Daming Haiku

Chapter 134 Holding the Disability

After the ancient style was caught working on Nanri Island, he was paid every month. He could not use the money on Nanri Island, so every month, the sea wolf would send people to send the money back to their families on the shore to prevent their families from losing their sources of livelihood.

Gu Feng learned that his youngest son was seriously ill through the sea wolf. He was anxious and just wanted to jump into the sea. Finally, Yu Xiaotian learned about this and ordered his youngest son to be picked up from the land, because the strength of the sea wolf's medical center is still quite strong, and the medical officers here are even better than the doctors in the pharmacy in the land city. Ping is much higher, so he brought his youngest son to Nanri Island for treatment, and there is a better chance of survival.

Gu Feng was ill and went to the hospital at that time. He put his hopes on Yu Xiaotian. He knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly and begged Yu Xiaotian to save his youngest son. Of course, Yu Xiaotian was not sure whether he could save his son. He just did his best.

But I didn't expect that the sea wolf medical center really cured his youngest son's illness in the end. In fact, his youngest son's illness was not a big disease, but he met a quack and never found the cause of the disease. As a result, he became more and more seriously cured, and then he almost lost his life.

After being consulted by the medical officers here on Nanri Island, the cause of the disease was immediately found. After applying the symptomatic medicine, it soon improved. In a few days, the disease was cured.

But the ancient style doesn't understand this! He thought that Yu Xiaotian had thought of many ways to save his son, so from then on, he stayed and began to work for Yu Xiaotian.

Originally, he was old and almost had no one to use it, but in the sea wolf, he was valued. His wages were high and his food was good. His body, which was a little weak, gradually became tough.

And the ancient style is a family craft, similar to Guo Fu. It is a shipbuilding craft passed down from the ancestors, and in terms of craftsmanship, the experience of the ancient style is very rich. Compared with Guo Fu's technology, it is no less than that. Therefore, after Guo Fu was transferred to the freshwater boat house, the Nanri Island boat house here was handed over to the ancient style.

When Yu Xiaotian arrived at Chuliao, Gu Feng was taking several apprentices and craftsmen here to inspect the two large splint boats. When he saw Yu Xiaotian coming, he quickly asked Yu Xiaotian to comfort him.

"Why did the big head come here? You haven't fully recovered yet. The seaside is windy and hot. Why doesn't the big man care so much about his body!" Gu Feng knew that Yu Xiaotian was very polite to these craftsmen. Seeing that Yu Xiaotian's body was still a little weak and his face was not as good as before, he quickly persuaded him.

"It's okay! I'm worried about Master Gu! Ha ha! I know my physical condition. I'm fine now. If I don't come out for activities, I'm afraid the bone buckle will rust! Don't worry, Yu's body is not as soft as you think. If I hadn't been careless this time, I wouldn't have made such a scene! Ha ha!

How about

? What do you think of the craft of this ship built by the Thai people? Yu Xiaotian waved his hand and smiled.

Gu Feng nodded repeatedly and said, "Just now, the little man took these guys to the boat to have a look together. This Thai shipman is indeed exquisite. This boat is really well made, with sufficient materials and good seams. There are many fantastic ideas, which makes me wait and open my eyes! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't have thought of some places. It can be seen that these Thai craftsmen really can't be underestimated!"

Yu Xiaotian continued to ask with a smile, "In fact, many things are likely that they learned from us Chinese, but they also have something to create. This is, there are mountains outside the mountain, and there are people outside! This dry silk man has been crossing the sea for more than a hundred years. They are good at summarizing experience and constantly transforming their ships, so over the years, they have surpassed our Chinese ships!

If the court did not seal the sea after Zheng went to the West, with the skills of you craftsmen, you may not have lost to them. What a pity!

Unfortunately, the court sealed the sea, so that many of the skills of building treasure boats at the beginning have been lost. In addition, our craftsmen in the Ming Dynasty were too successful and lacked the courage to innovate. They only held some shipbuilding skills left by their previous ancestors and did not dare to surpass them and live by relying on the old capital, so this made the Taixi people surpass our craftsmanship!

Don't like to listen to me. Now we have to admit that the shipbuilding skills of the Thai people are indeed unique, especially these big ships, which are strong and durable, can withstand the big winds and waves in the sea and across thousands of miles of oceans. If we continue to be so crippled, we will have more In the past few years, I guess we can't catch up with them!

But now that I am here, I can't see that our Chinese shipbuilding skills have not fallen so much. You have to help me, speed up the creation of some new ships, so that we can catch up with them, and let these Thai people also see it. We Chinese are not stupid and can build better ships than them!

Now our flying-size Clipper is an example. Although this ship is not big, even if it is taken to their Taixi, it is not a loss! At present, there is no ship that can run over our flying fast ship, including the Taixi people, so as long as we are willing to do it and think more about it, there is nothing we can't do!

Well, let's talk about it. After looking at these two big Thai splint boats, do you think they can be repaired?

Although Gu Feng felt a little harsh when he listened to Yu Xiaotian's words, he had nothing to say. The Thai ship was placed in front of them. They knew that their craftsmanship was indeed better than theirs. If they were asked to do it, they could not think of these methods to build a ship and build such a ship. So if it doesn't work, it can't be blamed on Xiaotian's bad words.

But fortunately, now they have also built a flying-shaped fast ship. A few days ago, they also transformed the cannon ship of the three-paired Dafu ship. It can't be said that they are useless. In the past, they dared not say that they could build this big Thai splint ship, because they had never seen it.

Now things are easy to do. There are two large ships of Thai people placed in front of them. They can read and learn casually from the inside to outside. Except for some techniques that may not be familiar for a while, they can quickly figure out the structure of the ship.

As long as they write it down, they can also learn to build them. In the past, they lacked the sense of innovation and were incomplete, and could only build those old boats. It is not to blame them for not wanting to think about building better boats.

But the environment determines that they can't change the ship type casually, because they are shipowners and must build the ship according to the ship type ordered by the customer. They say what they want and how big it is, they have to build according to the rules. If they modify it casually, when they pick up the ship, they don't see what they want. If you don't want to claim compensation, can't these shipmakers compensate others for the money?

So if there is no demand, there is no motivation for creation. The shopkeeper of the boat will not take out silver and toss the new boat type. Naturally, the craftsmen dare not mess up. Moreover, China's sea trade has always been used to just running to the Southern Ocean, and the route is also Most of them are routes near the shore, and at least there should be some islands on the waterway as symbols.

Basically, no one drove a boat across the ocean and ran to tens of thousands of miles of vast seas to find new opportunities. Therefore, after Zheng He went to the West in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the technological progress of Chinese ships stalled and lost the motivation to continue to develop. In addition, the implementation of the policy of sealing the sea in the Ming Dynasty and the shipbuilding technology Not to mention the stagnation, there was even a serious regression.

At least the craft of how to make thousands of materials of a big treasure ship has been completely lost. The most important thing here is how to stitch it together and ensure the structural strength, so that the sea ship can keep its structure strong in the wind and waves without breaking and disintegration. No one knows.

Chinese shipbuilders are mostly people at the bottom of society. They rely on word of mouth and hand-on teaching and learning. Most people are illiterate. Naturally, they will not leave any technical materials, literature and other things, limited literary things, and some seemingly expert reading. People left it.

And these scholars don't like to work with these boatmen and soak in the boathouse to really learn shipbuilding technology, so most of the written materials they left are some hearsay things with a scale and half claws. Many things are simply taken for granted or fur, and even simply specious things. People can't learn anything useful from it.

In addition, Chinese people have not developed a systematic drawing method. They don't know what the scale drawings are. Some readers draw some ship drawings, but the proportion is out of order and there are no structural drawings. They can't carry more information at all, so that later generations want to copy some ancient drawings according to some literature or drawings. There is no reliable information about the ship.

This is also one of the ship models of later generations. Most of them are Western-style ships, but there are very few Chinese ships, or simply some specious things.

Chinese boatmen, relying on the skills left by their ancestors, eat the old capital step by step and cherish each other. They are afraid that after their craft is learned, they will ruin their jobs, and gradually make many very good technologies disappear in the long river of history.

However, Western shipbuilders have a considerable social status. After the beginning of the great voyage, because of the demand, they are more willing to innovate, constantly correct the problems existing in previous ships, constantly innovate some new ship types, and explore and build ship types that are more suitable for sailing in the sea.

In addition, they have developed relatively complete drawing science. Shipbuilders no longer go to shipbuilding in person as before, but gradually become shipbuilding designers. They draw drawings and make models. After testing, they hand them over to the workers of the shipyard to build according to the drawings.

These have greatly promoted the development of Western shipbuilding, and European countries have begun to turn their eyes to the sea and want to get a huge cake from it, so there is competition between them, and it is inevitable to fight on the sea.