Daming Haiku

Chapter 172 On the Eve of the Great War

As the weather got colder, the preparations of the land officials were basically completed. Zhu Yifeng ordered a large number of merchant ships to be sealed in Zhangzhou, Quanzhou and other places, and used as ships for transporting troops or cannons for use as warships.

In addition, in addition to the newly built and repaired warships this year, they have gathered more than 200 large ships and more than 200 smaller ships.

Through Zhu Yifeng's efforts, in addition to casting dozens of Hongyi cannons in Zhangquan and other places, Fujian officials also ordered dozens of various types of Hongyi cannons from Guangdong and armed them on their warships. Such a fleet has more or less restored the prestige of officers and sailors in those years, and has become , the strongest sailor force in Fujian.

And after several months of preparation, a large number of officers and soldiers have moved to Quanzhou and Fuzhou, and all kinds of combat materials have also been gathered. Yongningwei in Quanzhou and Dinghai City in Fuzhou have piled up like mountains. After an order, they attacked the north and south and began to send troops to Nanri Island and attack the sea wolves on Nanri Island. March and suppress.

At this point, everyone knows that this kind of thing can't be concealed, so the Fujian officials no longer do anything to cover it up. Zhu Yifeng personally ordered Yu Zhigao, the general of Fujian, to sit in Yongningwei, and ordered Zhang Jiace, the deputy general, to sit in the sea, and gather troops and ships on both sides at the same time to prepare to go to sea to attack Nanri Island.

Because of the last lesson, the government was much more careful this time. Three months in advance, it began to strengthen its vigilance in the coastal area. After the sea wolf learned the news, it was better to take the lead again and attacked the coastal areas of Fujian. Moreover, many rich and gentry in the coastal area also knew that the government had to deal with the last time. The sea wolf's use of troops led to a large-scale attack on the shore. The main target was them, the rich people of Wangmen, so as soon as they learned the news, they quickly transferred the softness of their manor outside the city to the city, and their families also moved into the city to hide for a while.

This is also a bit of wisdom. In their opinion, although sea wolves are arrogant and fierce, they are just pirates after all. They dare to attack Zhuangbao along the coast, but they do not dare to attack state capitals and counties, so it is safer to hide in the city.

At the end of October, the hearts of all people along the coast of Fujian tightened, waiting for the sea wolf to react, but what surprised everyone again was that this time the sea wolf did not seem to notice it at all. During the three months when the news was released, they did not react at all, although they occasionally attacked I disturbed the shore and captured several castles, but on the whole, it was far less violent than the last time.

Many people can't understand the reaction of the sea wolf. There is a lot of speculation about it. Some people say that the sea wolf is already afraid. This time, unlike the last time, the Fujian government has mobilized more troops and materials than the last time Zhu Qin's conquest of the sea wolf, so the sea wolf must have seen Zhu Yifeng's decision this time. I dare not carry it with the government anymore.

Some people also say that the sea wolf is not afraid of the suppression of the government. The reason why they are not to attack the government first is that they are stronger this time is to give a greater lesson to the officers and soldiers, so that the government does not dare to easily fight the sea wolf in the future. People who hold such remarks are not optimistic about the suppression of the sea wolf hosted by Zhu Yifeng.

Some people privately speculate that the sea wolf has now occupied Taiwan Member Island. After all, the pattern of Nanri Island is too small that they can no longer like it. Since the government wants to recover Nanri Island this time, the sea wolf simply sold it to the government for a face and returned Nanri Island to the government and withdrew it to Taiwan Island. Fang has left a way out.

Some people even swore that he saw with his own eyes that a large number of sea wolf ships were transporting people and materials from the island and demolished many workshops. He must not be ready to continue to hold Nanri Island as their old nest.

In a word, the sea wolf's reaction was relatively calm during this period. There was any speculation on the land, but no one could tell what it was for.

After confirming the attack on Nanri Island, Zhu Yifeng has also been paying attention to the reaction of the sea wolf, saying that he was not nervous at all, which was false, because he also knew very well that the sea wolf was not easy to deal with. Even if the troops he currently mobilized together, he did not dare to say that he was ten times sure that he could control the sea. The wolf was eliminated, and there was no idea in this regard. It was just enough to drive the sea wolf out of Nanri Island and beat the sea wolf so that they would not dare to be too arrogant in the future.

Because Zhu Yifeng has now learned about the strength of the sea wolf in detail, the focus of sea wolves is no longer on Nanri Island. Many of their workshops, boat houses and businesses have been transferred to Taiwan Member Island, and the displaced people they collected from the land have basically moved to Taiwan Island recently. There are fewer workshops and warehouses on Nanri Island now than before.

According to the news from all parties, the current business focus of Sea Wolf has gradually shifted to Taiwan Member Island. It turns out that their old nest Nanri Island is no longer the focus of their business.

This is also one of the main reasons why Zhu Yifeng was determined to mobilized such a great force and go to Nanri Island to suppress the sea wolves. He and his staff privately believed that since the sea wolf had shifted its business focus to Taiyuan Island, even because of the territory of Taiyuan Island, he did not hesitate to fight with the Spaniards. Hands, regardless of victory or defeat, this alone shows that the sea wolf has regarded the place they occupied on Taiwan Member Island as a forbidden place, and no one can touch it.

Since Nanri Island is no longer in high status for sea wolves, they all guess that once the government uses a large army to advance and suppress it, the sea wolf is likely that because Nanri Island is no longer so important. In the face of such heavy pressure from the government, they may give up Nanri Island and return to Taiwan Member Island.

In this way, they can recover Nanri Island, which is also a way for the sea wolf. Strategically, it can be regarded as a siege, so as not to force the sea wolf to jump over the wall and fight with the officers and soldiers to the end.

So in Zhu Yifeng's view, if the thief of the sea wolf can see this clearly, he should be more interesting and take the initiative to give up Nanri Island and retreat to Taiyuan Island.

The reaction of the sea wolf during this period also seems to confirm their idea. The sea wolf must have already learned that he was going to use troops on Nanri Island. The reason why he did not launch a large-scale attack on the coast this time is estimated to see this and do not want to continue to fight with the government for the sake of Nanri Island. I made a shot.

So this made Zhu Yifeng quite gratified and looked forward to the prospect of this attack on Nanri Island.

However, Zhu Yifeng also knew that no matter whether he took Nanri Island or not this time, he was afraid that he would not end up well, because he seized the lush source of the sea wolf and had offended Wei Zhongxian in the capital. In addition, he has always refused to lose money to the capital to pay for the Wei party, which has long been evil of Wei Zhongxian's party. The capital has His friend sent him a message, and the Wei Party has begun to search for his crimes and prepare to impeach him.

And the sea wolf didn't know why he hung up to the Wei Party. Although it is said that he did not directly climb up to Wei Zhongxian, he was just an eunuch surnamed Liu in the palace, not even the Wei Party, but the eunuch is now very powerful. Even if this eunuch Liu is not a member of the Wei Party, he can still stay in the palace, which shows that he is more or less with Wei. The party has a good relationship.

The reason why Mao Shengyuan's business has been doing well is that it is said that this eunuch Liu supports them behind their back. Even the local brocade guards have not dared to blackmail Mao Shengyuan in the past two years, and local officials dare not take anything to do anything to them easily.

Now he has forced all over the country to seize Mao Shengyuan. Although he did not directly offend the Wei Party, he at least offended the eunuch Liu to death. He had to privately give him an eye medicine for the Wei Party in Beijing. It is estimated that even if he can get back to Nanri Island, he may not be rewarded by the court. At most, he can fall down. Reward or punishment is good, but if he can't get back to Nanri Island, then he will definitely not pass this time, and he will be impeached by the Wei Party and finally lose his position.

So Zhu Yifeng has no way out at present. Even if he is self- protect himself, he must take Nanri Island. Otherwise, he, the governor of Fujian, may be the end.

Nangri Island now seems a little deserted, because the nearness of the war has made the business warehouse area, which was no longer very lively, and the house is empty, leaving an empty business warehouse area.

This is also a matter of helpless. The government has to suppress Nanri Island, which has long been known to the public. It is impossible for businessmen to make profits and let them advance and retreat with sea wolves. Moreover, the government has sealed a large number of merchant ships along the coast and does not allow merchant ships to go to sea, which also makes it impossible for them to maintain business in Nanri Island. .

So most of the merchants in the business stack area chose to withdraw again, standing on the dry land across the shore to watch the fire, and then making a decision until the situation is clear.

For sea wolves, the commercial warehouse area of Nanri Island has not had much effect for the time being. With the gradual completion of Tamsui City, Tamsui has become a new trading point.

When the sea wolf is preparing to build a freshwater village, it needs to purchase a large amount of materials, food and other materials from the land and transport them to both freshwater and chicken cages. This is a great challenge to the sea wolf's transportation capacity. At the same time, it also occupies the transportation capacity of a large number of the sea wolf's own ships, so that the sea wolf has to deploy a large number of cargo ships to transport these materials.

This seriously affected the sea wolf's maritime trade business, so that the sea wolf can only send a small number of cargo ships to do the sea trade business, and most of the ships are invested in such freight between Fujian and Taiwan.

Later, Yu Xiaotian found that this was really not cost-effective and not economical, so he changed his approach and adopted the method of paying onshore for some goods.

(Special thanks to the brother Hulu snoring brother for the reward! It seems that the brothers who have changed their monthly votes have already voted, and it's useless to beg again! Ha ha!)