Daming Haiku

Chapter 69 Hydraulic Wood Lathe

These wheelmakers can also make some wheels for Shanghai wolves in their daily life, and they can also make some wheels for some ox carts in their spare time.

However, as Yu Xiaotian is about to build water conservancy and road construction projects in Tamshai Village, a large number of wheels are needed to meet the needs.

These few wheel-making craftsmen are too busy to make hundreds of wheeled cars and ox carts at once. Even if they don't eat or sleep and work all night with their apprentices, they can't make so many wheels in two or three months.

Therefore, the carpenter's workshop can only make frames in a short period of time, but they can't make so many wheels, so Yu Xiaotian asked them to concentrate on producing a large number of unicycles within half a month, which they can't complete at all.

Yu Xiaotian also scratched his head a little, so he quickly sent someone to arrange it and immediately went to the land to find a craftsman who could make wheels. Don't talk to them. He took a pot of their house overnight and brought them back to work.

But the distant water can't quench the thirst. The road construction project is about to begin. At this time, he can't tie up the craftsmen and can't catch up with it, so Yu Xiaotian had to think about another solution. He gathered some carpenters together and discussed how to solve it in the wooden workshop.

Finally, the craftsman who made wheels here proposed that if the carpenter who made wheels was not enough, he could solve it in a simple way.

That is to find hardwood with a good roundness, which is about the diameter of the wheel. Turn the log into a circle, cut it directly into a blade, use the middle hole as a shaft hole, and then install it on the car as a wheel.

The strength of such wheels should not be a big problem, but they are easy to crack and bulky, and it won't take long for the wheels to be scrapped.

As soon as Yu Xiaotian heard this, he did it on the spot. First solve the problem, and then solve the quality problem. Generally, the frame is not broken, and the wheels will be replaced. Anyway, this thing is directly made of wood, and the cost is low. After getting more wheel craftsmen, we will slowly give these vehicles. It's not too late to change the wheels, at least it won't be delayed.

As for turning large logs into standard circles, this matter is easy to do. If it is not used for Xiaotian to come out in person, the carpenters can solve it.

They immediately selected a batch of suitable wood from the drying room of the wood accumulation field and the boat house, and made a bench with coarse wood. There is an iron shaft at both ends of the bench, which can jam the round wood on the iron shaft, nail the wood to fix the wood firmly, and fix a planer that can slide left and right on the side of the shelf. , and then use the round wood on the wooden frame, and the planer will turn the uneven surface bulge and depression of the log into a standard circle from left to right.

In fact, this is a simple woodworking lathe, but it is relatively thick and stupid, and it also uses manpower and laborious.

Yu Xiaotian took time to take a look at the woodworking lathe. Several apprentices used their strength to breastfeed and rotate the axles on both sides to drive the logs on the shelf to rotate. The planer cut off the surface of the logs little by little.

After looking at it, Yu Xiaotian felt that the ancient craftsmen were still quite wise. The roundness of the round wood turned out by such a method can be guaranteed. Compared with the pure hand-made wood by relying on the eyes of the craftsmen, it is labor-saving and of much better quality.

It's just that the woodworking lathe they are using at present is too simple and laborious. The wood rotates by manpower, and the speed is too slow, and the efficiency of the planer is not high. At the end of the day, they have to keep changing people. Otherwise, they can use these The apprentice is exhausted.

So Yu Xiaotian couldn't help but take action again and renovate this simple woodworking lathe. Of course, he was only responsible for the design, and the manufacturing still had to be completed by carpenters.

He designed a transmission system for the lathe, added a wheel to the roller on one side of the lathe, and then found a water mill nearby to drive the hydraulic drive to this thick woodworking carp truck**, drive the wheels on the roller, and add a clutch device.

In this way, the manpower is liberated. Only the apprentices need to lift the wood on the shelf and fix it on the two clips. After adjusting, connect the transmission mechanism, and the machine immediately starts to quickly drive the log to rotate. Some people only need to adjust the planer left and right, and the planer can be quickly. Thoroughly round the log, then remove the log by manpower and start to unpack it. Open the center shaft hole and install it on the unicycle.

Although the efficiency of this kind of machine that is so stupid that people feel speechless is not very high, and the accuracy cannot be comparable to that of the machinery of later generations, what Yu Xiaotian wants now is to make a large number of simple chicken bus wheels as soon as possible. The requirements for accuracy are not very high, as long as there are more things to carry by hand, as for saving Power! Hard labor, it's just hard work, and it's nothing to work hard.

Although the efficiency of this cumbersome woodworking machine is not very high, after replacing manpower with such hydraulic power, the efficiency is still much higher than that of pure manpower. In the past, more than a dozen apprentices took a rough carpenter. After working for a day, they could only get two or three logs, but after using hydraulic power, Twenty or thirty large logs can be turned out in a day, and the efficiency has increased by more than ten times.

The carpenters also praised this machine. After being changed by Yu Xiaotian, they saved a lot of effort, and the round wood turned out was not bad, and the planer knife would not often break the blade.

On a whim, Yu Xiaotian continuously designed a woodworking circular saw, which also uses hydraulic power to drive the circular saw blade to untie wood, which is much more labor-saving than manpower pulling a large saw.

Unfortunately, there is no suitable steel at present. The circular saw blade can be used by the blacksmith to find a way to make it, but due to the limitations of materials, it is impossible to make a band saw blade, so that he can't make a more efficient band saw. Otherwise, once the band saw is made, whether it is a wooden workshop or a boat Production efficiency will be greatly improved.

Due to material limitations, the diameter of the circular saw blade cannot be too large. Otherwise, the strength cannot be guaranteed. Only relatively small saw blades can be made to untie some small wood. Large wood still needs to rely on manpower to pull the big saw to decommission.

However, although hydropower as a driving force is good and can provide relatively stable power output, but after all, this thing is limited by river water and terrain, and can only be selected in a suitable location, which limits water as power.

So Yu Xiaotian decided on wind power. The wind energy in the freshwater area is still relatively sufficient. Some hilly terrain near the seaside has formed air outlets in many places, and the wind energy is relatively abundant, so it is more suitable to build some windmills to replace water and provide sea wolves. Power supply.

Moreover, as power, hydropower and wind power do not pollute the environment, and the manufacturing difficulty is low. There is almost no need for iron to make it. Good craftsmen can almost completely rely on the tenon and tenon structure to make these things very strong.

So he asked the carpenters to try to build several windmills in their spare time as the power of the wood workshop, and let people run around and find a windy mountain pass near Tamsui City as the site of the future woodwork workshop.

But these carpenters have seen the water mill, and they know how to do it, but they have never seen the windmill. In addition, they have a serious lack of imagination and naturally don't know how to do it.

So Yu Xiaotian had to recruit a few craftsmen with more flexible thinking and good craftsmanship to his residence at night, painting and drawing, and making a small model with simple materials to let them roughly understand the structural principle of the windmill. As for the detail design, it is up to them to finish it by themselves. I'm good at thinking about it.

Yu Xiaotian does not have high requirements for them. At first, he can make a small windmill, first groping, and then after the technical maturity, he will enlarge it and gradually enlarge it so that it can be used as a driving force.

This thing has low technical requirements, and European craftsmen have long been able to build it. For Chinese carpenters, as long as they have ideas, it must not be difficult for them.

After Zhang blacksmith handed over the matter of using the gun as a stew, he completely freed his hand. Although his heart was itchy and he wanted to quickly eat through the things on the big notebook given to him by Yu Xiaotian, he also knew which was more important.

Now Yu Xiaotian wants him to try out this wire-pulling machine and ask him to try out the wire-barre gun, which is more important than looking at the things on his notebook.

So he had to be patient and busy with the matter given to him by Xiaotian, and began to do it that night.

The structure of this rigling machine is very simple, which is not much more complicated or even simpler than the horizontal drilling machine they drilled in the barrel.

There are only two difficulties in the whole machine. One is a pull knife that pulls the worm line. This kind of pull knife must be hard, otherwise it will be scrapped in a few times and can't pull the detailed river line. Therefore, he can't ask others for this kind of thing and can only make it by himself.

Fortunately, after such a long time often building various drill bits and thorn reeds, Zhang and several blacksmiths have basically mastered how to make hard and sharp drills. With this foundation, as long as the blaw for making worms is patient and careful, it can still be solved. Of.

It's just that Yu Xiaotian has not done this thing, but he just has a general idea of what shape the knife should be made, including Yu Xiaotian himself.

Therefore, Zhang blacksmith had to gradually explore and find a suitable knife shape and installation method to solve the problem. Yu Xiaotian did not say the details, and he himself did not know, so he just gave Zhang blacksmith an idea and a general direction. In this regard, he handed over to Zhang blacksmith to solve it. .

The production of the pull knife is a difficulty, and another difficulty is the production of rollers with spiral lines.

Yu Xiaotian said that the roller wheel can be made of hardwood, so Zhang blacksmith found the carpenter made of the gun and ordered them to make a roller wheel with a spiral groove according to the sketch of the roller wheel drawn by Yu Xiaotian.

But the carpenters have not done it. There is no problem with slotting for them, but how to make the spiral lines very accurately is more troublesome.