Daming Haiku

Chapter 42 Alliance

As for the muskets delivered to them, although they are not technically much more than those of land craftsmen or Western craftsmen, it is important that when the sea wolf is producing, they use unified norms and standards, and the muskets produced are uniform, and there is no such thing as when military households build * for officers and soldiers, the materials are treated as The official layer of stripping can only be made of inferior iron, which is made of solid fine iron. Although the process is simpler than the sea wolf's own flaching gun and the materials are also reduced, the safety is still guaranteed.

In addition, Yan Siqi has also checked the batch of ammunition delivered to Yan Siqi. The gunpowder is quite good pellets, and the projectiles are also carefully cast, and the tolerance with the gunbore is relatively small, which is much stronger than his use of some stones and iron fragments. Even the scattered bombs are cast with iron, which can be guaranteed to be more powerful than him. Those things for our own use are better.

And Yan Siqi also went to Perak Island to watch his men learn how to shoot. Yu Xiaotian opened a standard short training class for Yan Siqi, which is only responsible for teaching them how to use these cannons and *. They don't care about in-depth military training. After a short period of training, these people are now basically After mastering the aiming skills, you can already operate these cannons.

After Yan Siqi arrived at Perak Island, he personally watched the drill of his men trying to fire guns. The more than 100 Yan Siqi's men put their arms around their sleeves and fired a few shots in front of Yan Siqi.

After the sea wolf's subordinates**, these Yan Siqi's men have basically mastered some of the essentials of gun operation. After a test shot, they actually hit well. Most of the shells hit the target (of course, the target is quite large), which made Yan Siqi even more happy, so he was face to face again. Thank you for your filial piety.

After having these new guys, Yan Siqi's confidence suddenly increased greatly and felt that he no longer needed to be afraid of Zheng Yiguan, and the batch of cannons he got was enough for him to send people to sea to fight to the death with Zheng Yiguan. This matter not only improved his military skills, but also made his men. They regained their confidence. In modern terms, it is equivalent to giving his men a shot to boost their morale.

So after Yan Siqi's thousands of thanks, he happily returned to Bengang with these men and the guns handed over to them by Yu Xiaotian. He went back and began to sharpen his knife and prepare to launch a retaliatory action against Zheng Yiguan.

Before Yan Siqi left, Yu Xiaotian gave Yan Siqi another big gift, that is, he selected 20 gunners from the sea wolf crowd. As a gunnery instructor, he followed Yan Siqi back to Bengang to help Yan Siqi train more gunners and guide them to learn how to operate artillery.

Although the number of artillery purchased by Yan Siqi this time is not too large, Yu Xiaotian learned the ability of Yan Siqi's men through these men sent by Yan Siqi this time.

Although these Yan Siqi's men are also old sea dogs, they are not unfamiliar with artillery. Many people have released cannons before, but they have not formed a set of effective regulations to regulate their use of artillery. In actual use, there is a lot of random action. How much gunpowder to install depends on the estimate and a People's experience, coupled with the poor quality of the artillery they use, the accident rate is high, and the accuracy of shelling is even more ridiculous.

Now Yan Siqi has made a brother with him and has essentially become his ally. The next step will be to contain Zheng Yiguan's energy and strength on his behalf, so within a limited scope, he is still willing to make Yan Siqi stronger.

This is also the reason why he sent 20 gunners to Yan Siqi to help him train the rest of the gangs and enhance their combat effectiveness.

Of course, Yu Xiaotian is still selfish in doing this. Although he has made careful work in Yan Siqi and monitors Yan Siqi's actions, but now the two sides are allies. He can add some sand to Yan Siqi's men to understand the situation on Yan Siqi's side more conveniently.

Xiaotian also explained to Yan Siqi in advance that after these 20 artillery instructors arrived at his place, they were only responsible for training him and teaching them how to operate guns, but they did not participate in their specific actions. If they were accidentally involved in their military operations and caused casualties, Yan Siqi would be responsible for them. Provide pensions.

Yan Siqi immediately agreed to this point. He knew that the sea wolf was very powerful. In the past, he was embarrassed to ask the sea wolf's people to help him. ** Some of his men, Yu Xiaotian took the initiative to propose this matter, which was exactly what he wanted, so he immediately agreed.

After sending away Yan Siqi, Yu Xiaotian looked at the undulating ocean, took a deep breath, and secretly said that the six-year apocalypse has arrived. I don't know how many challenges he has to face this year. Will the Spaniards still seize Taipei as in history? If history has not changed much, it will not be long before the Spaniards invaded the chicken cage.

And where will Zheng Yiguan go in the future? These are unknowns, but he knows one thing that this year must still be a very tense year, and there are countless challenges waiting for him.

Now that he has two flesh and blood, the burden on his shoulders is heavier, and he dares not fail. He can only continue to be full of energy and continue to walk. Thinking of this, Yu Xiaotian took a deep breath of fresh air again, cheered up, turned around and stride back to the village.

After more than half a year of migration, in addition to the fact that the workshops on the original site of Nanri Island continue to operate, most of the new workshops in freshwater and chicken cages were put into production at the end of the fifth apocalypse.

The factory capacity of the entire sea wolf has doubled, increasing the industrial capacity of sea wolf.

And in addition to the original cannons, gunners, soap workshops and glass workshops, the sea wolf workshop has added many new workshops after more than half a year of expansion.

Over the past year, the sea wolf has attacked the shore many times, which also provided human resources for the sea wolf, and forcibly brought many people from the land.

Before they were moved to Taiwan Yuan Island, these people were first classified and screened in the concentration camps in various places. They selected some of the craftsmen and sent them to work in various workshops to become the first generation of industrial workers of sea wolves, so that they were separated from land and agricultural production and transferred to professional jobs. Workers contribute to the industrial development of sea wolves.

In the past, most of these skilled people were farming while using their spare time to make something to sell and subsidize some household products. It was just a family-style small workshop production, which was not an effective production scale.

But this time after being trapped by sea wolves, they were all selected and put into factories to specialize in industrial production, freeing them from agricultural production and forming the foundation of large-scale production.

Even if Yu Xiaotian can't copy the modern machinery, he can only let these craftsmen use the old-style manual production, but the sea wolf workshops have now begun to carry out assembly line operations. Each craftsman no longer produces a product from beginning to end as before. Instead, it specializes in making only one part and then assembling it, or only responsible for one production process.

In this way, it has formed a preliminary intensive production, which saves a lot of manpower and material resources, and also improves the efficiency of production. In essence, it is a sea of people tactic to expand the production scale in this way without modern production machinery.

Of course, Yu Xiaotian can't rely on two time-travel artifacts, glass and soap, to meet his needs. In the past six months, he has invested a lot of energy in industry. In addition to splitting the original workshops, he has also added many new workshops.

In order to make full use of the existing human resources, especially some women who have nothing to do at home, which is also a human resources that cannot be ignored, he asked the director to split the original sewing club on Nanri Island and opened a clothing factory in both freshwater and chicken cages to absorb the families of local craftsmen who had nothing to do. The clothing factory works to make clothes for the sea wolf department. In addition to meeting the needs of the sea wolf department, it can also provide some products to the local people, so that some bachelors no longer have to worry about dressing.

In addition, a series of other workshops closely related to life in the immigrant area have been opened, such as several large brick kilns, ceramic farms, pickle factories, leather factories, etc. The products produced can not only be provided for sea wolves for their own use, but also provide some goods to local people, and can even be used as commodities for resale. Going to land or selling to Europeans to make profits greatly meets the needs of people's livelihood, and also improves the quality of life of the sea wolf army.

In Xiaotian's view, in addition to the drawbacks brought by the hereditary system of officers, the low treatment of soldiers is also the main reason for the collapse of the Ming army.

In fact, according to the amount of military expenditure spent annually by Daming, it is not be considered low. Under normal circumstances, the food and salaries formulated for soldiers cannot be regarded as low, but the key is that on the road from the military expenditure to the hands of soldiers, all the officials reach out to share a piece of it, enrich their own pockets, and wait until When they were soldiers, there were almost nothing left. Few soldiers could really get the salary they deserved and had to find a way to survive, either to farm for most of the year, and more than half of the proceeds from farming were taken by officers, or they were cleverly seized and extorted from the common people. It has made the military discipline so corrupt that it can't be repeated, and naturally there is no need to think about the combat effectiveness.

So the sea wolf must solve these problems fundamentally. In the past, when there were few sea wolves, Yu Xiaotian could still manage it. However, with the increasing number of sea wolves and the scale, there still began to be a bad situation of leaders restraining soldiers.

(Monthday pass! I want a monthly ticket. Brothers, if you have a monthly ticket in your hand, please help me stay! I will definitely keep updating speed this month! Please!)