Daming Haiku

Chapter 202 Flowering in the abdomen

Today, suddenly, the army officers stationed on the island did not have time to prepare at all, so the four cannons were not dragged to the shore, but placed in the officer's camp. As soon as Chen Wencan found that the situation of the officers and sailors was not good, he quickly sent people to transfer four cannons.

And their camp was located on the flat land to the east of the former commercial warehouse area, very close to the eastern mountains. The first battalion of the sea wolf army rushed out of the mountains and went straight to the officer camp. Although they were stopped by a thousand officers and soldiers on the way, they dispersed the officers and soldiers without any Hesitantly rushed to the officer camp.

In the reconnaissance in the past few days, Li Dazui has already seen through the layout of the officers and soldiers on the island. Now the navy of the sea wolf has defeated the officers and marines, so the next step is to deal with the officers and army divisions on the island.

When Yu Xiaotian was leading the crowd to evacuate Nanri Island, he left Li Dazui and the first battalion to retreat into the mountains to hide, waiting for the arrival of this day.

Yu Xiaotian's purpose this time is clear, which is to fundamentally weaken Fujian's official military strength so that it can no longer pose any threat to the sea wolf in the next few years.

The sailors who killed the officers are only part of it. Now they have basically achieved this goal, followed by the thousands of officers trapped on the island.

This time, in order to deal with the sea wolf, it can be said that they used all the elites among the Fujian officers and soldiers to gather all the troops this time. Since they want to do it, they can't let these officers and soldiers go back this time. The sea wolf now needs a lot of manpower. These thousands of officers and soldiers are all young and strong, which is the best labor force. So we must not let them run away.

Now that the sea wolf has killed the officers and sailors, in fact, they have declared the defeat of these land divisions. Even if they do not need to attack them by force and only need to block the waters around Nanri Island, then this officer cannot escape.

However, Yu Xiaotian did not intend to kill this officer. He has more things to do. A simple siege will definitely take a lot of time, which will delay his next plan.

So Yu Xiaotian's order to the army is very clear, that is, after the navy takes action, the army will use the shortest time to deal with the thousands of officers and soldiers on the island.

Naturally, Li Dazui did not dare to delay this order. As soon as the navy took action, he led a battalion out of the mountain. These soldiers who had been holding back for many days were waiting for this battle.

So after rushing out of the mountain pass, they were immediately as sharp as a tiger down the mountain. It happened that an officer and army blocked their way. The officer and army had already been frightened. Unexpectedly, such a sea wolf suddenly killed such a sea wolf from behind them on the island, so it was just a face-to-face and was Li Da. The mouth led the soldiers to break up.

Li Dazui was not in a hurry to chase the defeated soldiers. After breaking up the group of officers and soldiers, he immediately led his troops to rush to the army division battalion. At this time, Chen Wencan sent people to the battalion to carry these Hongyi cannons and prepared to drag them into the island to build fortifications to resist.

Naturally, Li Dazui also knew that these four Hongyi cannons would cause them a lot of trouble, so he did not dare to delay. He led his troops straight to the battalion and did not give the officers and soldiers a chance.

The camp was guarded by a guerrilla. At this time, only about 500 officers and soldiers were led to guard the camp, and their camp was very relaxed because they did not find the sea wolves after landing on the island, but a large camp was hastily built without any fortifications, only A circle of thin barracks.

Li Dazui led the crowd with lightning and rushed straight to the camp. The guerrilla was suddenly scared to be soft. With only a little resistance, he was beaten under the sea wolf's platoon gun and fled to the island.

As for the hundreds of officers and soldiers sent by Chen Wencan to transfer cannons, they did not even enter the battalion, so they dispersed together. As a result, Tianhai did not turn dark, and the whole army battalion changed hands and was captured by Li Dazui.

Materials piled up in the camp, in which a large number of grain, ammunition, armor and tents were piled up, all of which were seized by Li Dazui.

Li Dazui saw that it was getting dark. For the sake of safety, he did not continue to launch a night battle, but quickly ordered his battalion of land soldiers to firmly control the battalion, and quickly built various fortifications to strengthen the defense ability of the battalion.

Before it was dark, Yu Xiaotian also took a boat to the shore, went up to the island, and stationed in the camp. Looking at the mountain of materials in the camp, Yu Xiaotian smiled happily and couldn't help praising Li Dazui, which made Li Dazui very happy.

But next, everyone knows that although the officers and navy have been completed, there are still thousands of officers and soldiers on the island. After the loss of the battalion, Chen Wencan will definitely fight back against the battalion. He should be very clear about the importance of these materials in the battalion for them.

Now the officers and sailors have been defeated, and their retreat from the islands has been cut off. If they lose these supplies again, they may not be able to support them for three days. The food cut off is an extremely terrible thing for thousands of troops, so Li Dazui decided that if it were him, he would definitely advance to the camp at any cost tomorrow. Fight back and strive to recapture the camp and take back these materials.

However, not only Yu Xiaotian was not worried about this, but also the sea wolves did not feel worried at all. Although the number of their land divisions is not large, there are still two or 3,000 seamen behind them. After such a long time of preparation and training, coupled with such good armed forces, if they have not even these thousands of officers and soldiers If the law is solved, then they will have been in vain these years.

When Chen Wencan saw the loss of the camp, his heart completely sank to the bottom. The destruction of the sailors was a fatal blow to them, which meant that they had no way out. It was impossible for them to withdraw to the land. They could only stay on the island and wait for help. There was still a glimmer of hope.

I hope that the governor of Fujian can send a fleet to rescue them as soon as possible, but this hope is basically slim, because the sea wolf's fleet showed them strong strength today, and Yu Zhigao's fleet has already made Fujian sailors do their best, and has been beaten into this virtue, even if Zhu Yifeng knows that he We are trapped here, and I'm afraid we don't have the ability to organize another sailor force to save them, but even if this hope is slim, there is still a little hope that they can hold on for some days.

But now if the camp is lost, the supplies, especially food, are the last hope they have held on to the island for a period of time. If they don't even have this, then they won't even have the last hope.

Therefore, Chen Wencan did not dare to slack off at all. That night, he gathered all the generals of more than 1,000 generals in the temporarily built camp and informed them of the current situation. Chen Wencan did not hide anything and informed the generals of the current situation without concealment.

After listening to this, all the generals became pale. When the sailors were destroyed during the day, they already knew that they were going to be finished, but what was worse was that their camp also blinked and threw them to the sea wolf.

They have also seen the combat effectiveness of these sea wolves. They are not only powerful, but also their land troops are so fierce.

The same number of officers and soldiers did not even have a chance to struggle against them, but in a flash, they were shot under their platoon shooting. Although their number was not many, it made everyone feel extremely afraid.

Firearms are not strange to the officers of the Ming Army. They have participated in the attack on Penghu, and the platoon shooting of the red-haired people have made them experience it.

But this group of sea wolves are actually equipped with so many*, which is no weaker than the original red-haired people in terms of firepower. Although Daming is also equipped with a lot of birds, the Guanning army in Liaodong is the most equipped at present, and on the contrary, the southern side is less equipped.

In addition, when the military weapon supervisor makes bird hammers, many eunuchs and officials in the middle have to deduct from it. They not only deduct the wages of craftsmen, but also work on raw materials to build a bird hammers. They must use good cooked iron, and they have to be hammered repeatedly, which consumes a lot of raw materials.

As a result, the raw materials in the hands of the craftsman are not enough at all, and they can only cut corners to create birds. The quality of the birds are naturally imagined. When opening fire, they are often blown up, so that they dare not use them easily. Even if they have to be used, they can only be loaded with less gunpowder, but less gunpowder power is It will be greatly reduced, so that many officers and soldiers in the Ming army would rather use knives and guns than use birds.

Therefore, the number of birds equipped by Fujian Ming officers and soldiers is very limited. In the last Battle of Penghu, when Yu Zhigao personally led the army to attack Hongmao City, the officers and soldiers only collected more than 1,000 * hands from Fujian, but they still could not break through Hongmao City.

Now they see that the sea wolf members also hold so many sharp birds, which makes each of them feel very difficult.

"The camp is our key. Although the sea wolf masses are indeed fierce, there must be brave men under the reward. Tomorrow morning, you will choose a group of dead soldiers from your hands. However, if you go to fight, you will be rewarded with five taels of silver and five taels of death. Who will be the first to rush into the camp and be rewarded with thirty taels of silver! If the camp can be recaptured, everyone will be rewarded with another 20 taels!" Chen Wencan gritted his teeth and said.

As soon as the generals heard, now that this is the case, if they refuse to fight desperately, I'm afraid that the whole army will be destroyed here. After understanding this, they have nothing to say.

So just after dawn, Chen Wencan took out 6,000 officers and soldiers, walked towards the battalion they had lost, and began to line up outside the camp.

And the sea wolf battalion did not hide in the battalion and wait for the officers to attack. As soon as the officers arrived, they also began to leave the battalion under the leadership of Li Dazui.

After the two sides lined up, Chen Wencan fixed his eyes on the sea wolf's queue and immediately took a deep breath.

(Today, I would like to thank Jiu Ai Tinger and Feng for the reward of my two brothers of my soul. Thank you very much. Let the reward be more fierce! In this way, I will be more motivated. How about two more a day next month? Ha ha!)