Daming Haiku

Chapter 122 Fire Attack

At this time, the sea was in chaos, and Yu Xiaotian himself lost the command ability of the fleet and could only let the ships play on their own.

Under such communication conditions, the use of flags and drums alone can no longer effectively command a large number of ships to engage in melee. In this case, it depends more on the captain's own performance.

In the fierce battle just now, Yu Xiaotian's heart has been bleeding. He watched his own ships sink and destroyed by the Spaniards, and a large number of sailors were injured and killed. He was heartbroken. These sailors are all good sailors, one less. It will take a long time to replenish them. The newly recruited sailors must It takes a long time of training to meet the needs.

But after this battle, he lost at least one or two hundred capable sailors, which he trained for a long time, and he provided good food to improve their physique. It is difficult to make up for it without ten ordinary people.

But he had to be cruel and let these sailors move forward one after another, because this is a hurdle in his life. He must step over it, including himself, as the commander of this fleet, still has to fight on the front line.

As a handsome ship, the Spaniards can also see clearly, so when the fire broke out just now, Yu Xiaotian's twin-masted sailboat naturally became the focus of the Spaniards.

The Spaniards are also very curious about his brig. This ship obviously looks like a hybrid. The sail is a combination of Chinese and Western style, with both Chinese hard sails and Western-style triangular sails. The hull is more like a Western-style ship. How to look at it, it is awkward to say that it has the advantages of Chinese and Western sailing, but it also has The shortcomings of the western sailboat make people unable to understand what this guy is.

However, it can be seen from the flag on the mast that this ship is the handsome ship of this group of pirates, so when his ship appeared in the fire area, it became the target of the Spaniards.

Face to face, Yu Xiaotian's boat was bombarded with dozens of shells. On the right side of the whole ship's side, it was hit with potholes and holes, and the sail was beaten into a sieve by the other party.

Several shells hit the snar, and some of them were almost killed on the spot by Xiaotian. The sailors on the ship also suffered a lot of casualties, including his two personal guards, who were also killed by the other party's artillery on the spot. One was directly torn apart by the shells, leaving only a few pieces of flesh and blood, and the other was torn into two sections. The death was unbearable.

Including Yu Xiaotian himself, he was also slightly injured and was injured by flying fragments. Fortunately, he was not big this time. Before the battle, he put on his suit of armor and stood majestically on the stern. Otherwise, his thigh may be abolished this time, and most of his strength will be armored by leg protection. It leaked, but even so, there was still blood on his legs.

Yu Xiaotian stood unsteadily, so he had to move a big chair and sit on the stern to command the battle, because he knew very well that he was the soul of this fleet today. If he fell or gave up command, it would be a great blow to the morale of the sea wolf department, and it might not be impossible to collapse. After all, the enemy's artillery fire is too fierce to easily tear up their ships.

So Yu Xiaotian was slightly injured and couldn't get out of the line of fire. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain. He sat upstairs and continued to command the battle. Blood stained all his trouser legs red, and even his boots were covered with sticky blood.

Fortunately, when his ship was built, he spared no effort and used absolutely good wood and hardwood. The strength was no worse than those Spanish warships, and even higher in structural strength. On the surface, although it was beaten miserably, the hull structure was not damaged, but only at the side of the ship. It's just some water leakage.

However, the ship was equipped with a carpenter and prepared all kinds of leak-blocking materials. The crew rushed to repair the leaks. After some emergency repairs, the leakage of the hull was basically stopped.

There is a two-step human pump in the cabin below, which is a pressure pump. Two people operate and press down the pressure rod alternately, and then press the water from the cabin to the deck and discharge it into the sea. In addition to pumping and drainage when necessary in the bottom cabin, there is another one on the deck, which can be used as a fire extinguisher. The water column replaces the pump with a small amount of water to put out the fire on the ship.

When Yu Xiaotian saw that Luo Xianbin had led the team to kill the other Spanish convoy, he immediately relaxed. After losing the convoy, the Spanish convoy could basically sentence them to death.

Although these boats are still fighting happily, once the two sides enter the melee, these boats will become fat sheep to be slaughter. They can easily destroy the main ships of the sea wolf, but they are as clumsy as a big stupid elephant for the swarming boat, and then they can only be slowly worn to death.

The commander of the Spanish fleet obviously did not see the trap they were going to face just now. He even let Yu Xiaotian order the fleet to crash into the sea wolf's fleet, trying to use the collision tactics and use their ships to hit the corner to destroy the sea wolf's ships.

They even achieved some results. The two sea wolf warships were successfully hit by them and sank into the water on the spot.

But this also created a good opportunity for the sea wolf boats. Those boats that had been following the flanks of the fleet received Yu Xiaotian's order and began to attack crazily. They struggled to paddle or row, using their strength to rush to the Spanish warships.

After seeing that their small fleet was destroyed, the other party realized that there was a big problem. They suddenly seemed to be a little flustered and began to turn around, as if they were ready to withdraw from the battle.

But how can Yu Xiaotian make them get what they want at this time! Today, he has paid too much. At least seven or eight ships have been destroyed by the Spanish, not including some small boats. If the Spanish fleet escapes at this time, even if he wins the naval battle, the price he will pay is too heavy.

So at this time, the Spanish only thought of running. It's too late! Yu Xiaotian struggled to stand up, held Liu Wang's shoulder, and shouted harshly, "All around, never allow them to run away!" Call me!"

Dozens of sea wolves surrounded these Spanish warships like wolves, desperately biting these Spanish ships. Under the operation of the sailors, the boats rushed desperately towards the Spanish ships. As long as they entered within dozens of yards, they entered the dead angle of their shelling. Among them.

Several small boats surrounded a large Spanish ship. Nearby ships fired or fired desperately, shooting at the Spaniards on the ship. The scattered bombs swept across the enemy ship like rain. The Spanish sailors standing on the deck turned over and had to lie down to avoid the cannon.

After these small boats approached the Spanish ship, several strong sailors stood up, took out porcelain or glass bottles from the cabin, lit the cloth strips at the mouth of the bottle, and smashed at the Spanish ship.

The bottle is full of grease, and ordinary whale fat is fine. The burning is not too fierce, but some of the bottles are filled with petroleum extracts, which are mixed oil. After a bombardment, a flame suddenly rises and quickly burned violently.

The Spaniards on the ship quickly began to put out the fire, trying to put out the fires, but it was difficult for them to put out the fires with sand and water. After a slight delay, more * were hit on their ship one after another, immediately igniting a bigger fire.

The Spaniards who got off the ship panicked and shouted around the ship under the fire of the sea wolf's gunfire, trying to put out the fire, but they soon found that the fire oil used by the sea wolves was too fierce. The sea water poured on the fire could not extinguish the fire. On the contrary, it burned more vigorously. This is They didn't expect it.

Since they met this group of seawolves, there have been too many things that they can't think of. This group of Chinese pirates have brought them one "surprise after another", which is really unsirable for them.

As more and more * were thrown into their ship, the fire on the ship began to become uncontrollable. Soon, the sails and masts were also burned by the fire. The whole ship turned into a huge torch, burning with crackling, and ammunition began to explode one after another.

This time, the Spaniards became lively and no longer dared to stay on the boat. They jumped into the sea like turkeys and escaped.

But after they fell into the water, they were immediately picked up by the sea wolf, tied them up like pigs, and thrown into the cabin. If they dared to resist, their heads were cut off on the spot.

Spanish warships rushed left and right and tried to break out, but it was not so easy. The sea wolf's ships surrounded them like crazy, and even used boats to block their way. They would rather be hit by them than let them escape.

Several sea wolves' ships were damaged by them, but this greatly hindered their speed of escape. After a while, a Spanish ship was ignited and ignited a raging fire.

Anthony's head is big now. Looking at these royal ships gathered in all directions, he knew that this group of pirates was not as simple as he thought. These pirates had a whole set of ways to deal with them, and the tactics of arson were still effective. Although they did not use the kind of fire ships commonly used by pirates, but They have a lot of oil cans, which is also quite terrible.

He no longer dared to delay. He ordered the ships to withdraw from the battle immediately and escape from this damn place regardless of the cost, so the remaining three ships began to break through and turn on all their firepower. As long as the cannons could be fired, all fired at full speed.