Daming Haiku

Chapter 48 Calon Cannon

In a shed, there are two vertical old-style boreling shelves, which are lanking the fixed iron cannon bore, and a newly made horizontal bore, which is also experimentally bore, using the power of two cows traction.

The stewor in charge here, surnamed Qiu, is also an old blacksmith, about 40 years old, but because he has been engaged in high temperature and heavy physical labor for a long time, he seems to be over 60 years old.

He used to work in the iron field in Foshan, Guangdong. He was quite good at technology and could also cast cannons. In the past, he was quite famous in the iron field in Foshan, but because he was a little old, he got sick once, and he was dismissed by the shopkeeper.

After the blacksmith Qiu fell ill, the family spent all his savings in order to see him. Later, he owed a lot of debts and finally saved his life, but he was very weak and could not continue to work. One of his sons also took over his craft and became a blacksmith, but not once Shen, there was an accident at the iron field and was killed by the fallen shelf on the spot.

The Qiu blacksmith's family suddenly fell into trouble. Later, the creditor forced the debt and drove him, his wife and one youngest son out of the house. Because he was unable to work, he lived on the street to beg. Later, he was accidentally found by a member of the Sea Wolf Council Hall who went to Guangzhou to work, so he took the three of them back to Nanri Island. .

It seemed that the blacksmith Qiu was half dead, and no one paid too much attention to him, but after the blacksmith Qiu arrived in Nanri Island, he was valued by the blacksmith Zhang who shot.

When Zhang Blacksmith heard that an old blacksmith came to Nanri Island, he went to Qiu Blacksmith when he was free and chatted with him. He found that Qiu Blacksmith was very skilled, so he quickly recommended it to Yu Xiaotian.

After hearing this, Yu Xiaotian paid great attention to it. He quickly went to see the blacksmith Qiu in person and arranged his family. He sent delicious people to serve the blacksmith Qiu, and ordered the medical officer to carefully take care of his health.

This blacksmith Qiu is also very successful. After meeting Yu Xiaotian, after the medical officer's conditioning and delicious food and sufficient nutrition, he saw that his collapsed body miraculously recovered.

Later, he gradually recovered most of his physical strength and became strong again, so he returned to his old job and went to Nanri Island to become a craftsman.

Qiu's blacksmith's technology is quite good, and even much better than the original Lei's blacksmith's technology. He soon stood out among the craftsmen and put forward many useful suggestions, so Yu Xiaotian asked him to be a deputy steward in the Nanri Island cannon, which is actually equivalent to the work of a technical director.

This time, Nanri Island's cannon was put into production. Yu Xiaotian saw that Qiu Blacksmith was good, popular, older and steady, so he first asked him to come to see the construction of the factory, and then ordered him to be the steward here, that is, the position of factory director.

Qiu blacksmith was desperate. He was very grateful to the sea wolf and Yu Xiaotian. He worked very hard. Now he has made the cannon on the freshwater side hot.

Nowadays, there are more than 200 craftsmen alone. Among them, the number of formal craftsmen is not large, but there are many apprentices.

These apprentices are mostly some slaves bought by sea wolves by money from land. Some young men or teenagers were selected to train in the new barracks and entered the navy or war barracks, and some were left in the workshop. As various apprentices, some of the old and weak were sent to the immigrant village to become farmers.

This part of the apprentices as slaves are basically the industrial workers of the sea wolf in the future and will become the industrial pillar of the sea wolf in the future, but most of them are not apprentices now. They are still in the workshop, learning craftsmanship from the masters.

However, the apprentices here are different from those of land craftsmen. They are slaves of sea wolves. In fact, they belong to Yu Xiaotian's private property, not like mainland apprentices. They have to be a cow and horse for the master for many years before they can start learning craftsmanship.

And the craftsmen here do not dare to serve these apprentices like that. Although the apprentices must start with rough work, Yu Xiaotian has a strict order that the craftsmen must teach them skills. Otherwise, the future of the craftsmen is worrying. Here, if the craftsmen want to cherish their skills, there is no way out, and they will soon be excluded. At the bottom of the workshop, you can only do rough work and get less money in the future.

However, for craftsmen who are willing to teach technology and craftsmanship to their apprentices, Yu Xiaotian ordered them to pay a certain allowance according to the number of apprentices, which is also a promotion to improve the life treatment of craftsmen, so that they can better pass on their skills to these apprentices.

And apprentices are basically slaves and do not need to be paid. The sea wolf is responsible for all their food, clothing, housing and transportation, which is relatively cost-saving, but will be given a little allowance to these apprentices every month so that they can buy some personal supplies.

But the apprentices have no objection to this. On land, they are all bankrupt farmers or small people in the city. They really can't get along. Many people sell themselves in order to make a living. But even so, many people have no chance to find a good way out. Few people can meet kind-hearted owners, buy them back, and treat them well.

Some children will be bought by some small landlords as adopted children. In fact, they are slaves of small landlords and farm for them. Some children will be bought back by large families. As domestic slaves, life will not be satisfactory. At best, it is good to make a living.

Even if they are apprentices for craftsmen on land, they also have no money. They have to work for the master for many years to learn some skills, but after learning to become a craftsman, they can't leave the craftsman's shop. If they continue to work for the craftsman for a long time, they can only get very little work, which is actually similar to that of a craftsman.

Now they are bought by sea wolves. Although when they were first transported here, they knew that they were bought by pirates, and they were all scared. They thought they were going to force them to be pirates and pirates, but after arriving here, they found that it was much better than they thought.

The sea wolf provided them with quite good accommodation and clothes so that they could eat. This alone made them very satisfied, and Langzhong gave them a physical examination and treated them if they were sick, which surprised them even more.