and smiled, "Why didn't I think of this method? That's a good idea! At present, what we lack most is manpower, and it is also a good way to spend money to buy people!

We can do it by ourselves, and we can also ask our colleagues to help us do it. As for the people, it doesn't matter where they are. Even if they bring Luson's people to me, I will use them!

This method is feasible! At present, we control Funing Prefecture, and Pang Sen's group of people are forced to work on the sea in Zhejiang.

And they dare not offend us, but they can inform them first, let them take the opportunity to make a small fortune, and also help us by the way! I'm sure they will be happy to do it!

In addition, Guangdong can also invite some colleagues to do this together. It is estimated that it will take less than three months, and we will be lively here! It is estimated that a group of people can be transported within a month at the earliest. That's good! This method is feasible!

As for Mr. Lin's willingness to stay in Danshui Village to help Mr. Lin, Yu is a little reluctant. With Mr. Lin's assistance, I can't leave Mr. Lin!

But if Mr. Lin insists on staying here for a period of time, I will not stop Mr. Lin, but Mr. Lin will sort out the civil affairs here as soon as possible, establish an effective management, and then come back to me!"

Next, a group of people sat together and discussed it carefully, and finally confirmed the acquisition of the population and Lin Yiyang's stay in Tamshai Village one by one.

As for Danshuizhai, because Yu Xiaotian has no idea of becoming the king, it is not convenient to set up administrative divisions such as Chengzhou County. Therefore, after discussion with Lin Yiyang, Danshui Village will be renamed Danshui City in the future. The level is temporarily similar to that of land counties, with townships and villages below the townships.

However, what is different from the land is that among the villages in the countryside, there are fewer large landlords at present. In the past, most of the old immigrant villages were family-based and self-contained, but the villages composed of new immigrants are basically the village heads designated by the sea wolf. This is also the method proposed by Yu Xiaotian. A village head is set up directly by The village head manages the villagers, accepts the materials and tasks assigned by the sea wolf, persuades farmers in the village, and supervises the villagers' pioneering and farming.

At present, this village head system is still effective, but sometimes there are some problems with the village head's choice. Some village chiefs take advantage of the sea wolves to distribute supplies, intercept them and enrich their private pockets to satisfy their private use, which has caused dissatisfaction among some villagers. For this reason, some things have also happened.

However, on the whole, the implementation of the village head system has more advantages than disadvantages for sea wolves to control village immigrants, so the village head system has also been retained for the time being, but Lin Yiyang proposed that everyone is not used to the name of village head. Daming has always been the Lijia system, which is convenient for the management of ordinary people, so village heads may as well use it. Li Zheng's name is better, and Yu Xiaotian doesn't mind about it. Anyway, as long as the sea wolf can effectively manage the immigrant village, it doesn't matter whether it is the village head or Li Zheng. The immigrants here are not used to the name of the village head, so they will change their name to Li Zheng.

As for the management at the township level, after the discussion of Yu Xiaotian, Fang An and others, the area around Danshui is not very large now. For the time being, it is divided into three townships and set up a township head, who is responsible for the management of those immigrant villages under its jurisdiction. If something happens to Danshui City, you can first notify the township head and ask the township head to notify the following. The village.

And the township head is completely out of work. The sea wolf is responsible for his life and pays him a monthly salary, so that he can save more energy to manage things in the countryside.

In addition, they have given the township head considerable power. In addition to registering the immigrants of the villages under his jurisdiction, the township head can directly judge and deal with minor disputes between villages and villages. In the future, there will be tax collection, which will also be temporarily the responsibility of the township head.

But there is only one township head, and he must not be able to play. Therefore, under the township head, Yu Xiaotian proposed to arrange a few people for him to mobilize. Usually, he can help him run errands to deliver messages, and can also help him deal with some chores when necessary. Once a village is attacked by the natives, he should also organize other villages. Zi Xiangyong rushed to the rescue.

In a word, the township chief is quite important in this system and is responsible for sharing a lot of things to be managed by the original freshwater village. In this way, the sea wolf can conveniently manage the affairs of various immigrant villages through these township chiefs or Lizheng.

However, people are a little embarrassed about Lin Yiyang's temporary status of managing civil affairs here. It can't be called a county. Even if Danshui is renamed Danshui City from a village, it can't be regarded as a county. If it is said, it will soon be known by the land government. This is a charge of rebellion. Even if the Fujian government opens its eyes and closes its eyes, once it reaches the capital, it is estimated that the officials in the capital will not do it.

If it is not done well, it will cause the officials of the Beijing division to force Fujian to send troops to suppress it, and then they will want to cause some unnecessary trouble.

After thinking about it, Yu Xiaotian finally decided to temporarily call Lin Yiyang the general manager of civil affairs in Danshui City, and take charge of the civil affairs from Fang An. In the future, he will decide on the civil affairs here. Once necessary, he can directly coordinate with Fang An.

The relationship between Fang An and Lin Yiyang must also determine who is dominated. At present, this is a big construction. In addition, there are conflicts with local natives during the expansion period. Finally, Yu Xiaotian decided that Fang An is still the main, supplemented by Lin Yiyang. Although civilian affairs are important, other affairs are more important. It takes some, so everything needs to be done first.

So here in Tamsui City, Yu Xiaotian still asked Fang An to take charge, and called Fang An the general manager of Tamsui City on the spot, which is different from Lin Yiyang, the general manager of civil affairs, but Lin Yiyang should live under Fang An.

Lin Yiyang has no problem with this. After all, he is a newcomer. So far, the sea wolf is still in power and has to rely on force to survive. He is just a scholar, and his wrists and prestige are not as good as Fang An, so he is also very self-aute and does not argue with Fang An about who has the final say.

However, Lin Yiyang privately believes that as long as Yu Xiaotian continues to develop like this, he will definitely form two schools of literature and martial arts in the future. Sooner or later, civil servants will still need to take power. However, so far, these people who preside over civil affairs must listen to these martial artists first, which is also inevitable, so he has no opinion and answers happily. It came down.

After saying this matter, Yu Xiaotian talked about Meng Fei and Liu Tong about the new camp. They had arranged the specific things before they came. Next, Meng Fei and Liu Tong only need to cooperate to train a batch of new people.

But here, Yu Xiaotian specially ordered Meng Fei that if he was not here, Meng Fei would be restrained by Fang An. Once something happened, the new camp would obey Fang An, the general manager of Tamsui City, to protect the safety here.

In addition, Yu Xiaotian specially told Meng Fei that he was impulsive and must listen to Liu Tong's ideas. He should not make arbitrary decisions without authorization. Otherwise, he would not forgive Meng Fei for making mistakes.

Meng Fei immediately got up and held his fist to take the order. Liu Tong also stood up and stood behind Meng Fei to receive the order.

In the next few days, Yu Xiaotian and his men traveled through the immigrant village near Danshui Village, and personally calibrated the maps drawn by people here before, redrawing the places that were not detailed and accurate. In addition, he also toured farther away to determine the next step. The location of the village and the land that can be reclaimed.

In addition, he also takes special care of the people here and pays special attention to epidemic prevention. However, wherever people live, they should pay attention to hygiene as much as possible.

This time, Yu Xiaotian also specially brought three Langzhong to Danshuizhai with the boat. In addition, he also brought two Langzhong to Jilongzhai. These Langzhong all have certain experience in epidemic prevention. In addition, Yu Xiaotian also privately communicated with several Langzhong about some epidemic prevention measures he knew in later generations. After listening to these methods mentioned by Yu Xiaotian, they also looked at Xiaotian with new eyes and dared not regard Yu Xiaotian as a layman again.

Later generations have had good experience in the prevention and treatment of malaria. Although Yu Xiaotian is not a medical student, he has also heard a lot about epidemic prevention, so he gave everything he had and poured out these hearsay experience of epidemic prevention in later generations to these medical officers, so that they could learn some useful from it. Things will be useful if they are not done well in the future.

Especially the kind of yellow wormworm, which he began to send people to look for on land a year ago, has now also been settled, and a lot of resources have been found, and even found on Taiyuan Island. Therefore, the sea wolf bought quite a considerable amount of wormwormworm at a very low price and shipped it to Danshui Village for reserve.

In the future, these men will use this yellow wormworm to try to prevent malaria, which is what the Chinese used to call miasma, which is also a key to whether the sea wolf can successfully gain a foothold here in the future. Once malaria, a large-scale infectious disease, can be controlled, the sea wolf can reduce great losses.

But Yu Xiaotian also knows that he is not doing this material. He just knows that chrysmine can extract drugs to treat malaria, which are effective for the treatment of malaria, but how to take or use drugs. He has only heard of a scale and half a claw, and how to use the medicine to be effective. That depends on the ability of these Langzhong. .

Now God is still taking care of him. During the period after he came to Taiwan, there was no serious plague, so he hopes that after preparing in advance, he can control the spread of this plague even if he encounters a large outbreak of malaria in the future.

Yu Xiaotian believes that opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. He also believes that he has made all kinds of preparations for the future, and he believes that since Zheng Chenggong and the Dutch can gain a foothold on Taiwan Island in history, he can also do this.

(Thank you for the reward of stdx brothers! Thank you very much!)