Daming Haiku

Chapter 55 Sanitary Rectifying

"The big head, the situation here is good, but there are still some people who are not used to it. There are deserters and some people who make trouble, but they are all immediately calmed down. It is the troublers among these groups of recruits who hanged outside! Where are the examples of these people, things will be much easier! They have become much more honest!

This is the last batch of new recruits originally scheduled last year. After that, the recruitment decided last year is over!" Liu Tong replied.

"Yes, but although a large number of recruits have come to an end for the time being, they will still recruit new recruit in small quantities every month. The new camp will not be closed. In the future, they will continue to replenish their manpower. They will have to go through the new camp** before being distributed to everywhere!

By the way, are you still used to being here? Is there anything else here?" Yu Xiaotian continued.

Liu Tong quickly nodded with a smile and said, "Thank you for your concern. My subordinates are still used to it here. There are not too many things. The main thing is to stare at the leaders and new people here, but they are still free!

It's just that the brothers on the side of the barracks are a little unhappy. They feel that it's hard to recruit new people. 70% of them have been given to the sailors, and they think there are too few personnel to the barracks. Commander Meng is very unhappy about this and complains a lot!"

When Yu Xiaotian and Fang An heard this, they also laughed. Since Yu Xiaotian formed the barracks, the barracks were not very popular with the people in the navy at first, and they looked down on the soldiers.

Although after several fights, the barracks have also been recognized, but in terms of equipment and personnel, they have never been able to catch up with the sailors, which is also a matter of no way. At present, Yu Xiaotian's main energy is still active at sea, and he is extremely dependent on ships. In addition, Yu Xiaotian has not made much plan for the time being, just runs Taiwan. As the key point, if you fight with people, it is mainly a naval battle. For the time being, there are no opponents on land except for the natives here. However, the personnel and equipment of the sailors have been placed on the top, and the status of the barracks is naturally not as good as that of the marine division.

It is understandable that the leaders of the barracks are dissatisfied. Since ancient times, no matter which country, the navy and the army have not been on the right path. The competition for resources is very fierce, and no one will accept anyone. This is a common thing. I didn't expect that two factions have formed among sea wolves so quickly.

The soldiers are actually the army troops of the sea wolf. Li Dazui and Meng Fei are the leaders of the army. Of course, they have to fight for the interests of their soldiers. Now Yu Xiaotian's various policies are inclined to the navy, and it is normal for them to complain.

Yu Xiaotian nodded and said, "When Meng Fei comes back, if I don't leave, let him see me. I'll talk to him. This is indeed the situation for the time being. They can't help it if they are unhappy, but after a while, they probably won't complain anymore! Sooner or later, you will need them!"

After Yu Xiaotian's words, the talker had no intention of listening. Fang An and Liu Tong's eyes suddenly lit up and heard something new from Yu Xiaotian's words.

In Yu Xiaotian's words, there is a hint of information that he does not seem to be satisfied. He only toss around on Taiyuan Island. Sooner or later, the barracks will definitely not be used on Taiyuan Island to fight against the natives. Now with the quality of their equipment, even if they go to the land, Then the best Ming army, with the same strength as them, fought with them, and they were also confident that they could fight the best officers and soldiers in the Ming Dynasty.

So what can Yu Xiaotian's sentence mean? Vaguely, he seemed to tell them that he was very thoughtful, and maybe he might hit the land one day.

After Yu Xiaotian finished speaking, he immediately felt that Fang An and Liu Tong's eyes were wrong. He immediately thought that they should have heard something from his words, so he laughed and said, "Don't think too much for the time being. For the time being, let's take one step first. As for what we go in the future, you will naturally I know!

Taiyuan Island will be our old nest in the future. After managing this place well, we can think further. Otherwise, we will always be duckweed on the water. Without roots, we will naturally not be a big deal!

In addition, we have actually torn up with the government. The government will certainly not be so willing to give up and just sit down. Although it seems that the new Fujian governor Zhu Yifeng has not shown his intention to attack us, I heard the news that Zhu Yifeng was appointed a few years ago. After that, he thought of a lot of ways to raise money everywhere to build warships, cast cannons, and prepare soldiers and horses in Zhangquan, Fuzhou and other places along the coast of Fujian.

Even if he didn't say clearly that he would do it against us, but we have to guard against it! In case he suddenly attacks us, there will still be a big battle!

What's more, do you think no one will mess with us after we occupy the chicken cage and fresh water? Then I'm afraid you're making a big mistake!

This member island is not the one who occupies it. Some people have been thinking about us for a long time. Unsurprisingly, someone will come to trouble us. At present, you have to hurry up and train the new recruits for me and send them everywhere quickly to strengthen our strength!

I saw it in the workshop area yesterday. I've been working overtime to make cannons and guns for you. I won't let you be idle!"

Fang An and Liu Tong nodded and said that they were. Next, Yu Xiaotian toured the new camp, including watching Xinding's drills, personally checking Xinding's residence and internal affairs, having breakfast in the new camp, looking at the food situation here, and chatting with some new people.

This time he was a surprise inspection. There was no preparation here, and everything remained as usual. After Yu Xiaotian looked at it, he was basically satisfied, but he was not very satisfied with the sanitary situation of the new camp.

Although the land of the new camp has been leveled, the surrounding land has not been greatly sorted out. There are many low-land water depressions nearby. Although it is only early spring, mosquitoes here have begun to increase.

What Taiwan Island is most afraid of is the miasma here, that is, malaria. Once there is a large-scale outbreak, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no large number of people will die at the current medical level.

Although Yu Xiaotian is lucky at present. There is no large-scale malaria outbreak here, but no one can guarantee that it will not happen in the future. Because of the climate, many places on Taiwan Island are relatively humid, so the malaria problem here has been a big problem since ancient times. Many immigrants from the mainland are not Death from the hands of the local natives is not caused by natural disasters. The land here is still relatively fertile, but in history, several mainland dynasties have tried to run Taiwan, all of which ended in failure. The key issue is the malaria epidemic here.

The main way of malaria is transmitted by mosquito bites. When Yu Xiaotian decided to develop fresh water and chicken cages, he was very concerned about the sanitary situation here.

When the construction of freshwater village and chicken cage village began, they chose a place. The first thing to do was to change the surrounding environment, cut down a large number of forests, set fire to shrubs, level the land, flatten the mounds, and take soil to landfill puddles in low-lying areas to reduce the environment where mosquitoes breed.

In addition, in terms of diet, raw food should also be avoided as much as possible. Drinking water must be boiled before drinking. Water should not be taken anywhere. If the water is insufficient, it should also be filtered with sand, and then boiled after precipitation.

Many people don't like to take a shower every day, and now they have to develop the habit of washing every day. Soap, as an important export commodity, certainly cannot be used, but there are local soap horn trees in fresh water. People here can collect enough for them to use. Although soap is not easy to use, it is natural and pollution-free. It is a good substitute.

However, after Yu Xiaotian took care of the sanitary situation here in the new camp today, although the camp area is very clean and there are public toilets, the pits are open, and there are still problems with mosquito breeding.

And because this is a military restricted area and farmland is not allowed, the land is not flat enough. There are water in many places, and water accumulates when it rains. If it is a little hot, it is easy to breed mosquitoes.

And in the barracks, there are mostly open doors and windows, and the ventilation is good, but after the weather gets hot, there will be a lot of mosquitoes in the house. Needless to say, the rich people in this era have tents, so the poor can only be bitten casually, and the poor are also used to being bitten by mosquitoes, which seems not a big problem. However, it can infect many diseases, and malaria is one of the most easily transmitted diseases.

Therefore, after looking at the situation here, Yu Xiaotian ordered Liu Tong to find a way to improve it. Before the weather is hot, he should fill all the low-lying puddles within a few miles around, set fire to a large number of grass, and at the same time cover the toilet manure pits. Before the weather is hot, ask the director to find a way to get a batch of gauze, even if It is not enough to make mosquito nets for everyone. At least the doors and windows of the barracks should be closed, prepare a smoker indoors, and burn more dried artemisia to repel mosquitoes.

In addition, the training intensity of new recruits here is very strong. Nutrition should keep up. When nutrition is sufficient, people are healthier and stronger. They can use their own resistance to withstand the transmission of malaria and reduce the probability of epidemic outbreaks.

Liu Tong wrote it down one by one, including Fang An. In the future, he should notify the immigrant village and also carry out prevention. This seems more troublesome, but it is better than the outbreak of the epidemic, at least fewer people can die.

In addition, Yu Xiaotian did not think it was smelly. He circled around the dung pit in the toilet for a long time, as if he was thinking about something before leaving the pit.

Fang An had something to do. After accompanying Yu Xiaotian in the new camp for a while, he left the new camp and went to do his business. When there was no one else, Yu Xiaotian and Liu Tong found a quiet place and sat down.

"Okay, Fang An has left, and Meng Fei is not there. Let's talk about the sand!" Yu Xiaotian said to Liu Tong.

(Today** is tight again and exploded again! Faint! But I also want to thank a drunken old brother for his reward! Thank you very much!)