Daming Haiku

Chapter 11 vs.

Li Dazui held a Yanling knife and used it as a command knife. He stood on the side of the phalanx and shouted, "*Hand ready!"

*The hands immediately removed the tachment gun from their shoulders, put the stock on the ground, quickly began to take out the ammunition from the waist leather box, and began to fill *.

Everything was carried out according to their original training procedures. Soon, the hands filled the tite gun in their hands, raised their hands, and the muzzle was facing the sky, forming three rows.

This * shooting method of three-stage strike is not a mysterious thing. The little devil knows how to use this method to maintain the continuity of * firepower. Naturally, there are also great people in Daming to come up with such a method.

However, the * equipment of the Ming army is not very high. The bird gun also won the * war during the Wanli period. After defeating the Japanese, it began to gradually equip a large number of the Ming army. However, the number of equipment in the south is not very large, because the south is rainy, the climate is humid, the fire rate of the bird gun is low, and the explosion is blowing up. The accident rate is high, and the officers and soldiers don't like this kind of thing.

And the officers and soldiers are also equipped with a considerable proportion of archers, using bows and crossbows to fight. Today, dozens of archers are lined up in front of the team with bows and arrows.

After Mr. Qian, surnamed Bai, looked at the sea wolf's war troops, his heart suddenly became hairy. In his heart, he secretly scolded that he was still a group of pirates! It's simply an elite soldier. I'm afraid that the most elite officers and soldiers in Fujian may not be able to suppress the momentum of these pirates.

People deserve to die, and the goods should be thrown away. After looking at the queue of Sea Wolf soldiers, he peeked at the guards he brought out behind him and suddenly felt frustrated. This battle can't be fought at all! Now he thinks about it with his toes and knows that he will never beat these pirates today.

Yu Hailang doesn't know how to make his pirates look like in front of him. Although these pirates don't have a few fat people and equally dark skin, their faces are normal. No one has a vegetable face, and their faces are oily. If they don't eat well enough, where It can be so strong.

And these guards behind him are all yellow, thin and dirty like beglings, which is more confident than Mr. Bai Qian.

But it's not good for him to leave now and run back to the Acropolis to hide! In that case, someone will definitely sue him later, and then he will definitely not be able to carry it away.

So he had to harden his scalp and roared, making the officers and soldiers behind him continue to push forward. The archers were ready to shoot arrows, which could not be defeated. Let's fight first. If it doesn't work, they will quickly slip down.

Li's big mouth curled his big mouth fork with a disdainful look. Today, he brought 200 soldiers here to control the dock and prevent these officers and soldiers from Chongwu to come out to stop them.

But after looking at the guards of Chongwu, he personally felt that the battle should be too easy to fight, so he curled his mouth, took two steps forward, turned around and shouted at his men: "I give you a chance today to show it well. All of them have guns on your shoulders! The phalanx queue remains unchanged, move forward!"

On the right side of the team, there was an immediate captain with a bamboo whistle in his mouth and blew the bamboo whistle. First, a long whistle sounded, and all the soldiers immediately carried their weapons on their shoulders and were ready to set off.

Then the captain who blew the whistle began to blow the bamboo whistle with a high and low sound, and the rhythm was controlled at about 120 times a minute.

After hearing the whistle, the sea wolf's soldiers immediately began to step forward with the whistle, and all the soldiers in the whole square did not cause chaos. Everyone's pace was consistent, and based on the left, they maintained a horizontal formation, and at the same time Holding a vertical formation will not cause chaos.

Even the 20 tiger squat gunners on the left side of the team just now raised the tiger squat guns at the same time and followed the team forward.

The whole phalanx is like an active wall, pushing forward together.

Regarding the queue training of sea wolf soldiers, Yu Xiaotian learned from the Western army. Originally, he also wanted to get a drum, set up a full-time drummer to control the speed of the army, and even want to get a bagpipe, but after thinking about it, it was ridiculous. Even if he got the bagpipes, no one would play it.

Later, considering that the marching drum should occupy the establishment and specially train drummers, he was lazy and thought that the military training queues in later generations were all whistles, so he simply replaced the marching drums with bamboo whistles.

So now when the soldiers are marching and when the team marching, there is a special person responsible for blowing the whistle to control the speed of formation and pace.

When the sea wolf's phalanx began to move forward, the officers and army suddenly became a little confused, because this group of pirates really surprised them. They should be regarded as a regular army, but compared with this group of pirates, they looked like thieves, and their momentum was completely given by the sea wolf's soldiers. It is suppressed.

And when the sea wolf phalanx marched, it pushed over like a mountain, causing great psychological pressure on the officers and soldiers, which made them suddenly a little confused.

Mr. Bai Qian also felt very nervous. He quickly bombarded his soldiers and told them not to move in place, and those who retreated in front of the battle would be killed! This has somewhat stabilized his team.

Dozens of archers were ordered to shoot arrows to launch, but the archers of these guards are usually trained very limited. Most of the time they have to work to eat. The time of farming is much longer than the practice time. Sometimes they may not be able to do a drill once a month. They are expected to have good shooting skills. It must be There is no hope.

In addition, because of less practice, the bows used by archers are basically light bows, and also use light arrows. They don't seem to shoot close, but the penetration of arrows is very poor. Dozens of meters away, the leather armor cannot be effectively penetrated, which is clear to Bai Qian and his archers.

There are only a few personal soldiers under Mr. Bai Qian. Because they are unemployed professional soldiers, they still have some real skills. Two of them are good at bowing, and the rest of the archers are basically indiscriminate.

The sea wolf's team slowly pushed forward in the sound of bamboo whistle, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer. When the distance between the two sides was about 60 steps closer, Mr. Bai Qian really couldn't stand the pressure.

"Fly! Shoot the arrow! Don't let them get close!" Mr. Bai Qian's palms kept sweating, and he involuntarily withdrew into the crowd and shouted loudly in the team.

Dozens of archers have long been unable to withstand the pressure at this time. They have long wanted to start shooting arrows, but at least they have rules. The main general does not order. If someone shoots arrows without authorization, they will definitely be dealt with when they hear the sound of Mr. Bai Qian shouting for arrows.

These dozens of archers no longer dared to wait any longer. They hurriedly put their fingers on the string, began to pull away the bow string, raised their arms, and gritted their teeth to loosen the bow string one after another.

I only heard a burst of banging bow strings, and then a cluster of arrow rain sprinkled on the sea wolf soldiers. Because there are still about 60 steps away, the bows and arrows cannot be directly aimed, and can only be launched by ejection, so the accuracy is definitely not good.

Dozens of arrows floated towards the sea wolf's queue. The pupils of the soldiers walking in the front row suddenly shrank, and they looked at the arrows in the sky falling towards them, and their mood suddenly became nervous.

But no one shook their bodies or stopped because of this. All the soldiers continued to walk forward according to the sound of the bamboo whistle.

Li Dazui was also observing the performance under his hand. When he saw this scene, he was satisfied with his opponent's performance, so he shouted, "Stop moving forward!"

The bamboo whistle stopped abruptly after his order.

All the soldiers immediately stopped and continued to stand neatly in the queue with their chests and folded.

The bows and arrows in the sky swarmed down and fell into the crowd of sea wolves. Only a few soldiers hummed, and the two soldiers fell to the ground with a grimace.

But the other soldiers did not squint, remained unmoved, and continued to maintain their formation, which made Li Dazui very satisfied and nodded secretly.

The training of sea wolf soldiers is quite strict. As long as they are in the battle array, everyone is not allowed to make any small movements in the queue, because whether they are marching or during the array, if someone moves because of the enemy attack, it will affect a large area, and the formation and marching rhythm will immediately It was broken.

Therefore, the sea wolf soldiers are required. No matter what the situation is, they must follow the order. Even if the cannonballs fly in front of them, they will stare at the cannonballs flying over, and there is no dodge at all. Otherwise, even if they are not killed on the spot, they will be engaged by the military law afterwards.

For this reason, when the sea wolf soldiers were training, in order to solve the problem that some people involuntarily wanted to avoid disturbing the team during the battle, Meng Fei, Li Dazui and others thought of a way. First, they beat the sticks and hit the military sticks, and then Meng Fei came up with a way to equip the soldiers with rattan helmets and let a large group of people stand. In front of them, throw stones at them while they are marching or in line.

As long as someone dodges in the queue and immediately pulls out to beat the military stick in public, in this way, after a long time**, they completely cleaned up these guys and made them dare not move even if Mount Tai collapses.

Today, the officers and soldiers released arrows first. Although these arrows fell into the crowd of sea wolf soldiers, in fact, the killing and injury to sea wolf soldiers is very limited. They themselves use light arrows with small kinetic energy. After the parabola falls, the penetration is already very small, so when they fall into the sea wolf soldiers's queue. After the middle, it did not cause much damage to the sea wolf soldiers.

Many people were just hit by arrows or in each part, but the injury was very light. The two that fell were only relatively unlucky. One was shot in the head, the rattan helmet could not block the cluster of arrows, a cut on the scalp was opened, and the other was even more unlucky. The arrow hit the door, so it fell to the ground with a scream.

Soon, rescuers in the team dragged him down, but the sea wolf's queue also stopped at the order of Li Dazui. The knife player came out to the front of the queue, bowed down and raised the shield, forming a shield wall more than half a person high. Behind them was the sea wolf's * hand.