Daming Haiku

Chapter 79 New Ship 3

Fortunately, the craftsmen of the boat are not sloppy. The two boats are quite well built. After entering the cabin, the first feeling is that they are strong. Thickened materials are used everywhere to build, and the key load-bearing parts have also been reinforced, giving people a very safe feeling.

After adjusting the ballast stone, the hull immediately balanced, and there is a slight water seepage in some places, which is also inevitable. There is no need to get on the platform and can be dealt with by tying it on the water.

The overall situation of the ship is very good. After a careful inspection from the inside to the outside, Yu Xiaotian's face turned cloudy and cleared. He praised Guo Fu again without hesitation, and took Guo Fu to handle it properly after the accident and took people to stabilize the hull in time, which did not cause greater consequences. This kind of The spirit of adventure must be commended.

At that time, if Guo Fu reacted a little slowly and made a mistake in command, the third ship would collapse. After the accident, Guo Fu was the first to rush up. If the rest of the people did not follow the top of the round wood in time, it was very likely that he would have been patted into a meat pie by the overturned hull at that time.

This shows that Guo Fu has devoted himself to the ship's dormitory and can't even take care of his life. Yu Xiaotian was very moved by this, so he ordered on the spot to give Guo Fu a credit and reward him with a few pieces of silver, which is actually equivalent to making up for Guo Fu's three months of wages. In addition More rewards.

After listening, Guo Fu quickly thanked him repeatedly.

"Thank you, you don't have to. You still pay attention to the shipbuilding. The ship on platform 3 should be launched as soon as possible. In addition, the standardized production should also be paid attention to. The next released platform should be quickly to get on the new ship. The utilization rate of the current platform is not high. Platform 1, 2 and 3 are all platforms that can build large ships. Now only be built. This kind of flying-size fast ship is really a little wasteful.

Just now, I measured the length of the platform with my steps. It's just enough to install two flying fast boats at the same time, but it's just a little shorter. You can think of a way not to change the platform without spending too much manpower and material resources, and you should be able to start two flying fastboats on one platform at the same time.

In this way, after the three platforms are vacated, the keel of six ships can be put on at the same time. As long as the calculation is more accurate, it should be solved.

In addition, if standardized workpiece production is adopted in the future, the shipbuilding speed may be doubled. You should hurry up on this matter.

Once the work here is full, I'm going to stop the production of flying fast boats in Nanri Island, and be responsible for the renovation of our existing old boats in the future. In the future, the boats on both sides will perform their respective duties, so that our fleet can become more powerful.

At the current speed of shipbuilding and the speed of modifying ships, the production capacity of the cannon is much higher than that of your ship's house. It's really wasteful to wait for the ship!" Yu Xiaotian waved his hand and said to Guo Fu.

When Guo Fu heard this, he didn't dare to agree immediately. He just said that he wanted to calculate first, and immediately began to measure on the empty platform No. 12 with his men. After a while, they basically came to a conclusion.

Some time ago, he has tried to transform some Chinese sailboats in Nanri Island. Some of these Chinese ships still have quite strong hull structures, but because of their natural structural defects, Chinese sailboats cannot be equipped. More artillery or heavier artillery can't even carry the old-fashioned five or six hundred catties.

So at first, in order to equip his ships with six-pound guns and twelve-pound guns, Yu Xiaotian carried out a limited transformation of his Chinese sailboats, which mainly focused on strengthening the deck and hull structure so that they could carry six or twelve-pound guns.

But in later patrols, training and operations, some problems were found. Although these ships can be loaded with sea wolf's own six-pound guns and twelve-pounder cannons after reinforcement, these cannons are still loaded on the deck in the open air. First of all, maintenance is more troublesome. The salt spray concentration at sea is high, and the iron cannons are very tolerant. It is easy to rust, must be carefully wiped every day, and oiled for maintenance. It consumes a lot of manpower and material resources.

In addition, when the artillery is concentrated on the deck, once there is bad weather, especially on rainy days, these guns may not be able to catch fire due to the weather, making them become decorations.

In addition, after loading artillery on the ship, the center of gravity of the ship is greatly improved. In order to maintain the center of gravity, it is necessary to load the ballast stone for weighting. Otherwise, when the ship encounters bad weather and the sea conditions on the sea are poor, it may cause overturning.

They have paid the price for this. Several ships that were initially modified have become victims, and the losses have capsised at sea in bad sea conditions, which is a great loss for both personnel and materials.

However, loading the ballast increases the dead weight of the ship, making the hull clumsy, slowing down the navigation speed, reducing the effective load, and making the ship that is not fast enough more clumsy, which is even more unacceptable to Yu Xiaotian.

Therefore, Yu Xiaotian decided to further transform these ships and completely solve these problems, which requires major changes and reinforcement of the ships.

Some time ago, he had asked Nanri Island Chuanliao to do this and renovate several lucky boats.

This further transformation, in addition to keeping the original main structure of the hull and the structure of the sail cable unchanged, carry out a thorough transformation of the rudder, transform the old-fashioned steering device into a steering wheel steering method, and raise the helmsman to the stern deck for boat operation, so that the helmsman can directly see it. In front of the bow, steering is simpler and more labor-saving.

At present, this transformation has achieved good results, and several modified ships are now running well, because after the transformation of the steering wheel device, the ship is more flexible when maneuvering at sea.

In addition, the internal structure of these ships has been deeply modified, and the artillery has been transferred to the lower cabin. In this way, the problem of open-air maintenance of artillery has been solved. In addition, it is also much less affected by the weather. On rainy days, the artillery in the hull can still be operated normally, improving the response to the evil. The firepower of naval battles under bad weather conditions.

In addition, this also greatly reduces the center of gravity of the ship, eliminating the need to load more ballast stones in the bottom compartment of the ship, reducing the dead weight of the hull.

However, this transformation is relatively troublesome. It is necessary to greatly strengthen the structure of the lower cabin, increase the thickness of the deck carrying the artillery, change the cabin structure inside the original hull, and reduce the sinking ability of some ships.

In addition, because the artillery is moved into the cabin, the gun windows must be opened on both sides of the side of the ship, which reduces the structural strength of the hull and must be made up for it.