Daming Haiku

Chapter 146 Wind and Rain Prelude

As for someone swearing that they had seen the two large splint boats they captured on Nanri Island, this matter is also debatable. Can't it be the broken ship of the Taisi people bought by the sea wolf? They made up such a story to show off their strength.

One more thing, they think doesn't make sense. They have only heard that the dry wax people occupy Greater Luzon and built a Manila city there. Over the years, the dry wax people have not often attacked the coast of Fujian and Guangdong like red-haired people. Many sea merchants often go to Manila to do business, and dry wax people are full. If you have nothing to do, why do you go to Taiwan Island to fight with the sea wolf? This matter doesn't make sense. The good dry Lashi man doesn't stay in his Greater Luzon, and there is no reason to go to Taiwan Member Island.

It was said that the sea wolf's battle with the Gan Lasi people on Taiwan Yuan Island has become a false matter. Maybe it was made up by the sea wolf to filiate people.

And this statement was immediately supported by many people, because in their subconscious, with the combat power of pirates, it is impossible to beat the fleet of the Taixi people. The tall ships of the Taixi people are simply an invincible symbol in their minds, the officers and sailors. So many ships have only a spleen share. How can the sea wolf win these Thai fleets on their own?

And among the rumors, some people say that the Thai people have 20 large splint boats, which is even more impossible. Even if the sea wolf pours out, how many boats can they beat them? The most important thing is that they think that the dry Lasi people have no reason to fight with the sea wolves, and they have no intersect interests on Taiwan Island.

Even if the sea wolf occupies a piece of land on Taiyuan Island and migrates for farming, and the Thai people put the long coast of Daming, the rich place is much stronger than the place occupied by the sea wolf. Even if they want to rob it, there is no reason to go to Taiyuan Island to rob the territory of the sea wolf!

In addition, according to the rumors, even if the Ganlath's fleet really can't beat the sea wolves, with their strong artillery, can they still run if they can't run? At worst, once they leave, they won't be exhausted by the whole army beaten by sea wolves. After their analysis, few people really believe this matter.

Immediately, Tian Youren decided the nature of the matter, thinking that the matter must have been fabricated by the sea wolf himself. Even if there is a real matter, then the Thai fleet may not be as many as rumors. Maybe there are one or two ships passing through Taiwan Member Island and accidentally encountering the sea wolf's fleet. The sea wolf wants to take the opportunity to rob. They had a conflict, and the dry people suffered losses.

But afterwards, he was deliberately promoted by the sea wolf with ulterior motives and deliberately exaggerated the strength of the dry lath fleet to show off their so-called force.

Of course, it can't be said that the sea wolf is vulnerable, because after all, the sea wolf was defeated by Chu Cailao last year, and then shelled Puxi, burning Nanrishuizhai. From the north of Quanzhou to the southern sea of Zhejiang, it is basically all controlled by them. Other pirates dare not touch it easily. The visible sea wolf is indeed quite powerful.

These staff discussed for several days, and then tried to collect a lot of information about the sea wolf and Zheng Yiguan to weigh the matter, but after discussion, in the end, these staff gradually unified their opinions, that is, not to find Zheng Yiguan for the time being.

The main reason is that Zheng Yiguan and his men have no fixed place at present. Even if they send troops to suppress him, they may not be easy to find him. Relatively speaking, the sea wolf is located on Nanri Island, and it is easier to find some.

But they also think that sea wolves are not easy to deal with. In this attack on Nanri Island, they must use a large number of military forces and mobilise enough warships to win.

At the same time, before the war, they had to blockade Nanri Island and banned the sea wolf's business on land. In addition, merchants were not allowed to trade with sea wolves, so that sea wolves could obtain grain, iron and other materials on land, and first cut off the economic source of income they relied on.

Once this matter was confirmed, Tian Youren and his staff provided Zhu Yifeng with a plan, which was divided into two steps. The first step was to seal down the Maoshengyuan Company, which was close to the sea wolf.

The reason is very simple. Although Mao Shengyuan has never said that they are sea wolves on land*, which is the business of sea wolves, nominally only the business of Fujian businessman Li Yi, but in fact, everyone knows that Mao Shengyuan is only wearing the skin of the Li family, which is actually the business of sea wolves on land.

It is very simple to understand this. Nowadays, Maoshengyuan sells a large number of glass, soap, deer skin, dragon oil and other things on land. These things are basically from the hands of sea wolves. There are no impervious walls in the world. There are a large number of high-quality glass products gushing from the land, as well as those that can be bathed and emitted. The fragrant soap, now well known, is from the hands of sea wolves.

So far, only Maoshengyuan is operating the wholesale of these goods. If you want these things, you have to go to Maoshengyuan wholesale, and Maoshengyuan is also engaged in retail, firmly controlling the supply of goods.

At the same time, Maoshengyuan also sells various goods. At a glance, you can know that these goods are stolen goods, which should be robbed by pirates at sea. In addition, Maoshengyuan has also sold a large number of deer antlers, deer skins and other things in more than a year. In the past, there were not many such things in the south. The main source of goods also came from Liaodong, but now there are many Goods from Taiwan Yuan Island.

The sea wolf happens to occupy a place on Taiwan Yuan Island and can easily obtain these things. Of course, Yan Siqi will also ship some goods, but it is not as much as Maoshengyuan. Therefore, a wise person can know at a glance that Maoshengyuan is actually the business name set up by Sea Wolf on land.

In addition to selling these goods, Maoshengyuan also purchases a large amount of raw and cooked iron, wood, grain, cloth and other basic living materials. The purchase volume is very large. Who can these goods be sold to? Only sea wolves will need so much, because in the past two years, they have also acquired a large number of people on land and recruited immigrants to a place called Tamsui City on Nanri Island and Taiwan.

So these staff members believe that if they want to deal with sea wolves, they must first cut off their financial resources and access to resources, that is, they must first seal up Mao Shengyuan and arrest Li Yi, who is in Fuzhou.

Zhu Yifeng obviously listened to the advice of these staff and immediately sent people to greet the local governments and ordered the local governments to seal down the Maoshengyuan branch number opened by them.

A storm quietly began to blow on land in Fujian in July.

However, the worst thing for the Ming government in this era is that they don't know what secrets are. Although this time, Zhu Yifeng learned from Zhu Qin's great fanfare to suppress sea wolves, so that the staff must keep their mouths and not declare this matter in advance. Yang out.

But among these staff, including some vassal servants in his governor's office, these people will not care about Zhu Yifeng's instructions. As long as they are willing to spend money and want to hear from them what is going on in the governor's office, it is very simple.

During this period, the governor's government is also one of the places that sea wolves are most concerned about. There is a lush source in the Ming Dynasty, and there is another line arranged by the prison hall secretly, which are paying close attention to Zhu Yifeng's movements.

After Zhu Yifeng came to power, he repaired his combat equipment, built warships, rectified military affairs, and raised funds. These things all showed that Zhu Yifeng wanted to do a big thing, most likely to prepare for the sea wolf.

So, the sea wolf has not attacked the coastal land for more than half a year, but has been staring at Zhu Yifeng's movements.

So Zhu Yifeng has just arranged for Tian Youren to gather the staff to discuss whether to deal with the sea wolf first or Zheng Yiguan first. That night, Li Yi and the sea wolf execution hall's eyeliner on the land immediately learned the news.

That night, Zhu Yifeng's two staff and several government officials and servants of the inner government received a large amount of money. Two days later, when the staff put forward a plan to attack Mao Shengyuan and Li Yi, Li Yi and Xingtang immediately learned the news.

Just as Tian Youren and others submitted their plan to Zhu Yifeng, Maoshengyuan everywhere began to be busy. All kinds of materials stored in the warehouse immediately began to be shipped to Nanri Island. In addition, some goods to be sold on land immediately began to urge the orderer to pick up the goods. There is no way for the time being. The goods taken away were immediately scattered into the hands of Jinshen and peers who often dealt with Mao Shengyuan and established a good cooperative relationship.

In just two days, the goods in the Maoshengyuan subcolon and total warehouse were basically cleared and became empty.

In addition, there is the payment to be received. Maoshengyuan immediately began to collect the payment. If the payment cannot be recovered in a short time, it will be put down for the time being.

Of course, the movement of the governor's government can't hide the movement of many businessmen and some big business gentry. They usually have a lot of transactions with Maoshengyuan and are in arrears with each other.

In these two days, Li Yi also immediately began to liquidate with these commercial firms, and offset part of the accounts that can be written off from each other. If they cannot be written off, they will exchange between merchants, transfer debts and claims, and extract Mao Shengyuan from the triangular debt to ensure that those with him. The business partners we deal with will not suffer losses because Maoshengyuan is sealed up.

At this point, these merchants who have business with Mao Shengyuan are very impressed with the sea wolf. They feel that the sea wolf is indeed trustworthy in business. If it were someone else, after hearing the news, they will definitely ignore the arrears and leave the stall directly, so that the creditors can't find it. Go to the place of debt.

However, Li Yi still tried his best to settle some of the arrears they owed as much as possible, so as not to let these business partners who have a cooperative relationship with them suffer losses.

However, even after offsetting some accounts, some of the accounts still need to be settled in cash. After the inventory, they need to pay another 50,000 to 60,000 taels of silver just to pay these arrears.

Yu Xiaotian also got the news at the first time. He was immediately furious and scolded Zhu Yifeng as a confused official!