Daming Haiku

Chapter 141 Kill two birds with one stone

After Ma Xiang looked at it, although he also felt that the price was not cheap, after all, when he came, he had been prepared to be killed by sea wolves. In addition, looking at the price offered by these sea wolves is not outrageous. Such a price is a market price, but even if they had silver before, there was no place. Buy it, there is no price!

And the sea wolf's side is *. Even if it is not *, it can be delivered to them within two months, and the quality is not picky, so it can only be so good. Therefore, Ma Xiang did not say that he could not stand the price offered by the sea wolf. After bargaining with the sales staff of the director's hall, he finally finalized the unit price. Come down.

The unit price of these guns remains unchanged, but each gun is accompanied by 30 catties to 200 catties of gunpowder according to the size of the gun. In addition, each gun is given five pure iron solid shells, which is equivalent to a discount for Ma Xiang.

Ma Xiang was already very satisfied with this, because in his opinion, Yu Xiaotian didn't hide it, took out the good things, and even put out the heavy cannons of the captured dry silk people for them to buy, which really gave them great face.

This time they killed Master Zhou and gave Yu Xiaotian a generous gift. It seems that it is still worth it. Otherwise, they will not get these big killers anyway.

However, Ma Xiang did not decide how many guns he wanted on the spot, because he had to go back to discuss this matter with Mr. Chu Cai to see how much he wanted and how much money he could raise. Although he was the general manager of the old camp, he still had to talk to Mr. Chu Cai about this kind of thing.

After all, when he came this time, he didn't have much hope. He just came to explore the way and test Yu Xiaotian's attitude, but he didn't expect that this matter went so smoothly, so Ma Xiang was very happy. He even stayed on Nanri Island for dinner and returned to Nanri Island to say goodbye to Yu Xiaotian. Thank you very much. In the afternoon of the same day, he got on the boat and rushed back to Dongshan Island.

Zheng Zhilong has had a really hard time in the past six months. First, because of the failure to rob the silver, he was forced to escape from the stupid port, gained a reputation for treachery, and was killed by several ships and many men by the sea wolf.

Then Yan Siqi, who had greatly increased his strength, came to fight and fought with him in Penghu. Although he did not suffer much, he had nothing to do with Yan Siqi.

In addition, he wanted to grab a land along the coast of Fujian or Guangdong, but he had a head-on conflict with Chu Cailao. In the past few months, the two sides have been inseparable, and he has not been able to kill Chu Cailao in one fell swoop, but only has a preliminary advantage.

He wanted to revenge on the sea wolf and sent people to intercept the sea wolf's merchant ships on the sea of Quanzhou and Zhangzhou. However, as soon as he started, the sea wolf sent several fast ships and even attacked the ships he left alone. Instead, he killed many of his men and ships, and robbed several of his goods. I suffered a lot of losses.

Of course, he knew that the sea wolf's fastboat was difficult to deal with. At the beginning, the sea wolf used this kind of boat, which made it difficult for Chu Cai and his men to sleep and eat, so he had to restrain a little and ordered his ships not to act alone.

In this way, it reduces a lot of profits. It is very unfree to move in Zhangquan. Be careful everywhere and dare not be careless.

It turned out that he didn't want to quarrel with Yu Xiaotian's sea wolf like this. He thought he still had a little friendship with Yu Xiaotian. Yu Xiaotian also praised him, but what he didn't expect was that Yu Xiaotian chose to stand on Yan Siqi's side without hesitation between him and Yan Siqi. , openly included him in the ranks of the enemy.

He invited people to Nanri Island many times and wanted to make peace with Yu Xiaotian, but he was rejected by Yu Xiaotian and told the message that what he despised most was his Zheng Yiguan. As soon as his strength increased, he tried to wipe the master's people. Yu Xiaotian would never be with people like him, so he let him die. This heart.

Zheng Yiguan was very depressed about this. He didn't know when he had offended Yu Xiaotian and made Yu Xiaotian so unwelt to him and turned against him without warning.

But Zheng Yiguan is a very smart person. After thinking about it carefully, he saw Yu Xiaotian's idea. What justice does Yu Xiaotian have?

Yu Xiaotian saw the sharp increase in his Zheng Yiguan's strength. He was afraid that Zheng Yiguan would continue to become a strong enemy of his sea wolf in the future, so he used Yan Siqi to contain himself. When his sea wolf did not rise, he used the power of Yan Siqi to constrain his Zheng Yiguan everywhere.

This move is really powerful. Yu Xiaotian can be said to kill two birds with one stone. On the one hand, he controlled Yan Siqi and used Yan Siqi as a gun. On the other hand, he also used the cannons they produced to empty Yan Siqi's money bag. While making great benefits, he also erected a strong enemy for Zheng Yiguan, and even It also completely badned his reputation.

Now when his colleagues at sea mention his name as Zheng Yiguan, many people will spit and curse a few words. Even some people who have been friends with him for many years no longer associate with him in order to avoid suspicion after his reputation.

And Xu Xinsu, who is entrenched in Quanzhou, firmly controls the supply of raw silk in Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and other places. He is also the enemy of him everywhere, cut off all transactions with Zheng Yiguan, and also uses his friendship with the Dutch to make the Dutch unwilling to deal with Zheng Yiguan anymore.

Zheng Yiguan can be said that he didn't eat mutton. Instead, he provoked a lot of coquettishness. The standard chicken stealing can't eat rice. Now he is like a mouse crossing the street, and everyone shouts for beating.

Originally, he thought that when he received Li Dan's legacy, he could immediately become a hegemony on the Chinese sea and walk across Fujian in the future, but he didn't expect that when he was ready to roll his arms and sleeves to do a big job, he found that things were not as simple as he thought.

A Yu Xiaotian has become a huge stumbling block on his life. His figure can be seen everywhere, which makes him now gray. He can obviously feel that his subordinates have become a little impatient recently.

If he can't change the status quo next, he doesn't doubt that his men may fall apart and find their own ways in a long time.

So in the near future, he must find a way to break this deadlock, make a land, and let his men taste the benefits.

During this period, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy 20 or 30 cannons from the Flang machine man, and also got a batch of other cannons from some related roads on land before, strengthened his military strength, only waiting to have a fight with Boss Chu Cai, and also prepared to be in Zhangquan. , do a big job and supplement the spent funds.

There are still hundreds of boats to support nearly 10,000 of their subordinates, which is not a simple matter. Even if they don't need to pay the money, it takes a lot of money to eat and drink alone. In addition, they have to pay a month, and there are tens of thousands of taels of silver, and they can't play at all.

However, during this period, Zheng Yiguan felt a little powerless, because under the containment of several parties, he did not have a reliable territory and a stable and reliable source of income. In the past few months, he has been unable to make ends meet. In addition, he has continuously lost ships and manpower, and he has to pay pensions, and he also has to buy cannons, making Zheng Yiguan was overwhelmed.

This is not knowing the cost of firewood and rice. Although many people on the boat look very cool, it is also more pleasant when spending money. These thousands of people do not allow them to eat, drink and get rich, they may become * at any time, and may be devoured by their own power at any time.

Zheng Yiguan now knows that this boss is not good. If he is not careful, he may be killed, which makes his temper much more irritable recently. If his subordinates are offended, he will kill people.

Fortunately, the cannon he recently bought from the French man was finally delivered. He tried his best to install it on a ship controlled by some reliable cronies, which immediately restored him a lot of confidence and began to prepare for a big job. This time, he decided to go to Haichengyue Port to do a big job.

After all, Yuegang is now the only official port that can connect to the sea. Although many pirates are staring at this area, there are not many people who can really do big tickets.

The last time Zheng Yiguan led people to work here, he gained a lot. In addition to grabbing a lot of goods, he also tied a lot of meat tickets. Some of these meat tickets were rich merchants. This piece alone squeezed a lot of ransom money.

Only by doing a big job now and letting his men eat the benefits can he stabilize the restlessness of his men. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to effectively control these subordinates.

So he gathered the shopkeepers from all walks of life and began to arrange them. This season is now the season of frequent typhoons. In order to avoid risks, many sea merchants no longer go to sea during this period, so thousands of boats of various kinds have gathered on the Haicheng side. If he goes well this time, he can not only get one A large sum, and it can also supplement the recently lost boats. In addition, it can also forcibly take some fishermen into the partnership to supplement the personnel.

So under his intensive preparations, in mid-June, a group of ships under Zheng Yiguan began to gather towards Haicheng and occupied Yuzhou, which is known as Yuyu Island in later generations.

Xuzhou is the gateway to Haicheng and Tong'an, and it is also the only way to get in and out of Yuegang. It is adjacent to Xiamen Island, which is also a thousand households in the middle.

(Today, my friend came home to play. I was delayed all morning and had a few drinks at noon, but I was turned over on the spot! The update is late. Please forgive me. In addition, the sad thing is that my eyes have been painful these two days. I went to the hospital for a check-up in the afternoon and found that there was a small thing growing in my eyelids. I have to have a small operation to remove it. I guess I will be a one-eyed dragon for several days after tomorrow! Whoo! I'm such an unlucky child!)