Daming Haiku

Chapter 52 Ruff

He opened the notebook and began to turn up one by one. The more he looked at it, the bigger his eyes became, the more surprised he became. Looking at it, even his hands trembled. Suddenly, he closed the notebook, held his hands above his head, and knelt in front of Yu Xiaotian with a plop. His voice trembled and said to Xiaotian, "Big master! Thank you for giving such a baby to the little one! The great master of the family! Please accept the small worship!"

Yu Xiaotian received this visit, thinking that he knew the importance of this notebook to a man who loves mechanics. If ordinary people don't understand machinery, they may think that this notebook is not soft enough to wipe his buttocks as waste paper, but if he were a blacksmith, he would definitely understand the importance of this notebook. Sexual.

So for Zhang Blacksmith, this book is a treasure, more important than anything else, and this notebook is likely to open the door to an industrial era, at least a key.

This also condenses his countless days and nights of hard work, and now he gives it to Zhang Blacksmith, and it is reasonable to be worshipped by him.

After Zhang's blacksmith kowtowed, Yu Xiaotian stretched out his hand and said to him, "For the time being, you still stay in the gun work. The name I gave you is the technical director of the gun. I am only responsible for the craftsmen' craft and technical affairs. For the time being, I can't let you get rid of all of it!

You must keep this book properly, because I only have this one, and there is no second one! And you can read this book by yourself first. If you don't understand, you can ask me when you see me later. I'll think about it with you! Eat it thoroughly and then gradually pass it on to the apprentices, but you can't show it easily, let alone let it flow outside! This is about the future of our sea wolves in the future, you have to remember!"

Zhang's blacksmith was so excited that his face turned red. He nodded repeatedly and pointed to the sky and swore, "Please don't worry, the little one has written it down!" This book is more important than a small life. The small one is death, and it can't be lost or destroyed! The small one will read it carefully and then copy it. When the small one is finished, the small one will immediately return it to the big head! Thank you for trusting the little one. I don't know how to repay the big one in my life! As long as the little one still has a breath, this life is the big head! Wherever the big head goes in this life, the little ones will follow! If there is a remorse, let the little one die well, and everything can't be exceeded!"

Yu Xiaotian nodded and said, "Okay! I trust you, that's why I gave this to you. You can copy and draw a copy, and you can eat more by the way!

In addition, you can choose a few apprentices who like to do this industry. They are not necessarily very smart, but they must like to do this in their hearts. They can be your apprentices and pass on what you have learned to them. I don't want them to become masters and will beat the iron well. In that case, it will be a rough at most. Craftsmen, I want them to learn to think more and create new things in the future. They don't need to do it themselves, as long as they can draw what they want. As for making nature, others can help you do it!

I want to teach you mechanical drawing, and I also need to get some drawing tools! All right, that's it!"

Zhang Blacksmith was so excited that he followed Yu Xiaotian's buttocks. At this time, he almost regarded Yu Xiaotian as a god. He couldn't wait to eat the notebook into his stomach to feel at ease.

Yu Xiaotian looked at the gun production here and was quite satisfied with the production here. At least it is no longer like a workshop-style blacksmith's shop, but has a sense of a factory. This feeling is very good. Even if it is so hot, he is willing to stay in such a place for a while. .

Yu Xiaotian personally inspected several produced huskling guns, focusing on the operation of the huskling mechanism and the accuracy and quality of manufacturing, as well as the barrel.

After such a long period of exploration and exercise, gun craftsmen have been quite sophisticated in creating such barrels. Although the materials are made of cooked iron, which is far from comparable to alloy steel of later generations, even Europeans are using such materials to make barrels in this era, but their life expectancy is relatively It's just shorter.

In terms of process quality, the quality of the barrel currently made by Seawolf is comparable to the quality of the barrel produced by craftsmen in any country in the world in this era. In this way, another weapon he has been considering has initially met the conditions for production.

Yu Xiaotian took Zhang's blacksmith to a quiet place, stood in front of a table, and said to Zhang's blacksmith, "Lao Zhang, do you remember the thing I mentioned to you before?"

Zhang Blacksmith was excited and a little dizzy at this moment. For a moment, he didn't think of anything that Yu Xiaotian had mentioned to him before, so he scratched his head and said, "At this moment, the little one is only happy, and I can't remember what the big boss means!" Please make it clear to the big head!"

Yu Xiaotian sweated, smiled and asked Zhang Blacksmith to put down the notebook first. After drinking a sip of water, he said to him, "It's a gun that I brought up to you when I came. It can take 200 steps away, and even shoot farther, and it's a strange gun!"

As soon as Zhang Blacksmith heard this, he patted his head and said, "So it's this! The big head has made the small one suffer. Since the big head mentioned this matter, the small one has been unable to let it go for many days. It's really like scratching his heart, and he has been thinking about it all the time!

The small one really doesn't want to do anything. It's as easy to kill people's lives 200 steps away than 200 steps away! Later, he was so busy that he gradually let go of this matter!

Do you want to tell the little one how to make this thing today? Please don't sell it again! Hurry up and tell the little one! In the future, the little one will have free time. As long as the big head says it, the little one must do it quickly!"

Yu Xiaotian nodded and said, "Yes, after looking at your craftsmanship here today, I think I can leave this matter to you!

Actually, the kind of thing I'm talking about is not much different from the current musket! Just carve a few lines on the wall of the barrel! I call it the front wire rifle..." Yu Xiaotian said, spreading a piece of paper and roughly explaining the matter of the wire to Zhang Blacksmith with a charcoal pen.

"In the chamber? I'm afraid it's not easy to do! The barrel is so thick, how can it be engraved? I can't go down, guys! If you carve a straight line, it's easy to do it. You can get a knife, stuff it in and pull it out a few times, and you can also get it out!

But if the big head wants to carve a groove on the inner wall of the gun, and let the groove rotate, I'm afraid it's really difficult! Small ones need to think about it and find a way!

But after carving so many lines in the barrel of the gun, can it be shot far away and accurate? What's the reason?"

"This is actually not complicated. First of all, let's talk about why after carving the ripped wire, the river can be hit far and accurate! ..." So Yu Xiaotian began to tell Zhang in detail about the role of the rifle and the advantages of the rifle. After using it for a long time, he finally understood the benefits of doing so.

"So that's it! I really can't imagine how the big man figured out these things. If there are so many benefits, then it's really awesome!

By the way, if you do this, I'm afraid it won't be easy to do! If it's big, I'm afraid it can't be stuffed into the barrel. If it's small, there are a few grooves in the gun chamber. Will it still be discouraged? It doesn't work either!" After listening to this, Zhang Blacksmith finally understood the problem of the rifle, but he now thought about it and immediately thought of the problem.

Yu Xiaotian immediately thought of this problem when he heard of Zhang's blacksmith. He was really surprised by Zhang's reaction speed and couldn't help looking at him with some new eyes.

"Good! It's great that you can think of this! However, this matter is another thing to say. Don't worry about it first. The rifle is different from the rifles of the straight-barre rifle we are making now. Now we use round rifles. The rifles will be long and heavier than the rifles of the current smooth rifle! The quality is high, the initial speed is large, and it naturally plays far. In addition, when flying, it rotates, so it naturally flies steadily. After you can make the riop, I will tell you how to do it later.

As for the problem of carving wires, I have already figured it out. Come on, bring me the drawings I drew during the years!" Yu Xiaotian said.

Liu Wang immediately took out a roll of paper from a whale skin waterproof round leather bucket on his back, sent it to Yu Xiaotian, spread it on the table, found a few wooden blocks as a paperweight, and pressed the drawings.

A mechanical sketch similar to a drilling machine appeared on paper in front of Zhang's blacksmith.

Zhang Blacksmith immediately lay on the table, like a dog that suddenly saw bones after being hungry for a few days, and greedily began to study this sketch.

For an old craftsman like Zhang, who has had a certain rich experience, Yu Xiaotian doesn't have to explain too much, and he doesn't have to draw a serious three-sided icon to note the size clearly. Zhang Blacksmith will naturally improve these details by himself. He only needs to give him one. The general idea is fine, which saves Yu Xiaotian a lot of effort.

As a military fan, especially those who like weapons, many people are very curious about how guns are made, especially how things like ribore can be made, so Yu Xiaotian is no exception. In the past, in his spare time and space, he would often search for something about this party on the Internet. Video or materials.

So he still has a certain understanding of how to make the worm wire. Of course, although he knows the method of modern machinery to make the worm wire, he has no conditions to make it. He can only use some primitive means and techniques to make this worm wire.