Daming Haiku

Chapter 39 Training Gunner

Thunder Island is actually the island in the north of Nanri Island that was used as a test site by sea wolves. It used not be called Perak Island, but after being used as a test field by sea wolves, the gunfire rumbled every day, like a thunderbolt, so it was renamed Perak Island.

Yu Xiaotian has already ordered that the place to train gunners for Yan Siqi should be placed on Perak Island, which can not only allow Yan Siqi's men to concentrate on training as soon as possible, but also prevent them from peeping too much on Nanri Island that Yu Xiaotian does not want them to see. Therefore, the governing hall has been arranged there in the past few days. After everything, more than a dozen tents were built to be used as their temporary camp.

At the same time, more than a dozen gunners were drawn from among the sailors to teach them the experience of gunners. Of course, the so-called teaching is also left to teach them how to operate the gun, but the deep principle will not be passed on to them, which the sea wolves will not be confused.

The reason why Yu Xiaotian agreed to train gunners for them this time is not because of Yu Xiaotian's generousness, but because Yan Siqi gave him an extra 5,000 taels of silver this time and bought a batch of ammunition for six-pound cannons and tiger squat guns and extermination guns.

After testing the samples provided by Xiaotian by Yan Siqi and others, they found that the quality and power of the gunpowder provided by the sea wolf far exceeded the gunpowder they usually used. Although they were all *, their own gunpowder emitted strong black smoke, and the gunpowder smoke of the sea wolf was relatively different in color. It is shallow and burns quite well. With gunpowder of the same weight, the gunpowder produced by sea wolves is much more powerful than the gunpowder they use.

In addition, the sea wolf's shells are specially cast, and after rough grinding, they are relatively good with the control of the inner diameter tolerance of the gun. Yan Siqi found that the specially cast solid shell used by the sea wolf can be easily and directly loaded into the gunbore, which can be used with long range, high accuracy and great power, compared with their own casting. The shells are much easier to use. If they replace them with shells cast by themselves, the error is very large. Either they can't be loaded into the gun or they are too small, which also makes him better understand that the sea wolf is really strong in casting cannons, and the details are much better than them.

The so-called cannons and shells they used before are all cast in simple workshops, including scattered bombs, and they are also directly used in messy stones, broken porcelain pieces, broken iron pieces and other things. The close range is not bad, but they can't fly far and can't be hit accurately, so he has to endure the pain and buy some ammunition from the sea wolf. To meet the needs of these artillery.

Of the extra 5,000 taels of silver, part of it is a training fee for the sea wolf, so Yu Xiaotian readily agreed to train some gunners for him to let them master the skills of using these cannons, so that after handing over the cannons to them, they will still use them as cannons, just listen to the sound and strengthen their courage. .

Now Yan Siqi and Zheng Yiguan have made such a mess, and there is no possibility of making peace. Next, the two sides will definitely fight. Armeding Yan Siqi to deal with Zheng Yiguan is more in line with Yu Xiaotian's interest. It is the best choice for him to fight a proxy war.

In fact, nothing in this world does not necessarily have to fight against the People's Congress. Many wars in history are actually not fought by the opposing sides of the war. Behind them is often a giant standing on one or both sides, manipulating their puppets to wage war and gain greater gains for themselves. The benefits don't have to pay too much.

Now Yan Siqi can't be regarded as his puppet of Yu Xiaotian. To some extent, he should be regarded as his ally for the time being, but the status of the two sides is not equal. Yan Siqi wants Yu Xiaotian, but Yu Xiaotian is a person behind the scenes. He needs to let Yan Siqi jump to the front desk and Zheng One official is the enemy.

It's really impermanent! In the normal time and space in history, Zheng Yiguan should be the successor of Yan Siqi, but because of Yu Xiaotian's unexpected appearance, Yan Siqi changed his fate and did not die of violent illness, but caused Zheng Yiguan to become his enemy. Yu Xiaotian felt a little incredible when he thought about this matter, but in this time and space It happened in real terms.

Since things have developed to this point, Yu Xiaotian is willing to ask Yan Siqi to help him deal with Zheng Yiguan. In this time and space, he has invisibly regarded Zheng Yiguan as one of his biggest enemies. This person is smart, fierce, unscrupulous, and has strong strength, as long as he is still in the sea. Sooner or later, you will have to face this person's positive challenge.

He doesn't want to see this person rise too fast now, and even hopes that this person will never rise. So for this, it is necessary for him to set up some enemies to set a few stumbling blocks on his way forward.

There is no doubt that Yan Siqi is a very good choice. This person has courage and certain strength. He happens to be the former boss of Zheng Yiguan. His identity is very special. As the enemy of Zheng Yiguan, he will morally make Zheng Yiguan very passive. If Yan Siqi's strength is stronger, then Zheng Yiguan wants to be like him for a short time. It turns out that such a rapid rise in historical time and space will cause a lot of trouble, which can even be said to be disgusting.

So Yu Xiaotian is happy to help Yan Siqi now, let Yan Siqi act as his agent first and fight with Zheng Yiguan. After he frees up his hands and energy, it is not too late to turn around and deal with Zheng Yiguan.

Now that Yan Siqi wants him to help train some gunners, Xiaotian will naturally not object to this matter, so when Chen Xun made this request to him on behalf of Yan Siqi, he immediately agreed.

Of course, Yu Xiaotian can still make money by doing this, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone. It not only meets Yan Siqi's needs, but also meets his needs. Technical output can still be exchanged for money. As long as it is well controlled, it will not pose any threat to him.

Therefore, Chen Xun brought people here this time, and Yu Xiaotian was quite enthusiastic about them. Although he ignored them because Lan'er had a child, Luo Xianbin, who came back with the ship, would still inform the director's hall on Xiaotian's order. The council hall immediately began to make arrangements and did not neglect Chen Xun and others.

During the Spring Festival, news began to spread on the sea in the whole area of Fujian, that Zheng Yiguan, as Yan Siqi's subordinate, secretly tried to intercept his boss Yinliang, and fled after the defeat.

As the saying goes, good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles away. Zheng Yiguan's behavior immediately made a big taboo among his peers. Although it is reasonable for big fish to eat small fish and small fish to eat shrimp as pirates, it has always been common among pirates to overturn the boss, but this kind of thing is Jiang after all. The taboo on the lake is that everything is successful, but once it fails, it is very despised.

So for a while, Zheng Yiguan's reputation suddenly stinked among pirates, making many people unwilling to deal with him anymore.

After escaping from Bengang with his men, Zheng Yiguan ran to Nanyu Island in Penghu and regarded it as his temporary camp.

Although the Ming Dynasty drove away the red-haired people desperately, after the end of the battle of Penghu, they did not station troops in Penghu for a long time. In fact, the Penghu Inspection Department is still like a virtual setting. Every summer, it sends a small number of officers and soldiers to patrol this area for activities. After stationed for a few months, they retreated the land. Last year, the Ming army was not stationed here for most of the year.

Nanyu Island is the southernmost island of the Penghu Islands. Its area is not too small, about seven square kilometers. There are several natural harbors for ships to dock to shelter from the wind, and there are freshwater resources on the island for people to drink. The natural conditions are good, but due to the declining strength of Daming, the control of Penghu Lake The force is getting smaller and smaller, and Nanyu Island has long been uninhabited. Even if the flood soldiers go to Penghu in the summer, they rarely pay attention to it.

So at present, after Zheng Yiguan fled from the stupid port, he regarded this place as his temporary nest. For a moment, the government knew nothing about it. Even if the government knew it, because it was far from the land and could not suppress it in a short time, not to mention that now because of the sea wolf, the government is more concerned about this area. I can't pay much attention to it.

This made Zheng Yiguan find a temporary nest at sea and did not become a homeless dog.

Although the conditions of Nanyu Island are also good, after all, the pattern is too small, only a few square kilometers, which can not meet the needs of Zheng Yiguan at all, so this place can only be used as a temporary veteran by Zheng Yiguan. He must find a way to find a more suitable place to settle down.

Originally, Zheng Yiguan originally planned to replace Yan Siqi and regard the Bengang area as his old camp. In the future, he could not only do business here, but also easily go out to the coast of the mainland to plunder. It was a good choice, providing a stable rear base for him to stand on the coast of Daming in the future.

But he didn't expect that his carelessness led him to almost lose all the game. His behavior would suddenly be exposed, so that he had to make a sharp decision. He abandoned Bengang and fled there with his men and hid on the small island of Nanyu Island to avoid the wind.

After the ambush of Yan Siqi's silver ship, Zheng Python fled with his two ships. On the way, he did not even dare to return to the stupid port, and directly fled to Nanyu Island, the temporary camp they occupied.

As soon as Zheng python arrived on Nanyu Island, Zheng Yiguan hurriedly fled from Bengang with his men, and Zheng python would be together.

It was not until this time that Zheng Yiguan learned the details of the incident. As he expected, the fleet that suddenly appeared was the fleet of Yu Xiaotian Sea Wolf. The appearance of this fleet completely disrupted his original plan and ruined his good deeds.

For this reason, Zheng Yiguan immediately hated Xiaotian. If it hadn't been for Yu Xiaotian's fleet suddenly inserted a bar, he would have easily dealt with Yan Siqi's silver ship and forced Yan Siqi into a dead corner this time.

Once Yan Siqi loses 40,000 taels of silver, his strength will definitely decline. In a short time, he will never get so much money to buy cannons. If he continues to buy cannons, he will have no money to pay his men, and he only needs to send someone to seal Yan Siqi. The waterway that his subordinates go to sea can trap Yan Siqi to death in Bengang.

At that time, Yan Siqi has no money to pay his subordinates. He only needs to take the opportunity to give favors, and Yan Siqi's original men will fall to him. At that time, even if he doesn't kill Yan Siqi, Yan Siqi can no longer be the boss, and he can justly inherit Yan Siqi's position and accept Bengang. In his hands.

(Wow! At the end of the month, there were a lot of rewards. Thank you for the rewards of the three old friends! By the way, book the monthly ticket in the hands of the brothers next month! I try to keep it twice a day! Is it possible? The monthly ticket should be kept for me! Please!)