Daming Haiku

Chapter 107 by color

After seeing Anthony's flagship begin to fire, other accompanying Spanish warships immediately began to fire at the sea wolf's fort under the captain's shout.

The entire Spanish fleet carried more than 150 guns of various types, of which the number of powerful guns exceeded 100. After a row, it aimed at the target with the side of the side, and more than 60 shells of various types could be projected in one volley.

It was like rain, hitting several forts of the sea wolf. Some Spanish sailors ran to the deck to watch the shelling because they did not need them to do anything for the time being.

In their eyes, they have so many cannons and it's not a big deal to beat the nest of Chinese pirates. They just need to beat these dirty Chinese pirates, and they will naturally know it's powerful.

There are not many Spaniards who pay attention to these sea wolves, and few realize that they may face a strong counterattack.

At this time, in the Peace Island Fort, there is a detachment and more than 100 Xiang Yong of Keelung Fort. The leader of the team is named Feng 12, who is less than 30 years old. He is one of the earliest members of the Sea Wolf Battalion and the first group of leaders promoted from ordinary soldiers. His personality is relatively calm, but But it's quite fierce.

Feng Twelve is not satisfied with his current status. Since they were transferred to Jilong Bay, they have missed several opportunities to make contributions. They have neither caught up with the battle with Chu Cai, nor have they caught up with the attack on land.

In his opinion, if it weren't for the fact that they were transferred here to garrison, he would have at least been a squadron leader at this time, and here in Jilong Bay, they basically haven't met any enemies, so they can only find trouble with the local indigenous people, occasionally go a little farther to hunt, or clean up some Small strands flowed to the small pirates or Japanese pirates near Chicken Cage Bay.

This will affect his promotion. You should know that every time the sea wolf is promoted, his salary will be much higher. The squadron captain will get a lot more money than the captain in a month. In addition, after reaching the captain level, he will also assign them a maid, who can be a wife, and be a concubine. The house maid is also successful, and more importantly, it is equivalent to entering the middle-level leader sequence of the sea wolf and has a high status among the sea wolf.

He has always been dissatisfied with this. He wanted to transfer back to Nanri Island several times, but he was shot back and asked him to stay honestly in Jilong Bay and take good care of his men here, especially to practice cannon skills.

Meng Guiface and Li Dazui have been to the garrison of the Jilong Bay Inspection School, especially taking care of Feng Twelve. They must serve the cannon well, but they are not allowed to leave here.

Feng 12 was full of complaints and could only vent on his men. He was full of energy all day, so he took his soldiers to practice every day, especially to operate the artillery on the fort.

The last time Yu Xiaotian came here, he personally checked the effect of their training, and went to the fort to check the maintenance of the fort weapons. He also specially praised Feng Twelve, which made Feng Twelve proud for a while.

When the Spaniard came this time, Feng Twelve realized that his opportunity for meritorious service and promotion had finally came, and this time the enemy they were going to face was not a colleague like them, nor an officer or an army similar to a beg, but a fleet of dry lath people with a solid bar. , by no means an ordinary opponent.

It is obviously impossible for these dry silk people to want them to give up Chicken Cage Bay. Even if the blackhead agrees, he will not agree. After they have stayed here for more than two years and paid so much sweat here, it is impossible to give it to others.

So this matter must be solved by force in the end, and these damn dry lathians blocked their bay mouth two days ago and sank a warship that went out, which has shown that there is no room for negotiation between the two sides, and there will definitely be a big fight next.

And Feng 12 despises the sailors stationed here. Usually, these guys look very powerful, but at most they can only fish nearby and expel and chase some small pirate ships.

Now when facing the fleet of these dry Lasi people, these sailors suddenly withered. When they went out to face each other, they sank their boat and blocked them in the Chicken Cage Bay.

At this time, before they come here led by Xiaotian, they can't count on these marines, but it depends on their soldiers.

So in the past two days, Feng Twelve was in the fort, strictly ordered his men to prepare for battle, wiped the artillery brightly, and waited for these dry silk people to come and commit crimes.

Early this morning, he observed with his telescopes that these dry Lath ships were approaching the bay, and adjusted his formation and pointed the ship's side to their fort. Soon, he saw them open the gun door on the side of the ship's side. At Feng 12's order, the soldiers and villagers stationed in the battery rushed to the battle position one after another. .

The round shells were raised to the upper gun position. Someone guarded the mouth of the ammunition lift, raised the medicine bag from the lower ammunition depot to the gun position, and was ready to continue to provide medicine bags for each cannon.

According to their combat regulations, the sea wolf will not put the gunpowder barrels next to the cannon in war. That's similar to finding death. Even if it is not hit by the enemy, it may detonate the gunpowder by itself in chaos.

Therefore, whether on the ship or on the fort, the sea wolf requires that only place shells at the gun position in wartime, which will not explode, but the packaged fixed medicine bag must remain in the lower strong ammunition depot and fill the artillery at the gun position at any time to avoid accidental explosion.

A gun on the fort was loaded by the gunners at this time. In the shouts of the gunners, Xiang Yong, who cooperated with them, shouted the horn and pushed the gun racket to the gun door. The gun mouth pointed to the sea, and the gunners came forward and began to operate the gun to aim.

According to the order of the blackhead, the sea wolf's forts are not allowed to fire without authorization. They must put the enemy ship into the effective range and fight as close as possible, and let the Spaniards fire first, and then counterattack.

This is not to do this for the sake of not firing the first shot and standing at any moral heights, but that the blackheads don't want the Spaniards to see the firepower on their fort before the war, and want to cause more to the Spaniards as much as possible in the initial artillery battle. Killing.

So Feng Twelve could only take his men in the strong fort, looking at the Spaniards setting up a battle on the sea and preparing for shelling.

When the first firelight rose on the Spanish warship, Feng Twelve was both nervous and excited, and almost even changed his roar. He roared in the fort and roared in the fort: "Aim for me!"

Before his words fell, the first Spanish shells had flown over their heads and landed around the forts and forts.

Some soldiers and villagers stationed in the fort have never encountered such a fierce artillery fire, especially those temporarily organized villagers. When did they see such a situation? One by one, their faces were pale and even trembling. Unexpectedly, some people were so scared that their legs were weak. When they felt that a shell hit the fort and made the fort tremble, they fell to the ground on the spot and cried for their mother.

"Shut up for me. Whoever cries for his mother is to confuse the army and be careful not to cut his head! You can rest assured that this fort is strong! Their shells can't destroy our forts at all!" Seeing that some of his men and some of the villagers were so scared that they wanted to pee in their pants, Feng twelve jumped and scolded.

The first round of shelling of the Spaniards was mainly concentrated on the fort of Peace Island, but their hit accuracy is not very high. Even if their gunner training is still good, it is not possible for them to achieve the first shot and destroy the target in the first round in this era.

Dozens of shells landed on the Peace Island. Only a few shells hit the battery, and the rest of the shells were scattered all over the island. Even the shells fell far away in the sea. Naturally, shells would fly over the battery and fall into the bay.

Even if a few shells hit the fort, it made the fort shake a few times at most, and some dust fell on the top of the head. The fort is built of large stones. The battery is so strong that it can't break through or destroy the wall of the battery at most. The shells are on the wall of the fort. It's the collapse of some rubble, and the shell doesn't know where it has flown.

When the jitter ended, the people in the fort checked their situation. The interior of the fort was intact and no one was injured. There were no traces of cracks on the walls and roof of the fort, so they were relieved and realized that as long as they stayed in the fort, they were safer, so Xiang Yong Only then did we completely calm down.

As for those soldiers, they are usually trained every day. Although they also felt nervous at the beginning, after all, they were used to hearing the sound of artillery, so they quickly calmed down and began their counterattack.

A 24-pound gun suddenly vibrated violently and retreated quickly until it was dragged by the thick cable that pulled it. The inside of the fort was suddenly filled with a spicy smell of gunpowder smoke. The huge sound of the cannon made many people in the fort buzz their ears, and they were a little dizzy for a long time. Feeling.