Daming Haiku

Chapter 113 Attack on Fort Island

In the past, many people were a little disapproving about Xiaotian's strong fort, but today, when they met the Spanish gunboat, they found how wise it was for Yu Xiaotian to do so. If he hadn't done so, the fort would have been bombarded by the Spanish ships. !

The artillery battle continued fiercely. Everyone in the fort was either black with gunpowder smoke or dusted, but no one cared about this at all. The cannon was constantly loaded and reset and then opened fire.

A 24-pound gun has fired more than 20 shells in a row. When the cannon fired again, the gun commander stopped and loaded it again.

Sun Baoqiang shouted why he stopped firing. The gun commander shouted hysterically in the sound of the cannon: "Send Commander Sun, the cannon is too hot!" According to the requirements, we must stop firing and wait for the gun body to cool down before continuing to fire!"

Sun Baoqiang realized that the fierce shelling just now had lasted for a long time. The cannon was too hot and easy to have an accident. The loaded medicine bag was likely to be ignited by the hot gun barrel as soon as it was loaded into the gun barrel. Once that happened, it would be a big accident. The cannon accidentally caught fire in the battery, and the inside the battery would cause A lot of casualties.

So he had no choice but to agree to suspend the launch, but it took too long to wait for the cannon to cool down naturally. It was also forbidden to water it directly. The cannons were made of raw iron. If they encountered cold water in high temperatures, it would cause cracks in the gun body and easily cause explosion accidents.

So they dare not pour cold water on the gun, so they can only wipe the gun body repeatedly with a damp cloth to speed up the cooling speed.

At this time, the watchtower that had been at the top of the fort suddenly rushed into the fort and shouted to Sun Bao powerfully, "Unate Sun, the fleet of the Ganlath people sailed out of more than a dozen small boats, and many people on the ship seemed to want to lean on our Peace Island!"

Sun Baoqiang quickly turned to the observation window and looked out. He really saw that on the sea full of gunpowder smoke, more than a dozen boats appeared in the enemy fleet at this time. Under the cover of smoke, some soldiers full of dry silk people were struggling to paddle and rush towards Peace Island. In addition, there were three boats walking in front, and the boat kept emitting thick smoke, blocking people's sight and hiding these boats in the smoke curtain.

But through these thick smoke, it can still be faintly seen that these boats are coming towards Peace Island. Sun Baoqiang's heart beat violently a few times, but it immediately calmed down.

He showed a rare ferocious smile on his face. He turned around and waved Feng Twelve over and shouted to Feng Twelve, "Look at it!" The dry Lashi people want to send troops to rob our fort! Maybe you can stop them?"

At this time, Feng Twelve's ears were a little buzzing by the roar of the cannon. He didn't hear it very well, but he still roughly understood Sun Baoqiang's words and quickly came to the observation window and looked out for a while.

After watching it, Feng Twelve turned his head and roared at Sun Baoqiang and replied, "Don't worry, we won't be afraid of how much they come!" Let them come if they have the ability. We will kill them as much as they come!"

Sun Baoqiang nodded with satisfaction. Feng Twelve is a fierce general, bold and warlike, and has a strong ability to control. He should become a good man in the barracks in the future. After this incident, there is no suspense about this guy's promotion.

So he grinned and said, "Okay! That's up to you! Stop firing! Let the cannon rest, cool down for a while, and beat these bastards fiercely!"

The cannons in the turret that had been ringing all the time soon began to stop, but the personnel did not rest. The soldiers immediately began to check the weapons on the weapon rack of the battle position. A tlock gun was removed and passed it to the soldiers for the final inspection. After checking, they began to load and finish it. Preparation for the shooting.

And the cannon also began to cool down at this time to prepare for the next rapid launch. Some soldiers were ordered to put up some grape bombs and scattered bombs from the lower ammunition depot and put them on the shelf next to the gun position for the gunners to use at any time.

As for the villagers, they have also begun to prepare cold weapons such as knives and guns. In addition, various types of ammunition inventory* have also been mentioned on the fort, which can be thrown out at any time.

However, you must be careful when using * this kind of explosive in the fort. Only a few powerful and powerful bombers are responsible for it, so that you don't accidentally detonate this guy in a small space, and then the turret will be lively.

In addition, throwing * is required to be used in an open place at the top of the fort. Otherwise, once the shot is unstable and the ignited * is not thrown out of the window, it is likely to hit the window and bounce back into the turret, which is a disaster.

The Spanish fleet artillery was still very fierce, constantly bombarding the fort. Although the fort was built quite strong, some parts were still damaged, but this time the fort was lucky. The weak part was not hit much and there was no collapse, so it seemed that the fort was hit by the masonry flying randomly. However, the main structure is still quite complete, and there is not much damage inside. Only a few places have some cracks after being hit by heavy artillery shells, but there will be no problem for the time being.

There are about ten small boats, each carrying 15 to 30 Spanish soldiers. Under the sailors on the boat, they struggled to paddle, finally crossed the thick smoke on the sea and appeared on the shore of Peace Island. In addition to transporting these infantry who landed, the sailors on these boats had to use them constantly along the way. The plumb used for bathy is used to detect the depth of the water and prepare for the next step for the ship to continue to approach the Peace Island.

The Peace Island forts had temporarily stopped firing at this time, but the forts on both sides continued to bombard the Spanish fleet, but now they also found that the Spaniards were trying to land and seize the forts, so they adjusted the muzzle to these small boats and began to fire at them.

The shells roared and landed near these small boats, setting off waves. The waves kept hitting the boats, making the boats bumpy. The infantry and sailors on the boats were also very nervous. The small boats they made were not those big boats. It doesn't matter if the big boats were hit by a few shots, but if their boats were shot, Even if they are cannons, they can't stand it. They will be dispersed on the spot. If they are killed on the spot, it will be fine. If they fall into the water, they will not even have a chance to save them now.

So these people were pale, lying on the boat as low as possible, rowing their oars desperately, and struggling on the sea that kept rising waves.

Fortunately, their targets are small and flexible. It is not easy for the cannon to hit them. Often, after the cannon locks them, the boat has drawn a distance when it fires, so although the forts on both sides keep firing at them, it is still not accurate under the cover of smoking boats. Hit these boats.

These landing boats finally gradually reached the edge of Peace Island in the shaking, and just as they were about to reach Peace Island, the smoke screen could no longer provide them with effective cover, and they were completely exposed to the people of the fort.

The place where the Peace Island Fort was built is very close to the sea and less than 70 meters away from the sea. This is because the effective range of artillery in this era is still too close. The fort is far forward can make the artillery control a wider sea. In addition, the advantage of doing this is that if the enemy wants to be strong When landing, they must be exposed to the seaside before landing. For a period of time, they will not be able to enter the shooting dead corner of the heavy artillery of the fort.

In this way, they will have to withstand the fierce artillery attack of the fort for a period of time. In this case, for the attackers, they have no protection at all and will suffer heavy losses. Before they attack the fort, they will probably be disabled.

The Spaniards also saw this, so their commander shouted on the ship, waved a Western-style command knife, and immediately attacked the fort and did not stop on the beach after commanding the soldiers on the boat to dock.

Sun Baoqiang and Feng Twelve are also always paying attention to these Spaniards trying to attack Peace Island. Seeing that they have approached the shore, out of the cover of thick smoke, and the distance is quite close, Feng Twelve shouted to Sun Bao powerfully: " Commander Sun, you can fight!" Even if it's a loose bomb now, it can reach them!"

Sun Baoqiang really wants to see the scene of shooting together, but he won't miss a lot of opportunities to kill the enemy, so he nodded and said, "You can arrange this. Fight as soon as you need to fight!" Beat them to death more and see if they dare to come to trouble us!"

After listening to this, Feng Twelve turned around and roared at the artillery groups in the fort: "Load grape bombs! Aim for me!"

There is no need to explain what the grape bomb is. The gunners immediately began to load them when they heard the sound. After they finished loading, the villagers rushed to help push the cannon and pushed the cannon to the gun door. The gunner immediately took over and began to adjust the cannons and aimed at the boats that were close to the shore.

It is indeed a little difficult to bombard these small targets with solid bullets, but after changing the grape bomb, this thing is a large area. The dispersion beyond 100 meters is already very large, and the hit rate will be much higher, and the grape bomb is not too small. It is most appropriate to hit such a small target.

As a ready-to-readed password sounded, Feng Twelve immediately shouted, "Fire! ......”

(I'm confused today, almost 39 degrees! I almost forgot the update. The update is a little late. Please forgive me! In addition, thank you for the reward of the nail in ** and the snoring brothers. It's not easy to code words! I don't even have a Sunday sick leave! Ha ha!)