Daming Haiku

Chapter 131 Copper in the Bottom of the Ship

The rolling mill made in this way should not be too powerful and the operation is very complicated, but fortunately it is rolling copper leather rather than steel plate. Although there are many problems, it is still difficult to use, and the failure rate is also very high. It can only be constantly repaired and prepare a large number of accessories made of iron and wood for backup.

And they can't roll it continuously. They can only roll the copper plate one by one, first roll the copper material into a thick copper plate, then carry it to another rolling machine, and continue to roll it thinner, so that the distance between the rollers is adjusted repeatedly to gradually roll the copper plate into copper skin.

The process of rolling copper skin alone has wasted a lot of their time. After the transformation of the ship, it wastes a lot of time just waiting for copper skin.

The water resources of Nanri Island itself are very limited. At present, they are only enough to support their personnel use and agricultural irrigation. The reason why Yu Xiaotian wants to transfer industry to fresh water is also because Nanri Island is not rich enough water resources, which has become an important factor restricting industrial development.

Therefore, the rolling mill for copper plate needs to use hydraulic power and can only be produced in fresh water. After a long time of tossing back and forth, the copper skin was rolled out.

After testing, the thickness of the copper skin they rolled by themselves is only about one millimeter, which is much thinner than the hand-made copper plate. In addition, the quality is also very uniform, which is much better than the hand-knocked copper plate.

Although their mills are thick and stupid, the faults are extremely high, and the operation is still very troublesome, they are still a hundred times stronger than manpower. Several sets of crude rolling machines and the copper plates rolled every day may not be able to catch up with these workers for more than ten days.

This is the power of industry. Once the machinery is put into use, even if it is only the simplest machinery, the production efficiency will be much higher than that of a small handmade workshop.

If the production efficiency improves, the output will increase and the production cost will be reduced. This is also the reason why a large number of small workshops could not survive after the industrial revolution, causing them to go bankrupt in large quantities and eventually be hired as industrial workers by the capitalists of factories.

And the development of industrialization also requires a lot of manpower, which can absorb these small workshop craftsmen into industrial workers, absorb a large amount of manpower into factories to work, free up more land, and form a special working class.

And industrial development will produce a large number of products, and industrial products need to be consumed, which also promotes capitalists to sell their goods. If the country will definitely not be able to consume a large number of goods, they will dump them abroad.

Dumping requires a market, and the occupation of the market sometimes requires force, which is one of the reasons why global expansion began after the industrial revolution in Europe.

In modern times, China has not carried out an industrial revolution and has always been in small workshop-style production. Naturally, the country does not need a large number of dumped goods, and capitalists will not focus on promoting the development of force, so that in the 18th and 19th century, China became a poor and backward country and became a European power, including The newly rising Japanese divided the fat meat in Asia.

Therefore, at this time, Yu Xiaotian decided to spare no effort to promote the industrialization process, at least within his jurisdiction, to promote and develop mechanized production on a large scale to change the historical development process.

Now Yu Xiaotian has quite strong strength. He would not consider these things before, but now he has begun to seriously consider the future development.

He is no longer satisfied with the original idea, but is satisfied with self-respecting troops, occupying a corner of Taiwan Island, and living in the troubled times in the future.

As his strength grows, he has more and more things to consider and get farther and farther away.

However, these words are a little far away. At present, he is still concerned about the problem of the ship. After the copper skin problem was solved, the renovation project of this three-med Dafu ship began to become logical.

In addition to copper skin, there is also a problem in how to wrap copper leather on the bottom of the ship, that is, iron nails cannot be used, because after contact with iron and copper, there will be electrolytic corrosion in seawater, so copper nails must be used, which people in time and space do not know at all. At first, the boat planned to pull down these copper leathers at the bottom of the boat with iron nails.

However, Yu Xiaotian immediately stopped their brutality and ordered to create copper nails as a means to fix copper skin. They must replace iron nails with copper nails and cover the bottom of the ship. Otherwise, it won't be long before the copper skin at the bottom of the ship will react with the nails in the sea water and eventually corrode. It rotted and lost the role of protecting the bottom of the ship.

For this reason, the British have also encountered such a problem. It took a long time to find the problem of fluid electrolysis reaction in contact with copper and iron in seawater, and replaced all the nails with copper nails to solve this problem.

Of course, Yu Xiaotian, as a latecomer, knows these things, so such a detour can no longer be taken, directly in one step to completely solve this problem.

In addition, he also explained the reasons for doing this to the craftsmen in the boat, but for these once illiterate craftsmen, talking to them about such a chemical reaction is obviously beyond their understanding. Xiaotian can't tell them more for the time being, as long as they can understand that they can't Just use a nail.

As for education, he can only hope that the schools he has opened now can start with children and educate them more systematically, and then he can improve the cultural quality of the population.

But now his biggest headache is probably education.

Although Yu Xiaotian attaches great importance to the training of children and teenagers, he has opened schools in Nanri Island, Tamsui and even Keelung Fort, specializing in absorbing the children of his sea wolves and the children of the people under his jurisdiction, and even searching for a large number of orphans from the land and putting them in schools for education.

But he seriously lacks teacher resources, because there are very few scholars willing to be thieves in this era. There are only a few scholars like Lin Yiyang who are forced to work under his command.

The ancient Chinese culture and education attached great importance to the so-called loyalty education and sold it to the emperor's family. This sentence is not enough. Readers read in order to be able to win the title of the golden list one day. Where can they get an official and a half from the imperial court and become the top class of this society? Scholars are extremely despicable. Video of thieves like sea wolves.

So although Yu Xiaotian has been trying to attract some scholars to work for him by various means over the years, and even using violent means, kidnapping or lure, the effect has been poor.

Many scholars are unwilling to do it even if they are poor as trousers. A reputation as a thief makes them feel that their ancestors will be ashamed of them. Therefore, in recent years, the highest academic qualifications gained by Yu Xiaotian are also talents at best, and there are only a dozen people.

And these people really do things for him, but there are few of them, and there are only some children, who can read at best and write and calculate things.

So the most serious lack of teachers' resources in his school is. Although he arranged a group of scholars to go to the school as teachers, there are very few things that these people can give to students, but some old things such as the Four Books and Five Classics. Teaching these things to students may not be of good for him.

Because what students learn is mostly loyalty to the emperor, but also has a negative impact on him, he really can't come up with many useful things in terms of textbooks, and he really doesn't have much time to write textbooks himself.

And few of these teachers know anything about the study of things, and it is impossible for him to personally give students courses such as algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry, biology, mechanics, etc.

So although his school has several, it can only be regarded as a literacy school, allowing students to learn to read first. As for how to educate in the future, he can only delay for the time being. In addition, students through literacy education can also carry out literacy for craftsmen and sea wolves.

At present, his so-called educational work is basically stagnated in the stage of literacy. He has encountered great difficulties in trying to move forward. He has no good way to solve this problem at present.

After he recovered a little, Yu Xiaotian went to the dock to check the deeply modified Dafu ship. The ship was indeed modified according to his idea. The ship is now fully equipped with sails, and the artillery has been installed in place and several trials have been conducted.

At present, it seems that the ship should have been modified successfully. After the transformation, the weight center of the ship has not changed significantly after careful leveling and adjustment and the installation of artillery. Even after increasing the weight of the bottom ballast stone without considering loading a large number of goods, the weight of the ship has been reduced a little. .

The stability of the ship has been improved to a certain extent when sailing at sea. Under normal sea conditions, the ship can fight normally, and there will be no water after the gun window of the gun compartment is opened.

Even when the sea conditions are relatively poor, it will affect the lower gun compartment. The closed gun window cannot be opened, and the artillery on the upper deck can still be used normally, so on the whole, the transformation of this ship is relatively successful.

This is also a success on the basis of the previous modification of several No. 2 lucky boats. If there is no initial experimental transformation on other ships, the ship will be directly modified. It is estimated that it will be difficult to reach such a level.