Daming Haiku

Chapter 299 Unexpected Gain

After the battle, they counted the battlefield. In this surprise attack, they killed a total of 33 local soldiers of the local tribe, including the patriarch here, who were also in the initial attack. Several robbers were killed on the spot. In addition, more than a dozen natives were injured, most of whom were seriously injured, and only a few were slightly injured. To save one's life.

The women and children in the clan are basically unharmed. Basically, they are all captured by the sea wolf tribe. These prisoners will be taken back to the cage village by the sea wolf as slaves. After the children are raised, they will be integrated into the sea wolf group.

That night, the sea wolf stayed in this camp and searched the native tribe. The local people's things were really worthless. The trophy was nothing more than some dried meat, but there was some food stored in this tribe, which was also some local unique roots.

But during the search, a sea wolf soldier accidentally found a shining stone in their chief's shed, but the soldier didn't understand what it was and threw it on the ground. He was inadvertently seen by a soldier next to him, picked it up again, took it in his hand and looked at it with a torch. Fan.

After looking at the stone, the soldier took a deep breath and immediately left everyone to take the stone and flew to Yu Xiaotian's position.

Yu Xiaotian was talking and laughing with Sun Baoqiang at this time, summarizing the experience of this surprise battle. The soldier held this stone and was allowed to walk to Yu Xiaotian after reporting his own soldiers. He held a stone in both hands and sent it to Yu Xiaotian like a treasure.

"Age of the great head! The little one found the baby here. Please have a look at it!"

At this time, Yu Xiaotian noticed the stone shining golden in the soldier's hand under the bonfire. After being stunned, he did not immediately see what treasure this stone was, so he reached out to take over the stone and smiled, "What kind of treasure is this?" Let me have a look!"

The soldier looked excited and his voice was a little trembling. He said to Xiaotian, "This stone is not an ordinary stone!" This is a piece of gold ore! My little father used to specialize in gold mining for the imperial court, so the little one knew this thing since he was a child! This gold ore is of excellent quality and has a high gold content! Recognize it at a glance! So I didn't dare to neglect it, so I quickly sent it to the big head!"

After hearing this, Yu Xiaotian immediately stood up, turned around and took the gold ore to the front of the bonfire, and watched it carefully through the firelight.

This gold ore shines under the firelight and emits a little gold light. It is really a piece of gold ore. Before Yu Xiaotian came to this era, he saw some gold ore samples placed in the display cabinet in a gold store in a large shopping mall, so he also recognized that this was a gold ore, only He can't be sure what the taste is.

However, this soldier should be an expert in this field. It is concluded that this gold ore has a high grade and a lot of gold content, so it can basically be sure that this gold ore should be good.

So there was a burst of ecstasy in his heart, because if the natives could have such a piece of gold ore, it would certainly not come from other places. It should have been found locally. I guess they didn't know what the stone was. Probably saw that this stone could flash golden light, so they picked it up casually. I put it in my home for decorations.

Then this shows that there will definitely be a gold mine on or somewhere near the territory of this native tribe. Gold can be extracted. Gold is absolutely hard currency in any era in the world. If you can find this gold mine Then his sea wolf can get a huge source of wealth in the future.

As soon as he thought of this, Yu Xiaotian was excited and turned around to bring a few prisoners to inquire about the origin of this gold ore and immediately find the location of the gold mine.

But just before he opened his mouth, a flash of light flashed in his mind, but he immediately stopped his words, turned his head and said to the soldier, "You stay! Stay by my side and be my personal guard in the future! In addition, all the words you heard today are rotten in my stomach, and you can't mention it to anyone! Did you hear it? If anyone dares to tell this, be careful of your heads!"

Sun Baoqiang and several guards around did not understand why Yu Xiaotian suddenly issued a seal on them, but since Yu Xiaotian said it, they could only do so and dare not say anything more, so they quickly intervened to hold their fists to receive orders.

And after listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, the soldier was really overjoyed, because among the sea wolves, it is a matter for everyone to enter Yu Xiaotian's personal guards. Only the most loyal members among the sea wolves need to be shrewd and clever enough. In addition, their skills should also be quite good. Can be selected into the SS.

Once they enter the guards, the treatment is not only much better than that of ordinary members, but also paves a bright road for their promotion in the future. As long as they spend a period of time among the guards and leave the guards, whether they enter the fleet or the war camp, they will have a bright future and will soon be promoted.

So for the subordinates of the sea wolf, if they can enter the guard, it can basically be said to be a step forward. Even if they can't follow Xiaotian and follow other leaders, they will get a good way out in the future, so many people hope to get the opportunity to join the guard. Medium.

Today, just because he picked up a piece of gold ore, he was inexplicably left in the guard by Yu Xiaotian, and named to leave him by his side. This was really a surprising news for this soldier. The excited guy immediately knelt on the ground and thanked Xiaotian. En.

Yu Xiaotian waved his hand to let the soldier get up and answer, and waved his hand to let the guards screen the people nearby. Sun Baoqiang then asked Xiaotian, "Big head, it should be good news for us to say that this guy found this gold ore! Why did the big head have to get a password?

Yu Xiaotian looked at Sun Baoqiang and asked with a smile, "Have you heard of the sentence that the man is innocent?"

Sun Baoqiang nodded and said, "I've heard of it!"

Yu Xiaotian nodded and said, "It's good that you have heard of it, so you should also know the meaning of this sentence!" Although the gold mine is good, at least we have the ability to keep it!

Although we have defeated Chu Cailao at present, it seems that we can run rampant along the coast of Fujian, but in fact, I know better than you what our strength is!

At present, because we have these good guns and good guns, it seems that ordinary people can't afford to provoke us, but don't forget that there are many colleagues in the coastal area. In addition to Mr. Chu, there are also several large-stock peers, not necessarily all of which we can provoke. Up!

Even if we are not afraid of any of them, once they know that there may be a gold mine here, they can also unite to deal with us!

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands, and hungry tigers can't resist the wolves. Once outsiders learn this news, there will definitely be a lot of people flocking like flies seeing blood. We can defend Chicken Cage Bay, but can we guard all the whole Taiwan Island at present?

Once these guys are provoked, there is no guarantee that they will join hands to deal with us. At that time, I'm afraid we will become the target of public criticism and it will be difficult to protect ourselves!

So the gold mine is a good thing for us on the surface, but with our current strength, if this news is revealed, it will definitely not be a good thing for us!

In addition, there are red-haired people and dry wax people, and even our Ming Dynasty government. If we hear that there is a gold mine here, we will feel good about it. At that time, even if we have three heads and six arms, I'm afraid we can't stand it!"

Sun Baoqiang was also a quite smart person. He immediately realized the hidden crisis and suddenly felt a cold sweat behind him, and quickly nodded repeatedly.

Yu Xiaotian called several guards in front of them and once again told them to ensure that the news would not be exposed. In addition, Sun Baoqiang secretly arranged his guards to secretly interrogate the captured native prisoners and secretly investigate the source of this gold ore. Step by step to find out the location of this gold ore, and the specific time to mine in the future depends on their strength development.

Mining a large gold mine can't cover the news at all. Once they start to do it, they will definitely be known by outsiders soon. Therefore, before their sea wolves have enough strength to protect themselves, Yu Xiaotian decided to cover this matter in the lid.

This hunting operation went very smoothly. On the third night, Yu Xiaotian returned to the chicken cage village with his team and brought back nearly 200 local prisoners and filled them in the slave camp of the chicken cage village. This was undoubtedly another good harvest for the sea wolf who lacked labor.

And until this time, Yu Xiaotian asked the blackheads to spread the news, notified several native tribes near the chicken cage village, and once again sounded an alarm to these native tribes to let them understand that the sea wolf was not able to provoke them, and through this surprise attack on this native tribe, the sea wolf has investigated It is clear that the sea wolf people who mysteriously disappeared before were indeed done by these natives.

Because in this group of indigenous tribes, the sea wolves found the clothes of the missing people, knives and guns, and even two flimps. Unfortunately, these natives did not know what this kind of flimp guns were at all. After taking them back, they would not simply remove the buttstock and other wood, leaving only the barrel of the gun and were taken by them to fight. It became two shovels.